U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Memphis Says Public Opinion Will Decide if Donald Trump Gets Impeached

According to U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, U.S. Republican President Donald Trump is obviously a criminal, and it’s his duty as a member of Congress to impeach him.

But, as Cohen reportedly said this week, whether impeachment happens depends not on the evidence alone — but whether public opinion says impeachment is OK, according to CNSNews.com

Cohen belongs to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, and, as The Tennessee Star reported, he has long advocated for Trump’s impeachment.

Cohen said on CNN he’s sure Trump has obstructed justice and violated the emoluments clause, all while abusing the press and various judges.

“It’s amazing what has gone on,” Cohen told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“And it is our job to protect the Constitution and the rule of law. So we’ll have hearings; if the evidence comes in such degree that the public’s mood and the Republicans’ mood change, where we can be successful with impeachment, then impeachment could come. But it’s not going to come until the Republicans stop acting like acolytes and start acting like bishops and knights and stand up for the country and not for their leader, who may have committed — and I believe has committed innumerable improper and illegal acts.”

Blitzer pointed out that only 35 percent of voters believe Congress should commence impeachment proceedings.

To that, Cohen said the following:

“I think that’s why Speaker Pelosi and other leaders in the party think that we shouldn’t do impeachment yet, because the public is not behind it,” Cohen said.

“And it can only be done if it’s politically salable to two-thirds of the Senate, who are in charge of the facts.”

As The Star reported last year, even CNN called out Cohen for showing tremendous bias against Trump.

Cohen went on to say Trump is “out of control” and there “are numerous areas” where Trump needs oversight. Cohen, however, failed to offer any specifics to back up what he said.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Steve Cohen” by Steve Cohen. Photo “Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.











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