In An Open Letter, Conservative Icon Charles Krauthammer Reveals His Terminal Illness, Bids Farewell

Charles Krauthammer

Fox News published an open letter to colleagues and fans written by conservative icon Dr. Charles Krauthammer Friday that revealed the beloved pundit and Special Report regular suffers from cancer, and that he has only weeks to live. “This is the final verdict. My fight is over,” he wrote. Krauthammer took a leave of absence in August of 2017 to undergo surgery – the details of which were not discussed at the time – but a number of secondary complications plagued the 68-year-old’s recovery. As recently as February, Krauthammer reached out to say he “will be back” in a letter Special Report host Bret Baier read on camera. In his letter Friday, however, he shared that recent tests found that although the procedure to remove the malignant tumor from his abdomen was successful, the cancer had returned. “I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months,” his letter began. “I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me.” Read the full letter: Official Statement – Charles Krauthammer by Fox News on Scribd  

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A Doctor and a Constitutional Lawyer Are Battling for the GOP Nomination to Succeed Beth Harwell in House District 56


Come November, the winner of the GOP primary for Beth Harwell’s District 56 seat will face off against Democrat Bob Freeman, son of wealthy real estate developer and former Nashville mayoral candidate Bill Freeman. Republican primary opponents Nashville attorney Joseph Williams (pictured, right) and dermatologist Brent Moody (pictured, left) strike an interesting contrast to each other. One of the few things they do have in common is that neither has a voting record by which to evaluate where they will land on controversial issues like in-state tuition for illegal alien students, legalizing medical marijuana and infrastructure needs, when finally in office. Brent Moody, M.D. is a Nashville dermatologist whose campaign’s statement to The Tennessee Star says that “Dr. Moody is the conservative, pro-life candidate interested in implementing principles that will benefit Tennessee – smaller government, cutting red tape and burdensome regulations, making sure that our government spends wisely, and fighting to ensure Tennessee is free of sanctuary cities. Specifically, Dr. Moody is focused on keeping Tennessee a low tax, pro-business State and making sure that tax payers are getting the full value for every dollar the government spends on their behalf, while continuing to responsibly grow our State’s economy and create jobs. Additionally,…

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NRSC Uses Trump to Blast Bredesen in Second Video

Phil Bredesen

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has gone after Democrat Phil Bredesen in a new YouTube video released on the heels of President Trump’s recent visit to Tennessee to campaign for Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). Bredesen and Blackburn are expected to battle for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) in the November general election. The video can be viewed in full below. The Times Free Press reported on the video’s release here. Trump’s criticisms of Phil Bredesen are laced throughout the video. “Tennessee doesn’t need another obstructionist Washington Democrat,” says the video, which features footage of Trump’s attacks on Bredesen last week. In a nod to Trump’s continuing popularity in the state, this also isn’t the first time the NRSC has invoked the president in going after liberal Democrat Bredesen, as The Times Free Press noted: The NRSC spot follows another video using the president’s remarks, which were posted to YouTube last week by expected Senate GOP nominee U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s campaign. Both come on the heels of Trump’s criticisms of Bredesen last week during a rally in Nashville. “Phil Bredesen thinks he has Tennessee fooled,” says the NRSC’s 46-second spot which first features a…

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Candidate for Governor Bill Lee Launches New Television Ad, ‘Conservative Outsider’

Bill Lee tv ad

Gubernatorial hopeful Bill Lee released a new television commercial Thursday titled “Conservative Outsider” that emphasizes his twenty-year track record as a successful Franklin-area businessman employing more than a thousand workers. The ad features several scenes of Bill Lee at work serving many roles from hard-hat supervisor to suit-and-tie executive. Meanwhile, a voiceover narrates: Bill Lee is a leader. He is the only conservative outsider. The only non-politician running for governor. He’s built an incredibly successful company with over 1,200 employees. Bill’s been voted the most admired CEO in Nashville and his Lee Company was named the best place to work in Middle Tennessee. Tennessee must have a leader as governor. In a field of politicians, there is only one, Bill Lee. Watch the commercial: The campaign said in a statement that the ad is set to run statewide on both broadcast and cable outlets. Bill Lee is among a total of four candidates vying for the Republican nomination for governor. The other candidates include Representative Diane Black (R-TN-06), Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd, and Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell. The winner of the primary election in August will face off against either former Nashville mayor Karl Dean or State House Minority Leader Craig…

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US Steel Says It Will Add 800 Jobs Thanks to Tariffs

steel factory

US Steel is hiring in the wake of President Donald Trump’s steel tariffs, CBS Pittsburgh says, citing a CNN Money report. US Steel said Tuesday it’s restarting the second of two blast furnaces at its plant in Granite City, Illinois, near St. Louis. It will bring on 300 workers to support the effort. The company previously announced it would reopen the first furnace, which would create 500 positions to be filled by new and returning employees. “After careful consideration of market conditions and customer demand, including the impact of Section 232, the restart of the two blast furnaces at Granite City Works will allow us to serve our customers’ growing demand for high quality products melted and poured in the United States,” US Steel CEO David Burritt said in a press release. Section 232 refers to the part of the trade law Trump invoked in March when he imposed steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, citing national security concerns. While waivers were at first granted to US allies, Trump last week slapped a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union. All three are retaliating with…

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In a New TV Ad, Diane Black Says ‘We Need Lanes, Not Trains’ to Solve Nashville’s Traffic Woes

Diane Black

In a new commercial released in the Nashville media market, top-tier gubernatorial candidate Diane Black distilled her transportation proposal down to a single five-word phrase: “We need lanes, not trains.” The long-time Tennessee representative says her plan will ease the frequent and notorious traffic snarls in part, by directing interstate trucks to a completed highway 840 bypass which will “make room for all of us who live here.” Black’s Transportation Plan, announced in May, centers around using existing revenue to expand existing roadways as well as build new ones. “Traffic is a problem that needs to be addressed in this region,” Black said at the unveiling of her plan. “But big government boondoggles are not the solution. The real solution is completing existing road projects and funneling commercial interstate traffic outside of commuter areas. We also need to recognize that this is not just a Davidson County problem. This is a regional problem, and we need all the counties in the area to come together and work on a regional master plan.” Watch the commercial: TRANSCRIPT: Diane Black: Stuck in traffic? Cross-country trucks are part of the problem. If we finish Interstate 840, we can send the trucks around the loop…

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Tennessee Adds 45,000 Jobs Over Past Year

Handshake deal

Tennessee’s unemployment rates remain low and the state added 45,000 jobs the past year, the National Federation of Independent Business said. According to the March 2018 numbers from the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, 82 of the state’s 95 counties saw lower unemployment rates that month than they did in February, NFIB said. The lowest rate, 2.5 percent, was in Williamson County; the highest, 5.8 percent, was in Houston and Bledsoe counties, although that rate was a decrease for both counties from the prior month. Between April 2017 and April 2018, Tennessee added approximately 45,000 new jobs, with the biggest swells occurring in the leisure/hospitality, professional/business services, and education/health services sectors. “It doesn’t seem that long ago that several Tennessee counties had unemployment rates in the high teens, so the continuing trend of low unemployment rates across the state is wonderful news,” NFIB/TN State Director Jim Brown said. The good news continued in April as well. In mid-May, Gov. Bill Haslam and Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Burns Phillips announced that the statewide unemployment rate in April was 3.4 percent, representing the third consecutive month this number had held steady. April 2018 marked one year since…

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Chapter 2: The Media Revolution of 1776

Paul Revere

by Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman   This is Chapter 2 (“The Media Revolution of 1776”) from America’s Right Turn: How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Power, by Richard A. Viguerie and David Franke “What is past is prologue,” and conservatives can learn valuable lessons from this exciting chapter of American history—lessons we can use today as we battle the new media monopolies of the Left. With this chapter, you will appreciate how the role of patriotic media started and fueled a political revolution that continues to this day:  The couriers carrying the latest news on horseback, most famously Paul Revere, where the truth is even more powerful than the legend.  And Tom Paine, the most influential pamphleteer of all time, revered by George Washington.  We learn about the first political action committee (PAC), the first war correspondents, and why the American colonials were so hungry for news and opinion.  We also see early lessons of how and why polemicists are more attuned than politicians to the needs and desires of the populace. As you read this chapter, you may want to take a notepad and list the parallels you see between the era of the American Revolution and…

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Commentary: Democrats’ Cultural Vulnerabilities to Produce November Reckoning

Bill Clinton

by Jeffery Rendall   I think most people (even liberals) would agree – someone like Bill Clinton shouldn’t be talking about how to treat women and the “Me too” movement. After all, guys such as philandering ‘ol Bubba Bill are more or less responsible for starting the phenomenon having moved on practically every female of childbearing age during his years in elected office. Bill’s well-documented prurient history isn’t preventing him from snapping back at critics questioning his character these days, however. Jim Geraghty wrote in National Review, “Bill Clinton assures us that he was the hero during the impeachment and scandal relating to his affair with Monica Lewinsky: ‘Former President Bill Clinton spoke out about the MeToo movement and the Monica Lewinsky scandal as NBC’s Craig Melvin sat down with him and author James Patterson, saying, ‘If the facts were the same, I wouldn’t’ act differently today than he did at the time. ‘A lot of the facts have been conveniently omitted,’ he says. ‘I defended the Constitution.’ “Rarely do you see such a symphony of hypocrisy and not-so-suppressed rage. “’I think partly they’re frustrated that they’ve got all of these serious allegations against the current occupant of the Oval Office,…

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Bredesen’s Donations to Liberal Democrats Total Almost A Half-Million Dollars

Phil Bredesen

Despite efforts to misleadingly position himself as a pro-Trump Democrat in his bid for the U.S. Senate from Tennessee, a deep dive into his political giving shows that former Gov. Phil Bredesen is all but the half-a-million dollar man when it comes to giving to the most liberal of Democrats running nationally in past years. In essence, “Bredesen donated nearly half-a-million to liberal politicians,” as The Washington Examiner reported: Bredesen has branded himself as a sort of pro-Trump Democrat in his race against Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., to succeed retiring Republican Sen. Bob Corker. He says that he isn’t “the toy of the national Democratic Party.” Campaign contributions filed with the Federal Election Commission and the Tennessee Campaign Finance database say he is a party favorite thanks to $460,691 in campaign contributions. For the last three decades, Bredesen has given faithfully from his pharmaceutical fortune. He has contributed to congressional and Senate and presidential campaigns of dozens of major liberal candidates since 1983. Now that money could come back and haunt his current ambitions in a state President Trump won by 26 points. Bredesen’s campaign is not denying his huge financial support for liberal Democrat candidates over many years. “Bredesen…

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