Crowds Line Up Nearly a Mile to See President Trump in Chattanooga

President Donald Trump tweeted a photo of “massive” crowds from Chattanooga’s McKenzie Arena where he was to speak tonight to support Senate candidate U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). Trump visited nearby Macon, North Georgia earlier in the afternoon. The president is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Central from the arena at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Multiple media outlets reported the possibility of Vice President Mike Pence traveling with the president. On my way to Macon, Georgia where the crowds are massive, for a 4pmE #MAGARally. Will be in Chattanooga, Tennessee tonight, seen below, for a 7pmE rally. Something’s happening! Everyone needs to get out and VOTE! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2018 On my way to Macon, Georgia where the crowds are massive, for a 4pmE #MAGARally. Will be in Chattanooga, Tennessee tonight, seen below, for a 7pmE rally. Something’s happening! Everyone needs to get out and VOTE! The Tennessee Star is on the scene and took this video of the gathering crowds from inside the arena   WTVC reported the line of Trump supporters in Chattanooga stretched nearly a mile. Reporter Taylor Stewart tweeted, “TRUMP IN CHATT: The line of supporters…

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Commentary: What Do College Chief Diversity Officers Accomplish?

by George Leef   Over the last few decades, the number of college administrators has grown far more than the numbers of students and faculty. Amid this administrative bloat, the greatest growth has been in “diversity” officials. Even community colleges have begun hiring Chief Diversity Officers (CDO). A persistent question, however, is whether having a CDO and other diversity administrators accomplishes anything of educational value. American colleges and universities are as inclusive and “welcoming” to students and faculty of all races and backgrounds as any institutions on the planet, so exactly how does a CDO make things any better? More than ten years ago, Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne of the National Association of Scholars asked “What Does a Chief Diversity Officer Actually Do?” and in an “emperor is wearing no clothes” fashion, answered that their jobs are pointless and self-serving. Among their observations were that the CDO must “ignore or trivialize any rational objections to the institutionalization of the diversity ideology” and to “keep the empty suppositions (about the benefits of diversity) going by repeating them tirelessly.” Wood and Thorne, in sum, found no educational value at all in college diversity bureaucracies. Another skeptic regarding the CDO is David…

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Senate Judiciary Finds No Evidence to Support Sex Assault Allegations Against Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh

by Chuck Ross   The Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday released its final report of an investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, finding ‘no evidence’ to corroborate the claims. “After an extensive investigation that included the thorough review of all potentially credible evidence submitted and interviews of more than 40 individuals with information relating to the allegations, including classmates and friends of all those involved, Committee investigators found no witness who could provide any verifiable evidence to support any of the allegations brought against Justice Kavanaugh,” reads the 414-page report. The report, which contains 53 exhibits, focused heavily on allegations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick. Kavanaugh denied all of the allegations. Blasey Ford was the first woman to come forward with allegations against Kavanaugh, who was confirmed to the Supreme Court on Oct. 6. She claimed that he attempted to sexually assault her in Summer 1982, when they were both in high school. Blasey Ford, who testified before the committee on Sept. 27, identified four people she claimed were at the party where she was allegedly assaulted. But all four said that they do not recall a party like the…

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Kemp Opens Probe Into Democratic Party for Alleged Attempt to Hack Voting System

by Chris White   Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, a Republican running for governor, is opening an investigation into the state’s Democratic Party for allegedly attempting to hack the state’s voter registration system. Kemp’s office made the announcement in a Sunday morning news release but did not provide any details on why it is investigating the Democratic Party for the failed hacking. The party is being probed for engaging in a possible cyber-crime. “While we cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing investigation, I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber-crimes,” press secretary Candice Broce said in the release. She also said the secretary of state’s office alerted both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Kemp’s Democratic opponent, Stacey Abrams, told CNN Sunday that the investigation is an attempt to distract voters two days before the election. Kemp is leading Abrams – 49 to 47 percent – in the most recent RealClearPolitics poll. “I’ve heard nothing about it, and my reaction would be that this is a desperate attempt on the part of my opponent to distract people from the fact that two different federal judges found him derelict…

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Facebook Video Allegedly Shows Phil Bredesen Campaign Recruiting Illegal Aliens

A new Facebook video appears to show the communications director for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen encouraging illegal aliens to involve themselves with his campaign. A Nashville resident named America Leon posted the video on her personal Facebook page last week. She made the video public. The video shows two women, out of camera range, interviewing Bredesen and his Communications Director Laura Zapata. Bredesen said little during the exchange, although he appears present for most of it, sometimes off camera. Zapata, however, is visible and speaks the most often during the video. The person who recorded it did so at an unknown location and at an unknown date. On the video, one of the two women admits she is an illegal immigrant and, thus, ineligible to vote in the U.S. Senate election. She then asked why she and other illegals should still involve themselves in Bredesen’s campaign. With Bredesen standing nearby, Zapata spoke. “Why they should get involved?” Zapata asked. “Because I mean you guys said it yourselves, you know, this is the choice right now we have and we can take our country in a certain direction if you choose, umm, Phil Bredesen, or we can go back…

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SNL Mocks GOP Candidate Who Lost an Eye in Afghanistan

by Chuck Ross   Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson mocked the appearance of Republican congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost his eye in an IED blast in Afghanistan. “This guy is kind of cool — Dan Crenshaw,” began Davidson during a Weekend Update segment. A photo of Crenshaw, who wears an eyepatch, flashed on the screen, eliciting laughter from Davidson, his fellow cast members and the SNL audience. “You may be surprised to hear he’s a congressional candidate for Texas and not a hit-man in a porno movie,” continued Davidson, who known for his recently failed relationship with pop star Ariana Grande. [ RELATED: Meet The One-Eyed Navy SEAL Running For Congress In Texas ] Dan Crenshaw was nearly blinded in 2012 when he was hit by an IED blast in Afghanistan's Helmand province, where he was on his third deployment. He lost his right eye in the blast, and his left eye was badly damaged. Shame on you, @nbcsnl, this is disgusting! — Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) November 4, 2018 Crenshaw’s eyepatch covers an injury he sustained from an IED blast in Afghanistan in 2012. “One of our Afghan interpreters stepped on a…

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Analysis: White House Releases Report Outlining the Problems of Socialism

by Joe Carter   On Tuesday the White House released “The Opportunity Costs of Socialism,” a report outlining the “opportunity costs of socialism on the macro economy, including standards of living, and the impact on the Federal budget.” The following is a summary and anaysis of its findings. What is the purpose of the report? The purpose of 70-page report (the main text is 55 pages while the list of references is 15 pages), which was produced by the Council of Economic Advisers, is to “evaluate the claims of modern U.S. socialists from the perspective of economists who have extensively studied the costs and benefits of socialism. We examine socialism’s historical and modern vision and intent, its economic incentives, its impact around the world on economic performance, and its relationship with recent policy proposals in the U.S.” What is the Council of Economic Advisers? The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) is an agency within the Executive Office of the President that is charged with offering the President objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy. Congress established the three-member council in the Employment Act of 1946. The portion of the bill that authorizes the CEA…

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Harvard Medical School Calls Trump Admin’s Gender Proposal Medically Inaccurate

by Neetu Chandak   Harvard Medical School said Thursday the Trump administration’s proposal to define gender as an unchangeable, biological fact is medically inaccurate. The proposal is “overly simplistic, medically inaccurate and antithetical to our values as healthcare providers,” the school said, according to The Harvard Crimson Friday. “Harvard Medical School is staunchly opposed to any efforts by federal agencies to limit the definition of sex as an immutable condition determined at birth,” Gina Vild, an associate dean for communications at Harvard Medical School, wrote in a statement. The statement came on the same day Harvard medical and dental students protested as part of a national initiative to support transgender students, The Crimson reported. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) indicated in a leaked memo that gender would be defined as either male or female based on the individual’s genitalia at birth. Genetic testing would be used in cases of discrepancies. The proposed definition would affect around 1.4 million Americans who identify as a gender that does not match their sex from birth, The New York Times reported in October. Over 1,600 scientists signed a letter written on Oct. 26 opposing the gender definition proposal, BuzzFeed News reported…

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Virginia’s 7th District Contest between Rep. Dave Brat and His Democrat Opponent Could Set the Mood for the Night

It will definitely set your mood if you have been a supporter of President Donald Trump and his efforts to control immigration and get that wall built. Incumbent Republican Dave Brat (R-VA-07) is in a statistical dead heat in recent polls with political newcomer Democratic candidate Abigail Spanberger who said in a debate with the incumbent Brat that she wants “comprehensive, bipartisan immigration reform” which she knows is a coded endorsement for giving amnesty to millions here illegally. Spanberger, a former CIA agent, went on to say she would “give certainty to dreamers” referring to the Obama executive order granting the right to stay in America to young people who came into the country illegally with their parents. In that same debate in Culpeper on October 16th, Brat, the former chairman of the Economics Department at Randolph-Macon College, touted his two-term record in the House of Representatives as an immigration hawk who attempted to work with Democrats to begin reforming a dysfunctional US immigration system. Citing Spanberger’s support for sanctuary cities, Brat said, “my opponent falls to the very far left on this issue of immigration.” Indeed Rep. Brat is entitled to point to his immigration record in the House.…

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Commentary: Angelo Codevilla and Revolutionary Logic

by George Rasley   In 2010, Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Angelo Codevilla reintroduced the notion of “the ruling class” back into American popular discourse. In 2017, he described contemporary American politics as a “cold civil war.” Now in an essay “Our Revolution’s Logic“ that should be a wake-up call to every conservative in America Codevilla applies the “logic of revolution” to the escalating “Resistance” to the results of the 2016 election and says its sentiments’ spiraling volume and intensity have eliminated any possibility of “stepping back.” The 2018 Congressional elections are the Democratic “Resistance” strategy’s first major test. Regardless of these elections’ outcome, however, this “resistance” has strengthened and accelerated the existing revolutionary spiral says Prof. Codevilla. In an erudite review of Thucydides’ account of Corcyra’s revolution in 427 BC, the fifth year of the Peloponnesian War, Codevilla outlines a paradigm of revolutionary logic and elucidates the striking parallels with today’s American political dynamics. Revolutions, says Codevilla, turn upon the logic of mutual hate that drives them, and on their consequences, and the consequences for constitutional liberty are already driving us away from our constitutional republic’s essence: The American republic’s essence had been self-restraint toward fellow citizens deemed equals. The…

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What The United States Constitution Really Says About ‘Birthright Citizenship’

Constitution Series 14th Amendment

In Section 1 of its 14th Amendment, the U.S. Constitution reads in pertinent part: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Proposed by Congress in 1866 — and deemed by a procedurally-rare subsequent vote of Congress to have been validly ratified by the sufficient number of state legislatures in 1868 — the 14th Amendment is among the Constitution’s lengthiest and it touches upon a number of different topics each of which could stand alone. Authorship of the above-quoted words has been attributed to United States Senator Jacob Howard of Michigan. This particular provision of the 14th Amendment is generally acknowledged to overturn the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the now-infamous 1857 case of Dred Scott v. Sandford in which it had been determined that African-Americans born in the United States — to parents likewise born within the United States — could not be deemed to be American citizens. Often overlooked by persons professing to be in-the-know about the 14th Amendment, and what it does — or does not — convey about birth citizenship are the key words…

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Armed With Assault Rifles, Black Panthers March for Stacey Abrams

by Jason Hopkins   Members of the Black Panther Party marched through the city of Atlanta, strapped with assault rifles and brandishing Stacey Abrams campaign signs. In a video posted on the group’s Facebook page on Saturday, members of the Black Panther Party are seen marching through the West End neighborhood of Atlanta in support of Stacey Abrams gubernatorial campaign. As they marched, the Black Panthers carried assault rifles and continually shouted slogans such as “black power” and “power to the people.” Black Panther Party members pose for Stacey Abrams campaign sign. Credit: Black Panther Party Facebook page. Abrams, a former Democratic state representative, is running in a tight election against Republican Brian Kemp, Georgia’s current Secretary of State. The Real Clear Politics average of recent polls shows Kemp up by 1.1 percentage points, well within the margin of error. The video shows the panthers marching for nearly 30 minutes through the city of Atlanta until they enter a local radio station. Black Panther Party members pose for Stacey Abrams campaign sign. Credit: Black Panther Party Facebook page. When reached for comment by The Daily Caller News Foundation, the Abrams campaign forwarded a statement from spokeswoman Abigail Collazo. Her statement…

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President Trump Wows Capacity Crowd in Chattanooga

CHATTANOOGA, TN — U.S. President Donald Trump told a full house of more than 11,000 people at Chattanooga’s McKenzie Arena Sunday that Tuesday’s election “is about peace and prosperity.” To emphasize his point, Trump asked Tennessee voters to elect Republican Marsha Blackburn to the U.S. Senate this coming Tuesday. Blackburn seeks to replace outgoing Republican U.S. Sen. Bob Corker. Her opponent is Democrat Phil Bredesen, Tennessee’s former governor. “I am asking every citizen from every party, every background, and every race, color and creed to reject the Democrat politics of anger and division and to unite behind our proud and righteous destiny as Americans,” Trump told the crowd. This audience had not a single protestor. Trump had a passionate crowd in his favor. That prompted Trump to say, “there is an electricity in the air the likes of which you and I have not seen since the 2016 election.” “As we speak the Democrats are openly encouraging millions of illegal immigrants to break our laws, destroy our nation in so many ways, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free health care, free education and the right to vote,” Trump said. “Illegal immigration costs our country more…

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