Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Mum on If He Will Call Special Session on COVID-19 School Mask Mandates

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee


If Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee favors a special legislative session to fight COVID-19 mask mandates in public schools, he has not yet put out a forceful enough statement saying as much.

Lee’s office though, released the following remarks:

As the Governor reiterated this week, he does not believe masks should be required in schools, and parents should make the decision that’s best for their family. We are currently monitoring district policies as the school year begins.

The Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) Board’s decision to impose a COVID-19 mask mandate upon its students has prompted Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) to, as promised, call for a special legislative session.

“We are starting discussions with House members,” Sexton told The Tennessee Star Friday.

Sexton said nothing else.

Sexton said Monday it’s time for students to put their virtual learning behind and walk back into their classrooms — without a COVID-19 mask mandate. And Sexton said he and other state legislators plan to restrain public school district officials who think otherwise.

Specifically, Sexton said parents alone should decide whether their children will wear masks in schools. He also said he would ask Lee for a special session if school systems mandate masks for students.

This, after new data revealed falling test scores.

MNPS board members voted last week to require masks by a vote of eight to one, according to the school system’s website. MNPS Director Adrienne Battle said she and other school system officials wanted this due to an “alarming rise in COVID-19 cases and spread of the Delta variant.” She also cited the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) recommendation on the matter.

Lee said at a press conference last week that he and other state officials remain in close contact with the Tennessee Department of Health (TDOH). TDOH officials continue to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 and the Delta variant on children, Lee said.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Bill Lee” by Bill Lee.





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9 Thoughts to “Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Mum on If He Will Call Special Session on COVID-19 School Mask Mandates”

  1. Rick Owen


    This local news article talks about ‘cases’ and ‘unknowns’ concerning how children ‘might’ react to the so-called Delta variant (which is weaker than the original virus it is allegedly a variant of).

    It’s all speculative and fear-based — i.e., unscientific (’empty chairs at the dinner table’ presumed to have been caused by children transmitting this flu and killing their parents with it).

    We already know children are STILL essentially 100% immune to any significant harm or death from coronaviruses. Masks cause more illness — physically, psychologically and emotionally.


  2. Tim Price

    Lee WILL NOT be reelected. He is weak and unwilling to stand up for Tennessee’s school children!

  3. Ron W

    Has no one done an oximeter test under a masks or masks? Certainly wearing them for an extended period, like all day at work or school will cause oxygen levels to be lower and CO2 levels higher, As I understand, it is an OSHA violation if the O2 level is below 19.5 and certainly a mask causes an unacceptable high level of CO2. Are these measurable scientific data standards now to be ignored and set aside?

  4. Lynn N.

    No one seemed to be worrying about masks this weekend at the Grand Prix. Why are our kids being mandated to wear them at the Nashville Catholic schools. Gov Lee do something.


  5. Mark Knofler

    Is anyone surprised ? Lee is a feckless.

  6. LM

    They have waited too long already. Parents who don’t want their children abused with mask mandates are unfortunately going to have to fix it themselves. Those of us who are done with government over-reach should not comply with mask or COVID shot mandates.

  7. maggietwin

    Lee, is a weak kneed RINO, and CCP has him in their pockets. He won’t do anything. We also have start telling our legislatures to reign in L Lee’s executive orders, did any of you read the latest one? It’s enough to say, what the H*ll is this guy thinking. If you haven’t read it, I implore you to go to Tennessee Stands and read it, it’s scary, sounds like he wants to force vaccines, using the National Guard, and starting FEMA camps for the unvaccinated. I will never allow that poison in my system. Enough is enough.

    1. Ron W


      The last part of your comment re: using National Guard or any other citizen restricting measures is absolutely forbidden in the Tennessee Constitution Declaration of Rights, Article I, Section 25:

      “That no citizen of this state, except such as are employed in the army of the United States, or militia in actual service, shall be subjected to punishment under the martial or military law. That martial law, in the sense of the unrestricted power of military officers, or others, to dispose of the persons, liberties or property of the citizen, is inconsistent with the principles of free government, and is not confided to any department of the government of this state.”

      Sometimes, wonder if our elected officials have actually read it, much less obey it!

  8. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    The mask do not work, and in fact, if not applied properly, and with kids touching their face, with the dirty little hands, kids are most likely spreading more germs than stopping That is what is so sinister about all of this. Our politicians have gone mad and Dr. Fauci belongs in prison. .
