Trump Praises Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act During State of the Union Address

President Trump voiced support during his State of the Union Address earlier this week for the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act, which would create a $5 billion annual tax credit for donations to state-based, locally-controlled scholarships. The act aims at giving one million children the opportunity to attend their school of choice.

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Commentary: Romney’s Discreditable, Dishonest Vote

What an unexpected sorbet Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) served up on Wednesday afternoon. After the shambles of the Democrats in Iowa; the president, during the State of the Union, shoving into the faces of the Democrats a cream pie in the form of his overwhelming policy successes; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tearing up of Trump’s speech at the podium in a demonic state of petulance; and the final collapse and disposal of the most inane official assault on the presidency in its history in the impeachment vote, Romney seems to have had an out-of-body freak-out.

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Ohio Senators Voted Along Party Lines in the Impeachment Trial

  Ohio Senators Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman announced their decision on why they voted the way they did during Wednesday’s historic Senate impeachment vote. As expected, these senators’ decisions went along party lines. Brown, a Democrat, said “yes” to articles of impeachment, and Portman, a Republican, said “no” to the articles. According to Brown’s press release, he believed Trump abused his power as president by asking a foreign government for a political favor to help his political campaign, and then obstructed Congress by blocking witnesses from testifying during the impeachment process. “Over the course of this trial we heard overwhelming evidence that President Trump did things Richard Nixon never did – he extorted a bribe from a foreign leader, to put his own presidential campaign above the American people he swore an oath to serve, Brown said. “If we acquit this President, it sets a clear, dangerous precedent – that you can abuse your office, and Congress will look the other way.” Brown thought the president and Republicans blocked evidence during the Senate impeachment trial including not allowing new witnesses. “One of our fundamental American values is that we have no kings, no nobility, no oligarchs in this country…

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ACQUITTED: The Senate Votes to Acquit President on Both Articles 52-48 and 53-47

In an historic vote Wednesday, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Trump on both Articles of Impeachment.

Falling far short of the necessary two-thirds majority needed to expel a sitting president, Trump was acquitted 52-48 on the House of Representatives’ Article One charge of  “abuse of power.” The President was acquitted on the Article Two charge of “Obstruction of Congress” by a vote of 53-47.

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