Phil Bredesen: If I Lose, It Will Be Because the ‘National Democratic Brand Is a Problem’

Phil Bredesen wants you to know that if he loses the Senate race, it will be the “National Democratic brand’s fault, not his.

Former Tennessee Gov. Bredesen made the remark in an interview that aired Sunday with MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt, adding that the national party has hurt the brand.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on the interview Monday.

The video is available to watch here.

Bredesen said, “we’ve drifted away from that” in response to Democrats’ handling of the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, meaning the Senate’s job is to consider a nominee’s competence and ability.

“Not that long ago, Ginsberg could get 95-plus votes, and Scalia could get 95-plus votes. That, to me, is very much the way we ought to be acting.”

Hunt did not ask Bredesen about his last-minute wishy-washy endorsement of Kavanaugh when his nomination was guaranteed. Nor did she ask about Project Veritas Action’s undercover video showing Bredesen’s campaign staff admitting he lied about supporting Kavanaugh to gain votes.

“It’s a political move,” Bredesen campaign field organizer Maria Amall said in the video to an undercover reporter.

Nor did Hunt ask Bredesen about Mark Brown lying to the media about those in the video being staffers, not volunteers and interns as initially claimed. Brown is a spokesman for Bredesen and the Tennessee Democratic Party.

Bredesen told Hunt, “I think my party, the Democratic Party, is at its best when it gets out of this elitist stuff and just gets back to being a strong, muscular party that’s just focused on opportunity for working-class and middle-class Americans.”

That’s not “the core of the party,” he said.

Hunt also did not ask Bredesen about his August video interview with the Chattanooga Times Free Press in which he said he is more “sophisticated” than rural voters, as The Tennessee Star previously reported.

A clip shows him saying that when he attends family reunions in his native Upstate New York, he experiences “a culture that is different.” The Harvard graduate estimates 70 percent of his extended family voted for Trump but “are not crazy or anything.”

And, Hunt did not ask Bredesen about his private jet or five homes.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.

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5 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen: If I Lose, It Will Be Because the ‘National Democratic Brand Is a Problem’”

  1. Bart Moran

    I ran for student council rep for my home room back in High School. I ran twice, after nominating myself. Some kid named Todd won both times because he was charismatic and cute. I was quiet and all about business. Todd never did jack crap as our representative.

    I never whined, I knew why I lost. It wasn’t a conspiracy, meddling or other. I never asked for votes and just didn’t get enough votes. Grown up politicians could take a lesson from my student council experience.

  2. Silence Dogood

    Wednesday morning Blog: Go play with your grand-kids, plant a tree in a deserted lot, donate to Remote Area Medical (big $$$$) and just go away Phil. And let Tennessee help MAGA by staying away.

  3. DougTN

    Phil must have missed out on the Democrat Party’s transition into the crazy Orwellian party. It ain’t the brand Phil it’s the inmates running the asylum.

  4. Rick

    Silence Dogood, I totally agree!

  5. Silence Dogood

    You will lose. And at 78 with over $400,000,00 in the bank, running for office is all you can find to do? How disappointing your life must have been, Phil. Did you not have children, grand children, little league teams, Remote Area Medical type organizations, and other such interests that you could have helped? Running for office at your advanced age can only be about creating a monument your towering ego. Go away. You are unworthy. Spend your final years actually making a difference in peoples lives one soul at a time. No press coverage, no public recognition, just do it because you love the folks of this state and this country.
