Commentary: The Federal Government Hoards So Much Land It Doesn’t Even Know How Much It Has

by Richard McCarty   It is well-known that the federal government has a spending problem, but it is less well-known that the government also has a hoarding a problem. As most Western state residents know, the federal government likes to hoard land. Unfortunately, it has not shown itself to be capable of managing the land that it holds. This hoarding impedes economic growth, and federal land mismanagement allows catastrophic fires that unnecessarily endanger lives and property. To address this problem, Congress should stop appropriating funds to buy more land and direct the administration to begin selling off unneeded federal lands to the private sector or turn the land over to lower levels of government that are closer to the people. Just how much land does the federal government own? It turns out that the federal government owns so much land that it does not even know exactly how much it owns. According to a report issued this year by the Congressional Research Service, “The total federal land in the United States is not definitively known.” The government’s “rough estimate” is that it owns 640 million acres, which is equivalent to one million square miles. To put that in perspective, 640 million…

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Lonnie Spivak Analyzes Early Voting Trends in Nashville Mayoral Runoff Election

In a specific discussion Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed on the VIP line and former Vice Chairman of the Davidson County Republican party, Lonnie Spivak to the show. The men discussed some of the early voting trends in the Nashville Mayoral race along with some information in the district level. Spivak specifically requested that Republicans need to turn out in districts 16, 23, and 26. Towards the end of the segment, Leahy questioned whether or not there was really such a thing as a moderate Democrat anymore. Leahy: We’re joined by the Tennessee Star Report all-star panelist Lonnie Spivak. Former Vice-Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. A long-time conservative activist and election voting analyst extraordinaire. Lonnie, welcome to the Tennessee Star Report. Spivak: Good morning Michael. Thanks for having me on.  I’m glad to be part of the panel. Leahy: Yes. And by the way, it’s going to be a lot of fun when we do this special live broadcast on 98.3 and 1510 WLAC this Thursday night. 7 pm to 10 pm. And we’ll be…

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Kentucky Downs Opener Bright, Future Brighter

by Danny Brewer On the last day of August 2019, a glance toward the Tennessee-Kentucky state line revealed this bright shining light. I am still not sure if that was the brilliant sunshine Mother Nature blessed us with or the glistening glow of the Kentucky Downs opening day? The answer here is a little bit of both. The five day run over the European-style turf course in Franklin, Kentucky got of to a great start. The meet’s beginning saw large crowds and a record opening day handle. The ten race card that featured four stakes races saw $8,464,103 wagered with some hefty returns on the investment. The average win ticket on the day yielded $17.82 on a $2 wager with the lowest return coming in at $10 (race 2 Hellorhighwater). The 10 cent superfecta payout ($2.40 wager when boxed) averaged $626.58 with the lowest coming in at $52.27 (race 2) and the biggest day maker cashing for $1552.18 (race 4). The early 50 cent pick four paid $4329.50 while the late 50 cent pick four came home at $2066.10. The payouts were prolific, but the day was not without superb athletic performances as well. Perhaps the best display came in…

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BREAKING NEWS: Metro Council Candidate Steve Glover Intends to File Civil Suit Complaint Against Mayor David Briley Over Illegal Executive Order

Nashville Metro Council candidate Steve Glover said that he is currently working with an attorney  and intends to file a civil complaint against Mayor David Briley’s recent executive order instructing Metro employees not to cooperate with federal agents who are enforcing immigration law.

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Live Action Founder Lila Rose Says Facebook Censored Them with Biased Fact Checkers, Says ‘We Were Targeted’

Live Action founder and President Lila Rose said Facebook allowed abortionists to fact check Live Action content and label it as misinformation.

Facebook cited a fact check from two third-party fact checkers, telling Rose and Live Action that their statement “abortion is never medically necessary” was both inaccurate and misleading.

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Commentary: The Inertial State

One of the nobler elements of the American system is its jealous protection of the rights of minority interests. Going back to James Madison’s strictures about balancing faction against faction in Federalist #10, and Abraham Lincoln’s warnings against unfettered popular sovereignty in the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Americans have long held to a noble tradition of respecting minority rights, rather than simply riding roughshod over minority factions in the name of decisive majoritarian action.

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Commentary: The August Jobs Report Is Not ‘Mixed’ It’s Yuuge

The anti-Trump talking-down-the-economy crowd has America already in a recession, with POLITICO’s Morning Money leading its Thursday morning news with, “…manufacturing in recession and capital expenditures dropping, the strong consumer is the final leg holding up the U.S. economy. But the length of the workweek dipped in July, often a leading signal that employers are cutting back. A sharp slowdown in job creation could follow.”

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Parents: Williamson County Schools’ New Curriculum Claims President Obama Shipping 1.7 Billion Dollars in Cash to the Dictators of Iran Without Congressional Authorization Is an Achievement

  On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – host Leahy welcomed Williamson County Schools parents Stefanie and Edina to the show to talk about the recent discovery of the new Tennessee “standard” curriculum for the county. During the show, Edina said that parents are only allowed to view Williamson County Schools’ (WCS) new online social studies curriculum in person at the facilities of WCS under the supervision of WCS staff and disclosed what she learned in an in-person review of the curriculum with David Rector of WCS. Edina highlighted a segment of the new curriculum that discussed the Obama administration’s so-called “achievements” and “setbacks.” Leahy and both parents were dumbfounded to learn about the subtle propaganda that is part of the curriculum. Leahy: We have two special guests in the studio today, two parents from Williamson County. Edina, you are originally from Edina: Hungary. Leahy: Originally from Hungary. Edina: And California so I escaped socialism twice. Leahy: Well, maybe three times I don’t know. Edina: I seem to have bad luck Leahy: (Laughs) So you and you have a last name I can’t…

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A Republic if You Can Keep It: Former Teacher and Author Claudia Henneberry Explains the Difference Between a Republic and a Democracy

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed friend and co-author of the Star News Digital Media Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for Secondary Students, Claudia Henneberry. Henneberry coined the chapter title, A Republic if You Can Keep It for one of the book’s chapters now, coincidentally the title of a new book coming out by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

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