Who Is Funding and Organizing the Antifa Insurrection?

by Debra Heine


Someone is organizing criminals and vandals to loot and destroy cities but the corporate media don’t seem all that interested in getting to the bottom of it. In fact, Democrats and their allies in the press have been actively engaging in misdirection, lamely accusing white supremacists of being behind the mayhem plaguing “peaceful protests.”

A looter who was caught by the police in Santa Monica, California on Sunday was very candid with a local reporter when he was asked about his motive.

The man told FOX 11’s Bill Melugin that he wasn’t actually protesting police brutality but was “point blank” just doing it “to get some money.”

“That’s it, just trying to get some dough, that’s it,” he said.

A group of looters broke into the store and began to flee, and as they got into a car, one of them wasn’t fast enough and was left behind by his group. Police were able to catch him, and he was taken into custody.

When asked if his actions were related to what happened in Minnesota, the man said it might have a little bit to do with that, but “not really, I’m out here for “the dough.”

When asked if it was worth it, the man said “obviously not,” while turning to show the reporter his cuffed hands behind his back.

“If you’re going to get some money, do it right. Don’t do it the dumb way. Do it the smart way,” he added.

Melugin ended the interview without asking the looter any additional questions—like who organized this? Were you paid to come out here and loot?

“Thanks for your time. Best of luck to you,” the reporter said.

On Monday, a restaurant owner in Santa Monica told CBS LA that the looters who hit his business traveled in SUVs and were “very well organized.”

“They were very well organized, they came with duffel bags, SUVs,” Jeffrey Merrihue, the owner of Heroic Italian Restaurant, said.  “They went from shop to shop. They went in, cleared out with full duffel bags, another SUV would pull up. It was very impressive actually, to be honest.”

Merrihue, who opened his restaurant for business on Monday despite his losses and damages, said he had cell phone video  showing the looters in action.

“The vandals broke in, stole our cash machine, stole a few cases of wine,” he said.

Santa Monica Police said over 400 arrests were made last night on charges included looting, violation of curfew, burglary, and assault. According to police, the vast majority, 95%, were not residents.

“They would go to the Nike store, this store, they were just telling each other where to go,” said Sunnin Lebanese Cuisine owner Nicole Chammaa.

Chammaa said looters and vandals got into her Lebanese restaurant, damaged her furniture and decor, and got away with two cash registers full of cash.

A police chief in Bellevue Washington, which was also hit by looting and violence Sunday night, said he thinks the people responsible were organized, from out of town, and being paid.

“There are groups paying these looters money to come in and they’re getting paid by the broken window,” Bellevue’s Police Chief Steve Mylett told KIRO 7.

Chief Mylett said the looters were separate from the peaceful protesters who were demanding police accountability in the wake of George Floyd’s killing.

He thinks they’re exploiting the moment and connected to the other scenes of violence in the area.

Mylett said the looters appeared to be after high-end stuff that could be resold.

“This is something totally different we are dealing with that we have never seen as a profession before,” he said, adding that the group appeared to be trying to deplete police resources.

“We did have officers that were in different areas that were chasing these groups,” he explained. “When we make contact, they just disperse.”

Chief Mylett said his priority is the preservation of life. He said some of the looters are armed and he worries their crimes could escalate.

“It kept me up last night and it’s been keeping me up because my fear is that it may be coming,” Chief Mylett said.

Bellevue Police arrested 14 people on Sunday. He said the youngest was 13 years old.

Throughout last weekend, there were also reports of large pallets of bricks showing up in riot torn areas in multiple cities across America. Who paid for that? Who is funding this insurgency?

Former New York City mayor and Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani said Monday that he has personally seen enough evidence now to conclude that “there was a guiding hand in some of this.”

“Definitely there’s organization behind this,” he said on Sebastian Gorka’s “America First” podcast.

Giuliani told Gorka that one of the benefits of designating antifa a terrorist group is that the government now has the ability to investigate the group’s finances.

“It will help a lot in being able to tie together some of the loose ends that could tell you how well organized this is,” he said. It could answer the Soros question too because you get into their books. How much money does he donate and how closely associated is he with them?”

The FBI put out a statement Tuesday saying that the Bureau is seeking information and digital media depicting individuals inciting violence during the protest/riots.

The FBI respects the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Our mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution is dual and simultaneous, not contradictory.

Accordingly, we are committed to apprehending and charging violent instigators who are exploiting legitimate, peaceful protests and engaging in violations of federal law. The continued violence, potential threat to life, and destruction of property across the United States interferes with the rights and safety of First Amendment-protected peaceful demonstrators, as well as all other citizens.

To help us identify actors who are actively instigating violence in the wake of Mr. George Floyd’s death, the FBI is accepting tips and digital media depicting violent encounters surrounding the civil unrest that is happening throughout the country.

An undercover Project Veritas investigation in January exposed an antifa plot to violently rebel if socialist Bernie Sanders lost the nomination, which he eventually did.

“You should expect a f-cking violent reaction,” Sanders field organizer Kyle Jurek said. “The cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f–king beaten in Milwaukee.”

The organizer stressed that cities across the country would pay if  his candidate did not get the nomination.

“We’re going to make 1978 [he means 1968] look like a f-cking girl scout f-cking cookout,” Jurek said.

Project Veritas spoke with other Sanders field organizers who all said there would be a violent revolution if Sanders lost.

Martin Weissgerger and Mason Baird, Sanders staffers in South Carolina, said that they would be taking “extreme actions” against capitalists.

“We would need a federal government and labor union movement that is working together to strip power away from capitalists and preferably directing violence toward property,” Baird told a Project Veritas undercover reporter.

The riots have cost retailers billions of dollars at a time when the U.S economy was already seriously damaged by coronavirus lockdown policies.

Antifa-supporting Bernie bros are openly celebrating the “revolution” on social media.

It’s abundantly clear that Antifa is trying to topple the U.S. through a violent revolution. The only question is who is helping to fund and organize their efforts.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “George Floyd Protests” by Lorie Shaull. CC BY-SA 2.0.







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6 Thoughts to “Who Is Funding and Organizing the Antifa Insurrection?”

  1. M. Flatt

    Should we ever find out, I hope those responsible are tried for both sedition and treason.

    It’s been over a century since we hanged someone for treason.

  2. George Soros is funding this insurrection. Hasn’t the FBI been paying attention?

  3. Wolf Woman

    Just a wild guess but how about George $oros through his Open Society Foundations. His Open Society-US: Equality and Anti-Discrimination (fire the police), along with Economic Equity and Justice or let’s spread the wealth by looting are perfect vehicles for supporting a political riot.

    Soros is an evil man who’s way worse than a James Bond super villain because he’s a billionaire real person, dedicated to taking down our civilization.

  4. Rob Moreland

    Don’t believe someone with an agenda is behind the protest. Watch this https://youtu.be/op1yqcIdhbE

  5. Karen Bracken

    And the interviewer, as usual, drops the ball. He NEVER asks the guy WHO PAID HIM. Why not? Because they know who paid him and don’t want to put the names out there. Journalism is dead. We need to create our alternative to MSM, FOX and all the other fake news outlets. COVID has been over for weeks but the media keeps hyping it everyday. WHY? They will continue to do the bidding of big Pharma for advertising dollars that’s WHY.
