President Trump Set to Leave Walter Reed, Will Continue COVID Recovery at the White House

by Debra Heine


President Donald Trump’s announcement Monday that he was feeling good and would soon be able to leave Walter Reed Medical Center, left many in the Resistance media in angry, sputtering convulsions.

“I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M,” Trump tweeted Monday afternoon. “Feeling really good!”

One outraged journalist compared the president—who has been treated for the coronavirus at the hospital since Friday—to Typhoid Mary, and warned that he could infect the entire White House staff if he returns home.

The president, however, sounded upbeat about his encounter with the potentially deadly virus.

“Don’t be afraid of Covid,” Trump said in his tweet. “Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”

The president was initially going to spend his ten days of quarantine in his White House residence, but when his condition took a turn for the worse on Friday, he was transferred to Walter Reed.

In a press briefing Monday afternoon, the president’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said Trump had “met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria,” and had received another dose of the antiviral drug Remdesivir, allowing his medical team “to get him home.”

“It’s been more than 72 hours since his last fever,” the doctor told reporters, adding that his oxygen levels were all normal now too.

“Though he may not be entirely out of the woods yet, the team and I agree that all our evaluations, and most importantly, his clinical status, support the president’s safe return home,” Conley said.

The stock market shot up 465 points after Trump announced he would be discharged from the hospital Monday evening.

Rather than celebrate this good news, some in the media fussed that the president was being irresponsible by returning to the White House so soon. In most cases, reporters registered their disapproval subtlety in their biased reports.

Others melted down over the news on Twitter.

The Washington Post’s Never-Trump extraordinaire Jen Rubin went on an unhinged Twitter rant, comparing Trump to Typhoid Mary, and arguing that he was a “menace” endangering the entire White House staff.

Rubin actually tweeted hysterically: “Congress might want to defund Walter Reed. It is a public health hazard.”

Rubin wasn’t the only blue check Resistance warrior to melt down over the great news that the president had recovered fully from the dreaded virus.

“This insanely reckless public health messaging is exactly what Trump’s Fox News propagandists have been pushing for, just breathtakingly irresponsible stuff,” tweeted Media Matters operative, Matthew Gertz. 

“This is an insult to the friends and family of 210k people who have died and the 7.5 million people infected,” scolded former Clinton Administration flack Joe Lockhart on Twitter.  “There is no bottom,” the CNN contributor added.

The Nation correspondent Elie Mystal said gloomily of Trump’s announcement: “More people will die because of this tweet.”

Left-wing activist Sally Kohn played up the income inequality angle.

“You mean don’t be afraid of Covid if you have a team of private doctors, ever drug trial at your disposal, and every other resource imaginable,” Kohn tweeted. “Guessing the millions of Americans who’s healthcare you’re undermining should be afraid. And the 210,000 who’ve died.”

“210,000 dead and counting and the president’s message is “Don’t be afraid of Covid,” sniffed Voxsplainer Aaron Rupar.

“This is precisely the opposite of the message a responsible human being would deliver in these circumstances,” chastised lefty professor David Rothkopf. “It diminishes a risk that is likely to claim another 160K lives in the next three months. It shows he’s learned nothing. Infectious or not, he’s a menace.”

The always brilliant Mollie Hemingway put the media’s rabid gutter-sniping into the proper perspective.

“Big Media and other Biden campaign operatives need you to believe that COVID is a certain death sentence, which is why they downplay facts on actual fatality rates, etc,” the Federalist editor and Fox news contributor explained. “They are *livid* that Trump is once again demonstrating how fake their narratives are.”

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Debra Heine is a regular contributor to American Greatness. 













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