The Left Turns on Megan Barry

Community Oversight Nashville (CON), a coalition of leftist and left-leaning groups came together to issue an open letter Monday raising serious questions as to Mayor Megan Barry fitness to hold office, in light of the bombshell revelations into possible legal and ethical wrongdoing stemming from her elicit extra-marital affair with the head of her security detail, Rob Forrest.

The letter begins:

We, undersigned members of the Community Oversight Now Coalition, are writing this letter to ensure that our concerns regarding the ramifications and repercussions of Mayor Barry’s admission of an improper relationship with MNPD Sergeant Robert Forrest, Jr. are adequately considered and fully addressed. We have also filed an ethics complaint with the Metro Board of Ethical Conduct as we are convinced that Mayor Barry has acted unethically.

We feel that Mayor Barry may have been improperly influenced against the community oversight board due to her relationship with Sgt. Forrest.

Community Oversight Nashville’s members come from a broad spectrum of left-of-center groups, including Black Lives Matter, Justice for Jocques, Democracy Nashville, Gideon’s Army, The Harriet Tubman House, and No Exceptions Prison Collective. The coalition’s aim is to form community oversight committees to which law enforcement would answer in cases of misconduct or other questionable acts.

Their concern with Mayor Barry goes to her ability, now, to act as an honest broker when it comes to the police reforms they seek.

“We believe that all of that needs to be investigated because it raises the question of whether her affair with Sergeant Forrest was affecting how she handled matters that affected public and public safety,” CON leader Theeda Murphy told News Channel 5.

Read the Open Letter:

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3 Thoughts to “The Left Turns on Megan Barry”

  1. Floyd

    Megan Barry’s relationship with black community leaders has been contentious from the beginning as she has all but ignored them. She’s not a very bright politician. Even the Clinton-Obama playbook on how to properly rig an election recommends vigorous exploitation of this important demographic. It can help you win and subsequently assist with blind support during the ensuing scandals and criminal investigations. Ignoring them has only created more problems for her today.

  2. Kevin

    Aside from the ethics of the affair, the misuse of City funds, and the quid pro quo in hiring her lover’s daughter, she has one over riding problem. Her last name isn’t Clinton!

  3. Wolf Woman

    How in the world can Megan Barry continue as mayor? Her support is crumbling around her, the leftist black groups, the Metro Council votes for an investigation by a large majority, continued revelations about her unethical behavior in public office. And she refuses to step down? She’s a typical progressive democrat, shameless.
