Fauci to Give Vanderbilt Graduation Address


The chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, largely responsible for America’s COVID-19 response, is set to give the graduation event at Vanderbilt University.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top leader in infectious disease research, will be giving an address to Vanderbilt University graduates this year,” according to Fox 17. “Dr. Fauci is slated to speak at the virtual Graduates Day event on May 14 when he receives the Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal.”

The Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal is awarded to those who “define the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.”

Fauci has become something of a celebrity over the past year, and has become a regular on the cable news circuit while America battles the deadly virus.

“As science and public health have taken on unprecedented urgency over the past year, Dr. Anthony Fauci has courageously led the nation’s COVID-19 response despite bitter politicization of the disease,” Vanderbilt’s Chancellor Daniel Diermeier reportedly said. “Dr. Fauci embodies the collaborative, can-do spirit that we hold dear at Vanderbilt, and we are honored to award him the Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal in this most pivotal year.”

Star News Education Foundation Journalism ProjectTuesday, Fauci was honored with the Great Americans Medal by Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, whose director said his “humanitarianism and dedication truly exemplify what it means to be a Great American.”

In January, Fauci was honored by Georgia Tech University with the school’s Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage.

“Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, one of the nation’s leading infectious disease experts and a steadfast voice of science, facts, and medical best practice during one of the most significant public health challenges in U.S. history, is this year’s recipient of the Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage,” the school said in a statement.

That award came with a $100,000 stipend.

In mid-February, Fauci was awarded with the Dan David Prize, associated with Israel’s Tel Aviv University, for “speaking truth to power” during the pandemic. That award came with a $1,000,000 prize.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].










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5 Thoughts to “Fauci to Give Vanderbilt Graduation Address”

  1. Human Being

    In reading the last two sentences on Sept 5, 2021 it makes me wonder if Israel’s current problem doesn’t have something to do with Tel Aviv University and $1,000,000.

  2. Wake up Christians

    Vanderbilt is a commie college since the beginning don’t be fooled ! Tennessee is not safe from commies! As long as people put up with it the will keep going ! Your freedoms mean nothing to the shadow government. There just following orders !

  3. 83ragtop50

    I consider his choice entirely consistent with the leftwing cesspool that Vanderbilt has become.

  4. joboo

    Perfect! Have someone with questionable integrity give a final indoctrination speech to graduates.

  5. Ms Independent

    Disgusting! What a phony this man is! Vanderbilt should know better!
