From the Desk of
Michael Patrick Leahy
Editor in Chief of The Tennessee Star
And The Star News Network
CEO Star News Digital Media

I founded Star News Digital Media to provide readers with something that has virtually disappeared from the American media landscape: trustworthy news about state politics written from a constitutional conservative perspective by local journalists.

We launched our first digital news site, The Tennessee Star, in 2017. Over the next six-plus years we have added more than a dozen state-based digital news sites.

It’s not been easy, and it’s not been a fair fight. The anti-free speech, anti-competitive coalition of Left-wing-funded media, Big Tech like Google, Facebook, YouTube, NewsGuard, the digital ad networks, together with their Big Government allies in the administrative state are doing everything they can to censor us, demonetize us, and throttle our ability to connect with you.

The latest challenge to our First Amendment rights comes right here in our home state of Tennessee.

On September 3, 2024 we published a significant portion of what has been described as “The Covenant Killer’s Manifesto.” We now face the very real possibility of incurring further significant legal expenses to protect our First Amendment rights so we can continue to report on this major story.

Help us continue in our mission of reporting the truth and exercising our First Amendment rights by donating in any amount today!


Michael Patrick Leahy
Editor-in-Chief / CEO
The Star News Network
Star News Digital Media

Click here to donate via PayPal to Star News Digital Media, Inc. and The Star News Network, featuring The Tennessee Star.


If you prefer to make a contribution by mail, our address is:

Star News Digital Media
95 White Bridge Road, Suite 207
Nashville, Tennessee 37205


Important: Since Star News Digital Media is a for profit corporation, donations are NOT tax deductible.