Men of Valor Breakfast in Nashville Teaches Redemption for Prisoners Through Christ

NASHVILLE — More than 1,300 people attended a Men of Valor breakfast at Nashville’s Music City Center Tuesday to hear former prisoners tell a message of faith and redemption through Jesus Christ. Men of Valor commit themselves to winning men in prison to Christ. Their goal is to help these men reenter society as men of integrity, according to a brochure group members handed out Tuesday. These things matter to all Tennessee residents. The 2019 Tennessee Department of Corrections budget is more than $1 billion. Tennessee’s prisons currently have more than 25,000 incarcerated men and women, the brochure said. Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee, a Men of Valor board member and mentor, told audience members it costs taxpayers $28,000 a year to go back to prison. Rudy Kalis, a full-time Men of Valor volunteer, spoke of his experiences mentoring prisoners at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in Nashville. “They want to know consistency. They want to know if you’re real. They have looked people in the eye all of their lives to get what they got. If you don’t have truth inside of you then they can read that. So it literally makes me stand up and try to be…

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National Teachers’ Union Formalizes Belief That Educators Must Acknowledge Existence of White Supremacy Culture

The National Education Association added a new section to its Resolutions, titled “White Supremacy Culture,” in which it states the belief that educators must acknowledge the existence of White supremacy culture as a primary root cause of institutional racism, structural racism, and White privilege. The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest professional employee organization – union – in the country, with a reported 3 million members at every level of education including pre-school to university graduate programs. The NEA has affiliates in every state, with the Tennessee Education Association (TEA) being listed as the Tennessee state affiliate. The TEA, as reported by The Tennessee Star, was very active in 2018 state elections, spending more than $500,000 during the election cycle. The “White Supremacy Culture” resolution was included in the 2017-2018 report of the NEA Resolutions Committee, which was presented to the NEA Representative Assembly held July 2 through 5, 2018, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where a reported 6,200 delegates attended. According to NEA, the Representative Assembly is the highest decision-making body within the 3-million member body with over 8,000 delates, making it “the world’s largest democratic deliberative body.” The NEA holds a 10-day long annual meeting and representative assembly each…

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Commentary: The Russiagate Hoax Has Made the World a More Dangerous Place by Undermining President Trump’s Ability to Defuse North Korea, China and Russia

by Robert Romano   Thanks to the Russiagate hoax that sought to falsely frame President Donald Trump as being a Russian agent when he wasn’t, the world has undeniably become a more dangerous place, as America’s partners overseas have had to contend with the real possibility that Trump would be removed from office. As it turns out, President Trump is not going anywhere, with Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluding the Justice Department’s three-year investigation, quoted in Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” But what deals overseas were lost because of the specter of the investigation? A recent example came last month when President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s summit in Hanoi, Vietnam abruptly ended without a deal on denuclearization. Democrats on Capitol Hill had cynically arranged for former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to testify before the House Oversight Committee against his former boss the same day, which dominated news headlines while the summit was ongoing. It didn’t matter that Cohen ultimately offered testimony that was exculpatory for Trump — he had never been…

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Trump Reveals Timeline for Up-in-the-Air GOP Health Care Plan

by Evie Fordham   President Donald Trump put a timeline on his call for Republicans to develop a comprehensive alternative to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Twitter Monday night. “Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums [and] deductibles are far too high — Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance,” he wrote, adding, “[Republicans] are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) [and] deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words, it will be far less expensive [and] much more usable than ObamaCare.” “Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate [and] win [back the House],” Trump wrote. Leading Republicans have been echoing Trump’s ACA criticism but have not pointed to any tangible steps to reset American health care on a large scale. Trump’s declaration that “a really great HealthCare Plan” can wait until after elections in November 2020 grants them time and the possibility of a GOP-controlled Congress. Trump has been focused on health care since his administration made news on that front March 25. That’s when the Department of…

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Trump Compares Democrats to Central American Countries

by Jason Hopkins   President Donald Trump compared Mexican and Central American governments to Democrats working in Washington, D.C., in a tweet Tuesday morning. “After many years (decades), Mexico is apprehending large numbers of people at their Southern Border, mostly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. They have ALL been taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us, just like the Democrats in Congress!” the president tweeted. After many years (decades), Mexico is apprehending large numbers of people at their Southern Border, mostly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. They have ALL been taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us, just like the Democrats in Congress! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 2, 2019 The statements come as a massive number of illegal migrants are arriving on the U.S.-Mexico border. A record amount of apprehensions took place in March, with Customs and Border Protection catching or stopping 3,974 illegal migrants on March 19, the highest number since Trump entered office. Nearly 100,000 apprehensions are estimated to have taken place in March, which would be the highest in over a decade. Most of these illegal migrants hail from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, making…

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The Trump Administration Is Expanding a Program That Boots Asylum Seekers Back to Mexico

by Jason Hopkins   The Trump administration will be increasing the number of Central American asylum seekers who are sent back to Mexico to await their court case. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced Monday she will be expanding the “Migrant Protection Protocols” program, more popularly known as “Remain in Mexico.” Nielsen, in a memo sent to the federal border chief, ordered Customs and Border Protection agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border to begin reviewing hundreds of migrant cases a day to determine if they should be booted back to Mexico. “[The Department of Homeland Security] will require more migrants to wait in Mexico, with appropriate humanitarian protections, during their immigration proceedings to prevent fraud & ensure they don’t escape the law and disappear into the country,” Nielsen tweeted Monday. That is why @DHSgov will require more migrants to wait in Mexico, with appropriate humanitarian protections, during their immigration proceedings to prevent fraud & ensure they don’t escape the law and disappear into the country. — Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen (@SecNielsen) April 2, 2019 The “Remain in Mexico” program, which started in late 2018, bars non-Mexican immigrants from immediately entering the U.S. interior after claiming asylum at the U.S. southern…

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Senate Republicans Set to Use Nuclear Option to Confirm Trump Nominees

by Henry Rodgers   The Senate failed to pass a procedural cloture vote Tuesday that would cut Democrats’ time obstructing President Donald Trump’s nominees on the floor, making it likely Republicans will use the nuclear option to change the Senate rules. The vote was set up by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday, with expectations that it would fail so that the nuclear option can be used. The motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed was shut down 51-48. However, since the cloture needs 60 “no” votes to fail, McConnell entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote, which will likely be voted on later in the week. The nuclear option would cut Democrats’ debate time from thirty hours to two hours, making the confirmation process for Trump’s nominees faster. Republicans would only need 51 votes to confirm a Trump nominee after the rules change. McConnell called the Democrat’s actions “systematic obstruction” on the Senate floor Tuesday, saying it is “not targeted, thoughtful opposition to a few marquee nominations or rare circumstances. But a grinding, across-the-board effort to delay and obstruct the people this president puts up. Even if they have unquestionable qualifications. Even if the…

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Republicans Launch Last-Ditch Attempt to Protect Babies Who Survive Abortion

by Grace Carr   Republicans gathered on Capitol Hill late Tuesday morning to announce their discharge petition to force a full House vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that has been repeatedly nixed by Democrats in Congress. Physicians, abortion survivors and members of Students For Life joined House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, Republican Missouri Rep. Ann Wagner and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy at the news conference Tuesday to call for the protection of newborns who survive abortion. With #prolife physicians on the Hill to educate Representatives about the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act discharge petition being filed today. #letusvote #endinfanticide — SBA Pro-Life America (@sbaprolife) April 2, 2019 Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney and abortion survivors Melissa Ohden, Claire Culwell and Gianna Jessen were also in attendance. Today I am in Washington, DC to meet with members of the U.S. House of Representatives and urge them to sign the Discharge Petition for the Born Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act.… — Claire Culwell (@claireculwell) April 2, 2019 Republicans will sign the discharge petition, H. Res. 102, — requiring 218 signatures — Tuesday afternoon in order to bypass Democrats’ continual refusal to consent to a vote on…

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Commentary: A Case for Continued American Economic Growth

by Rick Manning   The office discussions at Americans for Limited Government are lively with voices often raised over various interpretations of what the news of the day means. While none of us are economists and we don’t even belong to the Holiday Inn Rewards Program, we still have extended and sometimes loud discussions on the meaning of different economic events. Last week, a future recession signal was hit when the interest rate paid by a three-month Treasury bond went higher than the interest rate paid for a 10-year Treasury bond. Wait, don’t go away, this is really easy. It is logical that the interest rate investors would seek for a short term debt would be low, while investors would seek a higher return for parking their money in a ten-year investment. After all, the three-month bond goes away rapidly so if interest rates rise higher than what you are earning on your investment, you are not stuck with a loser for long (in this case a maximum of 3 months.) But if you buy a 10-year bond which only pays 2.4 percent interest as was the case on March 29, when the three-month bond is paying 2.4 percent, it…

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Jim Jordan Explains Why Certain Sections of Mueller Report Must Be Redacted

by Nick Givas   Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio explained why certain sections of the Mueller report must be redacted and said Congress has a duty to protect classified material. “You’ve got the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, saying ‘Go ahead and make public classified information,’ and then you have the chairman of the Judiciary Committee saying ‘Go ahead and make public grand jury material.’ Now that’s scary,” Jordan said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday. “This is where they’re at because the Mueller report was not the bombshell that they had hoped it would be. But when you have the head of the Intelligence Committee, the head of the Judiciary Committee saying, ‘Make public material that’s not supposed to get public,’ that’s not consistent with the law — that’s just wrong, just plain wrong.” Jordan said keeping certain information classified will protect innocent people who’ve been caught up in the investigation, and it should be considered common practice. “You don’t make that information public. That’s just consistent with who we are as a country. Total standard operating [procedure]. So Bill Barr said he will err on the side of transparency. He wants to release as much as…

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After the Moon in 2024, NASA Wants to Reach Mars by 2033

NASA has made it clear they want astronauts back on the Moon in 2024, and now, they are zeroing in on the Red Planet – the US space agency confirmed that it wants humans to reach Mars by 2033. Jim Bridenstine, NASA’s administrator, said Tuesday that in order to achieve that goal, other parts of the program – including a lunar landing – need to move forward more quickly. “We want to achieve a Mars landing in 2033,” Bridenstine told lawmakers at a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill. “We can move up the Mars landing by moving up the Moon landing. The Moon is the proving ground,” added the former Republican congressman, who was appointed by President Donald Trump. NASA is racing to enact the plans of Trump, who dispatched Vice President Mike Pence to announce that the timetable for once again putting man on the Moon had been cut by four years to 2024. The new date is politically significant: it would be the final year in Trump’s eventual second term at the White House. Many experts and lawmakers are concerned that NASA cannot make the deadline, especially given the major delays in the development of its new heavy-lift…

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Report: Investigation Into Ilhan Omar’s Misuse of Campaign Contributions Completed

by Molly Prince   Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing a probe into her campaign spending after complaints alleged that she misused contributions for personal use, according to a report published on Monday. The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board is investigating Omar after Minnesota GOP State Rep. Steve Drazkowski filed two complaints alleging she spent nearly $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use while she served in the Minnesota legislature, reported WJLA. Some of the improper expenditures include payments to Omar’s divorce attorney and spending on travel to Boston and Estonia. “I had observed a long pattern,” Drazkowski told WJLA. “Representative Omar hasn’t followed the law. She’s repeatedly trampled on the laws of the state in a variety of areas, and gotten by with it.” The campaign finance allegations come on the heels of a separate incident where the freshman congresswoman had to return $2,500 in speaking fees, according to The Pioneer Press. Omar accepted payment from Normandale Community College and Inver Hills Community College in 2017, despite Minnesota House rules barring lawmakers from accepting speaking fees from entities with business at the Legislature. Authorities have reportedly completed the investigation but have not yet compiled their findings or issued rulings.…

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Commentary: Social Justice Is at Odds with American Ideas of Justice

by Christopher Roach   What is justice? This complicated question is the subject of much study by philosophers, lawyers, clergy, and laymen. It is often easier to determine the metes and bounds of justice from what it is not than to define what it is in the abstract. Unfair procedures, treating the rich differently from the poor, racial discrimination, or the infusion of bribery and perjury into criminal procedures strike almost everyone as forms of injustice. Likewise, light punishments for serious crimes or excessive punishments for minor ones all have the stench of injustice. In criminal matters, justice chiefly requires that the guilty are punished and the innocent go free. Individualized Justice This understanding stems from the traditions of western justice, particularly the Anglo-American variety, which places a premium on the rights of the individual and the importance of fair procedures. This is why our Constitution allows one the right to remain silent and prohibits the use of illegally-obtained evidence, while permitting the accused a defense counsel and a trial by jury. These procedures were the products of centuries of experimentation. They reflect the concern not only with justice but also the fear of the “run-amuck” majority, i.e., the mob.…

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US House Committee Considers Subpoenas Over Census Citizenship Question

A U.S. House of Representatives committee is set to consider Tuesday whether to issue subpoenas to Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross seeking documents related to the Trump administration’s decision to add a citizenship question to the country’s 2020 census. Ross said last year he made the decision based on a request from the Justice Department to better enforce the Voting Rights Act. But states and rights groups have challenged the move, arguing it would discourage immigrants from participating, and thus result in undercounting how many people live in certain parts of the country. The census is meant to include every person in the United States at the time, no matter their citizenship or immigration status. An accurate count is important, with the results used for a number of purposes such as determining how many congressional representatives are apportioned to each state, how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal spending is allocated, and how local jurisdictions make decisions such as where to build a new road or school. The House Oversight Committee is discussing a resolution from Chairman Elijah Cummings, a Maryland Democrat, to subpoena from Barr and Ross documents and communications about the request to…

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Sen. Amy Klobuchar Latest 2020 Hopeful to Release Taxes

Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar released 12 years of tax returns Monday, saying “transparency and accountability are fundamental to good governance.” The Minnesota senator was the latest 2020 contender to make her returns public. The tax returns date back to 2006, when she first became a candidate for federal office. The documents show Klobuchar and her husband, attorney and law school professor John Bessler, paid $62,787 in federal taxes on an adjusted gross income of $292,306 in 2017. Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump for refusing to disclose his tax returns. His financial dealings also have been the subject of investigations. Among the Democratic presidential hopefuls who’ve already released their returns are Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. Other candidates have said they plan to release their returns but have yet to do so. Klobuchar’s returns show how the couple’s income has grown since she was first elected to the Senate in 2006. At that time, Klobuchar was the lead prosecutor in Hennepin County, Minnesota’s largest county, and Bessler was an attorney at a Minneapolis law firm. That year they reported $215,326 in adjusted gross income and paid $41,984 in federal taxes.…

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Avenatti Proclaims Innocence in ‘David Versus Goliaths’ Court Fight

Attorney Michael Avenatti made a brief appearance in federal court in California on Monday, proclaiming his innocence on the courthouse steps as he was jeered by onlookers. Avenatti, best known for representing pornographic film star Stormy Daniels in her legal battles with U.S. President Donald Trump, did not enter a plea to fraud and embezzlement charges lodged against him in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana. He is charged in a separate federal indictment in New York with what prosecutors said was an attempt to “shakedown” Nike for more than $20 million. “For nearly 20 years I’ve represented Davids versus Goliaths as an attorney. Throughout that entire time period, I’ve relied upon the justice system and judges sitting in courthouses just like this,” Avenatti said following the eight-minute hearing. “I will spend the time in connection with this case and the one in New York relying on that same justice system. … And I am highly confident that when the process plays out that justice will be done,” he said. As Avenatti spoke to reporters, onlookers shouted “creepy porn lawyer!” and “lock him up!” Avenatti is free on $300,000 bond in the New York case. U.S. Magistrate Judge John Early…

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Ohio Dentist Says She Will Torture ‘Zionist Patients’ With ‘Pleasure,’ Expresses Support for Hamas

A Cincinnati, Ohio dentist was recently exposed for suggesting that she would torture “Zionist patients” and repeatedly expressed support for Hamas, a terrorist organization. According to her LinkedIn page, Nessreen Zayed is a dentist in the Cincinnati area, though it’s unclear where she’s currently employed. Canary Mission unearthed dozens of controversial statements made on Zayed’s Twitter page, including one in which she said she “will enjoy doing this to Zionist patients” with “pleasure.” The comment was made in a response to a scene from the movie “A Little Shop of Horrors.” In the scene, Steve Martin joyfully sings and dances while torturing his patients in the dentist’s chair. In several other tweets, Zayed openly praised Hamas and said she “loves” the terrorist organization. “Sorry we still love Hamas,” she wrote in one tweet. “I love Hamas u [sic] can ask Hamas,” she said in another. “I know resistance has started before Hamas but right now Hamas is the only one defense the Palestinian that’s a fact we can’t,” she said in yet another tweet with numerous typos and grammatical errors. She also referred to the “funeral of the 17 martyrs killed by Israel last month” as a “heartbreaking”…

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Democrat Pundit Says Klobuchar’s Line ‘I Can See Iowa from My Front Porch’ Playing Well in Hawkeye State

Michael Patrick Leahy and Steve Gill, hosts of The Tennessee Star Report, recently spoke with attorney and Iowa insider Jim Larew to get his take on the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Larew said Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) catchphrase that she can “see Iowa from her front porch” seems to be playing well among Democrats in the state. “That’s a good line. That’s a good line, Jim,” Leahy said. “It is. And she does well with that group. She comes across as being, you know, the young woman next door. And it’s a friendlier chord that she has,” Larew said of Klobuchar. The latest poll of likely Iowa caucus-goers, however, had Klobuchar sitting at just three percent, while former Vice President Joe Biden led the poll at 27 percent, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at 25 percent. She led six other candidates who were all tied at just one percent. Klobuchar campaigned across Iowa in mid-March, making stops in Dubuque, Waterloo, and Independence. “I followed the Mississippi River down from our snowy announcement and ended up in Dubuque! Great conversations with Iowans who are looking forward to 2020,” Klobuchar said of her visit, attempting to use her status as one…

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Wisconsin Journalist to Female Republican Staffer: ‘Hope You Don’t Get Raped at a MAGA Rally’

An editor for a Wisconsin-based publication was outed Tuesday for allegedly telling a female communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee that she hopes she doesn’t “get raped at a MAGA rally.” In a press release, Carly Atchison advocated for the Born Alive Survivors’ Protection Act, which would protect babies who survive botched abortions, and asked where Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI-03) stands on the legislation. “Hey, Carly—hope you don’t get raped at a MAGA rally and have to carry that child to term. DON’T EVER CONTACT ME AGAIN,” replied Moira Crowley, who is listed as an assistant editor for Cheese Reporter, a Wisconsin publication that reports on “the world’s cheese, butter and milk processing industries.” I wrote a release advocating for legislation protecting babies surviving a botched abortion. This is how one associate editor chose to respond: — Carly Atchison Bird (@CarlyAtch) April 2, 2019 After Atchison shared the email to Twitter, Cheese Reporter released a statement claiming that Crowley’s email had been “hacked.” “Recently, one of our employee’s email was hacked and deplorable messages were transmitted. Cheese Reporter and the employee ask for your understanding during this difficult time and in no way does Cheese Reporter or…

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Democrat-Controlled Minnesota House Passes Bill to Allow Child Sex Offenders, Murderers to Work in DHS Programs

The Minnesota House passed a bill Monday in a vote along party lines that would allow residents convicted of a number of felonies to work in programs overseen by the Department of Human Services. The bill, House File 2265, was authored by Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL-St. Paul) and passed out of the House in a 73-54 vote. Pinto’s bill would require the DHS to consider granting a “set aside or variance” for “an individual who was disqualified for a crime or conduct listed under section 245C.15, subdivision 1” and if more than 20 years have passed since the individual was either sentenced or committed the crime. The bill would apply to positions that require a DHS background check, such as Personal Care Attendants (PCAs), services for Minnesotans with disabilities, and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation drivers. Crimes listed under section 245C.15, subdivision 1, include: Felony-level stalking Drive-by shooting Malicious punishment of a child Solicitation of children to engage in sexual conduct Murder of an unborn child in the first degree Kidnapping Domestic assault by strangulation Child abuse or neglect Spousal abuse Domestic assault Murder in the first, second, and third degree In a press release, Deputy Minority Leader Anne Neu (R-North Branch)…

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Gas Prices Spike as Ohio Legislature Approves Gas Tax Hike

The American Automobile Association (AAA) announced Monday that only three months into 2019, the nation’s average gas price has spiked by almost 45 cents. Ohio prices increased as well, but by slightly less than the national average. While Ohioans may be relieved, experts are predicting that these price increases are expected to continue indefinitely. According to AAA, the current average gas price is $2.69 for regular unleaded gas. Though this is far from the historical high of $4.16 in May of 2011, it’s still more expensive than gas has been in the previous three years. At the state level: The nation’s top 10 largest weekly increases are: Florida (+13 cents), California (+12 cents), Indiana (+11 cents), Georgia (+11 cents), Idaho (+9 cents), Kentucky (+9 cents), Washington (+9 cents), Oregon (+8 cents), Nevada (+8 cents) and Ohio (+8 cents). “Three months ago motorists could find gas for less than $2.50 at 78 percent of gas stations. Today, you can only find gas for that price at one-third of stations, which is likely giving sticker shock to motorists across the country,” AAA spokesperson Jeanette Casselano said. “Gasoline stocks have been steadily decreasing since early February causing spikes at the pump that are likely…

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Rep. Green Joins Republican Effort to Force Vote on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

U.S. Rep. Dr. Green (R-TN-07) announced Tuesday he would sign the petition to force a floor vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The act was filed by House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA-01) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO-02) and would require medical care to children born alive after surviving a botched abortion. “Now, more than ever, the American people need clarification – where exactly does the Democratic party stand on the issue of abortion? Are they really comfortable letting already born infants die? This is not a trifling matter. I urge my colleagues in Congress to break party lines and protect these vulnerable and innocent children from this demise,” Green said in a statement. A simple majority (218) of signatures are needed for a discharge petition to be successful, Green said. That means 21 Democrats must join Republicans. At the end of Tuesday, the measure had 191 signatures, Politico said. Only one of three Democratic cosponsors – U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) – added his name to the petition. Freshman U.S. Rep. Ben McAdams (D-UT), who is not a cosponsor, also signed. According to Politico: Still, the GOP plans to use the petition as a cudgel against Democrats,…

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