Report: New York Mets Considering Promotion of Tim Tebow to AA Minor League Baseball from Class A Columbia Fireflies

When the New York Mets signed former Florida Gators star quarterback Tim Tebow, the team was widely mocked as wasting money on an expensive publicity stunt. There was no way, the narrative went, a failed NFL player approaching his 30th birthday should take up a roster spot that could go to a real prospect. RELATED: Tim…

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McCarthy Dons “Spicey” Spicer Gear, Takes to the Streets of New York

Tennessee Star

  Melissa McCarthy reprised her role as White House Press Secretary Sean “Spicy” Spicer on the streets of New York Friday in preparation to host the upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live. Locals tweeted McCarthy’s antics: The things you see in New York City. Melissa McCarthy riding Sean Spicer's podium through Midtown #SNL — Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) May 12, 2017 As well as the New York Post: Melissa McCarthy took her "Sean Spicer" act on the road — New York Post (@nypost) May 12, 2017 NBC News reported:    

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Commentary: Pure and Simple Hate Fuels the Left’s Outrage Machine, Not Trump

Tennessee Star

  by: Jeffrey A. Rendall As the political fallout from the firing of former FBI Director James Comey trickles down from the media heavens – and Republican congressmen continue to suffer paranoid beat-downs from leftist protesters during otherwise innocuous town hall meetings – one wonders, what’s the best we can expect from our political system in the era of Trump? If the past six months is any indication, not much. Ever since President Trump won the 2016 election the reactions from liberals, Democrats and the media (one and the same) have been nothing short of hysterical, and not in the humorous sense. Take for example certain celebrities’ response to Trump’s entirely justifiable termination of Comey the other night. Katie Jerkovich of the Daily Caller reports, “Celebrities like Rosie O’Donnell, John Legend and others said it was time for President Donald Trump to be removed from office after he fired FBI Director James Comey Tuesday. “Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines said that the president had a mental illness.” The semi-washed up Maines wasn’t the only one questioning Trump’s capacity – and patriotism — over Comey. 60s/70s hippy legend Cher tweeted, “TRUMP SAYS 1 OF THE REASONS HE FIRED FBI DIRECTOR COMEY IS BECAUSE…

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Effort to Correct Some of The Gas Tax ‘User Fee’ Diversion From The Highway Fund Amended Away

A bill introduced to remove a portion of the diversion of fuel tax “user fees” from the Highway Fund to the General Fund was amended so drastically that the bill was rewritten so that it rewrote the bill, and instead increased the amount distributed to the Wildlife Resources Fund. As reported by The Tennessee Star, and confirmed by Rep. Susan Lynn (R-Mt. Juliet), Tennessee Code Annotated requires that portions of the “user fee” fuel taxes be allocated to the General Fund to cover the costs incurred by the state Department of Revenue for the collection of those taxes. HB 910 / SB 230 by Rep. Tim Wirgau (R-Buchanan) and Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville), respectively, would have “eliminated the administrative allocation of the gasoline tax, motor fuel tax, and gasoline inspection tax to the General Fund.”  It would have no impact on the total collections from the various fuel taxes, but would simply allocate them to the Highway Fund rather than the General Fund. The fiscal memo for the original bill reported increases to the Highway Fund of $12 million and to local governments of $2.6 million. The bill was then completely re-written by the amendment so that the diversions to the General Fund…

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The Smearing Of Mark Green And What It Means For Christians

Tennessee Star

  In today’s climate, the vitriol that Tennessee state Senator Mark Green faced for his orthodox Christian beliefs while being considered for Army secretary would surprise few. But there also was a conspicuous lack of a vigorous defense from his fellow Republicans and even his fellow Southern Baptists. With few exceptions, there was little in the way of significant pushback against the torrent of rage against Green’s past statements on LGBT issues, Islam and other topics of concern to biblically-minded Christians and other conservatives. Under intense pressure, Green withdrew his name from consideration May 5. “Green’s nomination drew immediate backlash from Democrats, and even some Republicans,” reported McClatchy DC Bureau. “His support was lukewarm at best, and few in Washington showed an appetite to defend his controversial comments.” Raymond Baker, a Franklin resident and retired Republican political consultant, told The Tennessee Star that what really hurt Green was that Tennessee’s two Republican U.S. senators, Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, did not fight hard enough on his behalf when the going got tough. Corker and Alexander, along with other “so-called Republican leaders” long ago sold their soul to liberal interest groups, Baker said. After President Trump nominated Green for the post,…

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