Atheists ‘Appalled’ by White House Bible Study

A group of atheists says the weekly Bible study at the White House is “disturbing,” “scary” and maybe even illegal. The Freedom From Religion Foundation said public officials should read the good book in private, “not in your official capacity and at your government desk.” “Do it on your own time, not on the taxpayers,’ “…

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4 Thoughts to “Atheists ‘Appalled’ by White House Bible Study”

  1. Larry R Jeffries

    I assume they have a “Lunch Hour” and that is when it should be held. They are entitled to do it, they just cannot require anyone to do it against their will. THAT is not acceptable, Voluntary Bible study is acceptable and should be encouraged.

  2. Kathy

    The constitution says we have freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion.

  3. It is not “wrong” for religion to affect government. It is “wrong” for government to affect religion.

  4. Bruce

    Non believing is their religion so this is just one religion against another.
