Michigan Gov. Whitmer Wants Lawyers Who Challenged Election Results Disbarred


Michigan’s Democrat governor and attorney general took a definitive step to use the levers state power to take end the careers of their political opponents this week.

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, three Democrats who are lawyers themselves, filed complaints Monday with the Attorney Grievance Commission in Michigan and the State Bar of Texas,” according to The Detroit News. “Their filings ask that Michigan attorneys Greg Rohl, Scott Hagerstrom and Stefanie Junttila and Texas attorney Sidney Powell be disbarred and lose the ability to practice law in their states.”

According to Whitmer and her staff of attorneys, Rohl, Hagerstrom, and Junttila should not be allowed to practice law because they participated in lawsuits challenging the results of November’s presidential election.

Nessel reportedly claimed that the trio, “based on falsehoods, used their law license in an attempt to disenfranchise Michigan voters and undermine the faith of the public in the legitimacy of the recent presidential election, and lent credence to untruths that led to violence and unrest.”

In other words, three attorneys participated in lawsuits of which Governor Whitmer, Attorney General Nessel, and Secretary of State Benson disapproved, and now, empowered and financed by the State of Michigan, is attempting to take the livelihoods of those attorneys.

Whitmer, elected in 2018, already has a long track record of overstepping the boundaries of her role. She imposed perhaps the strictest lockdown measures of any governor during the COVID-19 pandemic, and at one point issued an executive order barring Michigan residents from congregating in private residences outside their own households.

“[A]ll individuals currently living within the State of Michigan are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence. Subject to the same exceptions, all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring among persons not part of a single household are prohibited,” that order mandated.

The restrictions were so overbearing that in mid-October, the Michigan Supreme Court struck them down as unconstitutional. That still did not stop Whitmer, who tried to claim that her unconstitutional order still had the force of law through the end of October. That claim, too, was struck down by the Michigan Supreme Court.

Articles of impeachment were eventually filed against Whitmer, but Michigan Republicans, who hold the majority in both chambers of the state legislature, dismissed the charges.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Michigan Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].





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3 Thoughts to “Michigan Gov. Whitmer Wants Lawyers Who Challenged Election Results Disbarred”

  1. jj

    Whitmer = clown act

  2. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    Is this not tantamount to a criminal defense attorney questioning the charges against his client? Should that attorney be disbarred as well? Unreal. Yet another reason why women should have never been allowed to vote.

  3. Gordon

    Gestapo tactics, the hallmark of leftists
