Judson Phillips Commentary: Megan Barry Must Resign as Mayor of Nashville

by Judson Phillips


On Wednesday evening, the rumors that had been percolating through downtown Nashville all day were finally shown to be true.

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry admitted that she had an extramarital affair. But it was not just any extramarital affair. She was having an affair with a Nashville employee who was paid to protect her.

Metro police sergeant Rob Forrest was assigned to protect the Mayor and traveled with her extensively. According to media reports, Barry traveled with Forrest at least nine times alone. According to other media reports, in the last two years alone, Forrest made $135,000 in overtime. That overtime is in addition to his regular salary and for the trips he took with the Mayor on the taxpayer’s dime.

Neither Barry or Forrest are giving details, such as the time frame of the affair, presumably on the advice of their lawyers. Until there is evidence to the contrary, sane people have to assume they were having their affair while he was on duty and they were traveling together.

Megan Barry used tax dollars to help pay for her affair. And she had that affair with someone who works for the city.

All of this belies a more serious question. Why does Megan Barry have a body guard? She is the Mayor of Nashville. She isn’t the President of the United States. Unless there is a real threat, the Mayor of Nashville or for that matter any other American city, does not need a bodyguard.

Bodyguards and police details have become status symbols among the liberal politicians that rule America’s big cities. With protective details, the mayor does not need to drive any more. Annoying media? No, the bodyguards will chase them away. Waiting in line? That is for the little people, not Mayors with bodyguards. They immediately move to the front of the line.

On Tuesday, January 23rd, I flew from Nashville to Washington DC on Southwest Airlines. Who else was on the flight? Megan Barry and bodyguard. Because of a tight schedule on arrival, I paid for business select and I was A1 on the boarding list.

Who boarded first?

You guessed it. The Mayor and her body guard.

When I complained to the Southwest gate attendant about this, I was told it was a “security” issue and Barry was allowed on the plane first because of that.

There was no security issue. Everyone at the airport had been through TSA security checkpoints.

Barry just wanted to board first with her bodyguard. After all, the powerful liberal elites don’t wait with the rest of us mere citizens. They get special privileges.

Barry and the fawning, liberal Nashville media are trying the Clinton defense. It was just a personal matter. If Barry was carrying on an affair with someone down the street, who did not work for the city, that would be a plausible argument. She misused government funds for her own personal benefit and the benefit of her paramour.

For that, she needs to resign.




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31 Thoughts to “Judson Phillips Commentary: Megan Barry Must Resign as Mayor of Nashville”

  1. Rick Sherman

    They were caught that is why we know about this.Unfortunately when one yells duck the party has time to prepare a defense in this case running from it was personal to all the monies spent were not the taxpayers to my husband still supports me.Definitely lies exist in these excuses.A authority figure with access to our children because of their political position needs to resign .Adultery immoral conduct ,destruction and disregard of marriage vows followed by many actions leading to completion of such misbehavior under the disguise of business trips to assist in bettering the government of Nashville can only mean you must RESIGN

  2. […] and they are not idiots. An editorial in the conservative Tennessee Star wasted no time in calling for her resignation: “Barry and the fawning, liberal Nashville media are trying the Clinton […]

    1. Alan

      She must resign. School age children see immoral and unethical behavior and then they thinks it’s all right. Children learn quickly.

  3. […] and they are not idiots. An editorial in the conservative Tennessee Star wasted no time in calling for her resignation: “Barry and the fawning, liberal Nashville media are trying the Clinton […]

  4. […] and they are not idiots. An editorial in the conservative Tennessee Star wasted no time in calling for her resignation: “Barry and the fawning, liberal Nashville media are trying the Clinton […]

  5. […] and they are not idiots. An editorial in the conservative Tennessee Star wasted no time in calling for her resignation: “Barry and the fawning, liberal Nashville media are trying the Clinton […]

  6. […] and they are not idiots. An editorial in the conservative Tennessee Star wasted no time in calling for her resignation: “Barry and the fawning, liberal Nashville media are trying the Clinton […]

  7. Graceane

    She has absolutely that she ruined a man’s marriage and it is blatant that she could care less about her pitiful milquetoast husband. What man with respect commits to remaining with an unrepentant spouse? Yet, I digress. This woman is a bold elitist who is in it for the money and the abuse of power. She should be made to step down! Yet, she will not and the dumb liberal black preachers of the city (and I am black) need to step down with her. She could care less about them or their congregants except to further her agenda to appear contrite and fool people into believing her lie of proving herself to be trustworthy! Too late! You are a liar, adulterer, user, abuser and crook!

    1. Mary G.

      Well said. You said it all and I agree.

  8. TheRandyGuy

    Great observation on the absolute unnecessary “bodyguards” for mayors. Same with college head coaches – paying the thugs with badges to “escort” the coach to the center of the field is laughable – and unjustified.

  9. Deb

    Girl bye………
