Rhodes College Alumni Petition School to Have Justice Barrett Removed from Hall of Fame

A pro-abortion contingent of alumni from Rhodes College in Memphis is circulating a petition to have Supreme Justice Amy Coney Barrett removed from the school’s Hall of Fame.

“We, together with the undersigned alumni, are writing to you today to request that you remove Justice Amy Coney Barrett from the Rhodes College Hall of Fame. Our firm belief in the Rhodes Honor Code we all signed impels us to make this request,” said a letter notifying Rhodes College of the petition. “This request is based on Justice Barrett’s public breach of the Honor Code in her testimony before the United States Senate during her October 12 -15, 2020 confirmation hearings to become an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.”

The group behind the petition is called Rhodes College Alumni for Reproductive Rights.

Barrett received her undergraduate degree from the Memphis private school.

“The Honor System is a set of principles which Rhodes students agree to adhere to not only during undergraduate studies, but throughout our entire lives,” according to the perturbed alumni. “The fundamental values underlying this code are truthfulness, frankness, and transparency. Amy Coney Barrett, by any measure, fell far short of this standard in her testimony.”

“We believe that Justice Barrett violated the Rhodes Honor Code in her testimony before the Senate regarding her position on overruling Supreme Court precedent (including statements she made regarding Roe v. Wade) and about her judicial decision-making process,” the group says. 

In Barrett’s confirmation hearing, she said that Roe v. Wade was precedent set forth by the Supreme Court. She never promised that she would not overturn it if presented with the opportunity.

The letter notifying the school of the petition was signed by two alumni, Rob Marus of the class of 1997, also a member of the school’s Hall of Fame, and Katherine Morgan Breslin of the class of 1998. 

Rhodes says it is aware of the petition, but declined to comment further.

“We are aware that some alumni are soliciting signatures for a letter regarding Justice Amy Coney Barrett,” the school told The Tennessee Star Monday. “The letter has not yet been delivered to Rhodes, so we have no comment at this time.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Amy Coney Barrett” by United States Supreme Court. Backghround Photo “Rhodes College” by Rhodes College.


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3 Thoughts to “Rhodes College Alumni Petition School to Have Justice Barrett Removed from Hall of Fame”

  1. AWM

    What a bunch of weinies! You either agree with me or we will destroy you is the mantra of the Marxist left. Nit-wits, every last one of them.

  2. LM

    “Rhodes College Alumni for Reproductive Rights”, huh? I’ll bet they have been in existence all of about a month. Hopefully, Rhodes college has more fortitude than to cave in to wokester whims like many of the rest of the colleges and universities have done. Being in Memphis, though…I guess we will see.

    1. Dr Ken

      I agree and thank you LM. The group sounds like a bunch of losers or “basket of deplorables” in the words of their queen. We, at my alma mater, simply quit contributing money during their annual fund raising rush. On the contribution card I wrote the amount contributed: “Zero, an amount that will continue each year until common sense again reigns”.
