Supreme Court Says Cannot Identify Who Leaked Draft Opinion That Led to Overturning of Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court said Thursday it cannot identify who leaking the draft opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org., the landmark case that overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. The Supreme Court marshal investigating the leak “has to date been unable to identify a person responsible by a preponderance of the evidence,” the court said.

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Ahead of the 50th Anniversary of Roe, 61 Percent of Americans Identify as Pro-Choice: Poll

A new poll found that 61% of Americans self-identify as pro-choice just ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade.

The Knights of Columbus (KC), a Catholic charity organization designed to “bring financial aid and assistance” to those in need, released an annual poll Wednesday concerning Americans’ opinions on abortion alongside Marist College (MC), a private liberal arts college in New York. The 2023 poll found that 61% stated that they identified as pro-choice, a 6% increase from 2022 before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that abortion was not a Constitutional right.

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Poll: Americans Say Critical Race Theory Dividing Young People

More than two-thirds of American voters believe the tenets and teachings of Critical Race Theory are only serving to further divide young people, according to a recent national poll. Conducted for Summit Ministries by nationally renowned polling firm McLaughlin & Associates, the poll shows 69 percent of respondents with an opinion on the issue believe CRT curriculum further divides ethnic groups and races among American youth. Less than one-third (31%) say CRT promotes racial healing and reconciliation among America’s kids. 

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Biden’s DOJ Is Still Fighting to Reimpose Mask Mandates on Airline Flights

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) continued its fight to implement a nationwide mask mandate on airplanes and other forms of transportation in federal court Tuesday, according to Reuters.

The DOJ asked the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a federal judge’s April 2021 decision striking down the mask mandate, according to Reuters. Biden declared that “the pandemic is over” Sept. 18, 2021, and all 50 states and most localities had dropped their own mask mandates by early 2022.

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Metro Nashville Public Schools Provides District Students with School Options for the 2023-24 School Year

On January 23rd, Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) will open the School Options Application period for the 2023 – 2024 school year. The open period will be extended until February 10th. Students, and their families, can choose to pursue enrollment in a district school outside their zoned school, a charter school, or in one of the district’s magnet and art school options.

Through this application process, MNPS provides families with an opportunity to find a school that might better suit their needs as compared to their zoned option. Not all district schools are considered eligible for outside-zone enrollment, due to capacity issues. All MNPS students have a guaranteed pathway to their zoned school.

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Curriculum Used in Minneapolis Schools Teaches Kindergarteners About ‘Gender Identity’

A handful of Minneapolis schools use a curriculum that exposes kids as young as five to the concepts of “gender identity and expression” and teaches that kids “begin to develop and express gender identity” at age three.

AmazeWorks is one of the most controversial curriculums for elementary and middle-school students because it uses content on gender identity from an early age, according to Cristine Trooien, executive director of Minnesota Parents Alliance.

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Penn Biden Center Appears to Have Published Little to No Original Scholarship

A review by The Pennsylvania Daily Star of output from the Penn Biden Center, the foreign-policy think tank established in 2017 to coincide with the start of Joe Biden’s professorship at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests the center has produced little to no original scholarly work. 

The Washington, D.C.-based center has drawn heavy media scrutiny after news came out earlier this month that nearly a dozen classified federal documents were housed there until last November. Biden reportedly used the location as his main D.C. office after his vice presidency ended and before he became president. 

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Loeffler: Georgia Is ‘Red State Awash in Blue State Money’

In an after-action report on the 2022 elections in Georgia, Greater Georgia Chairwoman Kelly Loeffler argued that Georgia is still a red state, but that  Democratic spending from outside the state is the reason for losses in the federal elections.

“Republicans won every statewide office and held both the State House and Senate. Georgia isn’t just a red state – it is a red state despite the challenges posed by the Left’s massive national funding, organization on the ground, and growing demographic advantages,” Loeffler, a former U.S. senator, wrote in the report.

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Equity Consultant ‘Evil Salesman’ Explains Plan to Upend Georgia Law Banning Indoctrination with Critical Race Theory

A Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) consultant explained to an undercover Project Veritas journalist he is an “evil salesman” who plans to undermine a Georgia law banning the teaching of the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

“If you don’t say the words ‘Critical Race Theory,’ you can technically teach it,” Dr. Quintin Bostic, content manager at The Teaching Lab, is heard telling the Project Veritas (PV) journalist in the video.

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Parents Sue Hilliard School District over Indoctrination and LGBTQ ‘I’m Here’ Badges

The removal of staff-worn LGBTQ badges is being demanded by a number of parents from central Ohio who are suing Hilliard City Schools in federal court because teachers are engaging in “intimate sexual conversations” with pupils as young as 6 years old.

In the case, Ohio Republican Council of Clubs’ attorney Joshua Brown said he represents parents who claim activist instructors are conducting private conversations with their children about sexuality and mental health while keeping those conversations hidden from parents.

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State Senate Committee Blocks Repeal of Law Linking Virginia to California Emissions Rules

Senate Democrats killed legislation to repeal law that links Virginia’s emissions standards to California regulations on Tuesday, while a similar bill advanced out of committee in the House of Delegates on Wednesday.

The Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Conservation Committee bundled several similar bills from Republicans into a vote on Senator Stephen Newman’s (R-Bedford) SB 779 and voted eight to seven to kill the legislation after about an hour of discussion of the bills with legislators and the public.

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Connecticut Lawmakers Want Answers for Rejected Army Contract

Connecticut’s congressional delegation is calling on the Army to provide more details about its decision to reject a local company’s bid for a multimillion dollar defense contract to build long-range helicopters.

In a letter to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, and Reps. Rosa DeLauro, John Larson, Joe Courtney, Jim Himes and Jahana Hayes request a “detailed briefing” by the Army about why Sikorsky’s bid to build long-range assault aircraft was rejected.

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Wisconsin Rep. Gallagher Says U.S. Universities ‘Addicted to CCP Money’

As influence-peddling allegations dog President Joe Biden, the University of Pennsylvania and their think tank offspring, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy & Global Engagement, the head of the House’s new committee on China is again warning U.S. higher education is “addicted” to Communist China money. U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI-08) has long been monitoring the Biden administration’s lax enforcement of Section 117 of the Higher Education Act, which requires colleges and universities to publicly disclose any foreign gift greater than $250,000.

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The College Board’s Pilot AP African-American Studies Course Gets the Boot from Ron DeSantis’ Administration

The administration of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has rejected the College Board’s request for state approval of its new Advanced Placement (AP) African American Studies (APAAS) course.

In a copy of a letter obtained by The Star News Network, the Florida Department of Education’s (FDOE) Office of Articulation wrote to Brian Barnes, senior director of the College Board Florida Partnership, that the state “does not approve the inclusion of the Advanced Placement (AP) African American Studies course in the Florida Course Code Directory and Instructional Personnel Assignments.”

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Ohio House Republicans Call on New Speaker to Reconsider Megan Fitzmartin as Communications Director

In a letter dated Monday, state Representative Derek Merrin (R-Monclova Township) and his leadership team urged new House Speaker Jason Stephens (R-Kitts Hill) to rethink hiring Megan Fitzmartin as the taxpayer-funded position of the House GOP policy and communications director because she was “a chief campaign operative” of former Speaker Larry Householder, whose corruption trial is set to begin next week.

The letter claims that Fitzmartin’s appointment is “extraordinarily ill-advised and demonstrates questionable judgment” and that a “sizable number” of House Republicans are unlikely to cooperate with her.

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Kemp Presents Budget to Georgia Legislators by Zoom While at World Economic Forum in Switzerland

Governor Brian Kemp presented his budget to state legislators by Zoom on Tuesday; Kemp explained that he was at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“I just want to apologize for not being there in person, that had been my intention,” Kemp said. “But this is just a great opportunity for me to be out here to share Georgia’s success story with people from around the world, because I believe they can certainly learn a thing or two from us.”

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Arizona State Representative Introduces Legislation That Would Crack Down on Fentanyl Peddlers

Arizona State Rep. Quang Nguyen (R-Prescott) announced Tuesday the introduction of House Bill (HB) 2167, known as the Ashley Dunn Act, which may be a tool to help prosecutors crack down on fentanyl peddlers.

“The safety of the people in our state is my top priority,” said Nguyen in a press release. “Fentanyl is killing tens of thousands of Americans each year and destroying families. It’s a public crisis that should unite political parties to act urgently. We are in a war to save lives.”

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Ohio Senator Vance and Arizona Representative Biggs Send Bicameral Letter Opposing Biden’s Illicit Misuse of Immigration Parole

Wednesday, U.S. Senator JD Vance (R-OH) and Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) wrote a bicameral letter to Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, requesting an explanation of the Department’s careless decision to drastically expand immigration parole programs in the face of a historic border crisis.

According to Vance, the American people have a right to know the reasoning behind the Biden Administration’s decision, as well as, more significantly, the legal basis for it.

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Wisconsin State Senate Passes Bail Reform Amendment Measure

A measure calling for a state constitutional amendment on bail reform is one step closer to going to Wisconsin voters.

The Senate in session Tuesday passed the measure 23-9, sending it to the Assembly for a vote on Thursday. If the resolution passes, it will head to voters to decide in an April election that includes a Wisconsin Supreme Court race that could determine whether the court’s majority is controlled by conservatives or liberals.

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Pfizer, Fauci Staffers Sign Off on Research Finding mRNA COVID Vaccines Produce Worse Antibodies

Less than a month after the CDC marked the two-year anniversary of the first administered COVID-19 vaccine by telling Americans to get a bivalent booster, two peer-reviewed German studies have found that mRNA vaccines — the vast majority of the U.S. market — induce worse antibodies compared to traditional adenovirus vaccines.

The first paper, published in Science Immunology Dec. 22, focused on mRNA boosters, while the second, published in Frontiers in Immunology Jan. 12, found the same association with the two-dose primary series.

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Pentagon Still Can’t Account for Roughly $220 Billion in Equipment, Gov’t Watchdog Says

The Department of Defense (DOD) has neglected to address its inability to keep track of at least $220 billion in equipment provided to government contractors, according to a Tuesday report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Auditors first reported the Pentagon’s failure to account for government-owned equipment or material offered up for use to contracting agencies, also called government furnished property, in 2001, according to the report. DOD has made little improvement since then, increasing the risk that the Pentagon could accidentally overlook errors in the books.

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Commentary: Mike Gallagher’s China Committee Has Its Work Cut Out for It

A new House select committee on China chaired by U.S. Representative Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) can potentially expose the vast scope of the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to undermine the United States at home and abroad. It’s vital work that comes at a perilous time.

The Gallagher committee has an enormous task before it. It will have to investigate the CCP in the diplomatic, economic, military, and technological realms. But that is just the start. The committee will need to show how Beijing influences U.S. domestic politics, American media, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and our colleges and universities.

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After Seattle Defunded Its Police, Local Business Owners Say Crime Is Worse than Ever

Two years after Seattle slashed its police budget, local business owners say crime has skyrocketed, with police unable to deal with thefts, homelessness and open-air drug use that plague the city.

Seattle and broader King County had more than 13,000 homeless people within its boundaries in 2022, more than every other similar area except Los Angeles County and New York City, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, while the Seattle Police Department (SPD) lost more than 130 officers, KOMO News reported, as homicides, shootings and motor vehicle thefts increased. Local business owners say law enforcement is failing to effectively deter the rampant drug use and theft disturbing their livelihoods.

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House Oversight Chair Says China’s Donations to Penn Biden Center May Have Influenced Administration

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday demanded the University of Pennsylvania release information about anonymous donations from China to the Penn Biden Center, where classified documents were found, over concerns the Chinese Communist Party may have influenced Biden administration policies through the contributions.

“The Committee has learned UPenn received millions of dollars from anonymous Chinese sources, with a marked uptick in donations when then-former Vice President Biden was announced as leading the Penn Biden Center initiative,” the GOP-led committee said. “Following the formation of the Penn Biden Center, donations originating from China tripled and continued while Joe Biden explored a potential run for President.”

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‘Extreme’ Gender Ideology Pushes U.S. to Provide Children Greater Access to Transgender Treatment than in Europe

The prevalence of radical gender ideology in the United States has driven the nation to offer children greater access to transgender medical interventions than is available in Europe, a study by Do No Harm has found.

Compared to the United States, “Europe goes a safer and more scientific route,” states Do No Harm, a diverse group of physicians, healthcare professionals, patients, and policymakers seeking to “protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology.”

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Soros and Bezos Back Initiative to Raise $3 Trillion Annually to Fight Climate Change

Left-wing billionaire George Soros and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos are helping a World Economic Forum (WEF) climate financing program that aims to raise $3 trillion annually to help slash emissions and restore “nature loss” by 2050.

The WEF and the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations and Bezos Earth Fund, along with more than 43 other nonprofits, businesses and academic institutions, will become part of the “Giving to Amplify Earth Action” (GAEA) initiative that will fund efforts intended to limit global warming, according to a Tuesday WEF announcement. GAEA and its partners will finance charitable partnerships between public and private entities while identifying where the $3 trillion in funding is most needed.

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Exclusive: Reps. Harshbarger and Hern Introduce Bill to Stop Mail-Order Chemical Abortion

Representatives Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) and Kevin Hern (R-OK-01) introduced a bill Tuesday in the U.S. House of Representatives to invalidate the FDA’s recently-updated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) of mifepristone, a chemical abortion drug.

Mifepristone is a chemical drug treatment that works together with misoprostol to end a pregnancy through ten weeks gestation, according to the FDA.
Mifepristone is a chemical drug treatment that works together with misoprostol to end a pregnancy through ten weeks gestation, according to the FDA.

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DOJ Declined to Monitor Biden Documents Search: Report

The Department of Justice reportedly opted against having FBI agents oversee a search by President Joe Biden’s lawyers for classified documents at his private homes.

Biden’s legal team discussed directly with the DOJ the idea of having FBI agents present during such searches, according to the Wall Street Journal, though both parties ultimately agreed to leave the matter to the president’s own attorneys.

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Hunter Biden in 2018 Claimed Ownership of Delaware Home Where Classified Documents Were Found

by Debra Heine   Hunter Biden claimed in a 2018 document that he owned the Delaware mansion where Joe Biden kept classified documents in his library and alongside his Corvette in the garage. In a “background screening request,” the younger Biden listed his rent as whopping $49,910 a month and his residency there from March 2017 to February 2018. He signed the document on July 27, 2018. As Breitbart reported, Joe Biden listed only $19,800 in “rents received” on his 2017 tax return. On his 2018 tax return, he listed no rents received. The document was recently shared on Twitter by the New York Post reporter Miranda Devine. Hunter listed his law firm Owasco PC on the document as a company associated with the address in 2018. House Republicans have been investigating Owasco PC’s involvement in many of Hunter’s suspicious wire transfers that have been flagged as “suspicious” by U.S. banks, according to Breitbart. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has requested that Hunter’s personal wealth manager turn over  any suspicious bank records connected to the Biden family business schemes. For years, wire transfers have been the tool of choice for money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over…

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San Francisco’s Reparations Proposal Would Give $5 Million Each to Qualifying Black Residents

The City of San Francisco is considering a reparations plan that would give $5 million lump sum payments to each eligible black person, according to its 2022 draft plan.

Recipients are required to be 18 or older, to have identified as black or African American on public documents for at least ten years and to meet at least two qualifications from a list of possible relationships one may have with incidents such as drug-related incarceration or slavery, according to the proposal. The proposal also recommends that the city formally apologize for past wrongdoings, establish a new city office to execute the plan and create a committee to “ensure equity and continuity in the implementation of relevant policy initiatives.”

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Ohio School Administrators Admit to Sneaking Critical Race Theory into Schools

Mere days after Republican State Senator Sandra O’Brien (R-Ashtabula) reintroduced the Parental Education Freedom Act to empower parents to be the primary decision-makers regarding where and what type of education their children receive. An undercover investigation has revealed that school administrators in Columbus Ohio are sneaking Critical Race Theory (CRT) into the classroom.

As part of Accuracy in Media’s investigation, numerous school administrators admitted that teachers are sneakily and covertly introducing critical race theory to their students unbeknownst to their parents and that they don’t plan to stop even if lawmakers pass legislation prohibiting this.

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Kari Lake Responds to Rumor She Is Considering Running for U.S. Senate

Kari Lake is appealing the dismissal of her lawsuit contesting the results of a botched election for Arizona governor, which placed her opponent, Democrat Katie Hobbs, in office, but rumors are swirling in the mainstream media that she is moving on and considering running for U.S. Senate.

The rumors began when CNN reporter Kate Sullivan tweeted on Monday, “I’m told Kari Lake is considering running for the US Senate seat held by Kyrsten Sinema in 2024.” Newsweek published an article titled, “Kari Lake Might Have Finally Given up Her Hopes of Becoming Governor.”

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Wisconsin Representative Introduces Bill Raising Mandatory Minimums for Fentanyl Crimes

As fentanyl continues to take its deadly toll, U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) is introducing a bill that would put the synthetic opioid’s criminal penalties on par with another killer drug that has ravaged America.

Grothman and Rep. Jim Banks (R-Indiana), who served as Republican Study Committee chairman, have introduced the Standardizing Thresholds of Penalties (STOP) for Fentanyl Act. The bill would reduce the threshold for mandatory minimum penalties for fentanyl-related offenses, with quantity thresholds on par with methamphetamine.

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Michigan to Begin $81 Million Opioid Settlement Distribution

Michigan’s government is expected to receive part of $81 million from two multi-state opioid settlements later this month.

“I am relieved the court ruled in accordance with the law, and I thank the judge for the keen attention she paid to this important matter,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a statement. “It’s critical that communities throughout Michigan are indemnified for the harm they suffered due to the recklessness of the opioid manufacturers and distributors. The frivolous challenge by Ottawa County delayed millions of dollars from being put to good use to help Michigan residents our communities recover.”

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