Horrific Church Shooter in All-Black Tactical Gear Killed 26 and Injured Dozens More Before Armed Citizen Engaged and Pursued Attacker

UPDATE: Texas Department of Safety Regional Director Freeman Martin recounted the harrowing crime to a standing-room only press conference, aired live across several media outlets. “We have certain facts we can release to protect the integrity of the investigation. We have to release it in a timely fashion, and collect our information to insure our information is correct,” he began. “At approximately 11:20am this morning, a suspected was seen at a Valero gas station in Sutherland Springs, Texas dressed in all black. That suspect crossed the street to the church, exited his vehicle, and began firing at the church. That suspect then moved to the right side of the church and continued to fire. That suspected entered the church and continued to fire.” He continued: As he exited the church, a local resident grabbed his rifle and engaged that suspect. The suspect dropped his rifle, which was a Rutger A-R assault-type rifle and fled from the church. Our local citizen pursued the suspect at that time. A short time later, as law enforcement responded, that suspect, right at the Wilson-Guadalupe County line – he ran off the roadway and crashed out, and was found deceased in his vehicle. At this…

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REPORT: President Donald Trump’s Twitter Suspension Caused by Contract Worker, Not Employee

President Trump’s personal Twitter account was briefly suspended this week by a rogue contractor and not a company employee as previously claimed, according to a new report. Sources familiar with the matter said that a third-party contractor temporarily deleted the president’s Twitter account this week, The New York Times reported Friday, calling into the question the…

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GOP Congressman Introduces Resolution Calling Mueller ‘Compromised,’ Demands He Quit

A Republican congressman from Florida introduced a resolution Friday urging Special Counsel Robert Mueller to resign from the Russia probe, saying the one-time FBI director has his own conflicts of interest. Rep. Matt Gaetz said Mr. Mueller, who was FBI director in 2010, botched an investigation into Russian attempts to bribe and extort their way to…

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Commentary: To Solve the U.S. Opioid Crisis, Start by Treating Cultural Disease First

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Sometimes the solution to a crisis is so obvious that we feel foolish when failing to immediately recognize it. And sometimes it’s not so plain. Such is the case for the opioid epidemic in America. For those in need of explanation, “opioid” means “naturally occurring opium-containing substance” – any opium-containing substance that is produced naturally in the brain. It can also mean “similar to opium” – similar in effect or properties to opium but not derived from opium. A good many of us first learned about opioid dependency during the 2016 campaign when the issue was raised time and again with questions posed to candidates of both parties at virtually every stop – especially in New Hampshire. Drug addiction is hardly obscure but it’s not necessarily something you expect to concentrate on alongside tax proposals and foreign policy visions from stumping politicians. Both Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz relayed stories about losing someone close to them because of addiction so they spoke from the heart as well as experience when discussing the necessity to help those who need it the most — but how to do it? The federal role in the so-called “War on…

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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Calls for Complete Overhaul of DNC Following Clinton Rigging Revelations

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said the revelations that the Democratic National Committee rigged the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton underscores the need for an overhaul of campaign finance laws and a complete overhaul of the national party. Mrs. Gabbard, Hawaii Democrat, resigned as vice chair of the DNC in 2016 to endorse Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont…

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John Rose Declines To Participate in 6th Congressional District Public Forums With Opponent State Rep. Judd Matheny

HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee – John Rose declined to participate in a public forum here at VFW Post 9851 on Thursday with State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma), his opponent for the Republican nomination in the 6th Congressional District race in 2018 to succeed Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06), who is running for governor. The Hendersonville event was one of four similar forums around the district that Rose will not be attending. In a letter dated October 31 and received on the day of the first forum, Rose declined participating in any of the upcoming forums, as he is “currently focused on meeting and listening to the voters of Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District,” adding that “there will be a time for forums and debates,” and At the appropriate time, I look forward to a forum sponsored by a well-established, independent, reputable organization. Rose’s letter declining the invitation did not elaborate on what he considered to be a “reputable organization.” The forum was organized by a group of long-time middle Tennessee activists, led by Katherine Hudgins of the 4th Congressional District ; well-known taxpayer advocate and Nashville Tea Party founder Ben Cunningham; founding member of Sumner United for Responsible Government, Ruth Fennel; as well as Kevin…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Sunday, November 5

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing November 5, Sunday Isaiah 6:8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.      

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Senator Rand Paul Suffers Minor Injury After Home Invasion Attack in His Bowling Green Home

Senator Rand Paul was a victim of a home invasion assault in his Bowling Green home Saturday afternoon, sustaining what police describe as ‘minor injury.’ The Bowling Green Daily News reports reported Paul spokesman Kelsey Cooper said in a statement, “Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault. The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police. Senator Paul is fine.” Local reporter Daniel Pike, with the The Bowling Green Daily News, tweeted the Kentucky State Police statement regarding the assault. Kentucky State Police say BG man is accused of assaulting U.S. Sen. Rand Paul. More soon at https://t.co/0e4oaL9gA7. pic.twitter.com/VODOihjrCa — Daniel Pike (@DPikeBGDN) November 4, 2017 Dr. Boucher is an anesthesiologist (retired), osteopath, and inventor who lives in a nearby neighborhood, according to publicly available records. He is currently being held in the Warren County Region Jail. The Bowling Green Daily News adds: Boucher is a Bowling Green anesthesiologist and pain specialist who developed a product called Therm-a-Vest, a cloth vest partially filled with rice and secured by Velcro straps that is designed to relieve back pain by delivering heat directly to the areas of the back where most pain is felt. Boucher applied for a…

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Nashville Mayor Megan Barry’s Transit Plan Faces Criticism From Working Class

Many critics of Nashville Mayor Megan Barry’s mass transit proposal are conservatives and libertarians, but her plans have also prompted criticism from left-leaning advocates of the poor and working class. A group called People’s Alliance for Transit, Housing and Employment (PATHE) has formed to press the progressive Democratic mayor and other Metro leaders to make affordable housing, higher wages and immediate improvements to the bus system greater priorities. A key element of Barry’s proposal is light rail along five corridors, but PATHE maintains that “light rail is meaningless if most of us can no longer afford to live along the routes,” according to a statement on the group’s website describing its mission and purpose. The statement also says: While no one denies that our public transit system needs major expansion, we still have not been presented with a plan that addresses the most pressing crises facing our communities, mainly economically distressed neighborhoods and residents. The experience of other cities, including Denver and Atlanta, has shown that without explicit community benefits (or equivalent measures) legally written into or alongside major transit projects, there are unintended, devastating consequences for everyday people. These include dramatic cost of living hikes along new transit corridors, mass displacement…

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Permit Holders Allowed to Carry Firearms in New Tennessee Legislative Building

Carry permit holders will be allowed to bring their firearms into the new home of the Tennessee state legislature, according to a joint statement issued this week by Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) and House Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville). Lawmakers have started relocating to the renovated Cordell Hull Building from the War Memorial Building and Legislative Plaza. The Cordell Hull Building will open to the public Nov. 15. “Tennessee carry permit holders are among the most law-abiding demographics in our state,” the statement said. The new policy requires permit holders to present their permit at security and undergo a thorough screening that will determine the permit’s validity. Once that is verified, a permit holder will get the green light to carry on the premises. To receive a permit, people must be fingerprinted, submit to a background check and get firearms training.

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The SCOTUS Case That Let Clinton Hijack Party Fundraising

Former Democratic party leader Donna Brazile called the Hillary Clinton campaign’s takeover of party fundraising a “cancer.” Writing in Politico Thursday, Brazile said it “broke my heart” to discover that her predecessor as party chair had given the Clinton campaign power over the Democratic National Committee’s “finances, strategy, and all the money raised” during her primary…

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Commentary: Will Bad Apples Bob Corker and Jeff Flake Spoil the Whole GOP Bunch?

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   It’s now been over a week since Arizona Senator Jeff Flake delivered his melodramatic retirement announcement speech on the senate floor and the fateful words the establishment lawmaker uttered are still reverberating around Washington. Some even believe Flake and fellow retiring Senator Bob Corker are now “free” from the usual invisible restraints placed on politicians running to retain their offices, suggesting the two could make things pretty difficult for President Donald Trump and the GOP majorities going forward. Are they right? Sarah Westwood of the Washington Examiner reported, “Neither Corker nor Flake have the same incentives as their fellow GOP lawmakers, between now and Nov. 2018, to fall in line behind Trump as their party works to pass tax reform, repeal Obamacare, cobble together an immigration package that legislates DACA protections and keeps the government open past the holidays. “The margin of error for Republicans, with a slim 52-member majority in the Senate, was already too narrow for the GOP’s comfort. It took just one Trump critic, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., to sink months of work on a healthcare plan that the president pushed aggressively through the House and Senate.” I hate to disagree with…

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UT Martin Identifies Professor of English Charles Bradshaw as Author of Threatening Letter, Says It Was ‘Speech Protected by the First Amendment’

The chancellor of the University of Tennessee at Martin issued a statement late Friday identifying Dr. Charles Bradshaw, associate professor of English, as the author of an anonymous letter that contained threats of violence against the student sponsors of a Student Government Association resolution to allow students concealed carry privileges on campus, a story The Tennessee Star broke on Friday morning. “As many of you are aware, a situation arose this week from an open letter issued by Dr. Charles Bradshaw, UT Martin associate professor of English, under the pen name ‘Wesley Sniper’ that contained descriptions of mass violence on our campus,” Dr. Keith Carver, UT Martin chancellor said in the statement. “The letter was originally crafted as an example of satirical writing for one of Dr. Bradshaw’s classes; however, the letter soon became distributed to a much broader audience. Many individuals who saw the letter outside of the class became concerned for the safety of the campus and reported the matter to the police,” Carver continued. “After an initial investigation, the UT Martin Department of Public Safety quickly determined that the campus was not in imminent danger. Dr. Bradshaw was placed on paid administrative leave while the matter was…

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Scientists Use Particle Physics to Discover a Great Void in the Great Pyramid

The space was recently discovered using particle physics, and cosmic rays. An illustration showing the approximate position of the void in the pyramid. canPyramids mission In the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere, a rain of high-energy radiation slams into the thin air. The impact creates a second shower of charged subatomic particles, like muons, which fall…

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Sen. Bob Corker Slams President Trump For Not Ruling Out Firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions

U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) on Friday blasted President Trump for refusing to rule out firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions if the Department of Justice doesn’t pursue investigations the president wants. Earlier Friday, Trump tweeted that the Justice Department and FBI should investigate “Crooked Hillary & the Dems.” The Associated Press reported that when asked before departing for his trip to Asia if he would fire Sessions if the Justice Department doesn’t do more to investigate Democrats, Trump said, “I don’t know.” Corker said in a statement, “Like me, most Americans hope that our justice system is independent and free of political interference. President Trump’s pressuring of the Justice Department and FBI to pursue cases against his adversaries and calling for punishment before trials take place are totally inappropriate and not only undermine our justice system but erode the American people’s confidence in our institutions.” Like me, most Americans hope that our justice system is independent and free of political interference. My full statement: pic.twitter.com/R4WrhSPQz3 — Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) November 3, 2017 Corker’s statement was the latest volley in his feud with Trump over the president’s leadership abilities. Special counsel Robert Mueller continues to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential…

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Pay To Play: Tennessee House Republican Leadership Hands Down Dues Requirements To Its Caucus Members

The Republican Leadership of the Tennessee House of Representatives recently provided the Tennessee House Republican Caucus with a detailed and mandatory “Due Schedule,” specifically stating that “the contribution amounts are required by each member” of the caucus, along with a warning of potential reprisals for not following the “pay-to-play” directive, a source with direct knowledge tells The Tennessee Star. The Star is in receipt of the “Due Schedule” document that came out of a late August Sunday morning Republican House Member Caucus meeting, the timing of which coincided with Sunday worship and summer vacation for many. The “Due Schedule” cites that every Republican House Member must pay dues of $1,000 each. With Republicans holding the super majority 74 of 99 seats, the baseline Member dues results in an initial fund raising total of $74,000 for the Caucus. The top leadership positions are held by Beth Harwell (R-Nashville), Speaker of the House and gubernatorial candidate; Steve McDaniel, Deputy Speaker; Curtis Johnson, Speaker Pro Tempore; Glen Casada (R-Franklin), Republican Leader; and Ryan Williams, Caucus Chairman. Dues for each of the twelve “Leadership” positions, to be paid in addition to the Member dues, are itemized as follows: Leadership Speaker of the House – $9,000 Deputy…

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Former GOP Congressional Candidate Dr. George Flinn Asks President Trump to Amend Abusive Obama-Era Medicare Billing Regulation

Dr. George Flinn, who narrowly lost the 2016 Republican primary in Tennessee’s 8th Congressional District to Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN-08), has asked President Trump to amend an abusive Obama-era Medicare billing regulation that has put the medical practice of a beloved West Tennessee doctor on life support. “I am asking you to direct Seema Verma, the director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), to amend § 424.535(a)(8), an Obama-era rule which has crushed doctors across the country. This rule is a prime example of government overreach and overregulation, which I know you are working diligently to correct,” Flinn wrote in a letter to the president on Thursday. “The current rule, particularly section (ii), is being interpreted in a way that punishes doctors for minor errors without warning and without consideration. Specifically, this rule is being interpreted in a way that does not allow healthcare providers to fix minor errors before disciplinary action is taken. These minor errors in clerical processes can even cost some communities access to quality healthcare,” Flinn continued, adding: A possible example of this rule being misapplied concerns a small town doctor named Dr. Bryan Merrick. Dr. Merrick, a physician in McKenzie, a small West…

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Concealed Carry Resolution by Students at UT Martin Sparks Threat from Faculty Member Now on Leave Who Administration Refuses to Identify, Claims It Was ‘A Class Exercise’

Officials at the University of Tennessee at Martin confirmed to The Tennessee Star on Friday that a faculty member has been placed on leave for writing a threatening letter to the student sponsors of a controversial Student Government Association resolution that would allow students to have constitutional concealed carry privileges on campus, pending the passage of enabling state legislation. “Yes, we have been looking into this since Wednesday afternoon when a student contacted Public Safety,” Scott D. Robbins, Director of Public Safety at U.T. Martin, told The Star Friday morning: We did find out who the professor was that wrote the letter in just a few minutes. The faculty member who admitted to composing the letter has been placed on administrative leave with pay. He has been cooperating with our department and university administration. I presented the letter and report to our District Attorney Tommy Thomas and there are no plans to file criminal charges. The faculty member is under a directive not to return to campus, which is customary in an employee being put on administrative leave. The chancellor of our university is out this week for the Board of Trustees meeting in Knoxville but I understand he is going to meet with the…

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April Carroll Grows in Her Role as Student Republican Leader at MTSU

MURFREESBORO, Tennessee — April Carroll thought she was a Democrat when she enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University. Carroll grew up on a farm in Linden, where her parents voted Democrat, and so did her grandparents on her father’s side. But during a class her freshman year on American government and politics, Carroll learned that many of the positions she and her family held fit better with the Republican Party. They were pro-life and pro-NRA, and for lower taxes. Carroll soon became friends with two other students in the class who were members of the MTSU College Republicans, and before long she was a member, too. She became the group’s secretary and now is serving her second year-long term as chairman. Today a 21-year-old senior, Carroll is a political science major with a concentration in public administration and a minor in history. There are more conservative students at MTSU than some might think, but they’re not always open about their beliefs, Carroll said. “I think they’re scared,” she said, describing how they fear a backlash at a time when many college campuses are tilting more leftward, including in red states. Carroll said many professors and students in the political science…

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President Trump to Rep Diane Black: ‘You Came Through’ on Tax Reform

It’s been a busy day for Republicans on The Hill, as the tax reform package promised by then-candidate Trump and touted by now-President Trump, is finally introduced to Americans. While the details of the proposal are yet to be fully understood, the Republican House leadership team that produced the work took a bit of a victory lap Thursday with the President. Among them is the House Budget Committee Chair, Representative Diane Black (R-TN-06), who is also running to replace outgoing governor Bill Haslam. During a press availability at the White House Thursday, President Trump made sure to single out Rep. Black individually for her role to both pass the budget and the create the tax reform bill. “I called Diane Black and you came through, Diane,” he said, shaking her hand as Speaker Paul Ryan looked on. In a separate statement from the White House, President Trump said, “I applaud the House Ways and Means Committee for introducing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which is another important step toward providing massive tax relief for the American people. My tax reform priorities have been the same since day one: bringing tax cuts for hardworking, middle-income Americans; eliminating unfair loopholes and deductions; and…

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Teachers at Memphis High School Told Not to Give Students Grades Below 65

A Memphis high school is telling teachers not to give grades below a 65, leaving some teachers feeling frustrated, reports WREG News Channel 3. One teacher at Kingsbury High School shared an email with WREG that Assistant Principal Nora Jones sent to teachers Monday asking them to fill in missing grades for students. “The grade floor at Kingsbury HS is 65,” the email said. “If you issued grades below a 65, please correct this also.” The teacher said faculty members have to give a student a 65 even if the student didn’t come to class. Keith Williams of the Memphis-Shelby County Education Association teachers union told WREG that other schools in the district have also set a grade floor to boost grades. He said he has expressed concerns about the practice at past school board meetings. Williams said “you cannot give to students what they do not earn” and that principals do not have the right to put teachers in these “troublesome kinds of situations.” There should be a uniform policy across the district, he said. The district’s grading policy doesn’t refer to minimum grades, according to WREG. A Shelby County Schools spokesperson said they were looking into the matter at…

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Donna Brazile: DNC Was Under Full Control of Clinton Campaign

In an excerpt from her new book, “Hacks,” former interim DNC head Donna Brazile revealed that the Democratic National Committee was under the full control of Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary, with the Clinton campaign controlling all finances, communication and staff. The revelations are further confirmation that the Democratic primary election was rigged by the…

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Candidate Rebecca Ann Burke Responds to Jeff Ford’s Candidacy for District 61 State Rep. by Calling Him Out as a ‘Phony Conservative’

State House Representative Charles Sargent (R-Franklin) announced in late October that after two decades of service, he would not seek re-election in 2018. The decision came after long-time conservative activist and firebrand Rebecca Ann Burke declared her intent to challenge him for the State House District 61 seat. This week, fellow Republican and current Williamson County Commissioner Jeff Ford announced his candidacy to replace state Rep Sargent – a move met with a vigorous response from Burke. “Mr. Ford presents himself as a conservative, but he is looking like anything but. He is willing to cut deal with members of the Swamp, the GOP establishment, to further his campaign. He has placed his campaign in the hands of a local political operative that the media reports has a history of hiding donations to use against strong, conservative candidates,” she said, adding that Ford does not live within the boundaries of District 61. Burke is referring to Gregory Gleaves of the political consulting firm, DirectEdge, who has reportedly skated a little too close to the ethical and legal bounds. In August 2016, Rocky Top Politics detailed evidence of Gleaves’ efforts to disguise money donated by political enemies to defeat conservative incumbents in the Tennessee…

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Tennessee Unemployment Rates Drop Below 5 Percent in All 95 Counties

For the first time in recorded state history, unemployment rates in all 95 Tennessee counties fell below 5 percent in September, Gov. Bill Haslam announced last week. September was also the fourth consecutive month that the state had a historic low statewide unemployment rate. The 3 percent statewide unemployment rate is the lowest in the Southeast and eighth lowest in the nation. “With every county seeing unemployment rates below five percent and with a record statewide unemployment rate, Tennessee’s fiscal strength is clear and the investment in our workforce is paying off,” the Republican governor said in a news release. “Employers know that Tennessee is a place where they can find skilled workers, so they continue to expand and relocate here.” At 2.1 percent, Williamson County had the lowest unemployment rate in September, followed by Davidson County with the second lowest at 2.2 percent. Rhea County in East Tennessee continued to have the highest unemployment rate, but in September its rate fell from 6 percent to 4.9 percent. In January, the rate was 10.2 percent. Haslam credited foreign investment with helping bring down unemployment rates.

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Nashville Metro Council Members Express Concerns About Mayor Megan Barry’s Soccer Stadium Proposal

Some Metro Council members are expressing reservations about Mayor Megan Barry’s soccer stadium proposal ahead of next week’s vote. Most of those voicing concerns are primarily raising questions about the 10-acre mixed-use development planned for the Nashville Fairgrounds along with the stadium, according to what they told the Nashville Scene.  Barry is trying to attract a Major League Soccer expansion team to Nashville, and her $250 million plan calls for Metro to allow the ownership group to lease 10 acres at the fairgrounds for a mixed-use, mixed income development that would include affordable and workforce housing. There also would be a hotel and retail. Council member Jeremy Elrod told the Nashville Scene he supports the stadium but not the plans for the 10 acres. “Handing over the 10 acres for free isn’t needed to get a team here or to build the stadium,” Elrod said. “The team says they need amenities to make the game day experience work, but why should they receive for free the right to build them on Metro property? If the stadium and the area is going to do as well as everyone thinks, developers will be lining up to build around there.” Council member Tanaka Vercher,…

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Hillary Clinton Defends Trump Dossier as Opposition Research, Makes Dubious Claims About Its Release

Tennessee Star

Hillary Clinton says the infamous Democratic-financed, Russian-sourced dossier did not “come out” during the election. That is not the full story. “From my perspective, it didn’t come out before the election as we all know,” Mrs. Clinton said Wednesday night on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show. She defended the dossier as standard opposition research. But some…

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Commentary: Bannon and Viguerie Meet, RINOs and Democrats Get Halloween Fright

by ConservativeHQ.com Staff   CHQ Chairman Richard A. Viguerie and executive chairman of Breitbart News Steven K. Bannon got together on Halloween at the Fortieth annual meeting of the Pumpkin Papers Irregulars – an annual dinner celebrating the life and legacy of Whittaker Chambers – and Washington’s RINOs and Democrats were left quaking in their boots. The icebreaker for the evening’s event was Mr. Viguerie’s Halloween costume – a Steve Bannon disguise, complete with a cork gun to blow away the Washington establishment. In his remarks to the group Bannon identified two existential threats to the United States and constitutional liberty; political Islam in an axis stretching from central Asia through Persia to the Mediterranean, and – especially important before President Trump’s trip to Asia – Chinese mercantilism. In his remarks Bannon emphasized the themes he injected into a flagging Trump campaign that rocketed Trump from being as much as 16 points behind Hillary Clinton in the early Fall to his 306 to 232 electoral vote demolition of Clinton on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Echoing remarks he made earlier this summer that the economic war with China is everything. And we have to be focused on that. If we continue…

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