Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Praises Muslims and Globalism at Saturday Luncheon at Mosque

Mayor Megan Barry praised Nashville’s Muslim community and spoke about the “gift of globalism” in her speech Saturday at the Islamic Center of Tennessee in Antioch.

Barry made her comments at a luncheon to celebrate the third annual Standing up for Justice and Muslim Community Day. The event was sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council.

A progressive Democrat, Barry has faced criticism from conservatives who portray her embrace of immigration as a heedless one that doesn’t seriously examine the challenges posed by linguistic, cultural and religious diversity.

Tennessee Star
“My faith teaches me that we build bridges to connect to each other and that is what Nashville does. We don’t build walls,” Nashville Mayor Megan Barry told the audience at the Islamic Center of Tennessee on Saturday.

Barry issued a proclamation Saturday honoring Muslims in which she calls them “an increasingly important thread in the tapestry of America” and calls their presence in Middle Tennessee “historic” even though their presence did not become notable until recent years.

Tennessee Star
The crowd at the Islamic Center of Tennessee responded enthusiastically to Mayor Barry’s address.

In her speech, Barry said promoting diversity has been a critical issue for her since taking office. Nashville is home today for many newcomers from all over the world. Barry noted the 120 languages spoken by families whose children attend Metro Nashville Public Schools.

“What a gift to have a multilingual community,” she said. “We need to make sure that the folks who are speaking their first language continue to speak that language but that they also are English proficient because that gives us the gift of globalism for Nashville. What a great thing to have a global community where multiple languages are spoken and celebrated, because that’s what this is about. The fact that we are diverse makes Nashville stronger. Our diversity is what has created the economic boom that we have seen.”

Barry has been an outspoken critic of President Trump’s immigration and refugee policies and on Saturday took a jab at his frequent talk of building a border wall.

“My faith teaches me that we build bridges to connect to each other and that is what Nashville does,” said Barry, who was raised Catholic. “We don’t build walls.”

Tennessee Star
Nashville Mayor Megan Barry received a warm welcome from these children, holding up a sign for NICE, the Nashville International Center for Empowerment, a refugee resettlement agency in Nashville.

State Senator Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville) also spoke briefly at Saturday’s event. He said he was happy to see Muslims in the area become more politically engaged.

“I’ve been thrilled to see more and more people from this community coming, voicing their issues, seeking representation and being represented,” Yarbro said. “It’s an honor of my job.”

He also said that despite recent political divisiveness, he believes the future is bright because of “how we have worked together” and “how we have made this a more and more welcoming city.”

“I think this is the path forward, not one of division,” Yarbro said.

On its Facebook page, the Islamic Center of Tennessee called Saturday’s event “an outstanding program” and said “May Allah reward all of our dedicated volunteers who facilitated the smoothness of the program” before listing more than a dozen groups that contributed.

At the end of her speech, Barry read the entirety of the proclamation she issued for the day:

 A Proclamation Celebrating Muslim Community Recognition Day

WHEREAS, Muslims, both native-born and immigrant, represent an increasingly important thread in the tapestry of America; and

WHEREAS, the founding documents of our great nation and our beautiful state protect religious freedom in no uncertain terms; and

WHEREAS, the Middle Tennessee Muslim Community is a historic, respected and celebrated part of our city; and

WHEREAS, everyday, Tennessee Muslims contribute to our collective prosperity and vitality as doctors, nurses, engineers, police officers, educators, entrepreneurs, business owners, and skilled laborers; and

WHEREAS, Nashville is deeply enriched by the many cultural, professional, civic and philanthropic contributions of our Muslim neighbors; and

WHEREAS, our city’s Muslim community and its leadership regularly and proactively work to forge new and mutually beneficial relationships among Nashvillians of all backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, Nashville’s faith, business, nonprofit and civic leaders have all repeatedly demonstrated that we are stronger as a city when we celebrate one another;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Megan Barry, Mayor of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, do hereby proclaim

May 6, 2017, as Muslim Community Recognition Day

and encourage all residents to recognize the positive impact of Muslims in our community.                                                                  

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6 Thoughts to “Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Praises Muslims and Globalism at Saturday Luncheon at Mosque”

  1. […] activist Jay Chamness when he signed an email explaining why Chamness had been denied access to a Muslim event at which the mayor spoke by signing it with the unprofessional religiously themed salutation “Peace Be Unto […]

  2. Wolf Woman

    So our progressive (code word for socialist) mayor shills for the American Muslim Advisory Council, Nashville’s version of CAIR. Red and green, the watermelons are on parade. No surprises there.

    Paul Iesa Galloway, now leading the charge of AMAC, was the head of the CAIR chapter in Houston, TX. Galloway likes to hang out with Yasir Qadi, the Muslim Brotherhood muckety-muck from Memphis, Daoud Abudiab, and other such Islamic MB dignitaries.

    BTW, Mayor Barry, your next step as you progress through your dhimmi status, is to learn the slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood:
    “Allah is our objective;
    the Qur’an is the Constitution;
    the Prophet is our leader;
    jihad is our way;
    death for the sake of Allah is our wish”

  3. […] Chamness tried to attend a luncheon Saturday at the Islamic Center of Tennessee in Antioch, where Nashville Mayor Megan Barry spoke. He told […]

  4. Bob

    Just what one would expect from one holding an advanced degree from Vanderbilt. Stupidity knows no bonds.

  5. […] fighting “anti-Muslim hate.” The AMAC is championed by Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, who spoke at a luncheon the group held on […]

  6. Andrew Burstein

    Megan would look real good in a burka. Where is David Fox these days?
