Marsha Blackburn: Tennessee Voters Want Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn says voters across Tennessee want Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Blackburn also said voters have told her what they think of sexual assault allegations a California woman has made against him. U.S. senators hosted the woman during a Judiciary Committee meeting last week.

“They think this is a PR stunt by the Democrats. They look at this as character assassination, and they do see it as dirty politics,” Blackburn said Saturday at a Vanderbilt football tailgating event.

“They are looking at the Kavanaugh thing and thinking ‘I can’t imagine how I would feel if this was my brother, my dad, my son, my spouse. How would I feel when there’s an accuser who has no one that corroborates what she said?’”

“People see this as an issue of fairness,” Blackburn said.

Blackburn is currently running against Democrat Phil Bredesen, Tennessee’s former governor.

Other Tennessee Republican Party officials attended the event.

They said last week’s Kavanaugh hearings in Washington, D.C. — and voters’ reactions to them — will influence this fall’s U.S. Senate election.

Tennessee Republican Party Chair Scott Golden, who attended Saturday’s event, told The Tennessee Star the hearings have “exposed the left and the right.”

“Do the voters want someone who sits on the side of Cory Booker, Chuck Schumer, and Kirsten Gillibrand, or do they want someone on the side of Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton?” Golden asked.

“There is a stark contrast on what Republicans and Democrats think.”

Bill Lee also attended Saturday’s event, although he was unavailable to speak to The Star.

As reported, Blackburn and the state GOP have called out Bredesen for not saying how he would vote on Kavanaugh if he were in the U.S. Senate.

Tennessee’s current Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker have both said they will support Kavanaugh.

Bredesen has danced around the Kavanaugh issue for more than two months, saying he needs more time to consider whether he supports President Donald Trump’s selection, The Star reported earlier this month.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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5 Thoughts to “Marsha Blackburn: Tennessee Voters Want Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed”

  1. Traditional Thinker

    There’s a freaking huge possum photo bombing Marsha and Brett’s picture!

  2. Barb Ann

    Please vote for Marsha Blackburn who is a proven Conservative woman. She will protect Tennessee from becoming a Sanctuary state so TN workers don’t have to fork their hard earned pay checks to support illegals that don’t belong here. She can lead the fight to keep leftist propaganda out of TN schools that is so morally damaging to our children. I mean, don’t know too many parents of little girls who think its good boys and girls share the same bathroom. Keep our Constitutional Rights, FREEDOMS. Give President Trump the right number of Republicans to get his agenda items done.

  3. Barb Ann

    After these last few months of the Democrats plots & plans to take this man down at all costs gives more reason than one to vote him in as a Supreme Court Justice. Politicians have no right to deliberately harm and destroy a Citizen of this Country because he is not of their political make up. The Democrat Party sunk to low levels of pond scum during the hearings resorting to public outbursts and typical liberal propaganda. Then they went after him viciously, slandering his good name and impeccable career, Democrat activists harassed him and his family for 10 straight days without reprieve threatening his life, the life of his wife and the lives of his children. What Democrats have put the Kavanaugh family through for the sole purpose of DESTROYING HIM so they could put the seat on the Supreme Court aside in hopes they win 2020 and can seat some Socialist is DESPICABLE.

  4. Rick

    Phony Phil still will not commit, what a spineless weasel. ELECT MARSHA! VOTE REPUBLICAN!

  5. Ben Herd

    He must be confirmed
