A Tennessee state legislator introduced a bill Monday that would require elementary and secondary school student-athletes to compete in sports based on their biological sex at birth.
Read the full storyDay: December 12, 2019
Tennessee’s Only Democrats in House, Steve Cohen and Jim Cooper, Announce Support for Articles of Impeachment
Tennessee’s only two Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, Reps Steve Cohen (TN-09) and Jim Cooper (TN-05), have announced their decisions to support the two Articles of Impeachment against President Trump, introduced in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. Both Cohen and Cooper represent safely Democratic districts. Cohen represents Memphis, while Cooper represents Nashville. The remaining seven members of the Tennessee Congressional delegation are all Republicans, and are all strongly behind the president. Cooper’s announcement came on Tuesday, while Cohen’s came on Wednesday night as members of the House Judiciary Commitee debated articles of impeachment. During that hearing, Cohen, who sits on that committee, declared President Donald Trump used his office “for personal political gain.” “When President Trump, for his own personal political gain, asked for a favor from a foreign leader, he did exactly what our Founders feared most — he invited the influence of a foreign power into our elections. This is one of the primary reasons the Founders placed impeachment in our Constitution. Trump’s subversive and illegal actions in seeking foreign interference is an insult to the “Constitution and to free and fair elections,” according to Cohen. Furthermore, the representative believes Trump’s “attempt to subvert…
Read the full storyCommentary: The Standing of Blacks in the Republican Party
Barack Obama launched his meteoric political rise in 2004 by plagiarizing a message published in my 1991 essay, “Black and White Together: A Reconsideration,” which was included in the book Reassessing Civil Rights. Unfortunately, while Obama embraced the winning rhetoric, he did not embrace the argument. Otherwise, he would have transformed the political character of our nation. For the first thing he would have done would have been to lead the Democratic Party away from its practice of maintaining political ghettos for minorities.
Read the full storyPentagon Inspector General to Review Legality of Trump’s Troop Deployment to Southern Border
The Pentagon’s Office of Inspector General has opened a review into President Donald Trump’s deployment of military personnel to the U.S.-Mexico border following calls from Democratic lawmakers.
Read the full storyCommentary: Students’ Test Scores Unchanged After Decades of Federal Intervention in Education
Federal “Highly Qualified Teacher” mandates. Adequate Yearly Progress requirements. Smaller learning communities. Improving Teacher Quality State Grants. Reading First. Early Reading First. The dozens of other federal programs authorized via No Child Left Behind. School Improvement Grants. Race to the Top. Common Core.
Read the full storyGreta Thunberg Named Time’s ‘Person of the Year’
Time magazine announced its “Person of the Year” as the Swedish teenager and “global warming” activist Greta Thunberg, NBC reports.
Read the full storyDiversity Delusion: Author Heather MacDonald Says, ‘Diversity is a Parasite on the Body of a College’
In a special interview Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed a very special guest, Heather MacDonald to the show.
Read the full storyNashville Finance Director Describes Plan to Fix City Finances
NASHVILLE — Tennessee Comptroller Justin Wilson is not pleased with Metro Nashville’s finances and wants three things out of city officials as part of a corrective action plan so the city won’t fall into a receivership.
Read the full storyCommentary: Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History
In America, we celebrate democracy and are justifiably proud that this nation was founded on the idea that the people should rule.
Read the full storyMexican National Who Illegally Voted in Five Federal Elections Sentenced to Prison
A Mexican national who said he supports President Donald Trump was sentenced in Sacramento on Tuesday to three years, nine months in prison for illegally casting votes in federal elections for the past 20 years.
Read the full storyGunmen in New Jersey Targeted Jewish Supermarket, Says Mayor
Two gunmen targeted a Jewish supermarket in New Jersey Tuesday, according to Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop.
Read the full storyBoth CNN and MSNBC Refuse to Air Senator Graham’s Full Opening Statement
Senator Lindsey Graham gave a powerful opening statement to kick off Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, but if you were watching CNN or MSNBC, you wouldn’t know it.
Read the full storyNorthrop Grumman Donates Jet to Help School Launch Maryland’s First High School Aviation Program
Northrop Grumman donated a Sabreliner jet to a Maryland high school this week to help it launch the state’s first high school aviation program.
Read the full storyBeacon Center of Tennessee Releases State’s Annual Pork Report
Government officials throughout the Volunteer State wasted millions of taxpayer dollars this past year through fraud, abuse, and incompetence, according to the 2019 Tennessee Pork Report, released Wednesday.
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