Former Mayor Megan Barry Smiles for the Camera in Mug Shot

As the firestorm surrounding former Mayor Megan Barry’s abrupt resignation and guilty plea on a felony charge continues to roil Nashville, the Metro Nashville Police Department released Barry’s booking photo on Tuesday.

A serene, fresh-looking mugshot of Barry will now hold its place is the annals of political history as Nashville’s first woman elected to the Mayor’s office resigns in disgrace.

Even with the mayor’s guilty plea, investigations continue, which could mean trouble for her top staff.

The Nashville Scene’s Steven Hale tweeted the photo:

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9 Thoughts to “Former Mayor Megan Barry Smiles for the Camera in Mug Shot”

  1. Floyd

    Our pudgy, disdained and now fired mayor is soon to be forgotten. She will use this tax payer funded photo for her profile photo on in yet another act of self entitlement.

  2. Donna

    Ego saturation point.

  3. Ned T.

    She gave Glen Funk the punk death stare twice in the courtroom. That pretty much sums up her respect for the rule of law.

  4. Mary

    Congratulations Megan! You have earned the title of the MOST HATED WOMAN in Nashville. You are right, you will go down in the history books!

  5. Papa

    What would the penalty for us be for the same crime?
    Class C felony:
    Not less than three (3) years nor more than fifteen (15) years in prison. In addition, the jury may assess a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), unless otherwise provided by statute.
    Why is it politicians/officials get preferential treatment . . . . .and it all goes away in three years.
    Maybe Vanderbilt will hire Moon Beam: Professor, Philanderer and Thief 101.

  6. Ken Tarpley

    The Democratic Mayor is as all Democrats proud of their lawlessness.

  7. Richard

    Now the possible collusion between the ex-mayor’s office and the city council should be looked into.

    By not reporting a more accurate cost at the beginning regarding the transit plan, shows that our city government’s definition of being transparent is rather opaque.

  8. Not (no longer) My Mayor

    Sheriff Hall is doing backflips.

  9. Brian McMurphy

    The first bit of original reporting from the Scene at all on this scandal.

    Better late than never, Steve-O. Although a Twitter post on a not official Scene account is kind of weak even on that point.
