Trump Hails Senate Passage of Tax Reform

President Trump hailed the Senate’s passage of tax cuts early Saturday, saying Americans “are going to be very, very happy.” “They’re going to get tremendous tax cuts. That’s what we need,” he told reporters at the White House. The Senate voted 51-49 early Saturday to approve the tax-cut plan of more than $1.4 trillion for businesses…

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Mick Mulvaney Looks for More Trump Appointees to Help Him ‘Refocus’ Consumer Bureau

Interim Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Mick Mulvaney said Thursday that he wants to bring more Trump political appointees on board at the agency as he pores over its books and considers halting dozens of pending cases targeting businesses. “We’re trying to get help over here,” Mr. Mulvaney told The Washington Times in an interview.

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Smartphone Market Seeing Steady Growth, as Bigger Screens Dominate


The global smartphone market is expected to see steady if unspectacular growth in the next few years, as consumers turn increasingly to large-screen handsets known as “phablets,” a market tracker said Wednesday. A report by the research firm IDC said phablets — with displays larger than 5.5 inches (14 centimeters) — will account for some 40 percent of the 1.5 billion smartphones sold in 2017, and that the phablet share will rise to more than half by 2019. …

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Save Our Fairgrounds Files Lawsuit to Stop Nashville Major Megan Barry’s Soccer Stadium Proposal

Save Our Fairgrounds filed a lawsuit this week over Nashville Mayor Megan Barry’s proposal for a soccer stadium, mixed-used development and other amenities at the Nashville Fairgrounds, reports WKRN News 2. Attorney Jim Roberts, vice chairman of Save Our Fairgrounds, filed the lawsuit Wednesday in Davidson County Chancery Court. The lawsuit names Metro Nashville government as the defendant. In early November, Metro Council approved funding for the plan, designed to attract a Major League Soccer (MLS) franchise. Nashville is among four finalists for two new MLS franchises along with Cincinnati, Detroit and Sacramento. MLS is expected to make a final decision later this month. The lawsuit alleges Barry’s proposal violates the city charter by interfering with the fairgrounds’ existing uses, including the annual state fair, flea market and auto racetrack. As a result of past efforts to redevelop the fairgrounds, Save Our Fairgrounds collected signatures to put a referendum on the ballot in 2011 to protect existing uses. The referendum passed by 73 percent. Barry has said existing uses would be protected and enhanced, but opponents are skeptical because of the enormity of the plans and the need for parking. The lawsuit says the area where the stadium would go is currently…

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Former WSMV News Channel 4 Newscasters File Age-Discrimination Lawsuit

Three former veteran newscasters at WSMV-TV News Channel 4 have filed an age-discrimination lawsuit in federal district court in Nashville. The former popular news personalities are Dennis Ferrier, Jennifer Johnson and Nancy Van Camp. The Meredith Corporation, the station owner, denies the allegations. “This case sheds light on some ugly truths about what is happening at Channel 4,” said attorney Brian Winfrey of Morgan & Morgan in a news release issued by the law firm Tuesday. “My clients are accomplished professionals. They don’t deserve this treatment after decades of dedicating their careers to Channel 4.” According to the lawsuit, station management in 2015 began a pattern of hostile behavior toward older broadcasters. Comments were made about getting rid of the “old timers” and hiring “faces that appeal to a younger demographic.” The suit alleges that a news director would say of Ferrier, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” A number of employees over 40 were removed and replaced by younger employees between 2015 and 2016, the suit says. In addition to ridicule, the workplace hostility included unfair job scrutiny and adverse job assignments, the suit alleges. Ferrier, Johnson and Van Camp were all forced off the air. Ferrier is…

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Watchdogs Turn Up More Evidence Obama’s EPA Broke Federal Law

Tennessee Star

Former President Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency used a social media platform to secretly promote the agency’s policies in violation of federal law, according to a conservative watchdog group in Washington, D.C. Judicial Watch obtained 900 pages of documents Monday showing the EPA used social media to lobby support for the Waters of the United States rule. The agency used Thunderclap, a platform that shares messages across Facebook and Twitter, to recruit outside groups to generate support for various environmental policies. …

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Nashville Scene Makes Big Staff Reductions

The left-leaning alternative newsweekly Nashville Scene announced significant staff cuts Thursday. Top editor Steve Cavendish and arts editor Laura Hutson were among 25 percent of editorial staff losing positions. Alternative weeklies across the country are struggling, reported the Nashville Business Journal. The Nashville Scene is owned by SouthComm, a Nashville-based media company that owns a variety of alternative newspapers and other news sources across the U.S. Locally, SouthComm also owns the Nashville Post and Nfocus, which have also been affected by the cuts. “SouthComm is in the midst of a changing of a guard, at all levels of the organization,” said CFO Bob Mahoney. “This announcement is neither the first nor will it be the last.”

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Commentary: President Trump Is Right in Challenging Atty Gen Jeff Sessions to Confront the Deep State On Shady ‘Wiretapping’

Trumo FBI with Docs

by CHQ Staff   President Trump has once again taken to Twitter to light a fire under the Department of Justice. In a post early Wednesday the President tweeted: The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump. Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW! @FoxNews The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump. Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW! @FoxNews — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2017 In an internal House memo obtained by Fox News, and reported by senior Washington Reporter James Rosen, a senior counsel for the House Intelligence Committee urged Republican Chairman Devin Nunes three weeks ago to pursue contempt of Congress citations against the Justice Department and FBI. Rosen reports Congressional investigators accuse those agencies of withholding key documents and an FBI witness that could shed light on whether U.S. officials under then-President Barack Obama relied on the infamous anti-Trump “dossier” to justify surveillance against…

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Lois Lerner Cites Years-Old Threats to Keep Her Dirty IRS Activities Secret

The threats that former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner says are serious enough to keep her court depositions forever secret date back to 2014, and she hasn’t shown any new threats, according to new court documents filed late Thursday. Ms. Lerner and her key deputy, Holly Paz, have demanded a judge forever seal their depositions and parts of any documents that mention those depositions, saying they fear for their safety. …

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BuzzFeed to Cut Jobs, Refocus Advertising

BuzzFeed said Wednesday it was cutting an estimated 100 jobs as the news and entertainment website reorganizes its advertising efforts in the face of disappointing revenues. The cuts will be mainly in the business and advertising divisions in the US operations, with a number of editorial and business employees cut in Britain, a spokesman said, confirming an earlier report in the Wall Street Journal. …

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Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett Stands Up to Freedom From Religion Foundation

Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett is not backing down in the face of a challenge from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The East Tennessee chapter of the Madison, Wisconsin-based group wants Burchett to order a county health department employee to move a personal display that references God, reports the Knoxville News Sentinel. Shawnee Casteel, the chapter’s director, said in a Nov. 8 email to the county that she saw the display while changing her legal name back to her maiden name. Casteel said the display would be OK if it were not visible to the public via a bulletin board behind the window where the employee sits. In a response Nov. 20, Burchett said he would not ask the employee to move the display. “Faith is such an important part of our lives and of all the things going on in this world … this is the place where they attack us … I think it’s very telling,” Burchett told the Knoxville News Sentinel. Written on a piece of paper, the display reads, “Just think, you’re here not by chance, but by God’s choosing. His hand formed you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one…

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Senator Corker Joins Democrats, Will Vote ‘No’ on Once-in-a-Lifetime Tax Reform

In a move he telegraphed for weeks, retiring junior Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee announced Friday afternoon he will not vote for the tax reform package heading to the floor of the Senate, citing concerns for the government’s mounting deficits and debt. “This is yet another tough vote. I am disappointed. I wanted to get to yes,” Mr. Corker said in a statement, released on Twitter. “But at the end of the day, I am not able to cast aside my fiscal concerns and vote for legislation that I believe, based on the information I currently have, could deepen the debt burden on future generations,” he said. My statement on the tax reform legislation: — Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) December 1, 2017 Senator Corker pushed hard for the bill to include a “trigger” that would undo reforms, should the American economy not meet certain benchmarks after the plan was implemented. Republican leaders rejected the idea, instead adopting other Senators’ suggestions on SALT (state and local taxes) and small business tax provisions – along with their votes. “While I support a number of the provisions included in this legislation and continue to believe it would have been fairly easy to…

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Phil Fulmer Named Interim AD at University of Tennessee, Currie Placed on Leave With Pay

Phil Fulmer has been named interim Athletic Director at the University of Tennesseem and Athletic Director John Currie “has been placed on leave with pay,” UT Chancellor Beverly Davenport said at a press conference Friday afternoon. “Phillip Fulmer has been a great representative of the university. He has been a student-athlete, a head coach, and a father of UT student-athletes. He understands our history, our rich traditions, and the importance of supporting our student-athletes,” Davenport said in a statement released on Friday. Fulmer played college football at UT and was the head coach when UT won the national championship in the 1990s. “I am confident that Phillip understands our commitment to excellence in all of our athletic programs and I appreciate his willingness to serve during this critical time,” Davenport added.

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Report: Tennessee Has Fired Athletic Director Who Botched Search for Head Football Coach

WBIR-TV in Knoxville is reporting that the University of Tennessee has fired athletic director John Currie for his handling of the search for a new head football coach. According to reports, Currie attended a short meeting Friday morning at the chancellor’s office. The meeting reportedly lasted approximately eight to 10 minutes. When asked if he had been fired, Currie refused to comment on what happened during the meeting. The university has not released a statement about the situation. Due to his contract, Currie would likely be owed money from the university. Currie has been under fire after multiple attempts to hire a new head coach have failed. Former head coach Butch Jones was fired in November. The Knoxville News Sentinel is reporting that UT Chancellor Beverly Davenport “has a press conference scheduled for 4 p.m. ET Friday,” at which time it is expected Chancellor Davenport will confirm Currie has been fired. As The Tennessee Star reported, a revolt by Vol fans last Sunday on social media forced Currie to withdraw his offer to former Rutgers head coach Greg Schiano: Harsh social media reaction forced University of Tennessee Athletic Director John Currie to back off from hiring former Rutgers head coach…

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Scientist Claims He Was Forced To Quit His Govt. Job After Becoming A Trump Admin Adviser

A scientist who’s worked at North Carolina’s environmental agency for more than two decades said he was forced out after being appointed to a Trump administration scientific advisory board. Donald van der Vaart was chosen to serve on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Science Advisory Board in early November, less than 24 hours later, he was…

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Scott Williams Vying With Rep. Art Swann for Doug Overbey’s Tennessee State Senate Seat

UPDATE: Friday 3:30 pm central The Blount County Commission has voted to appoint state Rep. Art Swann to Doug Overbey’s state Senate seat.    In a statement, Lt. Gov. Randy McNally said:    “Congratulations to my friend Art Swann on his appointment to the Tennessee Senate by the Blount County Commission. Art has been a highly respected member of the House of Representatives who has served his constituents with great distinction. He will be an excellent state Senator for the people of Blount and Sevier counties.”   As a virtual unknown, Scott Williams (pictured, left) got nearly 40 percent of the vote last year when he went up against former state Sen. Doug Overbey (R-Maryville) in the race for the Republican nomination for the District 2 seat. Now he wants to be appointed to the seat. Overbey resigned from the Senate Nov. 21 to be sworn in as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee. The Blount County Commission in East Tennessee today will appoint someone to fill his seat. The meeting will be held at 12:15 p.m. in Room 430 at the county courthouse. State Rep. Art Swann (R-Maryville) also wants to be appointed to the seat and has…

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Roy Moore Challenges Late Night Host Jimmy Kimmel to Face Him and Alabamans ‘Man to Man’ After Interrupting Church Services

Anti-Christian, progressive chauvinist Jimmy Kimmel sunk to a new low Wednesday night as he sent his stringer, toadie ‘comedian’ Rich Barbieri (a/k/a Jake Byrd) into an Alabama church to interrupt a worship service where US Senate candidate Roy Moore was speaking. But Roy Moore and his team won’t be letting Kimmel and company’s insults slide this time. “Jimmy Kimmel and the ‘Hollywood elite’ cross the line when they invade our Churches under a disguise and attempt to make a mockery of our worship services,” Drew Messer, a senior adviser to Moore, told Breitbart News on Thursday morning after the incident at the church on Wednesday night. “If Kimmel wants to mock our Christian values, he should come down here and do it man to man instead of hiding behind a camera in Hollywood,” Messer said. “And yes, Jimmy, we will still rebuild our military, build the wall, protect our gun rights, reform our tax code, and support President Trump whether you like that or not. Hollywood will not bully us around.” Senior Moore adviser Brett Doster agreed, saying in a separate email to Breitbart News: Last night, Jimmy Kimmel sent one of his goons to disrupt an Alabama worship service…

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Council on Islamic Education Worked with Textbook Publishers, Educational Organizations and Teachers to Erase ‘Miconceptions’

Public school students across the country are receiving instruction about Islam from proselytizing Muslim speakers using the excuse of “correcting misconceptions” even though the Council on Islamic Education (CIE), worked for years with textbook publishers, provided teacher training and supplemental classroom resources for teaching about Islam consistent with state social studies standards. Shabbir Mansuri founded CIE in 1991, to: provide academic support and scholarly resources about Islam and Muslim history to K-12 textbook publishers, educators, and others. We went on to cultivate expertise in world history and teaching about world religions, producing assessments of national and history-social studies state standards, training thousands of teachers, publishing high-quality teaching materials, and reviewing numerous social studies textbooks. To that end, CIE sponsored multiple conferences focusing on textbook content and national standards related to teaching about Islam and Muslims. In 2007, CIE changed its name to the Institute on Religion and Civic Values. An article posted on SoundVision, an organization that promotes proselytizing Islam to students in public school, quoted Abigail Jungreis, Editorial Director for school social studies at Houghton Mifflin regarding CIE: We’ve had a really good relationship with them [the CIE] over the years. Their reviewers are knowledgeable, access to primary source materials. She gives Susan…

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Judson Phillips Commentary: Jimmy Kimmel, Have You No Decency?

Hollywood went to Alabama Wednesday night and the result was not pretty. A paid agent of Jimmy Kimmel went to an Alabama church where Judge Roy Moore was speaking and disrupted the church service. “Jake Byrd,” allegedly a comedian who works for Kimmel, began screaming during the service about the women who have made unsubstantiated or even debunked claims against Judge Moore. No one asked Byrd the famous question, “Sir have you no decency?” No one needed to. Just as asking, is ice cream good or is Hillary Clinton evil; some questions have an answer that is self-evident. Hollywood, as evidenced by Jimmy Kimmel, despises real America. Hollywood thinks real America exists merely to be a punchline in their jokes. Their attitude towards Christians in real America is simply one of contempt. They believe the people who support Roy Moore in Alabama have the IQ of a boll weevil and are entitled to as much respect as that beetle. Hollywood and the entertainment industry is totally silent today on the issue of the disruption of a church service by a TV show desperately seeking ratings. The network that ignored Matt Lauer’s sexual antics for years thinks there is absolutely nothing…

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Rep. Luis Gutierrez Mulling 2020 Presidential Bid

Retiring Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) is considering launching his own 2020 presidential bid, Politico reported Wednesday. The day after the 63-year-old liberal congressman announced he would not seek reelection to his House seat, Politico spoke with him about his future political ambitions. “I will be reaching out to people across the country,” Gutierrez said. “This is…

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McConnell: ‘Absolutely Outrageous’ for Media to Question Trump’s Mental Health

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) slammed news outlets that have raised questions about President Donald Trump’s mental fitness, saying Wednesday on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” that the accusations “are absolutely outrageous.” It’s no secret that Trump and McConnell don’t always get along — the president often rips McConnell for the Senate’s inaction on his…

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Randy Boyd Fundraiser With Jeb Bush Closed to the Public, $4,000 Bought a Picture With Both

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Jeb Bush on Thursday headlined a fundraiser for Republican gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd at the Omni Hotel downtown. Boyd, who is considered an establishment figure by grassroots conservatives, has faced criticism for turning to Bush to boost his campaign. The former Florida governor badly failed in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination last year. Thursday’s event was closed to the media, which a Boyd campaign spokeswoman reiterated in the hotel lobby when approached by a reporter and photographer for The Tennessee Star.  There did not appear to be any other journalists at the Omni. Several Boyd supporters and volunteers approached by The Star declined to be interviewed. Earlier in the day, Bush spoke at a conference on education at the Omni, where U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos also spoke. The conference, which concludes today, was organized by the Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd), an initiative founded by Bush that promotes school choice and other education reforms. In the evening, Bush fans paid big bucks to mingle with him and Boyd and Boyd’s wife, Jenny, at the fundraiser. A photo reception cost $4,000 per person/couple. A general reception cost $1,000 per person/couple, and the dinner that…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Friday, December 1

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing December 1, Friday 1 Peter 5:5 …clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Revelation 14:7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”    

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