Left-Wing Activists Target Ohio’s Kids – Delaware County First, Now Licking County


NEWARK, Ohio – What began in Delaware, Ohio as a Drag 101 class for “teens only” has morphed into “A Universe of Stories – Galaxy of Diversity – An Event for LGBTQIA Teens and Advocates” at the Licking County Library.

The event description from the library webpage states, “Shine like the star that you are at this special teen after-hours program celebrating Newark’s Pride Day. The festivities include a drag queen celestial makeup tutorial, flag button and rainbow wing crafts, a safe-sex program from Equitas Health, and games just for you. The library will be closed, but we are open. *Please note: this program includes sexual content.”

Rumors were swirling in Delaware County after the Drag 101 class being sponsored by the county library was “canceled” and moved to Secret Identity Comics. One of the rumors was that Licking County Library was also hosting a Drag class. That information and more was confirmed by a staff member at the host branch, West Newark (Emerson R. Miller) at 990 West Main Street.

“We have a strong Pride group here (in Newark),” library staff declared. “We are working with Trisha Pound (Executive Director) of Newark Pride,” on the class. Ms. Pound is also Adjunct Faculty at the Ohio State University College of Social Work and a Clinical Supervisor at Equitas Health. She is a mental health professional.

In Delaware County, the ad for the Drag 101 class stated “Teens Only, please.” Prior to cancelling, the Library changed that policy to allow one parent to accompany their minor child into the Drag class. In Licking, parents are welcome to join their 12 to 19-year-old children at the after-hours event “Galaxy of Diversity,” however staff stated that they were, “Asking parents not to go into the area where they’re putting (it) on.”

When queried about why parents could not sit in on the class with their children, the Miller Branch staffer said that the library wanted to ensure children felt safe to ask any questions, since they were going to be discussing ‘sensitive information’ and learning where to find sensitive information in the library.

Staff shared that there had been no concern voiced by residents to their knowledge, but their Administrators had been very supportive and said if there is any “push-back,” the staff should direct complaints to the Director and she will handle it.

Apparently push-back came swiftly – the Library announced on its Facebook at 10:24 PM Friday evening that they were cancelling the program because, “We have learned that several people felt this was some sort of Drag Queen training workshop. This was not the case, but never the less [sic], we have decided to cancel.”

A licensed clinical counselor, who could not give her name because the ethics laws prohibit them from speaking out on sensitive issues like gender confusion, shared her concerns. “A human brain is not fully mature until around age 25, sometimes later. Children who are confused or “questioning” and going to classes or events that exacerbate that confusion are being harmed, emotionally and mentally. It is child abuse,” she declared.

The claim that a counselor’s license could be revoked for discussing issues like gender confusion, was investigated. A Professional Clinical Counselor Supervisor agreed that the licensing board is, “Very stern on prohibiting opinions/treatment that is, in any way, discouraging this (gender confusion) or any non-traditional lifestyle.”

A call to the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, & Marriage and Family Therapist Board confirmed that counselors are only allowed to resolve “presenting issues” or symptoms. If a child does not want to indulge gender confusion or same-sex attraction, Deputy Director Bill Hegarty said, “The therapist could talk to the parents, neutrally, about options. They may not talk about reparative therapy, only “evidence-based” programs. They can recommend support groups.” When asked if there are support groups for children who do not want to be transgender or same-sex attracted, he stated he is unaware of any.

“Drag 101” in Delaware County and “A Galaxy of Diversity” in Licking County follow on the heels of Drag Queen Story Hour throughout the country. Concerned citizens in Delaware County and throughout Ohio view this as a war on reality, a grand experiment in which their children are the rats.

Dr. Michelle A. Cretella explains in her foreword to the book The War on Psychotherapy: When Sexual Politics, Gender Ideology and Mental Health Collide, “One of the functions of the brain is to perceive physical reality. Thoughts that are in line with reality are normal. Thoughts that do not match reality are abnormal.”

National Public Radio host Tony Cox, with guest Dr. Sandra Aamodt, confirmed that children’s brains struggle with concepts like reality and are easily confused and manipulated. Mr. Cox asked if it was settled science that the brains of 18-year-olds are not fully developed. Dr. Aamodt said, “Yes… Their prefrontal cortex is not yet fully developed … the part of the brain that helps you to inhibit impulses…” The doctor also noted that underdeveloped brains are what lead adolescents to succumb more easily to peer pressure.

The issue in Ohio continues to grow as it is exposed. On Friday, May 31st, the Speaker of the Ohio House, Larry Householder, wrote a formal letter about these classes, including this statement: “Let me be crystal clear: This isn’t about banning books or banning thought or any other red herring argument. This is about right and wrong. This is about being good stewards of the public money.”

Delaware Countians want the issue to also be about who is overseeing their children, working with them and planning their activities at schools and libraries. Their library director was already caught in a lie. While advertising the Drag 101 class as an “art” and theater class that was not about sexuality, he let the proverbial cat out of the bag and acknowledged in a phone conversation, “It’s about the whole thing about sexual questioning.”

Citizens may actually call for Director George Needham’s firing now that his public Facebook profile picture from February 27th is going viral. They want to know how they can trust a person in a position of authority who believes it is okay to post a picture of a demonic looking child eating the arms and legs of tiny children for his profile picture.

One Galena resident asked, “Who’s running your library? You’d better find out quickly!” And the story continues.

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Beth Lear is a reporter at The Ohio Star. Follow Beth on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].









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