University of Memphis Announces New Initiative to Push Social Justice Principles on Students


University of Memphis officials have offered a $3,000 stipend to professors to redesign existing courses to promote the tenets of social justice.

This, as part of the university’s Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative.

The program, the school’s website went on to say, is scheduled to begin at the start of the Spring 2022 semester.

“The Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative at the University of Memphis is offering an opportunity for interested faculty to critically consider methods and approaches to redesign existing courses housed within their departments to better advance the tenets and charge of the university’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice,” according to University of Memphis’ correspondence that The Washington Free Beacon obtained and publicized Monday.

University of Memphis officials did not return The Tennessee Star’s request for comment before Monday’s stated deadline.

University officials will select 15 to 20 faculty members to participate. Faculty will present strategies to redesign their courses.

A grant offers a $3,000 stipend, awarded in two installments. The grant is available to full-time instructors and lecturers as well as tenure track and tenured faculty members, according to the school’s website.

“Several faculty members and students have expressed interest in creating new academic programs, concentrations, minors, majors and graduate certificates related to eradicating systemic racism and promoting social justice,” according to the university’s website.

The University of Memphis’ website went on to say that the school might need new courses, new majors and minors, and new concentrations “to increase enrollment of and fully engage students of color, especially men of color.”

“For example, of the more than 6,100 black undergraduate students at the University of Memphis, less than one-third of them are men,” university officials said.

“In some areas of study (e.g., nursing and psychology), black men constitute less than one-fifth of the total number of black students who have declared majors in the area.”

School officials last year hosted a lecture on what they said was the importance of Critical Race Theory (CRT). People who spoke at the event said CRT was a vital, necessary part of all levels of education because it offers the true history and understanding of this country.

University of Memphis officials announced in 2020 that their football players will wear helmets with a Black Lives Matter sticker for every game.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “University of Memphis Teacher” by University of Memphis.






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9 Thoughts to “University of Memphis Announces New Initiative to Push Social Justice Principles on Students”

  1. M. Bennett

    Get a degree in technical field like Engineering or learn a trade and get up and go to work each morning and you can be successful. Now save a portion of your wages so you don’t have to borrow money and you can be wealthy. Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Sorry, I’m a CAPALTIST!

  2. Dwayne Oxford

    Yup, send’um to “higher” ejikashun for their socialist indoctrination.

  3. John

    Would love to see the numbers on graduation rate vs dropout rate among non-white students.

    More of our tax dollars thrown down a black hole.

    Let’s Go Brandon!

  4. Every person within the administration should be forced to resign. They can be replaced by a gaggle of circus clowns. Results can’t be any worse. A university’s job is to prepare students to succeed in the world, not to teach them how to whine for a living.

    Parents – forego college and put that money toward your kids’ startups. Or learn a trade and stay employed as long as you want to.

  5. Dr Ken

    Needed is the eradication of the University of Memphis officials promoting this program. The initiative teaches divisiveness, racism and hate while openly canceling known history. Sad this occurs in the same city where Martin Luther King was murdered. He was a leader promoting togetherness, acceptance and love regardless of skin color. Sad too, the bonus monies to be proffered are tax dollars paid by all irrespective of skin color regardless of their wishes on what is clearly woke student indoctrination.

  6. rick

    Tourist may visit Memphis once to see Graceland but, if they live to get out they will never go back to the #1 crime city in America. Memphis strives to maintain the #1 position everyday. The University of Memphis has just taken another step to help maintain that position. A family member went to medical school in Memphis and I was told they had never seen such racism toward white people as was experienced in Memphis. Maybe they need to take more classes! “Lets Go Brandon” and the Democrats!

  7. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    When Benjamin Franklin brought to us the Public Library he indeed was thinking about social justice. Bound books, at the the time, could only be afforded to those of means. Unfortunately, many people do not value education. This carries over into every day life, as evidenced by.

    My grandfather once told me, “the only thing more expensive than an education is the lack of one.”

    “I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.’ Benjamin Franklin

    1. rick

      Two wise men your grandfather and Benjamin Franklin.

    2. Dr Ken

      Very well stated
