Legal Expert Phill Kline Details What to Look for on Election Day to Prevent Fraud

MPL and Kline

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, detailed the tactics the Left may deploy on Election Day to commit fraud and ensure a victory for Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democratic candidates.

Kline said tactics to influence election results have been underway long before this year’s general election, including President Joe Biden’s 2021 executive order permitting federal agencies to promote voter registration and participation in U.S. elections.

Biden’s executive order, Kline explained, allows aggravated data from Americans to be shared with the government, which then uses such data to predict which political candidates individuals are likely to vote for.

“Government is using what are the fruits of surveillance capitalism. As you know, [mobile cellular] devices report to entrepreneurs around the nation and around the world companies. Everything that you do – who you’re communicating with, where you look on your website, where you’re presently located, those types of things – that data is aggregated and shared for one purpose, to predict your behavior. Companies use it to predict what you might want to purchase, or what service you might need, and then they target advertising to you. But government uses that data to predict who you’re likely to vote for and then to target government resources to make sure that you, if you’re likely to vote for the right candidate, turn out to vote,” Kline explained on Wednesday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“That’s wrong. That should not happen. That’s government putting its thumb on the scale. And government is doing it for the benefit of the Democratic Party. That has not been stopped. It needs to be stopped in the future,” Kline added.

Kline said the Democrats’ tactic of using federal resources to turn out the vote for Democratic candidates is estimated to give approximately a 3 percent additional benefit in the “urban core of the swing states.”

Kline explained that in the November 5 general election, former President Donald Trump and other GOP candidates must overperform by several percentage points to ensure victory.

“This type of effort, using government resources and private expertise to target specific voters, to have them vote happened in 2020 and it’s going to happen again in 2024. We believe that it gives the Democratic Party candidate about a 3 percent additional benefit in the urban core of the swing states, which means that for President Trump to overcome that, he needs to win by a greater margin than one vote, generally statewide in the swing states, about one and a half percent,” Kline explained.

Another tactic Kline said to be mindful of on Election Day is the transparency of polling places and election officials’ attitudes toward Republican observers.

“Our polling places need to be transparent. In other words, both parties need to have equal access to the information and the management of the ballots to ensure that fraud does not occur. That didn’t happen in 2020. Watch for it and see how, particularly, in the urban core of the swing states, those election officials allow and treat Republican observers,” Kline said.

“If [election officials] are claiming that Republican observers should not be present, that it makes it difficult for election officials, you are starting to see a posture by the left that prevents one of the core protections of elections, which is eyes on by both parties. It’s common sense. It needs to happen, and I would watch and make sure that happens,” Kline advised.

When it comes to mail-in ballots, Kline said Republicans should ensure signature comparison requirements are being met in all jurisdictions and pay close attention to ballot curing.

“There are common sense protections [to ensure that the voter was not intimidated or misled when filling out their ballot],” Kline explained. “Those protections include witness requirements in some states and additionally, signature comparison requirements in some states. What I would look for are those signature comparison requirements done and executed equally in all jurisdictions within the state, or in some areas, are they really discarding it and not worrying about it?”

“I would also look at curing of ballots, which is generally not allowed in most states. What happened in 2020, in Democrat areas, they actually got Democrat operatives paid for by Zuckerbucks to go out and fix ballots so that they could be counted, when Republican areas of the state did not do that and were concerned about the law,” Kline added.

Finally, Kline said he would advise Republicans to “look at the disparate treatment of ballots under the law based on the jurisdiction within the state.”

“Ballots and voters should be treated equally everywhere and our elections must be transparent, inclusive, and accountable,” Kline said.

Watch the full interview:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.





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