Jordan Peterson Came to Nashville and Packed the House on His ’12 Rules for Living’ Tour

Jordan Peterson

As a part of a book tour to promote his best-selling 12 Rules for Living, straight-talking clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson appeared at the Ryman to a packed house on Monday night. Dr. Jordan Peterson gained national attention in Canada after openly and vehemently opposing a speech code laws that would criminalize using the wrong pronoun for a (transgender) person. His fame grew exponentially after a half-hour slug-fest of an interview with British reporter Cathy Newman went viral. Here in Tennessee, people came from miles around to hear the influential psychologist and professor speak about the essential skills and habits adults need to lead happy and fulfilling lives. But rather than review the details of his book, Peterson spent his time in Nashville discussing an array of topics, including his ‘Sleeping Beauty Philosophy’ (here’s a three minute summary by Peterson – note: some adult language). We’ve got lobsters! The crowd went wild when Peterson took the stage. Insane crowd tonight. Get it, @jordanbpeterson! — Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) June 12, 2018 And then, the audience serenaded him with “Happy Birthday” (Peterson’s birthday is June 12). When the crowd settled down, Peterson began his talk in earnest. You could hear a pin drop. (Yes; even the texting guy —…

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Women and Girls in Eight Battleground States at Increased Risk For Female Genital Mutilation

Tennessee Star

The 2013 Population Reference Bureau (PRB) estimate that over 500,000 women and girls in the U.S. are at risk for female genital mutilation (FGM) has been confirmed by an updated analysis issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Eight “battleground states” where voters will determine control of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives in November, are ranked by the PRB within the top 20 states where women and girls face the highest risk of   FGM – Minnesota (3rd), Ohio (9th), Pennsylvania (11th), Michigan (15th), N.Carolina (16th), Colorado (17th), Arizona (19th), Nevada (20th). Three cities within the battleground states are ranked in the top 10 Metropolitan areas where women and girls face the greatest risk of FGM. Minneapolis, Minnesota is the metropolitan area with the largest Somali community in the country. Columbus, Ohio, the metropolitan area with the second largest Somali community in the country ranks number 7, followed by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which is ranked 8th and where an estimated 16,000 women and girls are at risk for FGM. Updating its U.S. FGM risk estimate from 1990 to 2012, the Center for Disease Control 2016 Public Health Report showed that “the total number of women and girls in the United States at…

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Former Governor Sundquist Hosting Fundraiser for Jimmy Matlock Congressional Campaign

Matlock and Sundquist

Former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist, who became a political “untouchable” for nearly two decades after unsuccessfully attempting to force a state income tax down the throats of Tennessee taxpayers, is increasingly moving back into the political arena. First, he endorsed Randy Boyd for Governor, though Sundquist has been a visible component of the Boyd campaign since his endorsement. Then, in April, after Marsha Blackburn had cleared the field in her bid to succeed Senator Bob Corker, Sundquist urged Republicans to get behind her to defeat Democrat Phil Bredesen. Now, State Representative Jimmy Matlock, who is locked in a tough fight with Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett to replace 2d District Congressman Jimmy Duncan, is trotting Sundquist out for a fundraiser next Monday. The event, also hosted by Congressman Jimmy Duncan and his wife Lynn, is being held at the home of Ted and Drama Russell in Knoxville. The income tax is not the only political baggage that Don Sundquist drags along with him when he endorses a candidate. Illegal immigration is a top concern among Republican primary voters in Tennessee and nationally, and Diane Black is under fire for her vote to give driver’s licenses to illegals in 2001.  Meanwhile,…

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Entire TN GOP House Delegation Supports Spending Cuts in $15 Billion Rescission Bill, While Dems Vote No

Tennessee Republician House Delegation

The final vote on the “Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act,”  a $15 billion rescission bill, that passed the U.S House of Representatives on June 7 – and which the White House supported – is unsurprising. The two Tennessee Democrats in the House voted to continue spending your tax dollars on “expired and unnecessary programs,” while the seven Tennessee Republicans in the House voted to stop the waste. Tennessee Republicans who voted yes to cut spending: Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN-01) Rep. Jimmy Duncan (R-TN-02) Rep. Chuck Fleischman (R-TN-03) Rep Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN-08) Tennessee Democrats who voted no and opposed cuts in spending: Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) The White House released a statement at the time of the vote. For those keeping score at home, this is just one more bit of proof that the party of Phil Bredesen has absolutely no intention of reining in spending in Washington. The Administration applauds today’s passage of H.R. 3, the Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act, in the U.S. House of Representatives and urges the Senate to quickly act on the legislation. In keeping…

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Corker Tries to Undermine Trump Again, Says President is Damaging Relationships With Friends

Bob Corker

U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) is criticizing President Donald Trump once again, media outlets report. Fox News’ Congressionis al reporter Chad Pergram tweeted Tuesday, “Senate Foreign Relations Cmte chair Corker on Trump: I think there is no questions that we are damaging relationships with very close’s unnecessary..I don’t understand why we would go out an purposefully create negative discourse when it’s not necessary.” Senate Foreign Relations Cmte chair Corker on Trump: I think there is no questions that we are damaging relationships with very close’s unnecessary..I don’t understand why we would go out an purposefully create negative discourse when it’s not necessary. — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) June 12, 2018 Corker also unloaded on his fellow Republicans for supposedly cowering from Trump, Roll Call reported. The retiring Tennessee senator was angered that his amendment to the defense authorization measure that would reclaim congressional prerogatives on trade and tariffs would not be up for a vote, Roll Call said. He mocked senators for not standing up to Trump, including the No. 2 Republican, Majority Whip John Cornyn. “Gosh, almighty, I heard the senator from Texas, the senior senator from Texas saying the other day, well, gosh, we might upset the…

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Flinn Launches New TV Ad Focused on Kustoff Voting with Nancy Pelosi 227 Times

George Flinn commercial

Dr. George Flinn has begun airing a new campaign commercial accusing Congressman David Kustoff of betraying the people of West Tennessee by accepting money from law firms that represent terrorists, by voting with Nancy Pelosi hundreds of times and accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from special interest lobbying groups in his first term. Despite Congressman Kustoff’s promise to destroy radical islamic terrorism, Flinn notes that he accepted campaign donations from two law firms that are best known for representing terrorists in court. Those law firms, Covington & Burling LLP and King & Spalding LLP donated to Kustoff’s reelection campaign on June 26, 2017 and March 30, 2018, respectively. Covington & Burling boasts on their website that they currently represent 15 detainees in Guantanamo Bay at no charge. “These two law firms could not be further removed from our West Tennessee values,” Flinn said. “Covington & Burling and King & Spalding are left-leaning, social justice warrior law firms that want a direct line to a fellow trial lawyer in Congress,” he added. Flinn’s new television ad also points out that Kustoff also has voted with Nancy Pelosi 227 times in his first term (as of June 6, 2018) as…

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Bob Corlew Commentary: Democrats Will Stop at Nothing to Impeach President Trump

Bob Corlew

by Judge Bob Corlew, Candidate for Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District   Political prognosticators have predicted there might be a blue wave coming in November. They believe the House will flip to Democrat control and the U.S. Senate race in Tennessee could decide who controls the U.S. Senate. It is important to keep in mind these same prognosticators also discounted then-candidate Donald J. Trump, and all but anointed Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States. Although I believe the Republicans will stay in control in Washington, Democrats in the House of Representatives have become more vocal on impeaching our president if they do take control as the prognosticators predict. Impeaching President Trump is becoming a campaign promise from Democratic candidates in races across the country and a litmus test for their far-left liberal donors and activists. Democratic Congressman Al Green of Texas stated that President Trump is “the quintessential person that impeachment was designed for” and Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California said “to get ready for impeachment.” Tom Steyer, a billionaire liberal from California, is running over $20 million worth of television ads imploring Congress to impeach President Trump. Because impeachment is becoming a normal talking point…

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Commentary: Does Robbing Children of Work Deny Them a Sense of Fulfillment?

Kid mows the lawn

by Annie Holmquist   Headlines in 2018 seem to tell a recurring story: Unemployment rates are lower than ever. Numbers which registered in double digits only a few years ago are now strikingly low and telling a tale of booming prosperity. All that is well and good, particularly for those in the Trump Administration. But many of us have overlooked another set of unemployment numbers – numbers which are soaring and signaling a tale of doom for those caught up in the vicious cycle. Who are these unknown unemployed? Quite simply, they are our children. Columnist and author Katherine Reynolds Lewis makes this case in a recent interview with NPR. According to Lewis, the focus on helping children succeed in all kinds of extracurricular activities has prevented parents from involving their children in chores and other household responsibilities. As a result, these children are excluded from the valuable lessons and sense of community, value, and belonging that these chores bring. “They’re not asked to do anything to contribute to a neighborhood or family or community,” Lewis told NPR. “And that really erodes their sense of self-worth — just as it would with an adult being unemployed.” She continued: “To be straight-A students and athletic…

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Scientists Have Created a ‘Flux Capacitor’ That Could Unlock New Dimensions to Communications, Quantum Computing

Flux Capacitor

by Thomas Stace   The technology that allowed Marty McFly to travel back in time in the 1985 movie Back to the Future was the mythical flux capacitor, designed by inventor Doc Brown. We’ve now developed our own kind of flux capacitor, as detailed recently in Physical Review Letters. While we can’t send a DeLorean car back in time, we hope it will have important applications in communication technology and quantum computing. How did we do it? Well it’s all to do with symmetry. There are many kinds of symmetry in science, including one that deals with time reversal. Time Reversal Time reversal symmetry is a complex sort of symmetry that physicists like to think about, and relies on the imaginary as much as the real. Suppose you make a movie of an event occurring. You could then ask: “If I edited the movie to run backwards, and showed it to my friends, could they tell?” This might seem obvious: people don’t usually walk or talk backwards; spilt milk doesn’t spontaneously jump back into its carton; a golf ball doesn’t miraculously launch backwards from the fairway, landing perfectly balanced on the tee at the same moment as the club catches it. Golf doesn’t…

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Rep. Steve Cohen Unhinged Over Trump North Korea Summit Public Largely Supports

Steve Cohen

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) has come unhinged on Twitter over President Trump’s historic summit with Kim Jong Un in Singapore earlier this week. While there is certainly room for skepticism as to how much trust to place in North Korea’s leaders on the heels of their meeting with President Donald Trump, a new PEW research poll shows overwhelming support for the talks among the public as a whole. Americans overwhelmingly support direct talks between the United States and North Korea over its nuclear program. About seven-in-ten (71%) approve of these talks, while just 21% disapprove. However, the public is skeptical about whether North Korea’s leaders are serious about addressing concerns over its nuclear program. Changing views on whether U.S. does too much – or too little – globally. Americans are now evenly split over whether the U.S. does too little (33%), too much (30%) or the right amount (29%) to solve world problems; that is a change from two years ago, when the plurality view (41%) was that the U.S. did too much globally. The shift has been driven by changes among partisans: Republicans and Republican-leaning independents increasingly say the U.S. is doing the right amount globally, while Democrats and…

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