Philadelphia Election Employee: ‘No Matter How Many Times You Ask Questions’ the ‘Orange Guy Still Lost’

A Philadelphia election employee said Friday that “no matter how many times you ask questions” about the mail-in vote counting procedures in the county, the “orange guy still lost.”

Just the News has been contacting counties about a guidance issued by Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar on Oct. 21 about permitting individuals with rejected mail-in ballots to vote via a provisional ballot. When Just the News called the Philadelphia Board of Elections and asked for the director, we were connected to the Philadelphia City Commissioners office and advised to ask for the director there.

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Sharpie-Gate: Maricopa County Attorney’s Office Addresses Use of Marker for Ballots

Deputy Solicitor General at the Arizona Attorney General’s Office Michael Catlett said in a Nov. 4 letter that their office had received hundreds of complaints about the use of Sharpie markers for ballots at Maricopa County election locations, with people conveying concerns that utilizing the writing implements could have led to the rejection, spoiling or cancellation of ballots.

The letter, sent to Director of Elections Day and Emergency Voting with the Maricopa County Elections Department Scott Jarrett, included questions about issues such as the extent to which Sharpies were supplied and used at voting places, how many ballots were rejected and how many were specifically rejected due to over-votes caused when ink passed through the paper onto the other side of the ballot.

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Trump Campaign: Fox News Election Guru Who Called Arizona for Biden Conflicted by Democrat Loyalties

The Trump campaign slammed the director of the Fox News decision desk, which projects the channel’s election night winners, for Democratic donations, including the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign, and his past work as a Democratic consultant.

The Trump campaign on Thursday afternoon issued a press statement claiming that Arnon Mishkin prematurely called Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden before hundreds of thousands of ballots had been counted. The campaign noted that even left-leaning election analysts like Nate Silver have criticized the decision and have called on Fox and the Associated Press to retract their calls. For now, Mishkin and Fox News are standing by what the campaign called “his terrible decision.”

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Key Senators Demand to Know: Did Google Manipulate Get-Out-Vote Messages?

A powerful Senate committee chairman and two GOP colleagues sent a letter Thursday to Google’s top executive demanding to know if the digital giant manipulated pre-election get-out-the-vote messages on its search products to benefit liberals.

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Mike Lee, R-Utah, wrote Google LLC CEO Sundar Pichai that an academic monitoring project claimed to capture evidence that Google only sent out voter reminder messages to liberals and not conservatives in the final days of the election.

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Scrutiny of Top Pennsylvania Election Official Grows as GOP Says She ‘Fundamentally Altered’ Outcome

In a guidance to her state’s counties dated Oct. 21, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar advised that a voter whose mail-in ballot was rejected would be eligible to vote in-person with a provisional ballot on Election Day as a way to “cure” their ballot.

Now, GOP Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly, state General Assembly candidate Joseph Hamm and four other plaintiffs are suing Boockvar over her guidance.

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Milwaukee’s Sky-High Voter Turnout Raises Questions, Prompts Lawsuit Seeking Explanation

More than 90 of the 400-plus voting wards in Milwaukee County, a key Wisconsin battleground where Joe Biden beat President Trump on Tuesday, recorded voter turnout of over 90% of registered voters this year, a remarkable outcome in a nation where 68% turnout this election will set a 120-year record.

Astronomical voting rates are often red flags for U.S. voter fraud watchdogs, who see highly elevated local turnout as a possible sign of election malfeasance. But Milwaukee itself is an unusual voting machine, at least for the last two presidential elections. There were many 80%-plus voter turnout wards in 2016 as well, with some over 90% that year too. And no one questioned it then.

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Commentary: Win or Lose, Trump’s American Revolution Is Only Beginning

The states of Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania are still counting ballots, and the presidential election of 2020 between the President and former Vice President Joe Biden is still too close to call.

Win or lose in 2020, President Donald Trump, his administration, campaign and supporters have a whole lot to be proud of. This is a President who has fought tirelessly for the American people: to get better deals on trade, to take on the Washington, D.C. establishment, bring jobs back to the U.S. and get the economy moving after eight years of the Obama-Biden stagnation.

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Commentary: How This Presidential Race Ends

Supreme Court of the United States

It is obvious the presidential drama is not going to be resolved until early December. There will be litigation and recounts and the real possibility that this election ends up in the Supreme Court.

The Democrats are trying to steal the election. It is blatant and they aren’t even trying to hide it. Ballots are being discovered late in important states where Democrats hold the governor’s office. Amazingly, these ballots are all seeming to break for Biden. In Pennsylvania and in Michigan, Republican poll watchers are being ejected or denied entry to observe the count.

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Analysis Reveals Milwaukee Presidential Election Voting Irregularities

An analysis of the City of Milwaukee’s 2020 U.S. Presidential election votes reveals several irregularities related primarily to voter participation.

Wisconsin is a key battleground state with 10 electoral college votes. In 2016, then first-time presidential candidate Donald Trump won the state over Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, taking a little over 47 percent of the state’s nearly 2.9 million votes.

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Over 100 Illegal Immigrants Detained by CBP in Texas Over One Week

Over 100 illegal immigrants were found at three separate stash houses and detained over the span of a week near Laredo, Texas, border officials announced.

The illegal immigrants received medical screenings before they were processed as none were wearing personal protective equipment when officials searched the residences, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

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Colorado Joins Growing List of States Who Pledge to Dedicate Their Electoral Votes to the Winner of the Popular Vote

Colorado residents approved a measure Wednesday to join a list of states pledging to award their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who obtains the majority of the popular vote.

Proposition 113 passed with roughly 52% approval from voters, entering Colorado into the Interstate Popular Vote Compact, according to the Denver Post. The state joins 15 other jurisdictions across the U.S., including California, Illinois, New York and Washington, according to the compact’s website.

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Michigan USPS Whistleblower: Late Mail-in-Ballots Are Being Stamped as Received on November 3

A mail carrier who works for a post office in Traverse City, Michigan blew the whistle Wednesday on what he called a “sketchy” directive from his supervisor.

“We were issued a directive this morning to collect any ballots we find in mail boxes, collection boxes—just outgoing mail in general—separate them at the end of the day so they could hand stamp them with the previous day’s date,” the whistleblower told Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe.

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A Breakdown of Michigan’s Witching Hour Ballot Dump from Tuesday

The masses turned in for the night during the early hours on Wednesday with President Donald Trump ahead of Democratic candidate Joe Biden by around 5 points. By sunrise, Biden had gained nearly 139,000 votes due to an alleged data error.

As Wednesday morning’s counts added to the early morning influx of votes, the race had slimmed down to less than one percentage point – a slightly larger margin than Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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Viral Video Alleged Gov. Whitmer Sent Health Officials to Bar Poll Challengers in Detroit

In viral video posted Wednesday afternoon, a woman alleged that Governor Gretchen Whitmer had ordered health officials to block poll watchers and challengers from entering a Detroit ballot counting facility.

The woman, Connie Johnson, shot the video using Facebook Live. She showed herself standing on the second floor of the TCF Center in Detroit. The following is her account of the ballot counting on Wednesday afternoon in Detroit.

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Constitutional Amendment on Redistricting Commission Approved by Virginia Voters

The majority of Virginia voters approved a constitutional amendment this week aimed to prevent and stop political gerrymandering by changing the Commonwealth’s redistricting process.

Sixty six percent of Virginians answered yes to constitutional amendment question 1 on ballots and, overall, voters in every locality were in support except for Arlington, while 34 percent voted no to the question, according to the Virginia Public Access Project.

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Republicans on Track to Retain Control of Minnesota Senate

Despite millions of dollars being spent against them, Republicans are on track to retain control of the Minnesota Senate, meaning Gov. Tim Walz will have to finish out the remainder of his term with a divided Legislature.

Democrats won an open seat in Senate District 44 and are on track to unseat Sen. Dan Hall in Burnsville, but Republican Zack Duckworth defeated Sen. Matt Little of Lakeville.

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Spanberger Declares Victory in Seventh Congressional District, Freitas to Wait for Final Results Before Conceding Race

Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) declared victory Wednesday night over Republican challenger and state Del. Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper) in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, after further early voting counts gave her a 5,132-vote lead.

Spanberger took the lead after Spotsylvania County reported its final absentee ballots and Henrico County tallied additional absentee votes, which officials overlooked because the ballots had been saved on a mislabeled flash drive, according to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP).

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Hacker Accessed D.C. Donor Information from Virginia Hospital Center For Months

An unauthorized party accessed donor and fundraiser information for months from Virginia Hospital Center (VHC), who has served the Washington, D.C. area for 75 years. The company, Blackbaud, also reported many of its other clients’ donor and fundraising data jeopardized by the hackers.

VHC stored donors’ personal information. This included names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses – even birth dates and the last four digits of credit card numbers. Hackers had access to these records for approximately three months, from February to May. However, the last traces of hacking didn’t cease until early June.

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DeWine Names New Chief Medical Officer, Director of Health Department

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced several new additions to the Ohio Department of Health on Twitter on Thursday, citing the pandemic as the reason for the new appointees.

DeWine named Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff as the Chief Medical Officer for the Ohio Department of Health. Vanderhoff had previously served as senior vice president and chief medical officer for OhioHealth, a healthcare outreach for the United Methodist Church, since December 2008.

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Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney Wins Re-election

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney has won another term in office with 38.07 percent of voters, just ahead of the 35.72 percent of voters he won in 2016, according to data from the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) and the City of Richmond. That upper-30s range is also the percent of support the mayor had in recent 2020 polls. In his first term, the mayor faced challenges including poor graduation rates in Richmond schools, controversy over his coliseum project, COVID-19 health and economic concerns, and questions of racial equity around policing and Confederate monuments. Those issues still face the mayor as he enters a second term.

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Middle Tennessee Post Offices Hit By ‘Incredibly Rare’ Burglaries One Day Before Election

One or more people broke in and vandalized six post offices in Middle Tennessee either Sunday night or early Monday morning, one day before an election where some people voted using absentee ballots.

Nathaniel Sims, a spokesman for the U.S. Postal Inspector in Brentwood, told The Tennessee Star in an email Thursday that people don’t generally break into postal facilities.

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