Trump Campaign Announces ‘Major Victory’ in PA Court Allowing GOP Poll Watchers Access to Ballot Counting

The Trump Campaign announced Thursday morning a “major victory” in a Pennsylvania appellate court in their suit challenging the lack of access of Republican poll watchers to the ballot processing and counting process.

Justin Clark, Trump 2020 Deputy Campaign Manger and Senior Counsel called the decision a “major victory for election integrity, election transparency, all Pennsylvania voters, and the rule of law.”

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New Unemployment Claims Miss Expectations, Stay Unchanged

The number of Americans filing new unemployment claims came in at 751,000 last week as the economy continues to suffer the effects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to the Department of Labor.

New jobless claims were unchanged compared to the week ending Oct. 24 in which there were also 751,000 new jobless claims reported, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics figure released Thursday showed. New jobless claims have been below 800,000 for three consecutive weeks, according to CNBC.

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Ousted Democrat John DeBerry Loses House District 90 to Torrey Harris

Incumbent John DeBerry lost Tennessee’s House District 90 to Democratic candidate Torrey Harris on Tuesday. DeBerry lost by nearly 55 points, or just over 11,000 votes.

Although DeBerry had served the office as a Democrat for the last 26 years, the Democratic Party removed him from the primary ballot over disagreements with his views on abortion and education. 

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Republicans Dominate the 2020 Tennessee Election Cycle

Tennessee’s elections were called for Republicans across the board not long after the polls closed on Tuesday night. The red state remained red, for the most part. One state-level seat flipped in Davidson County: a blue dot surrounded by red.

On the national scale, President Donald Trump won with an approximate 23 point lead over Democratic candidate Joe Biden. That lead is 3 points shy of his 2016 victory against Hillary Clinton. A total of just over 3 million votes were reported. Absentee votes favored Biden by just under one percent.

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More Evidence That Nashville Mayor John Cooper Misled Public About COVID-19 Data Is Forthcoming, Metro Council Member Says

Even more emails are coming that reveal how Nashville Mayor John Cooper and members of his staff mishandled the COVID-19 emergency, Metro Council Member At-Large Steve Glover told The Tennessee Star Wednesday.

This, on the same week that the Nashville-based FOX 17 published emails showing that Cooper’s staff downplayed the number of COVID-19 cases coming from the city’s bars and restaurants. Cooper later ordered those bars and restaurants closed.

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Commentary: Republicans Leading in the Senate May Save America from Democratic One-Party Rule

States are still counting votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina — and with disputed deadlines currently allowing absentee ballots to still be received days after the election in Pennsylvania and North Carolina — it is simply too close to call the presidential race.

President Donald Trump carried Ohio, Florida and Iowa by big margins despite many mainstream news polls saying he would lose those states handily — which are little better than astrology at this point — and is still promising to take the race for the White House to the Supreme Court with litigation, presumably challenging any late ballots that come in.

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Democrats’ Massive Fundraising Haul Barely Moved the Needle in Key Senate Races

Sen. Lindsey Graham fared nearly as well on Tuesday against a Democratic challenger who spent more than $100 million in the 2020 cycle as he did against his opponent in 2014, who raised a paltry $525,000 for that campaign.

Graham’s stronger-than-expected showing highlights one of the most startling patterns to emerge from the election Tuesday: historic campaign contributions to Democrats against incumbent Senate Republicans did not pay off.

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Seeking Inclusion, Grammys Change Name of a Music Category

The Grammy Awards have changed the name of their best world music album category to the best global music album, an attempt to find “a more relevant, modern and inclusive term.”

The Recording Academy said in a statement that the new name “symbolizes a departure from the connotations of colonialism, folk and ‘non-American’ that the former term embodied.”

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Louisiana Passes Amendment Saying There Is No Constitutional Right to Abortion

Louisiana voters passed an amendment to the state constitution Tuesday evening establishing that there is no constitutional right to an abortion.

The New York reported Tuesday that 65% of Louisiana voters supported Amendment 1, “Love Life Amendment,” an amendment stating that nothing in the Louisiana state constitution protects the right to abortion or abortion funding. Louisiana also has a trigger law automatically banning all abortions if Roe v. Wade is overturned, according to NBC News.

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Oregon Votes to Decriminalize Certain Amounts of Meth, Heroin, Cocaine

Oregon residents on Tuesday voted to decriminalize certain possession amounts of hard drugs.

Roughly 60% of Oregonian voters favored making it no longer a crime to possess a “non-commercial” amount of methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine, among others, according to The Hill. Those caught with the specified amount of narcotics face a $100 fine, but the penalty can be avoided by undergoing a health assessment, the Hill reported.

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Attorney General Mark Herring Fights Trump’s Order on Diversity Training

Ahead of the election, Attorney General Mark Herring asked President Donald Trump to rescind his executive order on diversity training.

Herring co-signed a letter complaining about the potential limitations imposed on “implicit bias trainings for federal contractors and federal grantees.” Implicit bias refers to the idea that individuals aren’t aware of their attitudes or stereotypes about others.

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Biden Wants Every Vote Counted – Philadelphia Wants Them Counted Secretly

  Democrats in Philadelphia were denying Republicans the right to observe and validate the hand counting of mail-in ballots but a judge ruled Thursday in favor of the republican petitioners, saying that they could be in the room to observe and verify if they stayed six feet away. Democrats immediately demanded a conference with the judge to plea for reversal of the order. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany posted on Facebook “Democrats are arguing that at Philadelphia ballot counting locations they do not want Republicans watching what they’re doing. Why? Absolute INSANITY!!” The Federalist reported that Wisconsin and Michigan saw Biden vote surges in the wee hours of Wednesday morning similar to what happened in Pennsylvania. On Wednesday, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani went to Pennsylvania and the onslaught of lawsuits began there. Giuliani lambasted the Democratic-controlled city of Philadelphia for their history of corruption, signaling that it is illegal for observers to not be able to actually observe – to verify signatures, postmark and validity of a ballot. Giuliani also hinted there may be a national lawsuit filed to uncover what he claims is a concerted effort by the Democratic party to steal the election. This chaos was…

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Republican Bob Good Defeats Democratic Opponent Cameron Webb in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District

Republican candidate Bob Good beat Democratic opponent Cameron Webb by a margin of 5.5 percentage points on election night, securing Virginia’s 5th Congressional District seat and ushering in conservative representation for another two years.

Good received 52.6 percent (209,711) of the votes compared to Webb’s 47.1 percent (187,954), according to data from the Virginia Public Access Project.

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Six Virginia Counties Vote to Keep Confederate Monuments

Residents of six rural Virginia counties voted to keep local Confederate monuments in place on Tuesday. The referenda are non-binding, but demonstrate voter preference to the local boards of supervisors. In four of the counties, over 70 percent of voters chose to keep the monuments, according to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP). Two counties were closer; Charles City County voted against removing its monument by 55.11 percent, while Halifax County voted against relocating its monument by 59.69 percent.

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Jordan Easily Wins Reelection as Ohio Becomes Interesting Player in Race for the White House

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump, easily won re-election to Ohio’s Fourth Congressional District in an election that had few surprises statewide.

However, as the night wore on, Ohio’s presidential outcome became more interesting nationwide as the race for the state’s 18 electoral votes continued to tighten between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

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