Boyd and Black Unleash a Flurry of Attack Ads

Randy Boyd, Diane Black

Diane Black fired the first direct shot, but the Randy Boyd campaign has responded quickly and Black has already followed up with a second attack ad that solely targets Boyd. Bill Lee has not yet aired anything but positive ads at this point in the Tennessee Governor’s GOP primary race that is quickly descending into the bloodbath between Boyd and Black that most expected. Black aired the first “comparison” campaign ad that tagged two of her primary opponents, Bill Lee and Randy Boyd, as being “two moderates.” The ad focused on Boyd, but the inclusion of Lee underlined his recent surge in the polls. But Black has followed up almost immediately with a second ad that only hits Boyd as being “anti-hunter” while touting Black’s endorsement by the NRA.  In fact, the ad is titled “Anti-hunter” to make the point clear. Black “Anti-hunter” campaign ad transcript: Where does Randy Boyd stand on hunting and guns? Randy Boyd hired his lobbyist from an anti hunting organization. Randy Boyd’s firm gave big money to the lobbying group that would make hunting illegal. The NRA called them an anti- hunting, extremist organization. But Randy Boyd called them “partner”. Read about Randy Boyd’s anti-hunting…

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Bill Lee Donated $1,000 to Phil Bredesen in 2004, Nothing to Donald Trump in 2016

Bill Lee

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee donated $1,000 to Phil Bredesen’s campaign in 2004, when the current Democrat candidate for U.S. Senator was gearing up to run for his second term as governor of Tennessee, and did not contribute to Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign, according to reports filed with the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and the Federal Election Commission. A spokeseperson for the Lee campaign confirmed to The Tennessee Star that Lee donated $1,000 to Bredesen in 2004, but noted that Lee also donated $1,000 in 2006 to his Republican challenger that year, Jim Bryson. The spokesperson also confirmed what a review of Federal Election Commission records by The Star revealed: Lee did not contribute to Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign. The spokesperson was quick to add that Lee voted for Trump in 2016 and attended the January 2017 inaugural. Bredesen’s 2004 election finance report filed with the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance shows that William B. Lee of Franklin, Tennessee donated $1,000 to Phil Bredesen on October 5, 2004. (See image below).       This new revelation that Lee, who describes himself as an “outsider” and a “conservative,” donated $1,000 to the state’s most well-known Democrat and ultimate…

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Commentary: Is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Still Smirking?

Rod Rosenstein

by CHQ Staff   Yesterday, Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein about the documents he has been withholding from Congress, as Rosenstein smirked his way through the questioning by Jordan, and Representatives Trey Gowdy and Louie Gohmert. You can watch the full exchange between Jordan and Rosenstein through this link to C-SPAN. “Mr. Rosenstein, why are you keeping information from Congress?” Jordan asked in a particularly heated exchange, reported by our friend Rachel Stolzfoos of the Federalist. “I want to know why you won’t give us what we asked for,” Jordan said. Rosenstein called Jordan’s characterization “inaccurate,” causing Jordan to erupt. “It is accurate!” he exclaimed. “We have caught you hiding!” Jordan dismissed the Deputy AG’s denials the DOJ is hiding anything, asserting that the House vote would dispute that notion. “I think in a few minutes the House of Representatives is going to go on record saying you haven’t complied with requests from a separate and equal branch of government, that you haven’t complied with subpoenas, and you got seven days to get your act together.” Jordan accused Rosenstein of instructing FBI agent Peter Strzok — who testified before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees — not…

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The Tennessee Education Association Embraces the Union Label in Washington D.C., Denies It in Nashville

NEA headquarters

JC Bowman writes: “There are many other completely, independent non-union organizations now in America that represents public school educators, giving them a clear, non-union voice.  This means they do not spend a large portion of their lobbying efforts and their political funds focusing on bills and causes that fall outside the scope of education.”

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Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Diane Black

Tennessee Right to Life on Friday announced its endorsement of Diane Black for governor. Tennessee Right to Life’s endorsement is the most recent on a growing list of pro-life organizations backing Diane Black including Susan B. Anthony List and National Right to Life, the campaign said in a press release. Another recent endorsement was by the National Rifle Association. “For more than 14 years Diane Black has demonstrated principled leadership toward the legislative goals of Tennessee Right to Life,” said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life, the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization. “Our members have the deepest confidence that, among a field of pro-life candidates, Diane Black is best prepared by her experience and pro-life leadership to take on the next challenges facing Tennessee’s Right to Life movement.” Black said, ”Although Tennessee Right to Life is one of the most respected groups in our state, the work they do is not for praise or recognition, but for justice and protection for the lives of the unborn. Tennessee Right to Life has been an organization close to my heart for years. In the state legislature, we worked together to pass some of the strongest pro-life protections in the nation. I…

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Democratic IT Aide Says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe from Him in Exchange For Contract with Then-Rep. Gwen Graham

Awan with cash

by Luke Rosiak    – Democratic IT aide Imran Awan solicited a bribe from an IT vendor in exchange for work with then-Rep. Gwen Graham, the vendor said.  – The Department of Justice knows about the vendor, but hasn’t been contacted.  – The vendor said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz would encourage newly elected members to hire Imran or his relatives. Democratic IT aide Imran Awan solicited a bribe from an IT vendor in exchange for contracting opportunities with the office of then-Rep. Gwen Graham, the vendor alleged to The Daily Caller News Foundation, adding that Imran spoke to him in detail about his alleged financial fraud schemes in the House. The Department of Justice knows of the source — the longtime owner of a major House IT company — and what he is prepared to testify, a high-level official in Jeff Sessions’ DOJ with knowledge of the investigation confirmed. But the vendor said no law enforcement ever even tried to interview them. Imran worked as an IT aide for the congressional office of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz before he and various family members began appearing on the payrolls of other members, particularly from Florida. The House Inspector General found that the Awans made “unauthorized…

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Gates Foundation Pushes Back On Report Saying $215 Million Education Investment Was A Flop

Bill Gates

by Rob Shimshock   Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates’ $215 million investment in education was a colossal failure, according to a report by the RAND Corporation and the American Institutes for Research. But the foundation emphasized Friday some of the initiatives “important outcomes.” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated the funds to three public school districts in Memphis, Tennessee; Pittsburgh and Hillsborough County, Florida, reported The Washington Post. The school districts, as well as four charter management groups, provided more money, boosting the endowment to $575 million. The project aimed to implement teacher evaluation systems based on students’ test scores, as well as the input of “peer evaluators.” It was not very effective, according to the 587-page study. “Overall, the initiative did not achieve its stated goals for students, particularly LIM [low-income minority] students,” the study said. “We did not find improvement in the effectiveness of newly hired teachers relative to experienced teachers; we found very few instances of improvement in the effectiveness of the teaching force overall; we found no evidence that LIM students had greater access than non-LIM students to effective teaching; and we found no increase in the retention of effective teachers, although we did find declines in the…

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Trump-Putin Summit Shows Why the President Is Ahead of the Curve

Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump

By Robert Romano   President Donald Trump will be meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on July 16. There the two will discuss nuclear weapons and U.S.-Russian relations. This is not only the right time to cool tensions between the two foremost nuclear powers — who have clashed over Syria, Ukraine and other potential hotspots — but also the right time politically for Trump to take to the international stage. Coming off a successful summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, achieving an agreement in principle to denuclearize the Korean peninsula, President Trump’s popularity is soaring. He has the political capital to meet with Putin. Trump’s surge, simultaneously stunning and perplexing to D.C. elites — but not to his supporters — comes as he does not appear to be hampered even in the slightest by the ongoing Russia investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Probably because there was no collusion. But not only does Trump have the political capital to meet with Putin from a position of strength, it is politically smart for him to do it. Peace is popular. Not only is this what Trump ran on in 2016 — achieving a better relationship with American adversaries…

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Congressional Candidate Katie Arrington Out Of Intensive Care After Car Crash

Katie Arrington

by Evie Forham   South Carolina Republican congressional candidate Katie Arrington was moved out of intensive care and has begun physical therapy after a June 22 car crash left her in serious condition, a Thursday tweet from candidate’s Twitter account said. Arrington is expected to make a full recovery after the collision. Katie Arrington was moved out of ICU last night. Her physical therapy session today went extremely well and was twice as long as yesterday’s session. Katie knows these sessions are important steps toward her return to serving and fighting for the Lowcountry. #PrayForKatie — Katie Arrington (@karringtonsc) June 28, 2018 Arrington was sitting in the passenger seat when another car driving in the wrong lane smashed into the South Caroline state representative’s vehicle. Arrington’s driver, the candidate’s friend, Jacqueline Goff, was also critically injured, reported The Post and Courier. The other driver, Helen White, died at the scene. Arrington had surgery on her abdomen and back. She gained national attention when President Donald Trump endorsed her via Twitter in her bid to be representative of South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District over rival candidate Mark Sanford on June 12, the night of the Republican primary. Arrington beat Sanford 50.6 percent to 46.5 percent. Mark…

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Dean Cain: People Didn’t Want Us To Release Abortion Film About ‘Most Prolific Serial Killer’ In US History

by Grace Carr   Actor and reserve police officer Dean Cain sat down with “Fox & Friends” Friday to talk about his new film, “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” which reveals the horrors that occurred at the hands of America’s most infamous abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell. “It’s the story of Kermit Gosnell,” Cain said. “Some people call him the most prolific serial killer in the history of the United States … And it was horrible because he was inducing labor and babies were born alive and he was — they were snipping with surgical scissors.” He explained that he and the producers made the film a few years before 2018, but had trouble getting it out because no one wanted to distribute subject matter that was so graphic and terrible. The film is set to hit theaters on Oct. 12. “People didn’t want to talk about it — people haven’t wanted to let us release this film,” Cain said. “Why is it important for this film to be released in your mind?” co-host Ainsley Earhardt asked Cain, to which he responded the “story is so horrendous and so bad” that people should be aware. Most people aren’t aware of Gosnell’s…

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Commentary: Democrats Have Already Started The Second Civil War

anti-Trump attacks

by George Rasley   Democrats, such as Far Left demagogue Rep. Maxine Waters, have recently been called-out for encouraging mob action that could lead to civil unrest, but by most measures we would apply to other countries America is already well into the beginning of the Second Civil War. If we looked at any country in Latin America and saw a half-million people gathered in public applauding calls to blow up the Presidential Palace, political supporters of the President being beaten, government officials being mobbed in public, and a prominent politician shot and critically wounded in an attack on members of the parliamentary majority, we would say, “There’s an insurgency going on here.” Couple that with the Leftist party in Parliament engaging in a “massive resistance” of non-cooperation with the duly elected President and parliamentary majority that is straight out of the Bolsheviks’ playbook for Russia’s October Revolution and we would say, “There’s an insurgency going on here.” While the Trump administration has yet to take a look at this and publicly label what’s going on as an insurgency, Americans outside of government have looked around and drawn the obvious conclusion. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds…

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West Virginia Senate President Credits GOP And Trump Policies For State’s Recovery

Mitch Carmichael

by Nick Givas   West Virginia Senate President Mitch Carmichael claims the Republican party is responsible for the state’s economic turnaround and believes the election of President Donald Trump has only added to their prosperity. “For the first time in over 83 years the people of over West Virginia selected the Republicans to lead the state in 2014,” Carmichael told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Both houses have been Democrat for 83 years and that leadership brought us the lowest income per capita in the country.” Carmichael blamed Democratic leadership for a loss in population and manufacturing jobs, then accused them of selling out to special interest groups. “All these markers point to a failure in leadership,” he said. “The good news is after only four years of Republican leadership our state is growing and we have had the most improved unemployment rate in America.” The GOP’s policies have brought back construction jobs, increased wages and dramatically lowered the unemployment rate, Carmichael claimed. “We’ve added more jobs, wage rates are rising, unemployment is down and we turned a budget deficit into a budget surplus this year. And we did it all without increasing taxes,” he continued. Republican lawmakers focused on four major pillars to…

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