Biden Hits Record Low Approval Rating for Handling of Immigration: Poll

Americans largely disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration policy, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Monday.

Only 31 percent of Americans approve on the president’s handling of immigration, according to the poll, which was conducted between May 11-15. Under Biden’s leadership, federal authorities have seen record surges in illegal immigration, recording more than 2.3 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2022 and more than 1.4 million at the southern border so far in fiscal year 2023.

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California Gov. Newsom Demands Textbook Publishers’ Records to Determine If They Conformed to Florida Gov. DeSantis’ Education Laws

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom is demanding records from textbook publishers to determine if they have changed any content used in California’s schools to comply with Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ education laws.

The DeSantis’ administration has enacted several laws in the past year prohibiting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and certain lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation from K-12 classrooms. In addition to the textbook companies records, Newsom’s office sent a public records request Saturday to DeSantis’ office and the Florida Department of Education (DOE) asking for all communications between the governor’s administration and the textbook publishers relating to revisions made to content to ensure compliance with the Florida education laws.

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U.S. Senator Tim Scott Launches Presidential Campaign as Living Example of the Land of Opportunity

U.S. Senator Tim Scott made it official Monday, launching his campaign for president in the North Charleston, SC, hometown that informed his core belief: That the United States of America is “the land of opportunity, not a land of oppression.” 

Joined on stage by the single mother who raised him and the wife of the mentor who entered his adolescent life at a critical time, the Republican spoke of the opportunities that made him the man — and the presidential candidate — he is today.

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Biden to End Familial DNA Testing at Border, Key Deterrent to Fraud and Child Trafficking

Illegal alien Processing center

The Biden administration is set to end familial DNA testing at the US-Mexico border, which has been key to preventing the fraudulent entry of many illegal immigrants and mitigating child trafficking, according to a memo obtained by Just The News.

The DNA testing was originally implemented in the Trump-era and utilized by Customs Border Protection – following a court order related to the separation of migrant children from their families and evidence drug cartels were using children to create fake family units to sneak illegal immigrants across the border.

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Oklahoma State Superintendent Cites Teachers’ Unions as ‘Marxist’ and ‘Terrorist’ Organizations

Oklahoma state superintendent of schools Ryan Walters repeated Saturday that teachers’ unions are “Marxist” and “terrorist” organizations that are not advocating for students or teachers, but seeking power and financial gain for their leaders.

“Unions, including those in Oklahoma, have single-handedly destroyed the classroom,” Walters tweeted and linked to his interview with Fox News. “It is time to take our kids education back and put parents in charge.”

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TDOE Releases 3rd Grade TCAP Scores Late Friday, Leaves Parents Scrambling

As promised, the Tennessee Department of Education released results from this year’s TCAP test for third-graders to districts on Friday. However, it wasn’t until after 3;30 that the data was delivered.

Districts still have to sort through the data and identify exclusions – students who are English Learners or have a disability that affects their ability to read – before they can send notify families of student status, Students failing to score “proficient” are eligible for a retake. That exam window is scheduled to be open from May 22 -June 5.

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Thousands of Non-Citizens Are Listed on U.S. Voter Rolls, Watchdog Warns

Tens of thousands of non-citizens have tried or made it onto voter rolls across the U.S. over recent years, according to an election watchdog’s analysis of data from several states.

Non-citizen voters have been found on voter rolls in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Maricopa County, Ariz. In Georgia, there were non-citizens who attempted to register to vote but were placed in a pending status because there wasn’t evidence of their citizenship, so they didn’t make it onto the voter rolls.

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Commentary: Abandon the Swamp and Let it Rot

Suppose a document drops in the wilderness and no one is around to hear it. Does it make a sound? I submit that John Durham just tested this Bishop Berkeleyesque query. The special counsel spent four years beavering away in the forests of the deep state and what did he produce? Three hundred pages telling us what, for the most part, we already knew and with the result that exactly nothing, apart from a little hand wringing, will happen. 

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$15-an-Hour Minimum Wage Bill Being Drafted in Pennsylvania House

A new bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour is emerging in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. 

Sponsored by Representative Patty Kim (D-Harrisburg), the bill as described in a memorandum appears similar to legislation Senator Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) is spearheading in his chamber. It contrasts with a more radical measure authored by Representative Chris Rabb (D-Philadelphia) that would hike the wage floor to $16.50 in July 2025 and gradually increase it to $21 by mid-2028. The Rabb bill would also apply the state minimum wage to prisoners, vastly boosting their pay. 

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Ohio House Lawmakers Re-Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Require Employers to Provide Workers with Pay Stubs

Two Ohio House Representatives have re-introduced Bipartisan legislation to require employers to provide their employees access to their pay statements.

House Bill (HB) 106, known as the Pay Stub Protection Act, sponsored by State Representatives Scott Lipps (R-Franklin) and Dontavious Jarrells (D-Youngstown) aims to make Ohio an access state requiring employers to provide either a written, printed, or electronic pay stub (or access to the electronic pay stub) to their employees.

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Tennessee Governor Lee Signs Bill Dissolving Remaining Community Oversight Boards in Memphis and Nashville

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee recently signed a bill to abolish community oversight boards in the state.

SB591/HB764, according to the bill’s official summary, “abolishes community oversight boards and authorizes municipalities to create police advisory and review committees to ensure the timely, fair, and objective review of citizen complaints and to make recommendations concerning such complaints.”

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Resolution Introduced to Offer Election Day Voter Registration in Ohio

A proposal in the Ohio Senate would allow Ohioans to register to vote on Election Day and force potential voters to register again if they have not voted in four consecutive years.

State Sen. Paula Hicks-Hudson, D-Toledo, introduced the resolution she says expands voting rights and is an effort to lessen the effects of voting legislation passed by the General Assembly last year.

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Homeless Drug Addicts Have Invaded High School Bathrooms, Left Used Needles, Students Say

Students from San Jose asked their school board Thursday to build a fence around the school and to address the homelessness problem, according to NBC Bay Area.

A group of roughly 20 students from the charter school KIPP San Jose Collegiate explained that homeless people have been entering their school and leaving needles on their cafeteria tables, NBC reported. The issue has been going on for about one year, they said.

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Children’s Hospital Recommends Costly ‘Fertility Preservation’ for Kids Undergoing Gender Transitions

Seattle Children’s Hospital promotes expensive fertility preservation methods for children undergoing cross-sex treatments at its facilities, according to documents reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which Seattle Children’s offers to children as young as 13 and a half years old, can severely and permanently limit patients’ fertility, a fact the institution admits in multiple documents. The hospital offers and promotes fertility preservation options, including for prepubescent children, according to its website, which can cost well over $10,000.

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