Former Tarpley Shop Utility District General Manager Charged with Theft, Official Misconduct

Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower

The Tarpley Shop Utility District general manager was charged with theft and official misconduct after an investigation from the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office found he made nearly $8,000 of personal purchases with district funds, nearly $10,000 in questionable purchases and more than $25,000 in questionable fuel purchases were made with the funds.

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Rate of Shoplifting Spikes Across U.S.

Shop Lifting

The rate of shoplifting saw a noticeable increase in the first half of 2024, even as the rates of other crimes fell to levels not seen since before the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic.

According to the Daily Caller, a study by the Council of Criminal Justice (CCJ) determined that shoplifting rose by 24% in 23 different cities across the country, compared to the first half of 2023. That rate is also about 10% higher than the first half of 2019. Meanwhile, the rates of homicide and robbery fell to lower than the levels seen in 2019.

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Progressive Group May Be Illegally Releasing the Results of How Many Republicans v. Democrats Have Already Early Voted in Arizona

A progressive organization called Uplift Campaigns is posting daily updated information on how many Republicans versus Democrats have turned in early ballots all around Arizona. However, A.R.S. 16-551(C) makes it a felony to release any results from early voting before Election Day.

That statute provides in part, “Partial or complete tallies of the early election board shall not be released or divulged before all precincts have reported or one hour after the closing of the polls on election day, whichever occurs first. Any person who unlawfully releases information regarding vote tallies or who possesses a tally sheet or summary without authorization from the recorder or officer in charge of elections is guilty of a class 6 felony.”

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National Study Finds Giving Americans $1,000 per Month Results in Less Productivity

People Getting Money

Giving Americans $1,000 per month in taxpayer-funded guaranteed income makes them worse off, says a new three-year, 3000-participant study. The National Bureau of Economic Research’s massive study found recipients and their partners work and earn less, with the negative effect on wages and earnings getting worse over time.

While proponents of universal basic income theorized such programs would improve non-economic metrics for recipients, the study surprisingly showed leisure time only increased as recipients spent less time on sleeping, child care, community engagement, caring for others, and self improvement. Transfers also reduced recipients’ non-transfer incomes significantly, with the study finding “for every one dollar received, total household income excluding the transfers fell by at least 21 cents, and total individual income fell by at least 12 cents.”

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California Punished Female Inmates for Reporting Male Assault with Revoked Parole, Solitary: Suit

Woman Inmate

With leading Democrats lining up behind Vice President Kamala Harris for the party’s presidential nomination and their telegenic party attack dog California Gov. Gavin Newsom seen as a potential second banana, Republicans are likely to warn voters what they can expect if the woke Californians reach the White House.

That includes taxpayer funding for prison inmates who identify as the opposite sex to get so-called gender-affirmation surgery, for which Harris took credit as California attorney general, and a law signed by Newsom (SB 132) that grants inmates placement based on their self-declared gender identity, setting off a wave of transfer requests to women’s prisons.

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Commentary: Don’t Be Surprised If It’s Buttigieg

It started on Thursday. Ever so softly the chorus seemed to build:

The odds on Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg being the Democratic Party‘s 2024 vice presidential candidate have improved with one leading bookmaker over the past 24 hours, following media reports that the campaign team of Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is considering him for the role.

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