Investigative Journalist Harriet Wallace of Fox 17 Tells Tennessee Star Report About Research That Caught Democratic Party Spokesman Mark Brown in a Lie

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team talked with FOX 17 and Nashville In Focus Reporter, Harriet Wallace, regarding her recent sit down interview with Mark Brown, Tennessee’s Democratic spokesperson. On the Friday evening broadcast of Fox 17 News, Wallace questioned Brown about the recent Project Veritas video which showed people with the Bredesen campaign and whether or not they were actually paid staffers or just volunteers. Gill: Now you went out and interviewed Mark Brown. He’s the spokesman for the Democratic party after this Project Veritas video came out, where you had various Bredesen staffers saying oh yeah, he hates president Trump. Of course and now he’s saying he wants to meet President Trump. He’s going to be a lock-step vote for the Democrats, yadda yadda yadda. And the Bredesen team and the Tennessee Democratic party claim, yeah those are just volunteers and interns. Well, you followed up and found out that noooo, they’re actually being paid. They were paid staffers. And you went and confronted Mark Brown the Democratic party spokesman here in…

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Former Shelby County Commission Chairman Heidi Shafer Tells The Tennessee Star Report She Will Run in Special Election to Replace State Sen. Mark Norris, When It Is Officially Called

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team talked with former Shelby County Commission Chairman Heidi Shafer about the process to replace State Sen. Mark Norris (R-Germantown), who was recently confirmed as a federal judge, in the Tennessee State Senate. Shafer said that the process to replace Norris will be triggered after he formally resigns his seat in the State Senate and notifies the courts, events that are likely to take place after the November 6 elections. If Norris resigns after November 6, a special primary election will be held as early as December, with a general election some time in January, just before the next session of the Tennessee General Assembly convenes. Here is the transcript: Shafer:  Good morning ya’ll it’s good to talk with you. Leahy: So tell us all the twists and turns because of course the, you kow, Mark Norris was nominated to be a judge back in July of last year, and only just a week ago I guess it was he was he confirmed by the Senate, has he resigned yet?  What…

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Commentary: Beware Soros’ ‘Rented Evangelicals’

by CHQ Staff   As Soros-funded “ministers” are on buses through swing states to “flip Congress,” our friends with the American Association of Evangelicals (AAE) have just put out a 3-minute video, Soros’s “Rented Evangelicals.”*  It provides a lot of info in a short time and is reaching many thousands of people each day through social media. “Soros’s Rented Evangelicals” is a  wake-up call that we urge you to share with your family, friends, church and club members to alert them to this assault on the Body of Christ. This is a very complex story, however, as leaked documents obtained by our friends at AAE confirm, and as Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners eventually admitted, wealthy, anti-Christian foundations, following the lead of billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, fund and “rent” curious “evangelical” and “Catholic” “mascots” serving as deceptive validators for their causes. The consequent realities include injury to countless people, the Church, the family, nation and the global Church including many martyrs. Consider some of the consequences of ‘Progressive’ political activism over the past few decades documented by AAE: A growth industry trafficking in human baby organs and body parts, funded and defended by the Democratic Party. The…

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Ellison Said it Was ‘Humiliating’ to Admit He is Abuse Victim, Says Ex-Wife Shouldn’t Be Believed

by Luke Rosiak   Keith Ellison, the Democratic National Committee’s deputy chair, said in divorce papers that claims by his ex-wife should not be believed and said that he is a “domestic abuse victim.” The records were unsealed Wednesday despite efforts by Ellison’s ex-wife, Kim Ellison, to block their release. “It was very humiliating to admit that I was a domestic abuse victim,” he wrote. “I need to talk about the Respondent’s credibility,” a Minnesota U.S. congressman, wrote. “The Respondent is not credible. She does not tell the truth. Throughout our marriage, she was physically abusive to me.” “The Respondent harassed female friends and colleagues on the phone and through texts — specifically, Batala McFarlane, Hiam Nawas, Karen Monahan,” he continued. Ellison engaged in a romantic relationship with Monhan as well, who later said Ellison physically abused her, and dragged her across the room by her hair. She said there is a video, but has declined to produce it, implying it is because she is naked in the video. Monahan did produce contemporaneous notes where she told a doctor she was being abused by Ellison. Ellison admitted to calling her a “bitch.” Another former girlfriend also accused Ellison of abuse, and…

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STUDY: Trump’s Roll Back of Vehicle Standards Will Save Lives

by Jason Hopkins   A new report debunks claims that the Trump administration is placing more people at risk of death with its plan to freeze the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency announced a plan in August to roll back vehicle emission standards established during the Obama era. The Trump administration argues that this regulation overhaul will give relief to consumers and save lives by reducing traffic fatalities. The rollback — referred to as the Safe Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule — is expected to prevent 1,000 traffic fatalities per year. Critics of SAFE, however, claim that the administration is botching its lives-saved forecast because it is not accounting for the number of people expected to die due to increased air pollutants. They argue that lowering of the fuel economy standards will mean that a higher number of people will die from increased tailpipe emissions of particulate matter than the number of lives saved by a reduction in traffic fatalities. In a response to these claims, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) released a report Wednesday that breaks down why this claim is incorrect. Namely, CEI finds that there…

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Blackburn and Lee Campaign in Williamson County as Early Voting Period Begins

As early voting kicked into gear on Wednesday, Republican Senatorial candidate Marsha Blackburn and Republican Gubernatorial nominee Bill Lee urged a hometown Williamson County crowd of over 200 voters to head to the polls. The midday rally in Franklin featured local officials and candidates, yard signs, bumper stickers and food from Chick-fil-a. After being introduced by State Senator Jack Johnson, Lee mentioned that a young man earlier in the day had told him that he “just cast his vote” to elect him Governor. “It really struck me,” Lee said, “that the young man and thousands just like him are pushing a button next to my name and entrusting me with their future and the future of our state. I don’t want to let him down. I don’t want to let down the kids in the inner city that I have worked with or in the farming communities where I have spent time. I recognize the responsibility that they are placing on me and I will do my very best to show that that trust in me is deserved.” Lee went on to point out that Blackburn has been his Congressman as the has served Williamson County and the rest of…

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Memphis Term Limits Measure Deceptive, U.S. Term Limits Says

Tennessee Star

The executive director of U.S. Term Limits said his organization has yet to find a ballot measure anywhere in America this year “more unethical” than Referendum One in Memphis. The referendum, should Memphis voters pass it, would limit city council members to three terms. But there’s something city officials aren’t telling voters, said U.S. Term Limits Executive Director Nick Tomboulides, when asked about an email City Council Chair Berlin Boyd recently sent out to voters using a .gov email address. “Chairman Boyd and others know voters would never knowingly demolish term limits. They have misleadingly framed this as a pro-term limits measure,” Tomboulides told The Tennessee Star in an email. “The ballot language only tells voters they’d be implementing term limits; not that a two-term limit already exists and is being lengthened to three terms.” U.S. Term Limits is based out of Washington, D.C. and advocates for term limits at all levels of government, according to its website. The premise of the Memphis measure, Tomboulides went on to say, is bad enough because it disregards the wishes of 75 percent of city voters who passed those two-term limit restrictions eight years ago. “If Memphis politicians believe they need more time to…

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Report: Mueller Will Present Findings From Trump-Russia Probe After Midterms

FBI Mueller and President Trump

by Chuck Ross   Special Counsel Robert Mueller is planning to present key findings from his investigation of President Trump after next month’s midterm elections, according to a report from Bloomberg News. Two U.S. officials told Bloomberg that Mueller could very well continue his investigation after presenting his findings to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing the Trump-Russia probe because of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal. Rosenstein will then have the option of releasing the Mueller findings to the public and making recommendations to Congress. Since May 2017, Mueller has been investigating whether members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russian government officials to release emails stolen from Democrats. He is also investigating whether Trump himself obstructed justice by firing James Comey as FBI director. Comey’s firing, on May 9, 2017, paved the way for Mueller’s appointment as special counsel. Mueller’s investigation so far has received mixed reviews, largely along partisan lines. Trump often calls the probe a “witch hunt” that he considers illegal. Mueller has obtained guilty pleas from former Trump associates Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, and Rick Gates, though none have admitted to colluding with Russia. He has also indicted another 25 Russian nationals…

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Modified Cotton Could Be Human Food Source After US Green Light

U.S. regulators have cleared the way for farmers to grow a cotton plant genetically modified to make the cottonseed edible for people, a protein-packed potential new food source that could be especially useful in cotton-growing countries beset with malnutrition. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service on Tuesday lifted the regulatory prohibition on cultivation by farmers of the cotton plant, which was developed by Texas A&M University scientists. The plant’s cottonseed cannot be used as food for people or as animal feed yet in the United States because it lacks Food and Drug Administration approval. Cotton is widely grown around the world, with its fiber used to make textiles and the cottonseed used among other things to feed animals such as cattle and sheep that have multiple stomach chambers. Ordinary cottonseed is unfit for humans and many animals to eat because it contains high levels of gossypol, a toxic chemical. With financial help from a cotton industry group, scientists led by Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant biotechnologist Keerti Rathore used so-called RNAi, or RNA interference, technology to “silence” a gene, virtually eliminating gossypol from the cottonseed. They left gossypol at natural levels in the rest of…

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U.S. Constitution Does Not Guarantee That You Can Always Pay With Cash

In its Article I, Section 8, Clause 5, the United States Constitution provides:  “The Congress shall have Power…To coin Money, [and] regulate the Value thereof….” And since the Constitution’s drafting in the year 1787, cash has played a vital role in the nation’s economy as the generally-accepted medium of exchange.  Barter still exists, but on a relatively limited basis and, although there has been chatter for decades about America one day becoming a completely “cashless” society, that day has yet to arrive. In modern times, there are, of course, multiple methods of payment for goods and services as well as to pay down debt in installments — or to completely extinguish it in one fell swoop.  In addition to cash, there are checks, credit cards, electronic money transfers and other means of payment. Pursuant to the above-quoted provision from the U.S. Constitution, Congress enacted the Coinage Act of 1965 (last amended by two bills approved by the 97th Congress in Public Laws Nos. 97-258 and 97-452; the 1965 Act is the successor to the Coinage Act of 1792 as well as the Coinage Act of 1873).  The 1965 version includes Title 31 United States Code Subchapter 5103 which, from 1983…

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Condoleezza Rice Endorses Marsha Blackburn for Senate

Condoleezza Rice endorsed U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) for U.S. Senate on Wednesday. “I am honored to endorse Marsha Blackburn for the United States Senate,” former Secretary of State Rice said. “This election is a historic opportunity for Tennesseans to elect their first female Senator.  More importantly, it is an opportunity to help shape Tennessee’s future. Marsha represents the natural choice this November and I am proud to support her candidacy.” Rice served as Secretary of State for former President George W. Bush from Jan. 25, 2005 to Jan. 20, 2009, succeeding Colin Powell in the post. She was the first African-American woman to serve as Secretary of State. Before that, she served as National Security Advisor. Speaking about the endorsement, Blackburn said, “Condoleezza Rice is a leader for our country and our party, and I am so honored to earn her endorsement. In the Senate, I will continue to fight for our shared principles.” Rice’s endorsement is the latest of many for Blackburn. Last Friday, financial advice guru Dave Ramsey of Brentwood announced his endorsement of Blackburn, who he called his “good friend.” He mentioned how they met while protesting a state income tax in 2001. The Fraternal Order of…

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Unsealed Choke Point Documents Show Obama Was Far From Scandal-Free

By Kelsey Harkness   In February 2018, Barack Obama infamously claimed his presidential administration was scandal-free. “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us,” Obama said about a year after leaving office, during closed-door remarks leaked to the press. Conservatives, however, often point to Operation Fast and Furious, the Benghazi terrorist attacks, the IRS tea party scandal, and many other embarrassing scandals to debunk this claim. But there’s another scandal that’s seldom mentioned but has ongoing repercussions: Operation Choke Point. The name says it all. The goal of Operation Choke Point, dubbed that and designed by the Justice Department under Obama’s first attorney general, Eric Holder, was to choke out of the banking system entire industries that the Obama administration didn’t like. By weaponizing regulators at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, the administration realized it could block entire industries from the banking system. This would make it difficult—if not impossible—for businesses to operate. Gun sellers, small-dollar lenders, and other legal businesses were all targets of the secretive program. Under the Obama administration, the Justice Department said the program was intended to root out fraud by cutting off “high risk” industries from the…

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Is Soros Money Floating Behind the Push For a Civilian ‘Police Oversight Board’ in Nashville?

Internal documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) and an admission from an OSF representative about their grants addressing “police brutality,” should leave no one surprised that Soros money is floating behind the push in Nashville to establish a civilian oversight board. “Community Oversight Nashville,” (the Coalition), is the coalition which succeeded in bringing the question of a civilian community oversight board to a referendum. On November 6, 2018, Davidson County voters will decide whether to permanently embed the police oversight board into the governing charter. According to the “Vote No” campaign, this board would require a $10 million dollar tax hike over the next five years to pay for the $1.5 million dollar annual expenditure required by “Amendment #1” on the ballot. If the police oversight board initiative referred to as “Amendment #1” is passed, civilians appointed by Metro Council members would have broad authority to investigate and punish Metro Nashville police officers. Opponents of the initiative point out that at least eight layers of bureaucracy which include both civilians and government officials, are already in place to hold MNPD officers accountable. Organizations that have joined the Coalition and others that support passage of “Amendment #1” have either been…

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Senate Candidate Marsha Blackburn Says Voters Care More About Results Than ‘The Story Of Their Day’

by Nick Givas   Tennessee Republican Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn said voters are more concerned with long-term solutions and judicial appointments than with flavor-of-the-moment news stories. She was responding to a question about singer Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Blackburn’s Democratic opponent on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday and how it will impact voters. “What we know is that Tennesseans care about the story of their life — not the story of their day, and really what they are focusing on is our positive message,” Blackburn said. “It is getting through, and that is what is going to carry people to the polls.” Swift came out with an Instagram post Oct. 7 endorsing Democrat Phil Bredesen over Blackburn, citing concerns over LGBT rights and racism. Blackburn said her platform of installing solid constitutional judges and limiting government regulation will win her the election and claimed Bredesen has a cloud of sexual harassment scandals hanging over his past cabinet. “They like this message of less regulation, economic growth. Good constitutional judges,” Blackburn continued. “And they’re remembering and finding out some of the things about Phil Bredesen — The sexual harassment scandals that plagued his administration with some of his cabinet. He had two tracks. One for friends of…

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Want Higher Taxes, More Resistance? Vote for Phil Bredesen, GOP Says

On the first day of early voting Wednesday, Phil Bredesen and Marsha Blackburn rallied voters in Middle Tennessee. U.S. Representative Blackburn (R-TN-07) met with about 150 supporters inside a community center in Franklin, The Tennessean said. Democratic former Governor Phil Bredesen held a lunch rally before a similarly sized crowd at the music venue 3rd and Lindsley near downtown Nashville. Blackburn and Bredesen are running for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Bob Corker (R-TN). Early voting will be open until Nov. 1. The general election is Nov. 6. Republicans are urging voters to consider the candidates’ stances when heading to polling locations. Garren Shipley, communications director for the Republican National Committee, said, “If you think Tennesseans shouldn’t have Second Amendment rights, if you want to give back your tax cuts, or if you think there’s not enough resistance to President Trump in Washington, then be sure to get out there and vote early for Phil Bredesen. Otherwise, we’d suggest you go vote as soon as possible for Marsha Blackburn.” Last week Bredesen attended a fundraiser in New York City at the home of former New York City Mayor and potential 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, The Tennessee Star…

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