Speaker-Elect Glen Casada: It’s My Job To Find Conservatives And Let Them Lead

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Speaker-Elect Glen Casada says that as Speaker, his job is “to find the strong conservatives, put them in the right committee, and let them lead.”  Casada’s statement was made to a group of middle Tennessee activists in response to a question about the key things he wants to focus on during session. Casada easily won the nomination of the House GOP caucus for the Speaker’s position last month. The formal election for Speaker and Speaker Pro- Tempore will be held when the Tennessee General Assembly convenes in January. The House Republican Caucus Bylaws require that members vote for the nominated Speaker and Speaker Pro-Tem Elect, or be automatically expelled from the Caucus. With a Republican super majority in the House, holding 73 of the 99 seats, Casada’s election as Speaker of the 111th General Assembly is a virtual certainty. During this interim period he is generally referred to as “Speaker-Elect,” though he could also be called the “Presumptive Speaker.” The group, Nashville Sentinels, organized around the Heritage Action For Action (HAFA) model and is spear-headed by longtime Nashville Republican Ed Smith. The Nashville Sentinels meet monthly and at its February meeting then Majority Leader Casada spoke to…

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Commentary: What the Hoax Papers Tell Us About the Decline of Academic Standards

by Phillip W. Magness   By now, most followers of the higher education press have heard of the “grievance studies” or Sokal Squared hoax. In this incident, a team of three researchers successfully published several hoax papers on intentionally absurd subjects in ostensibly serious scholarly journals. Their purpose was to demonstrate the susceptibility of these venues to low-quality, ideologically charged “research” that advances left-wing identity politics. The hoax articles lampooned the academic fashion ability of its chosen subject areas. Samples of the published papers included an article on “rape culture” among dogs in urban dog parks, a piece espousing a theoretical framework for the acceptance of obese bodybuilders, a nonsensical string of computer-generated “therapeutic” political poetry, and even a passage of Mein Kampf repackaged as critical gender theory. No doubt the hoaxers used the academy’s political inclinations advantageously, and indeed their critics have accused them of an unfair “put down” that targeted scholars of gender and racial discrimination—two worthy areas of academic study that champion historically disadvantaged persons and communities. Allow me to suggest that both their supporters and critics have largely missed the mark by focusing on the political objectives of the perpetrators. While identity politics have dominated the…

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Half of Young Americans Believe US is ‘Racist’ and ‘Sexist,’ Survey Finds

by Troy Worden   A basic knowledge of civics and belief in American exceptionalism are in startling decline among younger Americans, a new report suggests. About half of those surveyed under age 38 said they view the United States as a “sexist” or “racist” nation. More than 4 out of 10 Americans under 21 said the nation’s 44th president, Barack Obama, had a “bigger impact” on America than its first president, George Washington. The Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness, a nonprofit that provides civics education and resources to K-12 students, released these and other surprising findings Tuesday in its first annual “State of American Patriotism Report.”The report, based on a survey of 1,078 Americans conducted by the market research and data analytics firm YouGov, found that 49 percent believe the U.S. is “racist” while 50 percent believe the country is “sexist.” “We suspected that we would find decreasing numbers of Americans well-versed in our nation’s most important principles and young people less patriotic than the generations that came before,” said Nick Adams, founder of the organization and a White House surrogate, “but we were totally unprepared for what our national survey reveals: an epidemic of anti-Americanism.”The report also found that 46…

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Chattanooga Mismanaged Millions of Taxpayer Dollars, Report Says

Chattanooga city officials mismanaged more than $2 million of taxpayer money, according to a new report from that city’s News Channel 9. This, from an audit that was done of eight city projects, the station reported. “According to the audit, seven of the eight projects they sampled had planning deficiencies at some level,” the station said. “For example, the city bought handheld machines to issue traffic tickets. Records show they were not used for two years because of a lack of budget to carry out the project. They were outdated and the city had to buy new devices, costing taxpayers.” The city auditor, the station said, found more tax dollar waste at recreation centers. “The city bought software that allows people to book classes and more. The audit shows only eight of the 17 locations can use it,” News Channel 9 reported. “These purchases are costing taxpayers over $1 million in partial waste. The city’s auditor says it’s partial waste because the systems are being used to some extent.” The station reported on another program that wasted $1.1 million in taxpayer money — that program is at the city courthouse. “According to the audit, the city spent $1.1 million to…

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Liz Cheney Urges Republicans to Fight Hard Against Democrats’ Socialist Ideas

by Molly Prince   Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming sounded the alarm for Republicans to fight hard against socialist issues when Democrats take control of the House of Representatives after the new year. Cheney dismissed the notion that elected representatives are not good people, while speaking Sunday to Fox News host Chris Wallace, but rather urged for a battle of ideas, especially in light of the recent election of socialists in the Democratic Party. “There isn’t venom all the time. I’ve found that you can go and sit down next to anybody from any party. They’ve got an interesting story and they’re good people there for the right reasons,” Cheney said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Now, it is the truth, however, that we have big issues. We have a lot of Democrats now coming in who are socialists — I’m not exaggerating, they’re socialists.” Cheney, who is the 3rd ranking Republican in the House, acknowledged when Democrats control the chamber during the next session, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is likely to win the speaker-ship, will be compelled to pivot further to the left as she pushes forward the Democratic policy agenda. “I think it’s very important that we…

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Ticket Prices Plummet for Bill and Hillary Clinton Tour

by Joe Simonson   Ticket prices for the Clintons’ world tour have bottomed out, with prices as low as $11 at some locations. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have been trekking across the United States and Canada over the past few months and have dates set through May 2019. Audience members can pay to hear the power couple opine on current events and reflect on their legacy in American politics. The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd paid $177 for her ticket, yet prices for future events have plummeted. [ RELATED: Should Hillary Run In 2020? ] Seeing the duo at the Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, on Dec. 4 runs anywhere from $11 to $80 depending on the seat quality. On resale sites, some sellers are asking for as much as $531 a ticket — although it’s unclear if they’ll be able to find a buyer at that price. In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500. – – – Joe Simonson is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Joe on Twitter.                …

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No New Tariffs: Trump Wins Trade Battle With China

by Jason Hopkins   U.S. President Donald Trump was able to extract a number of concessions from Chinese President Xi Jinping in exchange for not imposing any new tariffs on Chinese goods. Trump reached a major agreement while meeting with the world’s top leaders over the weekend. At the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Trump and Xi spoke for two and a half hours Saturday night — an hour longer than previously scheduled. The meeting, which Trump called “amazing and productive,” has temporarily staved off an escalating trade battle between the world’s two biggest economies. Xi agreed to immediately begin buying more agricultural products from American farmers, along with a pledge to purchase more industrial and energy products. While the specifics of the trade agreements have not been announced, the White House says the deal will help correct the trade imbalance between China and the U.S. Xi has also agreed to a number of cybersecurity and property theft concessions Additionally, China has also agreed to label the opioid fentanyl as a controlled substance, making anyone who sells fentanyl to the U.S. subjected to harsher penalties under Chinese law. The labeling will help the federal government as it fights an…

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Mexico Closes Migrant Shelter Near US Border

The city government of Tijuana announced Saturday that it has closed a migrant shelter at a sports complex close to the U.S. border that once held about 6,000 Central Americans who hope to get into the U.S. Officials said all the migrants were being moved to a former concert venue much farther from the border. The city said in a statement the sports complex shelter was closed because of unsanitary conditions. Experts had expressed concerns about unsanitary conditions that had developed at the partly flooded sports complex, where the migrants had been packed into a space adequate for half their numbers. Mud, lice infestations and respiratory infections were rampant. Farther from the border The remaining migrants were taken by bus to the new shelter about 10 miles (15 kilometers) from the border crossing at Otay Mesa and 14 miles (22 kilometers) from San Ysidro, near where people line up to file applications for asylum in the United States. Tijuana officials had said earlier that nobody would be forced to move to the new facility, a large building and concrete patio known as El Barretal that was used for concerts and other events until about six years ago. But they also…

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Airbnb ‘Blacklists’ Israeli Apartments in the West Bank

by Brad Sylvester   Michael Oren, a deputy minister in the Israeli prime minister’s office and the former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., claimed on Twitter that the property rental company Airbnb “blacklists” Israeli apartments in the West Bank, while continuing to allow listings in other disputed territories. Airbnb blacklists Jewish apartments in Judea and Samaria – not Palestinian apartments, not apartments in Turkish occupied Cyprus, in Moroccan occupied Sahara, not in Tibet or the Crimea. Airbnb’s policy is the very definition of anti-Semitism. No one should use its services. — Michael Oren (@DrMichaelOren) November 19, 2018 “Airbnb blacklists Jewish apartments in Judea and Samaria – not Palestinian apartments, not apartments in Turkish occupied Cyprus, in Moroccan occupied Sahara, not in Tibet or the Crimea,” he said in the tweet. Verdict: True Airbnb, which recently announced that it would remove all listings in Israeli settlements of the West Bank, allows listings in disputed regions like Northern Cyprus and Tibet. The company does not do business in Crimea as Oren claimed. Airbnb presently allows listings in the Western Sahara, although it is considering whether to remove those listings. Fact Check: Israel captured the West Bank during the Six-Day War of 1967 and…

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Ocasio-Cortez Likens Private Health Insurance to ‘Death Panels’

by Jason Hopkins   Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared the private health insurance market to “death panels” during a back-and-forth exchange on Twitter Sunday. “Actually, we have for-profit ‘death panels’ now: they are companies + boards saying you’re on your own bc they won’t cover a critical procedure or medicine,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted to the president of a conservative think-tank. “Maybe if the GOP stopped hiding behind this ‘socialist’ rock they love to throw, they’d actually engage on-issue for once.” Actually, we have for-profit “death panels” now: they are companies + boards saying you’re on your own bc they won’t cover a critical procedure or medicine. Maybe if the GOP stopped hiding behind this “socialist” rock they love to throw, they’d actually engage on-issue for once. https://t.co/4P2TrflkFX — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 2, 2018 The tweet was in response to Jim Hanson, president of the Security Studies Group. The two had been exchanging barbs over government involvement in the U.S. health care system. The phrase “death panels” was coined by former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin in 2009 to describe the rationing of government-run health care. The term was used to characterize former President Barack Obama’s health insurance reform plan. Ocasio-Cortez,…

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Victor Ashe Commentary: Will Knoxville’s Mayor Rogero Spend Her Last Year in Office Settling Political Scores?

by Victor Ashe   Knoxville’s liberal Democratic Mayor Madeline Rogero starts her final year in office in two weeks and it seems like anything she does now days creates problems as she reveals a streak of vindictive attacks on those she dislikes to the amazement of friends, Democrats and the general public. Rogero, who had recommended $75,000 for Legacy Parks in her most recent city budget proposal which city council easily approved has now decided she will sit on the check and insist on better behavior and a new attitude by the longtime executive director, Carol Evans.  Legacy Parks is a non profit group which includes many significant citizens on its board and as donors. Evans is widely admired as a nonpolitical person and has strong backing from her Board. The Legacy Parks annual luncheon attracts a who’s who cast of civic leaders. It is unheard of in Knoxville for a Mayor to slow walk or withhold a grant which council unanimously voted.  Park and greenway backers are mystified if not angered. No one has a clue how this will end.  Rogero is not talking despite it being public money. Rogero has also waged in the same time frame a…

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Commentary: Leftist Grinches See Red Over the White House Christmas Display

by Erik Root   Last year I wrote that good taste had returned to the White House in the aesthetic arrangement of Christmas decorations. This year, with the theme “American Treasures” Melania Trump continues to exhibit good taste as, in addition to honoring well established Christian tradition, she also pays homage to “the unique heritage of America” in giving thanks to the American Experiment. There is one section of the festive presentation that has sent those opposing everything Trump into apoplectic convulsions. The offense this year? The more than 40 crimson topiary trees that line the east colonnade. The red theme, according to the White House, stands for courage, valor, and bravery represented in the presidential seal. In one sense, and as the White House noted, the trees are also symbolic of our Founding Fathers who understood the great sacrifice before them. As Thomas Paine wrote in The Crisis: These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have…

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Edgar Torres-Rangel Case and Patient Death Raise Questions About Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville now has not but one two black eyes, first with the Edgar Torres-Rangel escape and now a patient dying unnecessarily. As The Tennessee Star reported, Torres-Rangel, an alleged illegal immigrant, drove drunk and killed a woman in Bedford County in late October. Tennessee Highway Patrol officers worked that crash. Torres-Rangel sustained injuries of his own, and authorities transported him to Vanderbilt. He later walked out of the hospital without anyone notifying authorities. His present whereabouts are unknown. As reported, THP officials blame Vanderbilt for not notifying them of Torres-Rangel’s release. Vanderbilt spokeswoman John Howser told The Star Friday that the hospital is responsible for caring for patients despite the circumstances prior to their admission. “In instances where someone may have committed a criminal act we do not assume legal custody of offenders as this is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies who have jurisdiction to place or hold individuals under arrest, even in the hospital setting,” Howser said in an emailed statement. “By now, most area law enforcement agencies are aware that as a health care provider VUMC does not hold patients under arrest and understand that they bear the responsibility for offender custody.…

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