Bredesen Opposes Border Wall and His Allies Support Abolishing ICE Even as Army of 7,000 Plus Hondurans Heads for Southern U.S. Border

While Democrat Phil Bredesen was on stage at a concert Monday evening, an army of thousands of migrants are slowly working their way toward the southern border. President Donald Trump alerted the military on Monday, as the army of migrants from Honduras crossed into Mexico, Breitbart said. “I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy [sic],” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must change laws!”, Breitbart reported. And while President Trump has promised to maintain the rule of law and ensure that U.S. immigration policies are being followed, some of Bredesen’s key supporters want the opposite – to end the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, the Republican National Committee said in a press release. Bredesen is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Bob Corker (R-TN). U.S. Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), the first senator to call for abolishing ICE, stumped for Phil Bredesen’s campaign in the “I Will Vote Rally” at Third Man Records in Nashville, The Tennessee Star reported earlier this month. She has donated $5,000 to Bredesen, the RNC said. The Hill quoted Gillibrand as saying, “[T]hat’s why I believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and…

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Clinton, Tennessee Engulfed in Rumors About Mayor Scott Burton and Mystery Building Permits

Rumors are swirling around the city of Clinton about supposedly missing building permits that could, if anyone unearths them, prove problematic for current Mayor Scott Burton. Clinton is in Anderson County, near Oak Ridge. An internal memorandum created by a city official reportedly claims Burton skipped out on paying various building permit fees, which could be a violation of the law. Burton is currently running for reelection. His opponent is Stephen McNally. Various sources have told The Tennessee Star about the internal memorandum, but they also said they have not seen it with their own eyes. Two weeks ago, rumors of missing building permits made their way into a mayoral debate on radio station WYSH, according to on-air personality Jim Harris. According to an article Harris posted today on the station’s website, WYSH asked listeners to submit questions for both candidates in advance of the debate. “During the debate we asked the question, not quite like the way it was phrased to us, because the way it was phrased made it sound like he (Burton) had been doing something illegal, sketchy, and shady,” Harris told The Star Tuesday. “We neatened it up a little so it was more of a…

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Tennessee Star Report Caller Rita: ‘I’m a Black Female and Trump Was the First Republican I Ever Voted For’

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team discussed how all politics is local and all politics is visual and in regards to the migrant invasion, they asked listeners to call in and give their take on how they saw it. The duo took a call from an African-American woman named Rita who expressed some interesting views on the topic: Gill: Let’s go to Rita in Nashville next – 737-9522, 737-WLAC – Rita, good morning. Rita: Good morning.  I was calling to say I think it’s going to help the Republicans.  I’m a black female and Trump was the first Republican I ever voted for and I just voted last week for Marsha Blackburn and Bill Lee – but my husband didn’t vote for Trump.  But after he saw this caravan coming through, he all of a sudden switched from being a Democrat as well and he also voted for Marsha and Bill.  So I think it’s going to help the Republicans. Gill:  What was the turning point for you Rita?  Why, again President Trump was saying to…

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NASCAR Legend Darrell Waltrip Races Into Marsha Blackburn’s Corner

U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn has received a high-octane endorsement. Blackburn’s Senate campaign launched a new television ad Monday featuring NASCAR legend Darrell Waltrip. The ad will air in media markets across the state and on digital platforms statewide. The video is available to watch here. Speaking about the ad, U.S. Representative Blackburn (R-TN-07) said, “Darrell and Stevie Waltrip and their family are treasured friends of our family. D.W. wants his next Senator to represent our shared conservative values in the Senate, and I’m the only one Tennesseans can count on to do that. I’m grateful for his support as we head into the final laps of the campaign.” Here is the transcript: Waltrip: “I’m Darrell Waltrip. I made a career out of going fast and turning left. That works on the track, but not so good in Washington. Phil Bredesen will go along to get along with Washington liberals on taxes, immigration, and Obamacare. That’s why we need Marsha Blackburn at the wheel.” Blackburn: “Are you going to keep talking or are we going to roll?” Waltrip: “Boogity, boogity, boogity – let’s win this race!” Blackburn: “I’m Marsha Blackburn, and I approve this message.” Voiceover: “Marsha Blackburn for Tennessee.” Waltrip is not Blackburn’s only…

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Reagan Biographer Craig Shirley: ‘Soft Resistance’ at Border to Migrant Army Best Strategy for Trump

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team spoke with Craig Shirley this morning about the current caravan of illegals approaching the Arizona and California borders and the pre-scripted narrative the MSM will take on the immigrants arrival at the border which appears, in their opinion to be conveniently timed right before the mid-term elections. Leahy:  Craig you are an expert on public relations from a conservative perspective and we have this situation now with this, how do you describe it, as anything other than an army of seven thousand Hondurans, now they’re adding Mexicans. They’re moving in a caravan up to the border, probably around Arizona and California, they are going to arrive just conveniently like a day before mid term elections.  What in your view should President Trump do to deal with this? Shirley:  First of all stop calling it a caravan.  A caravan connotes something like it’s fun, like a circus and you know petting zoo’s and stuff like this.  This is a mob and he needs to call it a mob of…

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Bredesen Lies About Not Financing Campaign, Dumps $2 Million into Schumer’s Effort to Retake Senate

With two weeks until Election Day on Nov. 6, Democratic Senate candidate Phil Bredesen reported giving his own campaign an additional $2 million, bringing his total donations and loans to $7.4 million The news comes from Politico Playbook. Last December, Bredesen was promising something different. The Tennessean reported last December that he promised not to bankroll his campaign: Perhaps surprisingly, Bredesen, a former Nashville mayor who has earned millions privately in the health care industry and helped bankroll some of his past campaigns, said he would not be contributing any personal money into his race. He said he doesn’t think it will be necessary.” “‘I think at this point, I’ve earned the right to go out and raise money,’ he said, adding that people have already stepped up in wide numbers over the last 48 hours.” The Tennessee Republican Party says Bredesen has lied to the tune of more than $7.4 million this year. “Well, now we have another report showing Bredesen pumping millions of dollars into his campaign (he has done the same in every quarter of this financial year),” a GOP press release said, citing a tweet from Gideon Resnick of The Daily Beast. “His total to-date stands at $7,455,000,” according to FEC filings. Tennessee…

Read the full story Will Relocate HQ to Nashville, which sells parts and accessories for Glock handguns will relocate its headquarters from California to Nashville. founder and CEO Lenny Magill told The Tennessee Star Monday that he and other company officials plan to set up shop in Music City in the fall of 2019, roughly one year from now. The current headquarters is in San Diego. “We have 100 employees here in San Diego, and we will at some point have 100 people in Nashville as well,” Magill said. “Some of our employees will not move from San Diego. We have about 80 positions that we will fill in Nashville.” Magill said he and other company officials are making the move because they had to get away from California’s high-tax rates. “We looked at Texas. We looked at Atlanta in depth. Those were the areas we really looked at. We even thought about Nevada, but we chose Nashville for a couple of reasons. We looked at those areas because of the low taxes in those areas,” Magill said. “These are gun-friendly states, and we wanted to be a little more centrally located for shipping and handling. That is what Nashville really had going for it, as far…

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Commentary: We Must Not Allow the USA to Become a Third World Country

by Pedro Gonzalez   Less than a year ago I wrote an op-ed about the need for voter identification in California, where legal immigrants and illegal aliens are automatically registered to vote through the Department of Motor Vehicles. In 2015, California passed a new Motor Voter Act to automatically register “eligible voters” when they obtain or renew their license at the DMV. The move was celebrated by ACORN’s spiritual successor, the ACCE Institute, and the National Council of La Raza. Most Americans saw the act for what it was, a scheme to snatch up the illicit and predictably Democratic vote of non-citizens, mostly Latinos, among whom Mexicans constitute the single largest group of foreign-born. After all, these non-citizens admit to finding registering to vote and casting ballots a breeze. Take for example “Angelo,” who registered to vote through a Pennsylvania DMV as a Democrat and cast his ballot from 2001 through 2014. But this is old news for some of us. In 2013, the National Hispanic Survey asked a sample of 800 likely Hispanic voters if they were American citizens. Thirteen percent admitted they were not. Still, the response to my column was like the response to every other column…

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The Origins of ‘Hate Speech’

by Kim Holmes   Intolerance and illiberalism, nakedly defined as abstractions or principles, are seldom if ever outwardly embraced by progressives. None but the most extreme will argue that intolerance and censorship are good things in themselves. Normally the preferred course is more subtle. Instead of openly arresting people who say the wrong things, the new purveyors of intolerance try to sublimate their prohibitions on speech, expression, and thought into more popularly accepted channels. Something must be done to make these prohibitions more palatable, because there is still a great deal of respect in America for freedom of thought, speech, and expression. How to do that? The answer is quite simple: Change the subject. Shift the gaze away from the sanctity of speech to something more wholesome—to the feelings of minorities, for example, or to the supposed desire to live in more diverse communities. One of the most popular strategies is to carve out a special category of speech that, in theory at least, leaves the rest of free speech alone. If this can be done, speech can be regulated and criminalized without involving a direct assault on the First Amendment. A prime example of parsing good speech from bad…

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Facebook is in Talks to Buy a Large Cyber-security Company

by Gavin Hanson   Sources inside Facebook say that the company is currently in acquisition talks with more than one major — but unnamed — cyber-security company, according to a report from The Information. Reporters spoke with four anonymous sources who refused to name specific companies but claimed that a deal could be struck as early as the end of 2018, The Information reported Sunday. Facebook reportedly has a team tasked with courting “several” major cyber-security firms companies to halt further data breaches and mitigate public scrutiny surrounding the company’s insecurity. Facebook’s security failings have not left the public eye since March 2017 reports broke that a data analysis firm, Cambridge Analytica, had been scraping data from millions of users illicitly. Just days after the scandal broke, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took out ads in British and American newspapers declaring “We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can’t, we don’t deserve it.” Zuckerberg was brought before Congress and the nation to answer for the breach in April 2017 but the leaks were not totally plugged. Facebook released information on its largest breach on Oct. 12, 2018, a breach that involved involved spammers using bugs in Facebook’s software…

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Trump Notches a Big Win Against Russia After Merkel Folds on US Gas Imports

by Chris White   German Chancellor Angela Merkel is offering government support for a for project that would supply Germany with U.S. natural gas — the move comes as U.S. President Donald Trump seeks to loosen Russia’s hold on Europe’s energy markets. Merkel told lawmakers in early October that her government will co-finance the construction of a $576 million liquefied natural gas shipping terminal, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday. The project had failed for years to gain any traction in a country that receives the bulk of its gas from Russia. Trump has lobbied intensely for European countries — Germany in particular — to shift their energy imports from Russia to the U.S., if for no other reason than to diversify their energy markets. He told world leaders at a Group of 20 summit in 2017 that the U.S. wants to make it easier for companies to ship natural gas products to Eastern Europe. German and U.S. officials said Berlin is hoping that forging ahead on the project might help lessen the possibility of Washington leveling sanctions against Nord Stream 2, an unbuilt gas pipeline that would double Russia’s energy exports to Germany. Some U.S. officials believe the White House’s…

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Christian Leaders Release Video on Soros’s ‘Rented Evangelicals’

The American Association of Evangelicals (AAE) is warning about progressive wolves in Christians’ clothing. The AAE on Monday released an explosive three-minute video, “Soros’s Rented Evangelicals” exploring the George Soros network’s funding of “evangelical mascots” and a “Rent-an-Evangelical” tactic to confuse and divide the Christian vote for the pro-faith, pro-life Republican party. Democrat ministers the Rev. Jim Wallis and allies are touring many states on “Vote Common Good” buses to “flip Congress” and “reclaiming Jesus” to split the evangelical vote before the mid-term elections. The AAE video features the newly released voice recording of Wallis of Sojourners as he publicly denied that he was a recipient of Soros funding. Soon after, grants disappeared, but journalists found hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants from Soros’s Open Society Foundation to Sojourners. Wallis later replied, “I didn’t recall,” as he finally admitted the Soros connection. This is a very complex story, as leaked documents obtained by AAE confirm, with Investor’s Business Daily calling it a media blackout of Soros’ takeover of politics in America and Europe. Kelly Monroe Kullberg, a spokesperson for the AAE, said, “Americans hate manipulation. Most now realize that the demoralization of America is not inevitable, it is being…

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Keith Ellison Again Misleads on Louis Farrakhan Ties

by Peter Hasson   Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison misled the public during the Minnesota attorney general debate Sunday about his ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite. Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) denounced Farrakhan’s views and portrayed his ties to the minister as a relic of decades past, even though he continued to associate with Farrakhan years after entering Congress in 2006. Ellison explained that he thought Farrakhan had “something to offer” in the “early 1990s” because Farrakhan “was a person speaking to issues of African American civil rights.” (Farrakhan praised Hitler as a “very great man” in 1984.) “He made it very clear in the early 1990s that his views and mine were absolutely incompatible and I’ve been saying that ever since,” Ellison said, in response to an attack from Republican candidate Doug Wardlow. Ellison’s answer was misleading on multiple counts. First, depicting his ties to Farrakhan as limited to the “early 1990s” clashes with what his own past statements. Ellison in 2006 admitted to The Washington Post that he worked with the Nation of Islam for approximately 18 months ahead of Farrakhan’s October 1995 Million Man March.…

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Analysis: Trump’s Proposed 5 Percent Spending Cuts Would Pay for the Wall

by Robert Romano   “I’d like you to come back with a 5 percent cut. Get rid of the fat. Get rid of the waste, and I’m sure you can do it.” That was President Donald Trump on Oct. 17 ordering his Cabinet secretaries to come up with plans to slash the federal budget. After a $779 billion deficit for Fiscal Year 2018 as the national debt has topped $21 trillion, something’s got to give. More than half of the increase in the deficit, $65 billion, came as 10-year treasuries interest rates have jumped from 2.2 percent in Sept. 2017 to about 3.2 percent today. In his prior budgets, Trump has called for $4.5 trillion of spending cuts, including repealing Obamacare. Now that the military and law enforcement were taken care of in the budget, with major spending increases, Trump said it would free up Congress to be more aggressive in cutting spending elsewhere. For this particular proposal, non-defense discretionary spending authority was about $572 billion for Fiscal Year 2018, according to the Office of Management and Budget. So, 5 percent off the top would amount to about $28 billion a year of cuts. Which raises the question, if the…

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Legal Immigrant Explains How to Enter America the Right Way and Says Illegals are a ‘Threat to National Security’

by Nick Givas   A U.S. immigrant from Nicaragua explained how she legally came to the United States, on “Fox & Friends” Monday, and said those who are coming in illegally are a “threat to national security.” Amapola Hansberger referred to the caravan of migrants headed for the U.S. southern border as an “invasion and act of war” against America and said they constitute an “immediate threat.” Host Brian Kilmeade asked how Hansberger she was able to come to America legally and she said she simply followed the process. “I went to the embassy, filled out forms. [I] submitted myself to the vetting procession and waited patiently for the embassy to approve my coming,” she said. “That’s how people should do it.” Hansberger claimed there’s no way to keep track of those who come over the border illegally and said some of them could be radicalized terrorists who plan to harm American citizens. “They are a threat to our national security because today — war is not only countries that go to war, it is groups such as ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban,” she added. “And they have declared war openly against the United States. So with the open borders policies we’ve had, how…

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Nashville’s ‘La Raza Renata’ Endorses Phil Bredesen, Tweets in Spanish ‘Blackburn Me Da Heartburn’

Renata Soto, the immediate past chairman of the George Soros-supported national group formerly known as La Raza and founder of Nashville’s Conexion Americas, has endorsed Democrat Phil Bredesen for Senate, claiming in a Spanish language tweet that Republican nominee U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) gives her heartburn. Soto is the immediate past chairman of the board of the Trump-bashing group now known as UnidosUS (the new name adopted by the George Soros-funded National Council of LaRaza in July 2017), and founder and head of Conexion Americas, the Nashville affiliate of UnidosUS. She was one of the featured speakers at the February kickoff of the Transit for Nashville campaign to support the passage of the tax increasing transit plan on the May 1 referendum in Nashville, The Tennessee Star reported at the time. Soto is also the leader of the Nashville “Indivisible” anti-Trump campaign, and a close ally of disgraced former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Karl Dean and former gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd have been huge fans of Soto’s. The same day the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed President Trump’s executive authority to restrict entry into the U.S. from designated countries, “La Raza Randy” Boyd’s collaborator Soto rallied…

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Trump: US Will Now Begin Cutting Aid to Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

President Donald Trump says the U.S. “will now begin cutting off or substantially reducing” the amount of foreign aid given to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, saying they were “not able to do the job” of stopping migrants from leaving their countries and “coming illegally” to the U.S. His Twitter comments Monday came as a group of several thousand migrants, mostly from Honduras, spent Sunday night in the southern Mexican city of Tapachula as they continued their trek toward the United States and away from what they say is untenable violence and poverty at home. Trump said, “Sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States. Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in. I have alerted Border Patrol and Military thaI have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergency (sic). Must change laws! Two weeks ahead of nationwide congressional elections in the U.S., the U.S. leader, a Republican, laid the blame for the latest mass migration toward the southern U.S. border on opposition Democrats. “Every time you see a Caravan, or people illegally coming, or attempting to come, into our Country…

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Commentary: Red State Dems’ ‘Moderate’ Claims Fall Flat Under Glare of Truth

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Here’s a bit of wisdom: a liar is a liar is a liar. It isn’t complicated; if there’s a Democrat running for senate from a red state chances are he or she claims they’re “my own person,” intends to “work with President Trump” on the issues of common interest (like what?) will defy the dictates of Senate Minority Leader “Chucky” Schumer and his merry band of socialist henchmen and last but not least plans to be an “independent voice” in the upper chamber representing the citizens of state X [insert any of the ten states that went for Trump in 2016 yet are weighing-in on Democrat senators in this year’s elections]. Pick a contest and the campaign narrative’s always the same regardless. No Democrat would ever hire me as a consultant but they’d save a ton of dough if they did – or maybe they should just read this column. The only problem (for them) is it’s all male bovine poop — all Democrat candidates utter the same things yet when the newly elected lawmakers head to Washington they revert back to the rubber-stamp big government political hacks they’ve always been. Take Alabama’s Doug Jones…

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Heitkamp Now Trails Cramer By 16 Points After Numerous Campaign ‘Missteps’

A new poll shows that Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) now has a staggering 16-point lead over incumbent Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) in North Dakota’s Senate race. According to a recent poll conducted by KVLY, KFYR, and Strategic Research Associates, Cramer leads Heitkamp 56 percent to 40 percent among likely voters. Of those voters, just 37 percent have a favorable opinion of the incumbent, compared to 53 percent who view the Republican favorably. The number of voters who view Heitkamp unfavorably has increased from 41 percent to 52 percent since September—before she voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. “Senator Heitkamp appears to have been hurt by her vote against Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court as well as subsequent campaign missteps widely covered in the media,” Strategic Research Associates Partner James Henson commented. According to the poll, North Dakota voters ranked Kavanaugh’s nomination the fourth most important issue heading into the midterms. Among Heitkamp’s “missteps” was her recent outing of numerous sexual-assault victims without their consent in an open letter to her Republican opponent. Heitkamp published the letter in an effort to paint Cramer as unsympathetic to the concerns of 120 victims who signed the letter, though many…

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With Illegal Alien Army Nearing Border, Blackburn Says Tennesseans Want Border Secured

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) spoke Monday about the thousands of immigrants preparing to enter the country illegally. President Donald Trump alerted the military on Monday, as the army of migrants from Honduras crossed into Mexico, Breitbart said. “I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy [sic],” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must change laws!”, Breitbart reported. Blackburn is running for the U.S. Senate against Democratic former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen. Blackburn’s statement said: There is a right way and a wrong way to come into our country, and Tennesseans want to see our immigration laws enforced and our border secured. As our next Senator, that’s exactly what I will do. My opponent doesn’t even think that immigration is a ‘top ten’ issue.” “If Phil Bredesen had his way, he would be at the border, handing them all state-issued, taxpayer-funded drivers’ certificates. He probably thinks they ought to use those certificates to vote too. He opposes President Trump’s travel ban and thinks building the wall is ‘political theater.’ He is too liberal to protect Tennessee families and uphold the rule of law, and if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate, he’ll help bring sanctuary cities to…

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