Donald Trump Calls on Missouri Voters to Oust Sen. McCaskill Unless She Votes for Tax Cuts

President Trump pressured Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in her home state of Missouri Wednesday to support his plan for tax cuts, calling on voters to kick her out of office if she resists. “Your senator, Claire McCaskill, she must do this for you,” Mr. Trump told employees at a factory in Springfield. “If she doesn’t do…

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National Review Writer David French Criticizes Nashville Mayor Megan Barry for Rebuking Evangelical Statement on Traditional Marriage

  National Review senior writer David French has sharply criticized Nashville Mayor Megan Barry for her comments denigrating the Nashville Statement, a declaration by Christian evangelical leaders supporting traditional marriage and calling homosexuality and transgenderism sinful. In a tweet Tuesday, Barry said the statement is “poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville.” The statement was approved Friday at a meeting of evangelical leaders in Nashville who named the declaration for the city in keeping with a historical Christian practice of naming doctrinal statements for the places where they were written. French, who lives in Columbia, Tennessee, 45 miles south of Nashville, was one of more than 150 conservative evangelicals who signed the Nashville Statement. French wrote in a column Wednesday that it is unreasonable for Barry to claim that orthodox Christian beliefs are “incompatible with the ‘inclusive values’ of a city that’s located in the heart of the Bible Belt.” “The Southern Baptist Convention has a headquarter building right in downtown Nashville,” French said. “You can’t drive five minutes in Nashville without seeing a church that’s teaching exactly the values and beliefs contained in the Nashville Statement. Is Barry’s position that they should change their ways, shut up, or…

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Developer Files Ethics Complaint Against Metro Nashville Officials Regarding Fort Negley Development Plans

  A Nashville developer has filed an ethics complaint against Metro officials for allegedly ignoring his request for more information about the process used to choose a developer for Fort Negley Park. In May, Mayor Megan Barry chose the Cloud Hill Partnership as the developer for the historic site, which includes Greer Stadium, although there is still no formal agreement. Bert Mathews, whose real estate firm created the Cloud Hill team, held a fundraiser for Barry when she was running for mayor. Devinder Singh Sandhu, who lost out to Cloud Hill in the bidding process, previously wrote a letter to city procurement officials protesting the process, saying it “was not equitable to all submitters and information required to make a proper presentation was not complete” and that there was a “lack of transparency.” In his ethics complaint Monday, Sandhu noted that he has “requested answers to questions, documents, requests for meetings and clarification.” The Procurement Appeals Board was set to consider Sandhu’s case Wednesday, but he sent the board a letter late Tuesday saying he had decided to dismiss his appeal. “We are forced to take this action because you, the Metro Procurement Office and Metro Finance Department established the August 30, 2017 hearing date…

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Middle Tennessee Regional Planning Group Holds Ninth Annual Summit

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Cumberland Region Tomorrow (CRT), a charitable entity whose mission is “to support our ten-county region’s values, economic vitality, and quality of life by influencing patterns of growth and development through education and advocacy,” held its ninth annual Power of 10 Regional Summit titled “Sustaining The Boom: World Class Strategies,” at the Music City Center. The Summit was attended by more than 200 planners, leaders and elected officials from the 10-county middle Tennessee region that includes Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Maury, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson and Wilson counties to discuss regional issues and opportunities in the key areas of improving transportation infrastructure, assuring sustainable development in a period of unprecedented growth and establishing collaborative goals and plans that benefit the region’s rural and urban communities. The “Early Bird Special” registration fee for the event was $90, with most government entities having a “travel” line item to cover such expenses for employees and elected officials. CRT is one of a number of organizations involved with various aspects of planning in the region, including, but not limited to, the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, Greater Nashville Regional Council, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Regional Transit Authority, Middle Tennessee Mayors Caucus and…

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Bill Hennessy Commentary: In 3 Minutes You’ll Be Able Fend Off Any Verbal Attack About Trump

  You probably don’t believe it. You’re probably reading just to argue. But three minutes from now, you’ll be armed. Armed and ready to do verbal combat. Armed and ready to defend your Trump vote. Armed and read to win any intellectual confrontation. Think it’s impossible? Keep reading. You’ll find out defending your vote for Trump is easier than you could imagine. Your opponent will be standing there, jaw moving, lips quivering, voice lost, brain scrambled. You’ll be giggling. Scott Adams Blows Everybody Out of the Water You know Dilbert. Its creator, Scott Adams, is a persuasion expert. He persuaded millions to read a stupid cartoon every day for decades. He knows what he’s doing. Adams made a periscope today that did the impossible. He explained the entire Tea Party movement. Without mentioning the Tea Party, he told the whole world what we wanted. Adams’ Periscope video has expired, sadly. But here is a summary of Scott’s thoughts: Trump is a builder Building projects begin with demolition Trump is in the demolition phase Trump demolished the GOP, the DNC, the old idea of “presidential” and lots more When Trump’s done demolishing everything that needs to be demolished, he’ll start building beautiful new…

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President Trump Launches Tax Overhaul Initiative, Calls on Congress to Support ‘The American Model’

  President Donald Trump traveled to Springfield, Missouri Wednesday to begin, in earnest, his bid to overhaul the leviathan that is the US Tax Code. “We’re here today to launch our plans to bring back Main Street by reducing the crushing tax burden on our companies and on our workers, ” President Trump began. “Our self-destructive tax code costs Americans millions and millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, and billions of hours spent on compliance and paperwork.” Dubbed ‘The American Model,’ President Trump said his Administration will enact policies to encourage companies to hire and grow in America, to raise wages for American workers, and to help rebuild our American cities and communities. “That is how we will all succeed and grow together, as one team, with one shared sense of purpose, and one glorious American destiny,” he said. Tax reform was a major part of candidate Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency, as a part of an America-first, pro-growth platform to unleash the country’s idle economic engine. “In the last 10 years, our economy has grown at only around two percent a year,” Trump said, “If you look at other countries and you look at what their GDP is,…

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US Navy Shoots Down Another Ballistic Target in ‘Complex Missile Defense Flight Test’

  The United States Navy announced Wednesday that sailors aboard the USS John Paul Jones successfully conducted what they called a ‘complex missile defense flight test.’ “We are working closely with the fleet to develop this important new capability, and this was a key milestone in giving our Aegis BMD ships an enhanced capability to defeat ballistic missiles in their terminal phase,” said Missile Defense Agency Director Lt. Gen. Sam Greaves. The John Paul Jones detected and tracked a target missile launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii, with its onboard AN/SPY-1 radar and onboard SM-6 missiles executed the intercept. This test, designated Flight Test Standard Missile (FTM) 27 Event 2, marks the second time that an SM-6 missile has successfully intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile target. Tuesday, North Korea once again violated several agreements by firing a ballistic missile over our ally, Japan. President Trump responded immediately, reminding the starving hermit kingdom that, with regards to eliminating the threat of a first strike, ‘all options are on the table.’ Lt. Gen. Concluded, “We will continue developing ballistic missile defense technologies to stay ahead of the threat as it evolves.”

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State Representative Jimmy Matlock Kicks Off Campaign For U.S. Congress With Hundreds of Supporters

Tennessee Star

  State Representative Jimmy Matlock (R-Lenoir City), who announced August 3 his campaign to run for the 2nd District Congressional seat, following Representative John J. “Jimmy” Duncan announcement that he will not seek re-election, held a campaign kick-off Saturday at his family farm, with hundreds of supporters in attendance. Matlock, a small business owner of four-location Matlock Tire Service & Auto repair, has served in the Tennessee House of Representatives since 2007 for District 21, which includes parts of Loudon and Monroe Counties. Prior to the 2017 session of the General Assembly, Matlock made a run against House Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville), losing by just ten votes. At his campaign kick-off, Matlock expressed his gratitude, saying “I see so many friends, colleagues and supporters here tonight, and I can’t thank you all enough.” Matlock spoke of shared values, “This is about what you believe. And it’s what I believe. We believe in America. We believe in the foundations of this country – the Constitution. We believe that the federal government should be very small, and not large. We believe that people should be responsible for themselves, not unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. We want less government, not more.” Known for his…

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Mae Beavers Submits Letter of Resignation from State Senate to Governor Haslam

Tennessee Star

  On Wednesday, gubernatorial candidate Mae Beavers submitted her letter of resignation from the State Senate to Governor Haslam and Lt. Gov. McNally. Beavers’ resignation becomes effective on Friday. Beavers promised at a press conference held last week in her home cit of Mt. Juliet she would resign before the end of the month to focus on her campaign to win the Republican nomination for governor. “I have always taken my duties in the state legislature extremely seriously, and I have concluded that it is simply not possible for anyone to run a statewide grassroots campaign while effectively serving during legislative session,” Beavers said at the press conference. “It has been a honor to serve in the Tennessee Senate for almost fifteen years,” Beavers said. “It is therefore with a heavy heart, but also with great excitement, that I resign my Senate seat and look forward to a new phase in my campaign to be Tennessee’s next governor.” On Wednesday, Beavers fulfilled that promise. By resigning now, a special election can be held later this year to ensure that Beavers’ 17th District has a “fully focused representative in place the day that session begins,” Beavers said in a press release…

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Tennessee American Muslim Advisory Council Board Member Says Constitution is Document of White Supremacy

Tennessee’s American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) board member Drost Kokoye says the U.S. Constitution “is a document that writes white supremacy into law.” Those were the exact words Kokoye used in a tweet sent from her Twitter account on September 17, 2014–the 227th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution at the close of the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787: #ConstitutionDay to celebrate a document that writes white supremacy into law. — so many consonants (@foreverafugee) September 17, 2014 Kokoye is a Kurdish refugee who, as a young child, came to live in Nashville, grew up there and was educated in Nashville’s public schools. While attending college at Middle Tennessee State University, she worked for the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) as a “Multicultural Organizer.” TIRRC offers workshops encouraging immigrants to become citizens and assists them through the naturalization process, after which TIRRC says they can represent “the immigrant vote” in elections. In 2012, Kokoye was featured in TIRRC’s “New American Voter” campaign: Voting gives me the opportunity to voice what not every immigrant or refugee can yet. It’s my chance to choose the people and laws that will allow others to practice this freedom I now have.…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 31

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing August 31, Thursday Matthew 7:5-8 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. 6 Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces 7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

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Mayor Megan Barry Slams ‘Nashville Statement’ Backed By Many Evangelicals Who Support Traditional Marriage

  Nashville Mayor Megan Barry on Tuesday criticized the Nashville Statement written and signed by evangelical Christians to show support for traditional marriage and maintain that homosexuality and transgenderism are sinful. The document was approved Friday at a meeting in Nashville of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). The meeting was hosted by the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commision (ERLC) during its annual conference. Barry, a progressive Democrat, tweeted that the statement and its name reflect poorly on Nashville because the declaration “does not represent the inclusive values of the city.” The @CBMWorg's so-called "Nashville Statement" is poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville — Megan Barry for Congress (TN-7) (@MeganCBarry) August 29, 2017 In 2015, when she was a Metro councilwoman and a mayoral candidate, Barry officiated the first same-sex wedding in Nashville just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that the 14th Amendment extends the right to marry to same-sex couples. Denny Burk, president of CBMW, wrote on the organization’s website that naming the statement for the city of Nashville follows historical practice. He said: There is a long Christian tradition of naming doctrinal…

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Corker Insists ‘I Have Not Lost Support’ in Tennessee Over Anti-Trump Statements

Tennessee Star

  U. S. Senator Bob Corker was in Hendersonville Tuesday when, during a question-and-answer period following prepared remarks, he asserted he has not lost any support due to his recent onslaught of criticisms undermining his fellow Republican, President Donald Trump. “I feel very supported in this state,” Corker told the Associated Press. “I’m going to continue to be the independent person I am as long as I’m in public service,” he said; adding, “I think what’s what Tennesseans have come to know.” Amid an ongoing investigation into some questionable, “too-good-to-be-true” real estate stock trades, the incumbent junior Senator has not yet announced whether or not he will run for a third term. However, in 2012, with no serious challenger, Senator Corker didn’t not launch a re-election campaign until a mere six weeks before the August primary. Currently, Corker is a middling performer in terms of popularity, ranking at #54 of 100 in a July poll conducted by Morning Consult. But in terms of re-election, a Tennessee Star Triton poll revealed the Senator may be ripe for an ouster. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump, who won the state in 2016 handily by 26 percentage points, continues to enjoy high approval numbers across Tennessee of over 50%.  

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Illinois First State to Legislatively Discriminate Against All Religions Except Islam

Tennessee Star

The “Muslim American Advisory Council Act” (MAACA), signed by Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner last week permanently establishes a formal role for Muslims to influence the state’s policy: The purposes of the Council is to advise the Governor and the General Assembly on policy issues impacting Muslim Americans and immigrants; to advance the role and civic participation of Muslim Americans in this State; to enhance trade and cooperation between Muslim-majority countries and this State; and to build relationships with and disseminate information to, in cooperation with State agencies, boards, and commissions, Muslim American and immigrant communities across this State. In 2014, the Urban Muslim Minority Alliance endorsed Rauner over Democrat Governor Pat Quinn. As written, the MAACA law claims that the state’s public policy is to “promote diversity and to ensure inclusion of all religious, racial, and ethnic groups within this State” even though there are no other legislatively sanctioned religious councils inside the state government. The new law requires political appointments of twenty-one people to the Muslim council along with liaison personnel from multiple state agencies. Additional state government employees will provide administrative and technical support. A staffer from the Governor’s office will serve as the ethics officer. No fiscal note…

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Williamson County Republican Party Starts Meetup Group

The Williamson County Republican Party has started a Meetup group to keep local voters informed and provide a way for people to get to know each other. is a popular online social networking website that facilitates offline group meetings. The point is to bring together people with shared interests. Meetup groups are geared around a wide variety of topics and activities, including hiking, reading and dining out. Some focus on politics or religion. Debbie Deaver, chairman of the Williamson County Republican Party, said she started the Meetup group to offer “a fun way for people to connect with their like-minded neighbors.” “We want our members to be able to share an appetizer with someone, have an adult conversation and not be concerned about being politically correct or worried that they will be culled from the group if they don’t agree with all the talking points,” she said. “You can expect polite, but lively banter at our events.” In addition to social outings, there will also be educational events. Educational events might include a conversation with an author, a town hall with an elected official or a lecture by a visiting professor, Deaver said. The group will hold a Mix &…

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Trump: All Options on the Table After North Korea Missile Launch

Trump and Abe

President Donald Trump says that “all options are on the table” following another missile launch by North Korea Tuesday. North Korea “has signaled its contempt for its neighbors, for all members of the United Nations, and for minimum standards of acceptable international behavior,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House. “Threatening and destabilizing…

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Commentary: Clemson’s Shameful Wrist-Slap to Professor Who Calls GOP ‘Racist Scum’

Tennessee Star

Here’s what’s wrong with America’s places of higher learning: They’re breeding grounds for leftist viciousness. Clemson University assistant professor Bart Knijnenburg just took to Facebook to demand President Donald Trump supporters and Republicans – “racist scum,” he called them – “denounce your affiliation or admit you’re a racist.” Oh, the irony. It’s against just such broad…

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Conservative Presbyterian Seminary in St. Louis to Hold Conference Featuring Leftist Teachings on Race

  A conservative Presbyterian seminary in St. Louis will host a conference on leadership and race this weekend organized mostly by African Americans who are asking white attendees to recognize that their participation “means hearing, repenting and listening more than you speak.” Whites are also being asked to devote one seminar hour to “intensive training in anti-racism,” according to guidance for whites on the conference website. The website features a letter from Joel Littlepage, a white North Carolina pastor, to his “white brothers and sisters” in which he explains, “For whites, our position as majority-culture citizens of America grants us privilege and safety that people of color are not afforded. It is good and wise that we have time together, as white people, to have honest discussion and explore the ways that we can expose our own biases and be effective in the fight for racial justice.” The conference will be held at Covenant Seminary, which is affiliated with the conservative Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and which recently started offering courses in Nashville. PCA churches in the Nashville area include Christ Presbyterian in Nashville, Covenant Presbyterian in Green Hills and Christ Community in Franklin. Called LDR Weekend, the fairly new annual gathering is “designed…

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Vanderbilt University Criticized for Lack of Openness to Conservative Viewpoints

  Vanderbilt University was criticized in a recent report that analyzed the extent to which conservative views are welcomed on university campuses. The Heterodox Academy (HxA) in June released its second Guide to Colleges, which ranks the top 150 U.S. universities based on their acceptance of viewpoint diversity. The HxA is a group of scholars that advocates for “a more intellectually diverse and heterodox academy.” The HxA gave Vanderbilt a score of 43 on a 100 point scale. The higher the score, the more likely you are to find intellectual diversity and dissent, according to the study. The study draws from publicly available sources of information. Vanderbilt earned praise for endorsing the Chicago Principles on free expression this spring when updating the faculty manual, reports Vanderbilt Hustler, the student newspaper. But the school took a big hit because it is considered an “unsafe zone” for conservative students by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) guide to Choosing the Right College 2014-2015. That came as a result of a 2011 policy that required campus religious organization to not only accept members regardless of their beliefs, but also to open up leadership positions to those members, limiting the groups’ ability to consistently uphold their values. Vanderbilt also lost points because of…

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U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen Blasts Trump for ‘Dangerous’ Pardon of Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio

  U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-9) blasted President Trump over the weekend for Trump’s pardon of former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, calling Trump’s action “dangerous” and saying the president has “once against abused his authority and divided our nation.” Earlier this month, the Democratic congressman, whose district includes Memphis, said he would introduce articles of impeachment against Trump because of his comments following violent confrontations in Charlottesville, Virginia, between white supremacists and radical leftists. Trump pardoned Arpaio on Friday, praising the 85-year-old in a White House statement for his “admirable service.” Arpaio was recently convicted of misdemeanor contempt for defying a judge’s order stop traffic patrols that were said to unfairly target immigrants. As sheriff, Arpaio was known for his fight against illegal immigration. He lost re-election last year. Here is Cohen’s full statement released Saturday: President Trump’s pardoning of Joe Arpaio isn’t just bad, it’s dangerous. The President continues to show a callous disregard for the independence of our federal judiciary. Even worse, he did so in defense of a man who had been criminally convicted of failing to follow a court order in connection with a lawsuit involving racial profiling.  This was not only a terrible decision, but if reports are accurate…

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Tennessee Firearms Association To Hold Annual Event Sept. 30

Tennessee Star

  This year’s annual event held by the Tennessee Firearms Association Legislative Action Committee will be Saturday, Sept. 30. The event will take place at the Smiley Hollow Farm just north of Nashville in the Goodlettsville area. It’s a casual event with casual attire and will feature a meal, speakers and an auction. Speakers will be announced later. Sponsors include Lee Beaman and Beaman Automotive Group, Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show, Beretta USA and State Farm agent Marty Luffman. Doors will open at 9 a.m., with the meal being served around 11 a.m. The event will run until 2 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person. Tickets are now limited but a small number are still available. For more information and to order tickets, visit If there are guns or items that you would like to consider donating to the event for auction, contact John Harris.      

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Commentary: The Five Buzzwords Used by the Left to Control Public Debate

Tennessee Star

George Orwell knew that the way to control the debate is to control the language. “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Truth,” he wrote in his science fiction classic, “1984.” But even Orwell might blush at the way progressives have mastered the tactic. To take just one example, illegal immigrants became “undocumented immigrants” and…

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Texas Congressman: Trump Needs ‘Administration Fully Staffed’ to Deal with Harvey Aftermath

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said that President Donald Trump “needs to have his administration fully staffed” in order to effectively deal with the fallout of Hurricane Harvey. Sessions noted, during an interview Monday on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” that the hurricane turned tropical storm is continuing to wreak havoc on portions of Texas, and in some…

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OFF THE RECORD: Wilson County GOP Requests State GOP Formally Reprimand Representative Susan Lynn

Tennessee Star

  Following an incident between State Representative Susan Lynn (R-Mt. Juliet) and the Wilson County Republican Party (WCRP) member volunteers at the annual county fair, WCRP Chairman, Terri Nicholson sent a letter signed “Deeply troubled” to State GOP Chairman Scott Golden requesting “that an immediate formal reprimand be issued to Representative Susan Lynn.” WCRP Chairman Nicholson’s letter further requested that Lynn provide “a formal apology to our party along with an agreement that she nor her husband will ever behave unprofessionally or disrespectful to the members of the Wilson County Republican Party again.” The letter from Nicholson, dated Monday, August 21, detailed the “altercation that transpired on Friday evening, August 18th, 2017 at the Wilson County Fair in Lebanon, TN.” Apparently, Rep. Lynn and her husband, Michael, were dissatisfied with the placement of various materials at the WCRP booth. After WCRP volunteers initially attempted to satisfy the Lynns by relocating various materials, the situation “escalated after she [Lynn] was not allowed to keep moving material,” according to Nicholson. From there, the situation deteriorated with Rep. Lynn’s husband “yelling with arms flailing” that volunteers in the booth were stupid. Nicholson describes that “the incident was a complete embarrassment to the WCRP”…

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Six People, Including Officer, Injured in Berkeley Rioting as Leftists Attack Cops, Political Foes

Six people were injured, including a police officer, and 13 protesters arrested Sunday after a violent black-masked antifa mob swarmed Berkeley in order to protest a previously cancelled rally against Marxism. “One officer was injured during an arrest and several officers were struck with paint,” said the Berkeley Police Department in a press release. “Six people…

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Mae Beavers Tells The Beacon Center She Will Drain the Swamp: ‘We May Need An Inspector General in Every Department in Tennessee’

State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) told the Beacon Center of Tennessee on Friday she supports President Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C., and intends to do the same thing in Nashville if elected governor. “We may need an inspector general in every department in Tennessee. I’m talking about draining the swamp, and if there’s anybody worthy of being rehired, we’ll rehire them, but I think we’ve got a lot of problems that need to be solved,” Beavers said. “I know what I want to do day one, and I have the record to prove I will do those things,” she noted. “I’m the most conservative [candidate] in the race. I have the track record. I have the voting record to back up everything that I’m saying,” Beavers added. Voted “most bashful” in high school, Beavers never imagined herself entering politics. But then one day her husband, frustrated with local politics, came home from work and announced, “I am so fed up. We’ve got to get involved. One of us has to run for office and I don’t have time.” Beavers was going to school at night, so her husband managed to find enough time to knock…

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Bernie Sanders Supporters Call for ‘Demexit’ After DNC Fraud Lawsuit Dismissed

Ardent supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) lashed out at the Democratic Party establishment and threatened to bail on the party after a federal judge in Florida dismissed a class-action suit Friday alleging that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) illegally favored Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over Sanders. The DNC’s treatment of Sanders, who switched his…

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Why Is Congress Not Investigating Obama’s Unprecedented Political Espionage?

An award-winning national security correspondent for CIRCA News believes Congress needs to launch an investigation into Obama-era unmasking and warrantless surveillance of Americans, according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. Sara A. Carter, of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, has been an overseas war correspondent for the bulk of her professional life and…

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Flashback: CFA Statement on ‘FBI and SEC Investigation of Sen. Bob Corker’ in May 2016 May Suddenly Be Relevant Again

    When President Trump punched back Friday on Twitter at Senator Bob Corker’s (R-TN) relentless criticisms as “outrageous,” it electrified the conservative base among Tennessee Republican primary voters who continue to be very supportive of the president. State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) are among those who may now be considering a challenge to Corker in the August 2018 primary. A Tennessee Star Poll conducted in June among likely Tennessee Republican primary voters showed that Corker was vulnerable. In a hypothetical one-on-one primary matchup with Blackburn, the two were in a statistical tie. The negative press Corker has received in Tennessee for his criticisms of President Trump may soon get worse. The SEC investigation of Sen. Corker and CBL, “A real-estate firm that has been a favored investment of Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker,” first reported by the Wall Street Journal in May 2016,  may soon come to a conclusion. No one knows what that investigation may conclude, but when news of the investigation was made public, it caused quite a stir. In fact, Ann Weiman, executive director of the Camapign for Accountability (CfA), a non profit watchdog organization that had called for the SEC investigation…

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John McCain Leads Criticism of Trump Over Arpaio Pardon

John McCain

Democrats, immigrant rights activists and other members of the anti-Trump resistance were enraged by President Trump’s pardon late Friday of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And so was Sen. John McCain. While most Republicans remained silent on the pardon, Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican who has frequently battled both Mr. Arpaio and Mr. Trump, released…

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GORKA OUT: Seb Slams Anti-MAGA Aides In Stunning Resignation Letter

Sebastian Gorka, the brusque national security aide to President Donald Trump, reportedly resigned his post as deputy assistant to the president late Friday. The Federalist reports Gorka wrote a scathing resignation letter that sharply criticized the president’s newly unveiled strategy for the war in Afghanistan, and savaging White House rivals who he claims oppose the Trump…

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