Commentary: Kamala Harris is the Winner from the Impeachment Push But the Game is On

by Karin McQuillan


The Democrat leadership and political elite have decided to go all in on impeachment. It’s just their latest big media play. It remains to be seen how far they push it beyond posturing and investigations since Nancy Pelosi’s “official investigation” reportedly is what Representative Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has been doing all along. Nonetheless, in political terms, the Democrats are making a consequential move that is likely to undercut the Biden campaign.

Republican pundits are busy pointing out that the Ukraine story will hurt Joe Biden more than President Trump. They are wondering why Democrats would go back to the same failed ploy they tried with the Mueller investigation, which only uncovered wrongdoing by the Clinton campaign and Obama’s CIA and FBI appointees, and none by President Trump. These pundits are missing the point.

Winners and Losers

There are two losers here and two winners. The losers are President Trump and candidate Joe Biden. The winners are Elizabeth Warren in the short term, and Kamala Harris in the long-term.

President Trump loses because, once more, his brand is associated with a bad smell. The screeching press coverage of the flimsy Ukraine accusations amount to powerful, free campaign ads for his opposition and they’re running 24/7. They are aimed at low information swing voters who never bother to get the details, just the headlines. And as such they work.

The key audience here is Democrat voters themselves, the moderate but loyal Democrats who are becoming restive about their party’s left turn. A small but significant percentage of these voters ordinarily would give President Trump a fair chance. There is a lot for them to like in his record. President Trump has been an outstanding president in the two realms that count: the economy and national security. We are in a period of job growth not seen in decades, and unheard of in the lifetime of millennials. President Trump has disproportionately helped blacks and Hispanics. We are at peace.

Yes, Every Kid

Democrats have to make sure President Trump does not get credit for these accomplishments and thereby get a fair chance from moderate voters, black, Hispanic and white.

Impeachment hysteria will hurt President Trump. It is part of an ongoing classic leftist tactic, called agitprop. Propaganda relies on baseless, unprovable, grotesque accusations for a reason. The goal is not to prove their ludicrous lies. In this case, it is not to actually impeach the president in the midst of campaign season. The purpose of agitprop, commonly called Trump Derangement, is to dirty the president.

Yes, of course a focus on Ukraine will hurt Biden even more. That is probably the primary goal of whoever set up the fake whistleblower scenario. Clearly, pulling down Biden is what the progressives want, so they see the Ukraine accusations as a twofer. They hurt both Trump and Biden.

Who Wanted to Take Out Biden?

There is no hiding the ugliness of Biden enriching his family through open corruption with foreign countries, including communist China, our most consequential enemy. Biden allowed his ne’er do well son to operate a shake down operation, extracting millions of dollars from Ukrainian and Chinese companies whose sole purpose was to buy influence with the Obama administration. Biden then posed as a champion corruption fighter in the Ukraine. These revelations ruin Biden’s image as a trustworthy, decent man.

The damage to Biden is so obvious, hurting him with the Ukraine story has to be a choice by Pelosi.

Did Pelosi collapse under progressive pressure? That is possible. The four freshmen Congresswomen of “the Squad” may be the face of the hard left in Congress, and reportedly SJWs are only 6 percent of Democrat voters, but they are the tip of the iceberg. There are far bigger, more consequential players who do not want Biden. And although they share Elizabeth Warren’s hatred of capitalism and personal freedom, these hard-left powerbrokers would prefer a black/Asian woman to a white woman.

Warren will be the front-runner once Biden is knocked off the stage with the Ukraine scandal. Kamala Harris will then be positioned as the (fake) moderate, non-socialist alternative to Warren.

CNBC, just before the Ukraine story broke, was trumpeting that Wall Street Democrats are preparing to sit out the presidential campaign fundraising cycle—or even back President Trump—if Warren wins the nomination. That story was planted to undercut Warren’s momentum.

Warren, despite her current surge and her obvious brainpower, is not the politician to follow in President Obama’s cagey footsteps. Not just because she’s white. The grown-ups on the Left know that America is not yet ready for their freaky war on America’s freedom and prosperity.

Race Card Keeps Moderate Democrats In Line

Democratic messaging is stronger when it stays on the well-tread ground of accusing Republicans of being racist. Republicans as white supremacists is their killer argument for keeping moderate Democrats in line, the voters who are most likely to bolt if a socialist openly threatens their own family’s welfare. Virtue signaling on race is free and fun.

Warren fires up feminists and millennials, but she scares the pants off everyone else and is nothing to blacks and Hispanics. Kamala Harris is well positioned to move forward, once Biden is out of the way.

Harris gets the absolutely crucial, black voting bloc, and alienates no one. Harris wins.

Political writer L.E. Ikenga, a first-generation Nigerian-American, reports that an army of black community organizers, backed with big money and the support of teacher’s unions, has been proselytizing black youth to reject white candidates since Obama’s 2012 election. President Obama used Ferguson to inflame blacks across the nation and empowered the Marxist hate-group Black Lives Matter by endorsing their false accusations of racist cops murdering innocent blacks. During Obama’s second term, the influence of BLM grew as if on steroids.

Ikenga writes that young voters whose first election will be 2020 have been pickled in the Black Lives Matter narrative all through high school. One author of the Black Lives Matter textbook explains: “the ultimate objective is to catechize the nation’s students, from kindergarten through high school, in BLM’s race-based vision of the world.”

Ikenga believes that black voters are not policy based, they are “social justice voters.” They will not vote for a ticket with a mainstream white candidate at its head.

These voters did not turn out for Hillary Clinton, and they will not turn out for Elizabeth Warren. Warren can be folksy and pretend she was an underpaid special ed teacher, not a Harvard professor who scammed affirmative action and pulled down $500,000 per course. It won’t do her a bit of good with the black Democrat voting bloc. Blacks don’t want her.

What Real Socialists Want

The real socialists, who put President Obama into power, don’t want Warren either. They want to tear the country apart on race.

Money is power in politics. Pelosi understands this very well.

Radical progressive groups and foundations outnumber conservative groups by more than 50 percent and are worth $104 billion, ten times the measly assets of conservative non-profits. The Southern Poverty Law Center alone has assets of half a billion dollars, and receives tax breaks as a non-political charity. The radicals also get federal tax dollars, under the guise of public-private partnerships. And let’s not forget the half a billion dollars Obama illegally removed from Treasury Department funds and distributed to social justice organizations or the reported but ignored pattern of Obama fundraising for his private SJW group, Organizing for America, instead of for the Democrat party.

$2.4 billion has been poured into left-wing political organizing groups by a single Marxist activist and his heiress wife, Steve Philips and Susan Sandler. Among their successes (working with Soros and Progressive Insurance billionaire, Peter Lewis) was the campaign of a once unknown Barack Hussein Obama. They are all about the alliance between the hard-Left and minority voters.

That strategy is to create a coalition that excludes mainstream voters entirely. The Obama Left believes they have a 51 percent majority composed of “progressives of color” and white “progressives”—reliable locked-in Democratic voters. These leftists think they don’t need ordinary Americans anymore.

This thinking is why Obama and his backers talk happily about demographic destiny, and feel free to badmouth white working-class America. It is why Hillary Clinton didn’t bother to ask for votes in America’s heartland. Philips counsels Democrats to “Stop wasting billions on ‘swing voters.’” Instead he counsels them to put that money into voter registration drives and “Get Out the Vote” efforts in Southern and Southwestern states. Why? Because these states all have large minority populations that lean Democratic but their turnout during elections is low. Philips thinks there is room for the party to grow if they can get these Southern minority voters registered and to the polls. His simplistic method for doing this is to inspire them with “progressive candidates of color.”

Paleface Warren can’t do this job. It has to be Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris does not have Obama’s charm or charisma, but she is his kind of candidate. Consider President Obama himself and his inner circle. Obama’s closest advisor Valerie Jarrett, his campaign chief David Axelrod, and David Maraniss, his biographer, are all red diaper babies, that is, children of communists. Obama’s three mentors in life and in politics, Frank Marshall Davis, the Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers, were avowed Marxists. Kamala Harris’s Stanford professor father is a Marxist economist, hired after protests by radicals on campus that they wanted more Marxist professors.

Finding Their Blind Spots

Our Marxist millionaires and billionaires are experienced political activists. They have been working with a great deal of success to flip red states blue, to scam elections with voter harvesting, to get control over election districting, and to primary mainstream Democrats.

They have their blind spots, however. These same left-wing political geniuses don’t notice that Barack Obama pretended to be a racial healer and mainstream candidate in order to win.

Kamala Harris is no Barack Obama. She is obnoxious, aggressive, and openly uses racial attacks. She has few political skills, few oratorical skills, and a poor record on black issues. She is not going to inspire black men the way our first black president did.

And there’s this wild card: Obama may have left a legacy of race-baiting, but he also left a percentage of disappointed black voters ready to listen, and possibly, to try something new. They hate illegal immigration, they aren’t into global warming, they’re too cynical to fall for reparations promises, they are frequent targets of feminists. They want jobs. And many of them are patriotic.

Game on.

No wonder the Democrat party prefers agitprop to normal politics.

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Karin McQuillan served in the Peace Corps in West Africa, was a clinical social worker and psychotherapist, and is now a writer and regular contributor to American Thinker and American Greatness.
Photo “Kamala Harris” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.





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