Vice President Mike Pence Praised By His Tennessee Fans

Tennessee Star

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee — President Trump may have been at the top of the ticket, but it was obvious from the enthusiasm shown for Vice President Mike Pence in Nashville on Thursday that he has his own strong fan base. People interviewed by The Tennessee Star at the Music City Center cited Pence’s conservative beliefs and Christian convictions as reasons they support the vice president. Pence was in Nashville to be the keynote speaker Thursday evening at the annual Statesmen’s Dinner held by the Tennessee Republican Party. During last year’s presidential campaign, Pence was seen as a steady presence and influence on Trump, who lacked Pence’s political experience and has a more flamboyant personality. Before serving as vice president, Pence was governor of Indiana and a congressman. But Pence is not without his colorful side. “He rides a Harley,” said Ken Nelson Jr. in offering another reason he backs the vice president. Nelson is a real estate agent who serves on the board of the Wilson County Republican Party. Gail Jones and her friend Vicki Beaty, both of whom live in Cleveland, Tennessee, had nothing but praise for Pence. “I like everything he stands for,” said Jones, an office manager for…

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Al Gore’s Nashville Estate Expends 21 Times More Energy A Year Than Typical U.S. Home, Study Says

Former Vice President Al Gore’s 10,070-square-foot estate near Nashville, Tennessee, expended more than 21 times more energy than the average U.S. household over the past year, according to a new report. A report by the National Center for Public Policy Research – self-described as a nonpartisan, independent conservative think tank – said that according to data…

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Conservative Episcopal Churches Can’t Keep Property, South Carolina Supreme Court Rules

Tennessee Star

  The South Carolina Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that conservative congregations that left the Episcopal Church in 2012 cannot continue to own their properties. The ruling overturns a lower court ruling in 2015. The affected congregations previously had agreed to let the national church hold their properties in trust. Seven that did not sign such an agreement can retain ownership of their land and buildings. The Diocese of South Carolina broke away from the Episcopal Church in 2012 because of the ordination of gay priests and concerns about unorthodox interpretations of Scripture. “Splits within the Episcopal Church and other mainline denominations have caused property lawsuits to surge in recent years; in 2016, they became the top reason churches ended up in court,” reports Christianity Today. Property disputes are largely the result of disagreements between conservatives and progressives. The Diocese of South Carolina dates back to 1785 and is older than the Episcopal Church itself, according to Christianity Today. Today the diocese has about 50 churches and 20,000 members and is aligned with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). Wednesday’s ruling means that 29 parishes do not get to keep about $500 million worth of historic church properties claimed by the diocese when it…

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Feinstein: We Can’t Increase Immigration Enforcement Because No One Will Pick Our Fruit

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein warned that President Donald Trump’s immigration plan would severely cripple the agriculture industry in a Wednesday evening interview. “We’re the largest agricultural producer in America It’s a $50 billion industry. We employ tens of thousands of agricultural workers,” The Democratic senator said on CNN. “They are among a class that this would…

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Hillary Clinton Pressured Bangladesh Officials to Help Clinton Foundation Donor, Documents Show

While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton attempted to bully the tiny nation of Bangladesh to force it to end a corruption investigation of Mohammad Yunus, a long-time Clinton family friend and Clinton Foundation donor, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. The information comes from two Bangladeshi government documents generated as…

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New Calls for Criminal Investigation of Obama Aides in ‘Unmasking’ Scandal

New calls are coming in for the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation into the “unmasking” scandal swirling around a cluster of former Obama administration officials. The calls came as House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes identified a fourth Obama national security official as a “person of interest” who improperly “unmasked” Trump…

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Commentary: Breast Feeding 101 for Educators


Health professionals and public health officials promote breastfeeding to improve infant health. Breastfeeding also provides long-term preventative effects for the mother, including an earlier return to pre-pregnancy weight and a reduced risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer and osteoporosis. It is important to note that 82% of public school teachers are female in Tennessee. Women are the predominate sex in our profession. More importantly, most of these women are of child bearing age. So this is an important topic for all stakeholders.

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Vice President Mike Pence Visits Nashville, Thanks Tennesseans For Supporting President Trump

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday personally thanked the Volunteer State for helping put President Trump in office. “We were counting on Tennessee last fall and Tennessee delivered,” Pence said during his keynote speech at the Tennessee Republican Party’s Statesmen’s Dinner. The annual fundraising event was held at the Music City Center in downtown Nashville. Republican Gov. Bill Haslam gave opening remarks. In November, Trump won 61 percent of the vote in Tennessee, taking all but three counties – Davidson, Shelby and Haywood. Pence in his speech also celebrated the news that broke Thursday about West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice switching from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Pence devoted most of his speech to praising Trump’s successes in office and his plans for the coming months. He said Trump is slashing more regulations than any other president in American history, and noted the president’s efforts to roll back progressive environmental policies, such as ending the “war on coal” and withdrawing from the Paris climate accord. Pence also lauded Trump for increasing defense spending, strengthening border protection and cracking down on gangs such as MS-13. In the area of foreign policy, Pence said other countries know that…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Friday, August 4

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing August 4, Friday Psalms 139:1–24 1 O Lord, you have searched me and known me! 2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. 3 You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. 4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. 5 You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. 6 such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. 7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? 8 if I ascend to heaven, you are there! if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! 9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” 12 even the darkness is not dark to you;…

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