Nvidia Tops Microsoft as the Most Valuable Public Company

CBS News Nvidia on Tuesday vaulted past Microsoft to become the most valuable publicly listed company in the world, highlighting its place at the forefront of Big Tech. Nvidia’s stock price rose nearly $5, or 3.7%, to $135.77, valuing the AI chip maker at $3.33 trillion, compared with $3.31 trillion for Microsoft and $3.29 trillion for Apple, which boasted the largest market capitalization until being surpassed by Microsoft earlier this year. A year ago, Nvidia’s market capitalization had just crossed the $1 trillion threshold.  The company’s stock, which has shot up more than 174% this year, was trading at more than $1,200 earlier this month until Nvidia completed a 10-for-1 stock split on June 7 in order to make the shares more affordable. READ THE FULL STORY                 

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Thailand’s Senate Overwhelmingly Approves a Landmark Bill to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages

The Associated Press Thailand’s Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to approve a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage, clearing the last legislative hurdle for the country to become the first in Southeast Asia to enact such a law. Thailand has a reputation for acceptance and inclusivity but has struggled for decades to pass a marriage equality law. Thai society largely holds conservative values, and members of the LGBTQ+ community say they face discrimination in everyday life. The government and state agencies are also historically conservative, and advocates for gender equality have had a hard time pushing lawmakers and civil servants to accept change. READ THE FULL STORY                   

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Commentary: The Dark Money Network Secretly Transforming America

Scott Walker

To the outside observer, Arabella Advisors is nothing more than an accounting and human resources firm that helps charities get things done, not a billion-dollar political influence operation helping leftists remain in power.

But, in fact, it is the latter–although you’d never know it from the website. The organization certainly does not publicly hint that they run the largest political influence operation in America. Those who visit their site will be met with a simple slogan: “We help changemakers create a better world.” And who would impugn a noble goal like that?

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: Understanding How Left-Wing Conspiracies Work

Donald Trump

Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies — beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas.

We now know that the conspiracy to cook up the Russian-collusion hoax — Donald Trump allegedly conniving with Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 vote — was perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Its funding was hidden by the Democratic National Committee, the law firm Perkins Coie, and Fusion GPS.

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Left-Wing NYT Columnist Bemoans What ‘We Liberals’ Have Done To West Coast

Nicholas Kristof

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof argued Saturday that the West Coast’s version of liberalism just isn’t working, urging liberals to “face the painful fact that something has gone badly wrong where we’re in charge, from San Diego to Seattle.”

West Coast liberals accept a “yawning gulf between our values and our outcomes,” Kristof observed in his column, embracing contradictions like declaring “housing is a human right” while failing to actually “get people housed.” Kristof, who launched a bid to run for Oregon governor in 2022 but was found not to meet the three-year residency requirement to appear on the ballot, believes the problem is not liberalism itself, but the West Coast’s brand of liberalism that is “infected with an ideological purity that is focused more on intentions than on oversight and outcomes.”

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Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US

U.S. Border Patrol

A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the U.S. and evade border authorities, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.

The American Self-Guided Tour Channel is a Chinese-language groupwith over 8,000 members on the encrypted instant messaging platform Telegram that serves as both a forum for discussing Chinese illegal immigration and a hub for documents detailing specific routes to the U.S., a DCNF review of the channel found.

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Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett Tells CNN Host Point-Blank He Knows ‘Good And Well’ Border Bill Would’ve Been ‘Disaster’

Rep. Tim Burchett and Jim Acosta (composite image)

Republican Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Friday that the host knows “good and well” that a February Senate border bill would have been disastrous if enacted.

The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act included additional funds for hiring more immigration judges as well as handling foreign nationals illegally in the United States, but Republicans argued it would not meaningfully reduce illegal immigration. Acosta on “CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta” characterized the bill as a “bipartisan effort to crack down on the border,” but Burchett said it was “a bad deal” and that the host understands it would not have been effective.


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Less than 30 Percent of Americans Approve of Biden’s Handling on Immigration, Poll Finds

Illegal Immigrants

Less than half of Americans approve of President Joe Biden’s handling on immigration, a new survey found.

Only 29% of Americans said they approve of the president’s handling of immigration, according to an Economist/YouGov poll released Wednesday. Conversely, more than 60% of respondents said they disapproved of his handling of the issue, and among those, 47% said they strongly disapproved.

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Democrat-Run Sanctuary City of Denver Quietly Sending Illegal Immigrants to Red State

Denver Skyline

The self-described sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado is quietly paying for illegal immigrants to travel to Utah, according to Republican Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox.

Without the approval or advance knowledge of local officials, Denver has been paying for migrants to relocate to other places, including Utah, where approximately 2,000 have been sent, 2KUTV News reported Thursday. Cox said Friday the practice is “unacceptable” and a result of the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

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Biden Rule Extending Title IX to Trans Students Blocked in More GOP States

Girls Basketball

A federal judge in Louisiana has temporarily blocked four more states from expanding the Biden administration’s new Title IX policy to protect LGBTQ+ students.

The Biden administration’s new Title IX policy outlined federal protections for LGBTQ+ students and victims of sexual assault while expanding the definition of sexual harassment for schools and universities. The new Title IX provisions collide with Louisiana’s “Women’s Safety and Protection Act” which requires individuals to use the bathroom based on their sex, prohibiting transgender people from using bathrooms and other close-quartered facilities corresponding with their gender identity, according to the court documents.

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Commentary: Further Thoughts About the Foreseeable Future

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Some years ago,  five or six years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, I was asked to participate in a conference at Boston University’s marvelously named Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.

The details of the conference are swaddled in the mists of times gone by, but I do remember that part of my talk was devoted to some thoughts about our tendency to deploy language to emasculate surprise. In particular, I dilated on the curious phrase “the foreseeable future.” With what cheery abandon we employ it! Yet what a nugget of unfounded optimism those three words embrace!

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Study: Biden Administration’s EPA Rules Could Cause Blackouts for Millions of Americans


A new study by a state government has determined that the many new regulations of the Biden Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could lead to power blackouts that will impact millions of American citizens.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the study, conducted in May, was carried out by the firm Always On Energy Research, on behalf of the state government of North Dakota. The report concluded that the EPA’s most recently-implemented regulations are not technologically feasible and will only lead to the forced retirement of coal power generation units. Coal and other more reliable forms of energy will be replaced by unreliable energy sources, such as wind and solar, which are heavily dependent upon seasons and the weather.

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Commentary: The Parallel Education System Can Fix America’s Education Problem

Home Schooling Parents

Millions of Americans have woken up to the fact that their education system is rotten to the core. As elite universities are engulfed by antisemitic riots, their veil of prestige has been torn to shreds. It is by now clear to many that, in the words of Christopher Rufo, the radical left has conquered everything.

What, then, is to be done? Many, Rufo included, are doing their best to stem the tide of revolutionary ideology through direct political engagement. Their hard work is paying off. In recent months, universities are beginning to move away from mandatory diversity statements. This is just the beginning.

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Biden Keeps Digging U.S. Deeper And Deeper Into Ukraine-Sized Hole

Presiden Joe Biden with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President Joe Biden struck a major agreement with Ukraine this week that builds on his administration’s push to involve the U.S. in the nation’s security, further expanding Washington’s commitments to Kyiv.

Biden attended the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy this week and signed a deal with Ukraine, which includes a 10-year commitment to Ukraine’s defenses and fast-track its eventual accession to NATO. The deal underscores Biden’s growing number of commitments and promises to Kyiv, including loosening weapons restrictions and providing billions in aid, as the U.S. becomes more involved in the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.

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ICE Nabs Five Illegal Immigrants Wanted for Murder in Statewide Sweep

ICE Officer

Federal immigration authorities announced a slate of recent arrests that took five illegal immigrants wanted for murder out of American communities.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested three Mexican nationals and two Honduran nationals over a two-week time period in late May and early June in Texas, the agency announced. Among those apprehended by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations agents include: a 38-year-old Honduran wanted in Mexico for multiple murders; a 21-year-old Mexican wanted in Veracruz, Mexico, for homicide; a 42-year-old Honduran wanted in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina for homicide; a 41-year-old previously deported Mexican wanted in Durango, Mexico, for homicide; and a 40-year-old Mexican wanted in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, for homicide.

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BLM’s Leaders Used Charitable Funds to Enrich Themselves and Their Families, New Documents Show

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) has paid out millions in contracts to insiders, newly released tax documents show.

The nation’s largest BLM organization approved lucrative contracts to firms owned by members of the organization’s leadership and their family members between July 2022 and June 2023, tax filings show. The shuffling of charitable funds to private companies owned by interested parties raises considerable ethical concerns given the lack of oversight and the possible conflicts of interest, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Commentary: ‘LGBT’ Is a System

Pride Parade

When T.S. Eliot said that there are no lost causes because there are no won causes, he probably was not thinking of American conservatism,” begins the opening paragraph of Sam Francis’ seminal 1991 essay, “Beautiful Losers.”

“American conservatism,” Francis wrote, “is a failure, and all the think tanks, magazines, direct mail barons, inaugural balls, and campaign buttons cannot disguise or alter it. Virtually every cause to which conservatives have attached themselves for the past three generations has been lost, and the tide of political and cultural battle is not likely to turn any time soon.”

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Department of Transportation Estimates Cost of $1.7 Billion to Rebuild Baltimore Bridge

Francis Scott Key Bridge

Following the long-awaited reopening of the federal channel in the Port of Baltimore after the infamous shipping accident in March, the Biden Administration’s Department of Transportation (DOT) estimates that it will cost between $1.7 billion and $1.9 billion to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

As ABC News reports, the work to remove debris from the collapsed bridge and the damaged vessel culminated in the reopening of the McHenry Federal Channel to a passage of about 700 feet wide and 500 feet deep, allowing traffic to flow through the harbor once again. Workers will continue removing debris within an established safety zone, and deep draft vessels are required to have a single-escort tug until the cleanup work is completed.

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Utah Gov. Accuses Denver Mayor of Sending Immigrants Without ‘Notification or Approval’

Washington Examiner Gov. Spencer Cox (R-UT) blasted Colorado’s Mayor of Denver, Mike Johnston (D), for sending immigrants to the state without notice. “We recently learned that the Democrat mayor of Denver has been sending illegal immigrants to Utah without proper notification or approval. This is completely unacceptable and follows on the failed catch-and-release policy of the Biden administration,” Cox wrote on X. “Every state has received illegal immigrants and Utah’s resources are completely depleted.” Last year, Michael Bernacke, the director of the Salt Lake City Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, designated Utah as a sanctuary state. At the time, Senate President J. Stuart Adams (R), then-House Speaker Brad Wilson (R), and Cox refuted the designation. READ THE FULL STORY                 

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Los Angeles Removes Traffic Signs Used to ‘Target and Persecute’ Gay Community

Fox News Officials this week removed the last traffic signs from a Los Angeles neighborhood to cleanse the area of its anti-gay past. The signs that read “No cruising. No U-turns. Midnight to 6 am” were posted around the Silver Lake neighborhood in 1997, with the intent to curb gay men from roaming the streets to hook up, The Los Angeles Times reported.  Just in time for PRIDE month, the signs were retired this week. READ THE FULL STORY                   

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Report: Sixty Percent of Adults May Suffer from Heart Disease in Next 30 Years

Breitbart At least six in ten older Americans may suffer from heart disease in the coming 30 years, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). The organization shared the news on its website on June 4. The AHA continued: The projected rise in heart disease and stroke – along with several key risk factors, including high blood pressure and obesity – is likely to triple related costs to $1.8 trillion by 2050, according to two American Heart Association presidential advisories published Tuesday in the AHA journal Circulation. One report looks at the projected increase in cardiovascular diseaserates in the decades ahead, while the other projects their total related costs. “The landscape of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. is seeing the arrival of a near-perfect storm,” Dr. Dhruv S. Kazi, vice chair of the advisory writing group, said in a news release. READ THE FULL STORY                   

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Saudi Arabia and U.S. Mum as 50-Year Petro-Dollar Agreement Expires

Joe Biden and MBS Petro Dollar

On Sunday, with no official statement from either side, Saudi Arabia apparently allowed a deal with the U.S. to expire that could have dire financial ramifications.

The Kingdom reportedly did not renew its 50-year petro-dollar agreement with the United States when it expired on June 9, meaning Saudi Arabia can now sell its oil in other currencies, including the Chinese renminbi (RMB), Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in U.S. dollars. According to reports, the use of digital currencies like Bitcoin is also being considered.

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Study Suggests Big Tech Can Influence Flocks of Undecided Voters ‘Without People’s Awareness’

Google Search

A study has found that tech companies can influence the decisions of large numbers of undecided voters with search suggestions on search engines.

The study, conducted by Dr. Robert Epstein and several other affiliates of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), sought to determine whether the suggestions that pop into the search bar when using engines like Google can influence the voting behavior of undecideds. Its findings suggest that the “search suggestion effect” (SSE) is real and powerful, so much so that search engine operators controlling search suggestions could have “the power to shift a large number of votes without people’s awareness,” Epstein told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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16-Year-Old Minnesota Girl Speaks Out About Having to Share School Restrooms and Locker Rooms With Males

Women's Locker Room

A 16-year-old Minnesota girl forced to share private spaces with males under a public school transgender policy says that girls deserve privacy in their restrooms and locker rooms.

“It’s really uncomfortable, because I was in gym class, and I was just about to change, but then I heard this voice, and I was, like, ‘That does not sound right.’ So, I look, and it’s a male,” said the rising junior at Stewartville High School, who asked to remain anonymous to speak freely on the controversial issue.

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Commentary: Border Security Popular as Most Americans Support Deportation and Curbing Asylum Seeking at Border

Illegal Immigrants

Americans have had enough with the Open Borders agenda, and polls show a vast spoke in the share of Americans supporting the deportation of illegals and a reduction in asylum processing along the border. In other words, Americans now favor significantly stricter immigration policy than just a few years ago – including a majority of independents, Hispanics, and college-educated Americans.   

The latest YouGov survey shows Americans would favor a deportation program to deport all illegal immigrants by a broad 24-point margin, or 62 percent to 38 percent. This represents a vast spike in the share of Americans favoring a deportation effort compared to just two months ago.

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Commentary: A COVID Vaccine Injury Story

Vaccine Shot

Craig Norkus thought there was no reason to question the safety of the COVID vaccines. He’d received two shots already with no ill effects, and he, along with the rest of the public, was continuously assured that the vaccines were safe and effective. So on November 3, 2022, he received his third booster, and his saga of suffering began.

Craig grew up in Rochester, NY, moving to the Twin Cities in 2001. He’s the father of two adult children, an avid Vikings fan, and a dedicated fitness enthusiast. Prior to his vaccine injury, Craig worked out seven days per week and enjoyed golf and hiking.

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Ford Drops Certain Equipment Requirements for EVs as Sales Continue to Struggle

Electric Mustang

Ford Motor Company told dealers on Thursday that it was dropping certain equipment requirements to boost the sales of its struggling electric vehicle (EV) line, according to Bloomberg.

Dealers had previously needed to invest up to $1.2 million in certain equipment like chargers in order to be eligible to sell Ford’s EV line, with the change allowing all 2,800 dealerships with contracts to the company to sell EVs, according to Bloomberg. The changes to the program are intended to boost struggling sales of Ford’s EV models, which has contributed to the automaker taking a $1.3 billion loss on its EV production in just the first quarter of 2024 after selling only 10,000 vehicles.

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Teachers Union Issues List of Climate Demands as Students Struggle to Read at Grade Level

Chicago Teachers Union

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is making climate-related demands in contract negotiations as the city’s students continue to struggle mightily in the classroom, according to E&E News.

The CTU will push the city to include initiatives like electric school buses, green jobs training programs for students and reducing emissions from buildings with solar panels and other retrofits, among other initiatives, according to E&E News. Those demands are being made while 2023 testing data shows that about 75% of Chicago’s public school students were unable to read at grade level and 83% of students were behind grade level proficiency in math, according to the Illinois Policy Institute.

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Justice Department Won’t Prosecute Merrick Garland for Contempt over Refusal to Provide Audio of Biden’s Interview in Classified Docs Case

New York Post Attorney General Merrick Garland will not be prosecuted for contempt of Congress because his refusal to turn over audio of President Joe Biden’s interview in his classified documents case “did not constitute a crime,” the Justice Department said Friday. In a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Justice Department official cited the department’s longstanding policy not to prosecute for contempt of Congress officials who don’t comply with subpoenas because of a president’s claim of executive privilege. The House voted Wednesday to hold Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over the audio recordings of Biden’s interview with a special counsel, which the White House has accused Republicans of wanting only so they can chop them up and use them for political purposes. READ THE FULL STORY 

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Flight Attendants Picket Globally, Demand Pay for All Work Hours as Travel Peaks

ABC 13 News  Thousands of flight attendants hit the picket lines at 30 airports across the world. It comes as contract negotiations continue across the industry as summer travel ramps up. At Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, about two dozen flight attendants hit the picket lines outside demanding change. Elizabeth Hibbard is president of the Association of Flight Attendants for Austin and Houston. She says 80,000 flight attendants from major airlines like American, United, and Alaskan are currently fighting at the bargaining table– and they’re tired of the corporate greed. The corporate bonuses, all the executive bonuses, and we have flight attendants on food stamps,” Hibbard said. “And we’re all making the same demands of our corporations: that they bring us deals now. READ THE FULL STORY 

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Social Security Checks Could Shrink by an Average of $325 a Month by 2035

Washington Examiner Social Security benefits could be shrinking as soon as 2035, according to actuaries for Social Security and Medicare.  More than 70 million people in the United States rely on Social Security benefits, but with a decreasing number of people buying into it combined with an aging population, the program could see cuts. The actuaries for Social Security and Medicare warned that if Congress does not fund the growing gap, the value of the checks could decline. Future beneficiaries of Social Security checks could receive $325 less per month 11 years from now in 2035. Medicare is expected to run dry by 2036 unless addressed by Congress.  READ THE FULL STORY                   

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Energy, Business Groups Sue Biden Admin over ‘EV Mandate’ Rule

API Senior Vice President Ryan Meyers

Three coalitions of business interests are suing the Biden administration over its recently-finalized emissions standards for light- and medium-duty vehicles.

The coalitions — which include the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Farm Bureau, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), numerous car dealers and more — filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Thursday morning to try to block the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rules, which critics have characterized as an electric vehicle (EV) “mandate.” The regulations will require manufacturers to ensure that up to 56 percent of all new light-duty vehicle sales are EVs by model year 2032, according to the EPA.

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Soros and Democratic Dark Money Bankrolling ‘Grassroots’ Campaign Pushing Abortion in Florida

Stop Abortion Rally

The organization behind a ballot initiative that could reverse Florida’s six-week abortion ban goes to lengths to promote its “grassroots” credentials, all while taking in millions from liberal dark money groups and other deep-pocketed sources, campaign finance records show.

Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF), one of the main groups pushing for a 2024 ballot measure that would enshrine the right to an abortion in the state’s constitution, touts its “grassroots” campaign and fundraising in several press releases it has sent out in recent months. However, the group has taken in massive sums of cash from a sprawling liberal dark money network and organizations backed by wealthy liberal donors.

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Trump-Appointed Judge Halts Biden ATF Rule Changing Definition of ‘Firearms Dealer’

Gun Show

A Texas judge granted an injunction Tuesday against a new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rule that changes the definition of a “firearms dealer.”

The ATF rule broadens the definition of “engaged in business” to extend beyond merely a “gunsmith or pawnbroker.” Trump-appointed federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ruled that the plaintiffs had met the legal standards to be granted an injunction until the lawsuit is resolved.

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Supreme Court Tosses Doctors’ Challenge to Abortion Pill

Mifepristone boxes

The Supreme Court sided unanimously Thursday against several doctors and pro-life medical associations who brought a challenge to the abortion pill.

In FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, the Supreme Court held that the doctors do not have standing to challenge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision to roll back safety regulations for the abortion pill. While recognizing the plaintiffs have “sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to elective abortion and to FDA’s relaxed regulation of mifepristone,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the majority rulings that those kind of objections are not enough to show the doctors would be injured by the FDA’s actions, noting the federal courts are “the wrong forum” for addressing their concerns.

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Democrats Could Lose Seats in Congress After Biden DOJ Gambled on a Local Commissioner Seat

The Federalist President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) sued a small Texas county for drawing its district map in a way that eradicated a sole Democrat-held county seat, arguing the map violates the Voting Rights Act (VRA). But the DOJ’s decision to sue the county could backfire and potentially flip Democrat-held congressional seats after the county called its bluff and went to court over so-called “coalition districts.”  Galveston County’s Precinct 3 is held by Democrat Stephen Holmes and has long been a Democrat stronghold. Until recently, the county lines had been drawn in such a way that they created a “coalition district,” according to Paul Ready, general counsel for Galveston County. A “coalition district” is a district in which no minority group could be a majority, but multiple minority groups are then combined to form a majority-minority district to increase the chances of electing a candidate preferred by the minority groups — often a Democrat, Ready explained to The Federalist. Galveston County’s brief to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, obtained by The Federalist, alleges that coalition districts “present political, not racial, alliances.” READ THE FULL STORY 

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Senate Republicans Reject Democrats’ IVF Bill as ‘Fearmongering’ over Reproductive Rights

Washington Times Senate Republicans rejected another Democratic election-year messaging bill on reproductive issues Thursday, this one focused on protecting access to in vitro fertilization. The text vote failed 48-47, a similar margin to last week’s unsuccessful Senate vote to begin debate on a bill to codify the right to contraception. Both measures required 60 votes to survive. Republicans say there are no serious efforts underway to strip away the right to contraception or in vitro fertilization (IVF) and Democrats are just trying to create a wedge issue for political purposes.  READ THE FULL STORY 

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Elon Musk Hides Likes on X/Twitter to ‘Better Protect Your Privacy’

Breitbart Elon Musk’s X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has announced plans to hide all users’ “likes” in an effort to “better protect your privacy,” a move that has sparked concerns about potential blackmail, abuse, and the inability to validate post engagement — making it easier than ever for bots to distort and disrupt the platform. The Register reports that the decision to make “likes” private, which was initially available only to Premium users last year, will now be applied to all X/Twitter users. The platform’s engineering team shared the news on their account, stating that the change would be implemented sometime this week. Once the switch is flipped, the Likes tab on user profiles will disappear, though users will still be able to see a list of posts they have personally “liked.” This change means that X/Twitter users will no longer be able to see who has liked a specific post or what posts a particular person has liked. However, users will still have access to metrics from their own posts and a full list of people who have liked their content. READ THE FULL STORY         

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House Democrats Create Task Force to Attack Conservative Plan to Defang Deep State

A group of House Democrats are launching a task force intended to stop a project by conservative leaders to restructure the federal bureaucracy under a future conservative president.

The “Stop Project 2025 Task Force,” announced by Rep. Jared Huffman, D-Calif., targets The Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project, also known as Project 2025.

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Criminals Throw Wrench into Biden’s Electric Vehicle Agenda

Electric Vehicle plugged into charging station

Criminals are increasingly stealing cables from electric vehicle (EV) charging stations around the country, according to The Associated Press.

In a growing trend, thieves are targeting EV chargers to cut off their cables and take the valuable copper contained inside the wiring, often rendering the vandalized chargers useless until repairs can be made, according to the AP. Especially if they accelerate, the thefts could be another hurdle for the Biden administration’s major EV push, which has struggled to beat back consumers’ concerns about EV range and charger availability.

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White House Doesn’t Rule Out Commuting Hunter Biden’s Sentence

Axios The White House on Wednesday did not rule out a possible presidential commutation for Hunter Biden after he was found guilty on all three charges in his federal gun trial. President Biden has ruled out a pardon for Hunter Biden, but a commutation could reduce any sentence that the president’s son faces while allowing his conviction to stand. Hunter Biden, convicted on Tuesday in his federal trial, faces up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000, although it’s unlikely he would receive the maximum sentence as a first-time offender. READ THE FULL STORY                     

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Biden Net Approval Ratings Drop to Worst Level Months Before 2024 Trump Rematch

Washington Examiner President Joe Biden‘s average net approval rating hit a new low this week, five months before the 2024 election. Biden’s average approval equaled an administration low of 37.4% last weekend and on Wednesday, according to FiveThirtyEight. But his disapproval reached a new peak of 56.8% on Wednesday, leaving him with a net negative approval rating of 19.4 percentage points. “Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%) at 538,” FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver posted on social media Monday. “Dropping out would be a big risk. But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. Are we there yet? I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask.” READ THE FULL STORY                   

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Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Middle School Student Who Wore ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt

Breitbart The First Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against a middle school student who wore a T-shirt displaying the message, “There are only two genders.” As Breitbart News reported last year, middle schooler Liam Morrison of Nichols Middle School in Middleborough was asked to remove his “There are only two genders” shirt. The incident first occurred on March 5 when Liam Morrison was pulled from gym class and asked to remove his shirt because other students were allegedly complaining and did not feel safe, as first reported by WPDE. The seventh grader was told by a staff member that his shirt was “targeting a protected class.”  Morrison said he would not change his shirt, and the school called his father to pick him up. During a Middleborough Public Schools board meeting on April 13, Morrison shared his experience with the intention that the school district should show more support for students’ First Amendment rights. The video was picked up by Libs of TikTok and received more than 127,000 likes on Twitter. READ THE FULL STORY                   

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