Supreme Court Briefs Filed Against Tennessee Minor Gender-Affirming Care Ban

by Jon Styf


A group of Republican politicians, 153 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and a group led by actor Elliot Page have filed amicus briefs in front of the U.S. Supreme Court arguing against Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1, a ban on gender-affirming surgeries for minors.

The Supreme Court said in June that it would hear the case. A July 2023 ruling from the Sixth District U.S. Court of Appeals allowed the law to take effect.

The group of Republican lawmakers includes eight former members of Congress, state representatives and former Republican staffers.

Former U.S. Reps. Christopher Shays, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Denver Riggleman, Deborah Pryce, Susan Molinari, Barbara Comstock, Claudine Cmarada Schneider and Connie Morella signed the letter, which stated that health care for children should be a choice for a family, not the government.

“Parents know what is best for their children far better than the government does,” the filing reads. “And in our constitutional system, parents have the fundamental right to make critical decisions about the care of their own children, including medical decisions. While the government has a role to play in keeping kids safe, that role is limited, and it does not justify the State second-guessing the judgments of parents acting in good faith who are best positioned to know what their children need.”

Thirty-two briefs opposing the law were filed Sept. 3 while there is an Oct. 8 deadline for Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti’s response in the case. Amicus briefs supporting the law are still expected to be filed.

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Jon Styf is an award-winning editor and reporter of The Center Square who has worked in Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida and Michigan in local newsrooms over the past 20 years, working for Shaw Media, Hearst and several other companies.





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One Thought to “Supreme Court Briefs Filed Against Tennessee Minor Gender-Affirming Care Ban”


    It’s absolutely absurd that any Medical Professional should be allowed to Harm a child’s entire future, just bc Vanderbilt Hospital & their so-called Doctors want to make millions of dollars off a “Permanent Life-Long patient by administering Gender Altering Drugs or performing Mutilation Surgeries by removing their Genitals, or some other freaky surgery. These procedures are 100 % Experimental & will forever remove the children’s ability to become a natural parent one day themselves. They will be Sterile Forever. Some of us think that’s the end goal.
    Gender Dysphoria many times is resolved through the Normal puberty process.
    Ignorant or Vulnerable Parents & Medical Professionals * Authority Figures) are not allowed to Commit this Heinous Crime against Children. I’d like to see Medical Professionals who bring permanent harm to Children who may be going through some tough times mentally, charged & prosecuted for Intent to Destroy the Life of a Vulnerable Child…Aggrevated Child Abuse. They should get prison time, if convicted in a court of law, & their sentence should be right up there with Murder in the First Degree; lose their license to ever practice anywhere; and pay retribution to this child for the destruction of his/her ability to live a normal life.
    No one cares if an adult makes a stupid decision about their sex, although one could look at Audrey Hale, who received Psychiatric Care through Vanderbily University Medical Center since she was 6 years old as an exception. She ended up Suicidal & Homicidal. Now was that due to indoctrination, experimental drug therapy or what? We don’t know these answers. Bothered is an obvious cover-up going on here, possibly to protect VUMC.
    Audrey’s Therapists knew of her suicidal & homicidal ideation, yet they did not hospitalized her. They did not contact any law enforcement agency, which they are required by law to do. We still have no answers bc the FBI got involved, & shut down flow of information.
    We don’t know what drugs she was on or why. We do know she couldn’t hold down a job, yet she was able to purchase expensive weapons. How did that happen, & where are the gun receipts.
