Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: Donald Trump Has Removed, Changed Over 800 Obama-Era Regulations

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Friday that President Trump is “systematically” removing hundreds of regulations put in place by the Obama administration. “The president has already knocked out some 860 rules and regulations from the Obama administration, and every day we’re finding more and more to do. Remember, Obama put in something like 7,000 new rules…

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Mike Huckabee Endorses Evangelist Scott Dawson for Alabama Governor

Mike Huckabee has endorsed evangelist Scott Dawson in his bid for the Republican nomination for governor of Alabama. The former Arkansas governor and two-time presidential candidate announced his support for Dawson on the “Rick and Bubba” radio program. “I am so grateful to Mike for the advice, counsel and prayers he has given to me and I look forward to campaigning with him,” Dawson said on Facebook last week. Dawson is the staff evangelist and chief development officer for the Birmingham-based Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. He started the ministry in 1987 while still in college and today it reaches across America. He received a master of divinity degree from Samford University’s Beeson Divinity School in 1993 and was ordained by Roebuck Park Baptist Church. Dawson has never run for office before, but Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, said on the radio program that Dawson’s experiences in church ministry make him uniquely qualified for public service. Huckabee said pastors develop administrative skills and also deal firsthand with a variety of social issues, from helping people with drug addiction to interacting with those who have committed crimes or are crime victims to supporting middle-aged people caring for elderly parents. According to, others running for…

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Mae Beavers: ‘It Is Time to End Annual TVAAS Testing Debacle for Tennessee Teachers and Students’

“It is time to end the annual TVAAS testing debacle for Tennessee teachers and students,” conservative Republican candidate for governor Mae Beavers tells The Tennessee Star in an exclusive interview. The former State Senator from Mt. Juliet says that despite the best efforts of the Tennessee Department of Education to hide the latest state testing debacle, word is leaking out that Tennessee has once again experienced serious problems with data and test scores related to TVAAS (Tennessee Value Added Assessment System) testing used to determine whether teachers retain their jobs, advance in their careers and get more pay. School districts and individual schools are also punished or rewarded based on TVAAS scores. “Teachers can lose their jobs as a result of these test scores, yet the Department of Education employees who oversee the testing, select and retain the vendors who conduct the testing process, and use the scores to determine whether teachers retain their jobs or not continue to keep their jobs despite failure after failure after failure in the testing process,” pointed out Beavers. “It is time to clean house in the Department of Education and eliminate TVAAS as a basis for teacher evaluation completely.” “We have great teachers in…

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Mark Green Nabs Club for Growth Endorsement After Announcing Candidacy For 7th Congressional District Seat

State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination to represent the 7th Congressional District in the House of Representatives last week. He was endorsed almost immediately by the Club for Growth for the seat that opened up when the incumbent, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) announced that she is running for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat from which Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) is retiring. In an email to supporters, the Club’s president David McIntosh, a former Congressman from Indiana, said, “Mark Green may be the toughest conservative candidate we’ve ever met. If we can help Mark win his primary, he will go on to be a conservative rock star in Congress.” The Club for Growth endorsement continued, saying: “Club for Growth PAC is thrilled to announce support for Mark Green and his campaign for Congress,” stated Club for Growth PAC President David McIntosh. “Mark has been an outspoken conservative in the Tennessee legislature.  He led the fight to oppose Medicaid expansion as well as fought against the Hall Income tax and big government regulations like occupational licenses. “Mark is an outstanding advocate for economic growth and would bring fiscal sanity with him when he comes to Washington.” “The Club for Growth’s endorsement is sought by every conservative in the…

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Vanderbilt University Student Newspaper Says Christopher Columbus Was Worse Than Serial Killers

The editorial board of the Vanderbilt University student newspaper wrote an opinion piece Wednesday criticizing the school for not doing enough to denounce Columbus Day, which was Monday. The editorial described Christopher Columbus as being worse than notorious American serial killers. Nashville Mayor Megan Barry issued a proclamation urging people to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and Metro Council passed a resolution urging the same. More than 50 cities and a few states celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday. The editorial board of the Vanderbilt Hustler said that “Vanderbilt’s silence on the matter is problematic.” “Yes, an indigenous professor was invited to talk about the indigenous genocide. But Vandy needs to go further,” the opinion piece said. The editorial board said it hopes that next year “Vanderbilt will stand against the actions of predatory settlers and stand with indigenous people.” In its opinion piece, the editorial board did not attempt an even-handed scholarly examination of Columbus and his work. Instead, it pandered to the progressive hysteria about Columbus, going so far as to say that if the Italian explorer, who sailed for Spain and made the Americas known to Europe, were alive today, “he would be a national villain, making Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer look…

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Steve Gill Commentary: When Will Trump Supporters Get Positions in Tennessee?

President Donald Trump has filled key positions in his White House, as well as many top Cabinet positions, with political activists who didn’t support him in his presidential campaign. Some of those filling senior positions in the Trump Administration can even properly be classified as “Never Trumpers” who worked against him even after his nom-ination became inevitable. Adding to the problems facing the President as he seeks to implement his agenda are the huge number of Obama holdovers and career government bureaucrats who remain in positions where they work against his agenda while Trump political appointees languish in “holding” patterns. Unfortunately, the pattern of political appointments that do not reflect support for President Trump is not limited to Washington DC and the White House. The Presidential appointees nominated thus far from Tennessee are almost exclusively people who either actively opposed President Trump or are closely affiliated with those who aggressively sought to block him from office. The Trump base in Tennessee is sticking with him, with recent poling showing 86% approval for the President among Tennessee likely GOP primary voters. So, why is Trump not sticking to his base of supporters? Just this weekend, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) engaged in…

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Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Winner Goes to Washington, D.C., Meets Federal D.C. Circuit Court Judge

Noah Farley, the winner of the Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, flew to Washington, D.C. to attend a lecture delivered by United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Judge Thomas Griffith at Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center for the Constitution on Thursday night. Farley earned a trip to Washington, D.C. for himself and his father with his victory in the inaugural Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, held at Sycamore High School in Pleasant View, Tennessee and hosted by Cheatham County Schools on September 23. The airfare and lodging for the trip was paid for by The Polk Foundation, sponsor of the Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. The 17-year-old homeschooled senior plans to attend Patrick Henry College in Virginia next fall. After completing his undergraduate studies, he plans on going to law school and becoming a constitutional lawyer. The topic of the lecture was “Judicial Conservativism in a Liberal Democracy.” In addition to Judge Griffith, Professor Bradley Watson of St. Vincent College was also a featured speaker. According to the Kirby Center description of the event: Thomas B. Griffith was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 2005. He earned his B.A. from Brigham Young…

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Former Congressman Stephen Fincher Stops in Johnson City on ‘Listening Tour’ as He Considers U.S. Senate Run

Former Congressman Stephen Fincher (R-TN-8) told the Johnson City Press this week that he is seriously thinking about running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Bob Corker. Johnson City was one of the first stops in what Fincher says is a listening tour of the state designed to help him decide whether to run. The tour is expected to last several weeks. The West Tennessee farmer would be vying for the Republican nomination against the formidable U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-7) and conservative activist Andy Ogles. Fincher, who lives in Frog Jump, said in an interview with the Johnson City Press that he is being encouraged by supporters to run and has been praying about it and discussing it with his family. He is currently traveling the state to get input from voters. Fincher was first elected to Congress in 2010 and was re-elected twice to consecutive terms. In 2016, he decided not to run again because of the illness of a family member. He has more than $2 million remaining in his congressional election account. In August, he became a campaign co-chairman for U.S. Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-6) in her run for Tennessee governor. Fincher told the Johnson City Press…

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National Security Expert Says A Mae Beavers Win Is For The Country And Conservatism, Not Just Tennessee

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — National security expert, Brian Kennedy, President of the American Strategy Group, calling gubernatorial candidate Mae Beavers “a hero of conservatism” said “if she can win here in Tennessee, it will be a win not only for Tennessee but for the country and conservatism.” Kennedy, speaking to a group of at least 50 attending a fundraising event in support of Beavers’ gubernatorial campaign held at a private residence in Nashville, has a soft-spoken delivery that conveyed sincerity and commanded a hushed attention. The statement Kennedy made about a Beavers win drew unanimous applause. Beavers, “a leader on illegal immigration and the Islamic threat,” in whom Kennedy said he sees “many of the same things I see in Donald Trump.” Refugee resettlement, illegal immigration and terrorism are main themes of Beavers’ campaign platform and what drew her to support, at the time candidate, Donald Trump for president.  Beavers said she thought, “Nobody else is talking about those things and this man is brave enough to be talking about it.”  Beavers was an early supporter of Donald Trump who went on to be a Trump delegate and the chair of the Tennessee delegation at the Republican National Convention, announcing Tennessee’s…

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Eric Metaxas to Speak at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro This Weekend

Renowned Christian writer and speaker Eric Metaxas will appear at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro this weekend. Metaxas is host of The Eric Metaxas Show, a radio program broadcast in more than 120 cities across the U.S. He is the author of Bonhoeffer, Miracles, If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty and Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery, which was the companion book to a feature film. His latest book is Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World. This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, in which Luther played a leading role. Along with other Christian leaders, Metaxas recently signed a letter from Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration to President Trump and leaders of Congress saying that the group believes “that the Bible does not teach open borders, but wise welcome.” The group contrasts with other evangelical coalitions that favor broad amnesties. Born in New York City, Metaxas grew up in Connecticut and graduated from Yale University. His other claims to fame include having written for VeggieTales. He co-wrote Lyle the Kindly Viking, and provided the voice of the narrator on Esther. He will be the special guest speaker for weekend services at World Outreach Church…

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Tennessee Doctor Loses Medicare Reimbursement Privileges Over $670 in Billing Errors

A West Tennessee doctor has lost his Medicare reimbursement privileges over $670 in billing errors, and the consequences are devastating for his practice and the rural community he serves. “After an unblemished 31-year career in medicine a local doctor is faced with accusations of Medicare billing fraud. On April 16, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) accused Dr. Bryan Merrick of 30 counts of wrongful Medicare billings over the course of 20 months,” the McKenzie Banner, located in rural Carroll County, reported last week: During the 20 month period in question, Dr. Merrick’s office filed approximately 30,000 Medicare claims for patients. The 30 claims account for less than one tenth of 1% of all billings. In other words, 99.9% of the 30,000 billings were filed correctly and in accordance with CMS guidelines. The estimated value of the wrongful billings is $670, which was never paid to Dr. Merrick or McKenzie Medical Center (MMC). All 30 counts are the result of clerical errors made by others, not Dr. Merrick directly. The penalty of these infractions is suspending Dr. Merrick’s Medicare billing privileges for at least three years. Meaning, he has a medical license and can see patients but no…

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Laurie Cardoza Moore Considering Race for Congress in Tennessee’s 7th District

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN -7) announcement that she will seek the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) in 2018 is creating growing interest in filling her seat. State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) has already announced his intentions to run, and now Williamson County Christian conservative activist Laurie Cardoza Moore confirms that she is considering launching her own campaign for the Republican nomination. “It may be a divisive time in our country, but as I listen to people about the issues that matter most to them and their families there is actually remarkable unity when it comes to what they want from our elected leaders,” Cardoza Moore said. “Americans want and deserve leaders who will stand and fight for our values and principles, not retreat or wilt in the face of media criticism or political pushback from the Establishment swamp dwellers. Most importantly, they want their representatives to clearly say what they mean, and mean what they say.” “Our conservative Christian American values have never been under greater assault from those who would seek to undermine us. Protecting unborn life, unleashing the restraints on our economy so that jobs and prosperity flourish, standing up for our friends…

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Latinos For Tennessee’s Raul Lopez Featured in Republican National Committee Q&A

Raul Lopez, executive director of Latinos For Tennessee, was tapped last month by the Republican National Committee to participate in a Q&A for its website on being Hispanic and Republican. “The RNC recently reached out to outstanding Hispanic leaders and asked them what being a Republican means to them,” the committee says in an introduction to the Q&A. Begun several years ago, Latinos For Tennessee is a conservative political action group. In addition to its involvement in politics, the group aims to help Hispanics in their communities by sponsoring events such as health fairs. In recent weeks, the group has helped with relief efforts for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. However, as a conservative group, Latinos For Tennessee struggles to get funding in an environment in which most support for Hispanic groups goes to those that are progressive. Latinos For Tennessee has taken stances against sanctuary cities and in support of President Trump’s immigration policies. It also promotes family values, including traditional marriage. The group is based in Nashville but has a presence in other parts of the state. Here is the full text of Lopez’s interview with the Republican National Committee: 1. What are the 3 most important values that…

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Commentary: Richard Viguerie and Other Conservative Leaders Demand New GOP Senate Leadership

by Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman   Today, CHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie joined conservative leaders Ken Cuccinelli II, President, Senate Conservatives Fund, L. Brent Bozell III, Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder, Tea Party Patriots, David Bozell, President, For America and Adam Brandon, President, FreedomWorks sending a letter to the Senate Republican leadership making the case that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s failed leadership and betrayals of the conservative – populist voters that brought President Trump to the White House have become an anchor around the neck of Republican Senators in the 2018 Republican primaries that can only be removed by the resignation of McConnell and his entire leadership team. “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s failures and betrayals of the conservative populist voters who brought President Trump to the White House have become an anchor around the neck of Republican Senators in the 2018 Republican primaries,” said conservative direct marketing pioneer Richard A. Viguerie. “Mitch McConnell acts like a Minority Leader, letting Far Left Democrats run the show on Capitol Hill, charged Mr. Viguerie, Chairman of “As the leader of the alleged conservative party on Capitol Hill he is at best incompetent, and more likely on the other side, leading the opposition…

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Shelby County Schools Teacher Questions Value of Standardized Testing Blitz

Woodson Maher wonders why more people don’t stop to ask how the Greatest Generation turned out OK without having been subjected to the battery of standardized tests that take up so much time in public schools today. Maher, who teaches marketing at Cordova High School in Shelby County Schools, isn’t convinced all of this is necessary. Testing is so time-consuming that attention is drawn away from delivering basic instruction, he said in an interview with The Tennessee Star. “For whatever reason, it has reprioritized the curriculum,” Maher said. Born and raised in Memphis, Maher is a product of Memphis public schools. After graduating from Lambuth University in Jackson, he began a career in marketing and advertising, spending 10 years in Nashville. An idealist long attracted to serving the community, he decided to see if he could make a difference in the classroom. He entered a teacher education program at the University of Memphis, beginning a journey in the world of education that he has found to be less than ideal. He has written a book about his observations called Margin of Error: How Public Schools Have Failed with Standardized Testing, Teacher Certification, and Vocational Education. At the end of August, he…

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President Trump Wows Pennsylvania Truckers With Tax Pitch

President Trump delivered a stem-winder of a campaign-style speech to an enthusiastic, capacity crowd of American Trucking Association members at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Wednesday. In the forty-minute appearance, President Trump discussed the policy framework of his pro-growth tax overhaul proposal, and the urgency to pass it. President Trump began by acknowledging the victims of the many natural disasters and tragedies that have befallen our fellow Americans over that last several weeks. “Before we begin,” he said, “I want to take a moment to address some of the recent tragedies that have struck our incredible nation. In the darkest moments, the light of our people has shown through like seldom before — their goodness, their courage, and their love. No destructive force on Earth is more powerful than the strength and resilience of the American people.” “We are praying for all of the families affected by the horrific mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas. We grieve with you, and we will never leave your side,” President Trump said, to thunderous applause. Watch the speech: TRANSCRIPT via the White House: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. It’s great to be back in Pennsylvania with the proud men and…

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Ingraham Takes America Behind the Scenes of Historic 2016 Election

In order to understand whether the current president’s “America First” agenda has staying power beyond this administration, it’s important to look back and properly define the growing populist movement in the United States, according to LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham. Ingraham started a tour this week to promote her new book, “Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist…

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Blackburn: I’ve Fought ‘Against the Establishment All of My Political Life’

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said that President Donald Trump “would win” against his outgoing critic, Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), in a hypothetical 2020 presidential primary, during an interview Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Blackburn announced Thursday that she will be running for Corker’s seat after he announced he would not be running for re-election in…

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Georgia Mom Upset Over School Assignment Asking Sixth-Graders to Identify Sexual Preferences

A Georgia mom is asking questions after her sixth-grade daughter was asked to identify sexual preferences and identities on a school assignment. “Why are they teaching that in school?,” Octavia Parks said to Fox 5 Atlanta. “What does that have to do with life?” Her daughter brought home the assignment last week from a health class at Lithonia Middle School in suburban Atlanta. The assignment had 10 questions asking students to come up with words like gay, lesbian and transgender. Parks said her daughter still watches Nickelodeon and that she’s not ready to explain those words to her. She said she would remove her daughter from the class and also go to the school board. A spokesman for the DeKalb County School District said in statement that “DCSD has been made aware of this alleged event, and is working to verify its authenticity. We will investigate this event and take action, as appropriate, once that investigation is completed.”    

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George Ciccariello-Maher, Drexel Professor, Placed on Leave After Offensive Las Vegas Tweets

Drexel University in Philadelphia has placed associate Professor George Ciccariello-Maher on leave due to security threats ever since he blamed “Trumpism” and the “narrative of white victimization” for the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Oct. 1. Mr. Ciccariello-Maher came under fire last week after he fired off a series of tweets criticizing white men less…

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Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero Successfully Presses School Board to Maintain Explicit Protections for Gender and Sexual Orientation

Editor’s update:  Despite the risks associated with maintaining the creation of additional, vaguely defined “protected classes,” the Knox County school board acquiesced to Mayor Madeline Rogero’s wishes and voted Wednesday night to keep the extended language in the employee and student handbooks with regards to the school system’s harassment policy. New language was added in 2012 that authors say was intended to protect LGBTQ persons from harassment, however, Chief Deputy Law Director David Buuck told the Knoxville News Sentinel that the change could imperil the school system with more – not less – lawsuits: “It has cost the taxpayers several hundred thousand dollars just to defend those. It’s just not right,” he said. “We have a duty to protect this board also from frivolous lawsuits, and despite what the professor of law said, as soon as you put in some of this wording that people out in this audience are wanting, it’s creating another protected in class in violation of equal protection for all students. “And the minute that happens, one or two of those same attorneys is going to be filing a lawsuit, and we’ll have to go to federal court and defend it.” The News Sentinel broke down the school…

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Cannes Film Festival Condemns Weinstein Sex Assault Revelations

The Cannes film festival’s senior executives on Wednesday said sexual assault allegations against disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein merit “only the clearest and most unequivocal condemnation”, as more women continue to come forward with accusations. “We have been dismayed to learn of the accusations of harassment and sexual violence recently levelled against Harvey Weinstein,” wrote the…

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Boy Scouts Will Now Admit Girls

The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that it will begin welcoming girls into its programs next year in a move that some conservatives fear will make the Girl Scouts “irrelevant” while undermining the Scouts organization. In a historic move, the Boy Scouts of America board of directors unanimously voted to admit girls into its Cub…

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Citizens United Endorses Marsha Blackburn for U. S. Senate

The political action arm of the powerful and influential group, Citizens United, delivered a full-throated endorsement Tuesday of Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) to fill the open Senate seat left behind by the retiring Bob Corker: Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement endorsing conservative Congressman Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate. “CUPVF is proud to support conservative change agent Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senator from Tennessee. Congressman Blackburn is a longtime friend of Citizens United and the conservative movement,” said Citizens United President David N. Bossie. “I’m proud to say that Congressman Blackburn spoke at all of our Freedom Summits advocating for our shared principles and values.” “We support Marsha Blackburn for Senate because she understands that you can’t just talk about a conservative agenda, you have to fight for it and get it enacted,” added Bossie, who served as President Donald J. Trump’s Deputy Campaign Manager. “Marsha Blackburn is a full spectrum conservative who fought the Obama agenda every step of the way and fully supports President Trump’s agenda of repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, and border security. I look forward to working with Marsha Blackburn in the Senate and I…

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Friends of Fort Negley Files Petition with Tennessee Historical Commission to Stop Redevelopment Plans

A preservation group is asking the Tennessee Historical Commission to protect Fort Negley Park from Nashville Mayor Megan Barry’s redevelopment plans. The Friends of Fort Negley filed a petition Monday asking the commission to include the property, which includes the abandoned Greer Stadium, in the Tennessee Heritage Protection Act of 2016, reports the Nashville Business Journal. The petition names Metro government as the respondent. Barry’s plans have drawn fierce opposition from a variety of groups who say they don’t honor the area’s history. She wants the Cloud Hill Partnership development team to build affordable housing, shops and restaurants, green space and creative spaces for artists on the land. The stadium has sat abandoned since the Nashville Sounds minor league baseball team moved to a new stadium north of downtown in 2015. The fort was built during Union occupation of Nashville during the Civil War. It was constructed with the forced labor of slaves and free blacks, a quarter of whom died from sickness in the winter of 1862. The United States Colored Troops, 13th Infantry Regiment, were among those stationed at the fort during the war and the Battle of Nashville, and reeanactors have relived their stories. “The city attempts to justify the…

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Ingraham: ‘It’s Time for a New Generation of Conservatives’ to Take Over Washington

LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday that the “Bush GOP is over” even if Establishment Republicans “might not know it yet.” Ingraham, who was promoting her book “Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump,” said that the conservative populism trumpeted successfully by President Donald Trump is the “winning…

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Scientist Roy Spencer: Climate Changes Naturally

FRANKLIN, Tennessee – On the surface, it would appear that Roy Spencer has a comfortable life. He is a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, where he directs climate research projects and has authored books and numerous articles for scientific journals. Unfortunately for Spencer, he comes down on the wrong side – the politically incorrect side – of global warming and climate change, for which he has taken a lot of heat. “Nothing we are seeing today is really out of the ordinary,” he said Saturday, sounding exasperated and battle weary as he discussed weather patterns. Spencer spoke at the Tennessee Eagle Forum Conference at the Embassy Suites hotel, where he provided a summary of the climate debate and spoke of his book, “An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy.” Spencer said he isn’t a climate denier, but rather a “lukewarmer.” He believes that carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere is causing some warming, but that it’s uncertain how much of it is the result of human activity. It’s also uncertain, he said, if we’re warmer now than during periods of warming in centuries past, such as during the medieval…

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Commentary: Republicans, You’ve Been Warned: Stephen Bannon’s Coming For You and He’s Bringing America with Him

Stephen Bannon, of Breitbart-turned-White-House-turned-back-to-Breitbart fame, has sent out a stern warning Republicans’ way, and it’s one that goes like this: I’m coming for you. For you and your pretty dog, Toto, too – minus Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz is safe. But aside from Cruz, “no one is safe,” Bannon said, during a Fox interview with Sean…

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EPA Begins Phase-Out of President Obama’s ‘Clean Power Plan,’ Reports Move Will Save $33 Billion

The Trump administration on Tuesday formally moved to ax the Clean Power Plan (CPP), beginning a lengthy process to dismantle a key Obama-era climate rule and arguing that the repeal will save $33 billion in compliance costs over the next 13 years. In a statement, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said the plan, designed to limit carbon…

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President Obama’s 19-year-old Daughter Malia Interned for Alleged Sexual Predator Harvey Weinstein

Former President Barack Obama has been silent so far on the firestorm surrounding Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer and major Democratic donor who was accused last week of three decades’ worth of sexual harassment. And as Republicans and Twitter users continued to blast him Monday for not commenting, a few brought up a unique connection the…

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Rep. Diane Black: ‘My Four Seats Will Stay Empty Until the Titans Stand for the Anthem’

Gubernatorial candidate and House Budget Chair Representative Diane Black (TN-06) made news Tuesday on the Hugh Hewitt show when she declared her four season tickets will go unused unless and until the Tennessee Titans stand to honor the flag during the National Anthem. In response to Hewitt’s question regarding her position of the so-called ‘NFL kneelers,’ Rep Black answered, “I have had [season tickets] since the Titans came to town. I actually did not miss a single game when they were in Memphis and we were building a stadium for them. But my four tickets are in the drawer, and they will stay in the drawer. My seats will stay empty until we have an appreciation of our flag, our men and women who fight for this country, and for what this flag stands for.” And then she turned her ire to NFL Commissioner Roger Goddell, saying, “And so I am disgusted with the whole NFL. I applaud Jerry Jones for what he’s doing, and I think all the owners should do that. And I think Goodell’s job should be pulled.” Hewitt pressed Black, asserting his distaste for boycotts, and asking, “Let the players say whatever they want. I just think you have…

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Omar Hamada: Conservatives Must Combat Liberalism, but With Maturity and Civility

FRANKLIN, Tennessee — What has happened to America? That was the question posed by Omar Hamada on Saturday at the Tennessee Eagle Forum Conference. “Lately you’ve probably been asking the same thing to yourselves that I’ve been asking,” Hamada said. How did we get to the point that we are right now?” Like many in his audience at the Embassy Suites hotel, who welcomed his analysis, Hamada believes the problems stem from turning our backs on God and not doing enough to combat the influence of liberalism. Hamada, a decorated Army veteran, physician and Middle Tennessee business executive in the health care field, said the modern philosophy of liberalism is the biggest threat in the world and in the U.S. today, bigger even than the threat of ISIS. Not one to mince words, he described liberalism as “a malignancy, a scourge and a death knell.” “It is destructive, it is evil, it is antithetical to everything we stand for and believe in as Christians and as conservatives,” said Hamada, who was born in Tallahassee, Florida, of Lebanese immigrant parents. Hamada said liberalism was unleashed in the 1960s, yet there were still bonds that held the country together. People stood for…

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NFL May Flag Players Who Kneel For Anthem

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell may signal a penalty on players who disrespect the flag and national anthem. Goodell sent a letter to all 32 NFL teams on Tuesday, Oct. 10 saying the league needs to move on, Business Insider reports. “Like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the National Anthem,” Goodell wrote. “It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us.” The topic will be discussed at a league meeting next week. Owners may allow players to give input, but they can make a decision without the union’s approval, the Daily Mail reports. The NFL may have already quietly changed its national anthem policy to allow teams to directly players instead of relying on the league to do so, the Daily Mail quotes ESPN reporter Chris Mortensen as saying. The policy now reads, “'[Players’ f]ailure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.’” Goodell does, however, plan to provide players a “platform,” Business Insider reports.…

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TDOT Records Show ‘Boss’ Doss Company Received Road Construction Subcontract Estimated to Be More Than $400,000

When The Tennessee Star asked State Rep. Barry “Boss” Doss (R-Leoma) why his company’s Doss Brothers, Inc. construction equipment was seen at a $2.2 million road construction project in Ardmore, the chairman of the House Transportation Committee who pushed Gov. Haslam’s gas tax increase through the Tennessee House of Representatives said “The turn lane being constructed in Ardmore on SR 7 was announced 2 years ago and was set to bid before the improve act was introduced!  Doss brothers inc. did not bid on the project!” Doss did not deny, however, that the construction company he owns, Doss Brothers, Inc., is working on the project. The Star can now confirm, based on documents obtained from the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) in a public records request, that Doss Brothers, Inc. is listed by the Rogers Group, the contractor who was awarded the $2.2 million project on March 31, 2017, as a subcontractor performing “earthwork” and “concrete flatwork” work on the project. [pdf-embedder url=””] The name of the “earthworks” subcontractor on the TDOT form for that March 31, 2017 contract awarded to the Rogers Group is Doss Brothers, Inc. Doss Brothers, Inc. is also named as the “concrete flatwork” subcontractor in that…

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Report: Butch Jones Will Start South Carolina Game with Redshirt Jarrett Guarantano as QB

With his job seemingly on the line, Tennessee coach Butch Jones has reportedly made a quarterback change. Redshirt freshman Jarrett Guarantano is expected to make his first career start on Saturday against South Carolina, according to Volquest. Sources: @BroadwayJay2 will get his first college start on Saturday. — Volquest Staff (@Volquest_Rivals) October 10, 2017 Guarantano, the…

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The Secrets of a Flu-Free Kid This Fall

A new school year is filled with exciting and challenging times for students and their families — but along with that come colds and flu season, too, no matter how old the kids may be . One of the leading health care-sharing ministries in America, Samaritan Ministries International, has partnered with direct primary care physician and…

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