Carpetbagger Morgan Ortagus Dodges Questions from The Tennessee Star: ‘You Need to Stop Being Mean to Me’

The former State Department spokesman and candidate in the GOP primary for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional district is clearly feeling the pressure of and takes issue with The Tennessee Star’s reporting on her parachute candidacy, telling The Star, “You need to stop being mean to me.” Ortagus did not take questions from The Star about her campaign.

Carpetbagger Morgan Ortagus made her unprompted remark to The Star as several people were milling about the room after a local Republican meeting of the Bellevue Breakfast Club, which took place Saturday morning at Plantation Pub. On several occasions prior to the unprompted remark, Ortagus campaign staff told The Star that she didn’t have time for questions about her campaign. Campaign staff made it clear that they would not allow The Star to ask Ortagus questions about the campaign. If allowed, The Star would have asked if Ortagus has attained residency in the district or not.

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FEC Records Show Tight Financial Contest Between Democrat Incumbent and Republican Challenger in Race for Maine’s Second Congressional District

Bruce Poliquin and Jared Golden

Federal Elections Commission (FEC) records show a tight financial contest between incumbent Democrat U.S. Representative Jared Golden and the nearest Republican challenger, former U.S. Representative Bruce Poliquin, in the race for Maine’s Second Congressional district.

As of the December 31, 2021 filing deadline, Golden has raised $2,136,842.68 for the 2022 election cycle and has $1,426,268.38 on hand. Republican challenger Poliquin has raised $1,482,065.91 and has $1,397,129.24 cash on hand in the bank. That’s a cash on hand edge for Golden of less than $30,000, a paltry sum in a highly competitive congressional race.

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State Senator Frank Niceley Expects Senate-Passed Legislation Establishing Residency Requirements for Federal Candidates in Primaries to Pass in the House

Senator Frank Niceley expects his version of the bill establishing residency requirements for candidates in Tennessee primaries, which was approved by the Senate 31-1, to carry the day in the state House.

Senator Niceley told The Tennessee Star, “I expect when the House legislation reaches the floor, they’ll vote to substitute and conform to the Senate bill. That way it’ll be quick and painless. If its a good bill, its a good bill now.”

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Latest Candidate in the TN-5 GOP Primary Is Currently on Trial for Charges Related to January 6

Stewart Parks, the latest candidate to announce that he is actively running in the Republican primary ballot for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, is also currently facing charges stemming from the January 6 Capitol incident. Parks is also collecting qualifying petitions.

The Tennessee Star confirmed with Parks that he is indeed the individual that is facing federal charges in connection with the events of January 6, 2021. Parks told The Star, “I did nothing wrong.” He also said that he believes the charges will have no logistical effect on his ability to campaign for TN-5.

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Former Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen Admitted in 1997 That Direct Economic Impact Benefits Couldn’t Justify Taxpayer Funding for a Football Stadium

Former Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen admitted in 1997 that direct economic impact benefits couldn’t justify taxpayer funding for a football stadium.

The then-Mayor Bredesen said in June of 1997, “I can’t justify building a football stadium on direct economic impact. The professors who make a living pooh-poohing that are right. But there are a lot of intangible benefits that make it more than easy to do.”

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Retired Brig. General and TN-5 GOP Primary Candidate Kurt Winstead Announces Key Campaign Personnel

Retired Brig. General Kurt Winstead announced key personnel additions to his campaign for the Republican primary for Tennessee’s 5th congressional district.

The Winstead campaign announced that Chris Devaney, campaign manager for Governor Bill Lee’s 2018 campaign, will serve as senior advisor to the campaign. Kim Kaegi, a veteran of numerous successful campaigns across Tennessee, will serve as the campaign finance consultant. Jimmy Granbery will serve as the campaign finance chairman. Granbery is currently the chairman of the H.G. Hill Company and CEO of H.G. Hill Realty Company.

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Connecticut Rep. Joe Courtney Has Raised Less Than $500,000 for 2022 Election Cycle

Connecticut U.S. Representative Joe Courtney (D-CT-02) has taken in less than $500,000 for the 2022 election cycle.

As of the December 31, 2021 deadline, FEC records show that Courtney raised $482,821.54 and has $959,616.55 cash on hand in the bank. Another Democratic candidate for the Second District, U.S. Army Veteran Anthony DiLizia has raised less than $5,000 for the Democrat primary and currently has under $1,000 on hand.

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Democrat State Representative Mike Stewart Is Sole ‘No’ Vote Against House Resolution Honoring Organization That Fights Human and Child Trafficking

Democrat State Representative Mike Stewart (D-Nashville) voted against a resolution honoring an organization that fights human and child trafficking.

The Tennessee State House of Representatives passed HJR0856, “A RESOLUTION to recognize Mission America Foundation” on Thursday. The vote was 83-1. Stewart was the sole no vote.

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Metro Nashville Council Defers Action on Sanctuary City License Plate Reader Bill That Legislative Staff Said Was Illegal

Metro Nashville Council deferred action on a bill on second reading that council legislative staff said was illegal. In its current form, the bill bans License Plate Reader use for cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

When the issue came up at the meeting, Councilman Mendes asked for committee reports. The requisite committees recommended deferring the ordinance for two meeting. Councilman Mendes then moved to defer consideration of the ordinance for two meetings.

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Connecticut Supreme Court Picked Redistricting Maps That Maintain Partisan Makeup Status Quo of 5th Congressional District

The Connecticut Supreme Court picked redistricting maps that maintain the partisan status quo of the 5th Congressional District.

Prior to redistricting, CT-5 was given a partisan rating by Nate Silver’s fivethirtyeight of D+3. The Connecticut Supreme Court approved the state’s new congressional maps on February 10, 2022 and the 5th district’s partisan rating remains the same. The court took control of the process after a bipartisan body of state legislators failed to come to an agreement on the lines.

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Bill Establishing Residency Requirements for Federal Candidates Passes Key Tennessee House Subcommittee

State Representative Dave Wright’s (R-Knoxville) version of the bill establishing three-year residency requirements for federal candidates was passed by a key subcommittee.

Before HB2764, the House version of Senator Frank Niceley’s legislation, was recommended for passage by the House Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee, it was amended on Wednesday. The amended version is significantly different than the Senate-passed version as it applies to all federal candidates in primaries and general elections, sets an effective date to one day after this year’s elections, and exempts candidates elected this year from that standard for future elections. The House version is now in conflict with the Senate-passed version.

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Dodge Ball: Pompeo Ducks When The Tennessee Star Questions His Support for TN-5 Carpetbagger Candidate Morgan Ortagus

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continues to duck the questions when The Tennessee Star asked for comment on his support for TN-5 carpetbagger candidate Morgan Ortagus.

After Ortagus’ recent appearance on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy, The Tennessee Star reached out to Secretary Pompeo’s CAV-PAC team for comment and to ask what consideration was given prior to endorsing Ortagus.

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Metro Nashville Council Passes Resolution in Support of Ukraine, Former Councilman Steve Glover Praised

At their Tuesday, March 1 meeting, Metro Nashville Council unanimously passed a late-filed resolution in support of the people of Ukraine.

Originally sponsored by councilmembers Kathleen Murphy, Tonya Hancock, John Rutherford, Ginny Welsch, and Courtney Johnston, the late-filed resolution is a “resolution recognizing the Metropolitan Council’s support of the people of Ukraine.” Every councilmember present was added as a prime sponsor of the resolution.

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Georgia Redistricting Causes Democrat Incumbent U.S. Representative Lucy McBath to Flee the State’s 6th Congressional District

Georgia’s redistricting process has caused Democrat Incumbent U.S. Representative Lucy McBath to flee the 6th Congressional District, leaving an open seat.

McBath has left the race for the Sixth district and is running in the much bluer neighboring new Seventh district, taking on fellow Democrat incumbent U.S. Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux. The new GA-7 has a partisan rating of D+16. According to the FEC, McBath has raised $3,199,954.75 and has a war chest of $2,452,731.80 cash on hand. Bourdeaux has $2,005,771.81 cash on hand and has raised $2,406,048.45 for the 2022 election cycle.

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Ortagus Campaign D.C. Fundraiser with Never Trumpers and Fired State Dept. Staffer Still Scheduled to Take Place on Ash Wednesday

Despite it falling on Ash Wednesday, sources tell The Tennessee Star Morgan Ortagus, a candidate for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District and former State Department spokesman, still has a scheduled out-of-state fundraiser in Washington, D.C. with a host committee that includes Never Trumpers and a fired State Department staffer who tweeted that President Trump was unfit for office.

The Star previously reported that the point of contact for the fundraising event is professional fundraiser Lisa Spies, a former staffer for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in 2012 and a 2016 Never Trumper who has a history of opposing President Trump.

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Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs Says Cancel Culture Makes U.S. Look Weak to ‘Fascists’ like Putin

Glenn Jacobs speaking on a stage

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs pushed back on accusations that he was “pro-Putin” after a portion of a series of Sunday tweets were amplified, leading some to believe that he supported the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Unfortunately what has happened on the Left with the Russiagate investigation – which was a hoax – is that when Republicans say something that involves Putin they get tied to him by the Left,” Jacobs told The Tennessee Star. “Putin and brutal dictators like him look for weakness. In order to deal with people like him you need to project strength.”

“I do not support Putin,” the Knox County mayor said. “I’m for liberty and freedom. Putin is the antithesis of that.”

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MN-2 Incumbent Democrat U.S. Representative Angela Craig Has Nearly $3 Million in the Bank

U.S. Rep. Angela Craig

With nearly $3 million in the bank, incumbent Democrat U.S. Representative Angela Craig is sitting on a major financial advantage in her race for reelection to Minnesota’s Second Congressional district.

Some of that money is leftover from her previous race. FEC records show that for the 2022 election cycle Craig has raised $2,635,506.03 and has a war chest of $2,921,566.22.

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Tennessee State Senate Staffer Says He Thinks He’ll Be the Donald Trump Candidate in TN-5 GOP Primary

Tres Wittum

A Tennessee state Senate staffer is considering running in the Republican primary for the 5th Congressional District and says that he thinks he’ll be the Donald Trump-endorsed candidate if he runs.

Charles Garfield Wittum III aka Tres Wittum, a senate aide to Senator Bo Watson (R-Hixson), has told The Tennessee Star that he is considering entering the already crowded Republican field for TN-5.

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Eleven Candidates Now Collecting Qualifying Petitions for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District Republican Primary Ballot

Tennessee Capitol building

Eleven individuals are now collecting qualifying petitions for the Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional district Republican primary ballot. Including three Democrats and three Independents, a total of seventeen people are collecting petitions in order to qualify to run for office under Party and state rules.

The Tennessee Secretary of State’s office posts the names of individuals who are collecting qualifying petitions for various Tennessee elections every Friday. The latest individuals to begin collecting petitions to earn their spot on the Republican primary ballot for TN-5 ballot are former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell, businessman Baxter Lee, and Stewart Parks. All are listed as being from Nashville.

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New District Lines Give Republicans Partisan Edge in Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District

The newly enacted district lines give Republicans a partisan edge in Pennsylvania’s new 7th Congressional District.

The new 7th district has a partisan rating of R+4, according to Nate Silver’s fivethirtyeight. Prior to the Democrat-controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s selection of the new district lines, PA-7 had an even partisan rating.

The Cook Political Report rates the race for the seat as a tossup.

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Metro Nashville Council Agenda Analysis Says Ordinance Proposal Banning License Plate Reader Use for Cooperation with ICE Violates State Law

Metro Nashville Council has published the March 1, 2022 meeting agenda and contains an ordinance that bans cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) using use of License Plate Scanner (LPR) technology.

The Metro Nashville Council legislative staff prepared agenda analysis, says that the proposed ordinance violates state law because it would create a sanctuary city policy, which is explicitly banned by state law.

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Pennsylvania Redistricting Results in Slight Democrat Partisan Edge for the State’s 17th Congressional District

The Democrat-controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s selection of the state’s new congressional maps has given Democrats a slight partisan edge in the 17th Congressional District.

Prior to redistricting, PA-17 was given a partisan rating by fivethirtyeight of R+2. It is now rated D+1. The Cook Political Report says the race for the seat is currently a tossup.

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Challenges Filed to Eligibility of TN-5 Candidates Morgan Ortagus and Robby Starbuck to Be on GOP Primary Ballot

Sources have told The Tennessee Star that the Republican bona fide statuses of Republican primary candidates for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat, carpetbaggers Morgan Ortagus and Robby Starbuck, have been challenged.

The Star reached out to Tennessee GOP Chair Scott Golden to confirm that challenges have been filed against Ortagus and Starbuck. Golden confirmed that challenges have been made to Republicans in the race but he did not specify which candidates had been challenged. He also did not deny that Ortagus and Starbuck have been challenged.

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Tennessee Democrats File Lawsuit Challenging New State House and State Senate Districts

A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Tennessee Democrats challenging the new state House and state Senate districts. A challenge to the new Congressional district lines has not yet been filed.

The lawsuit was filed in the Chancery Court of Tennessee for the 20th Judicial district. Akilah Moore, Telise Turner, and Gary Wygant are listed as the filing parties in the case. Governor Lee, Secretary of State Tre Hargett, and Tennessee Coordinator of Elections Mark Goins are being sued in their official capacities only.

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Former Brigadier General Kurt Winstead Formally Announces Candidacy for TN-5, Joining a Crowded GOP Field

Former Brigadier General Kurt Winstead has formally announced his candidacy for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, entering the Republican primary.

Winstead formally joins the Republican field that includes former Speaker of the Tennessee House Beth Harwell, businessman Baxter Lee, Natisha Brooks, California native Robby Starbuck, and recent Tennessee immigrant and former State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus. Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles has not yet announced whether his will enter the race or not.

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Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District Partisan Makeup Barely Affected by Redistricting

Redistricting has been finalized in Pennsylvania and the partisan makeup for the 8th Congressional District has barely changed.

Nate Silver’s fivethirtyeight gave PA-8 a partisan rating of R+9 prior to redistricting and currently gives it a R+8 rating. The Cook Political Report says that the race is a Toss Up. President Trump beat Biden under the old 8th District map by 4.4% in 2020.

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Former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell Announces Candidacy for GOP Nomination in TN-5 Congressional District Race

Former Tennessee Speaker of the House of Representatives Beth Harwell announced Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy her candidacy for the Republican nomination for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional district.

Harwell, a Tennessee resident for more than thirty years, was the first woman to serve as the Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives.

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House Sponsor of Residency Requirement Legislation Affecting Federal Campaigns Punts Subcommittee Consideration Back a Week

Representative Dave Wright, the Tennessee House sponsor of legislation that would establish three-year residency requirements for Congressional and Senate candidates running in Tennessee, motioned to roll his bill back for consideration by one week in the House Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee.

Wright said that he intends to amend the bill to have the three-year residency requirements, an effective date of one day after this year’s November general election, and an exemption for incumbents at the next scheduled subcommittee meeting.

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Michigan Democrat Representative Elissa Slotkin Commands a Substantial Financial Advantage in the Race for State’s 7th Congressional District

NRCC targeted Democrat incumbent U.S. Representative Elissa Slotkin has a towering financial advantage in the race for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District seat.

Slotkin has raised $3,476,331.42 for the 2022 election cycle and is currently sitting on $4,508,719.04 cash on hand. Republican state Senator and U.S. Army veteran Tom Barrett has raised $311,971.14 with $254,171.87 cash on hand. Barrett declared for the race in November of 2021.

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Former Trump Cabinet Member Ric Grenell Endorses Morgan Ortagus for TN-5, Pulling Prior Robby Starbuck Endorsement

Former Director of National Intelligence and the first openly gay cabinet member in U.S. History, Ric Grenell, has endorsed Morgan Ortagus for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional district seat.

Prior to redistricting, Grenell had endorsed Robby Starbuck but he has pulled that endorsement. Both the Ortagus campaign and the Starbuck campaign have confirmed that Grenell’s previous endorsement of Starbuck was pulled.

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Pompeo Endorses Morgan Ortagus for TN-5, But Dodges Questions on Her Carpetbagger Status

Former Trump administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has endorsed Morgan Ortagus in the race for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Tennessee Star reached out to Secretary Pompeo’s team for comment on his endorsement of Ortagus and Secretary Pompeo’s team dodged the issue of her recent immigration to Tennessee.

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NRA and Tennessee Firearms Association Call for Action Against Two Tennessee General Assembly Bills

The NRA Institute for Legislative Action has weighed in on several firearms-related bills being considered by various Tennessee General Assembly committees and subcommittees this week.

The Tennessee Star has previously reported that the Tennessee Firearms Association has weighed in on firearms-related legislation. The Tennessee Firearms Association and the NRA agree on opposition to two bills in particular.

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Two Incumbent Democrats Vie for Michigan’s 11th Congressional District, Leave the 10th Congressional District a Seat Open

Democratic U.S. Representatives Andy Levin and Haley Stevens have announced their plans to run in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District, setting up an incumbent-versus-incumbent primary. This leaves Michigan’s 10th Congressional District seat open.

Redistricting changed the district lines and numbering, significantly affected Michigan’s 10th and 11th Congressional Districts, and likely led to Levin and Stevens running against each other in a Democrat primary. The new district lines, drawn by the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, took MI-11 from an R+2 partisan rating to a D+15, according to Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight.

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Ortagus Holds Out-of-State Fundraiser in D.C., Host Committee Includes Never Trumpers and Fired State Dept. Staffer

The host committee for an out-of-state fundraiser for the Morgan Ortagus for Congress campaign includes a former Trump administration State Department staffer who was fired for tweeting that President Trump was unfit for office, as well as several Never Trumpers.

Former Trump administration State Department spokesman and candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional district Morgan Ortagus will be in Washington, D.C. on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022 to attend this fundraiser for her campaign.

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RNC Site Selection Committee to Visit Nashville ‘In the Next Week or So’

downtown Nashville at night

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden told The Tennessee Star that the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) site selection committee for the 2024 Republican National Convention will be heading to visit Nashville “in the next week or so.”

Chairman Golden, who has attended three of the last four Republican National Conventions, said that a unique aspect of Nashville is that, if Nashville were to win the bid to host the 2024 Republican National Convention, the bulk of official convention business would take place in a small area, where most activities are within walking distance of each other.

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Former Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell Talking to TN-5 Voters, Possibly Nearing Decision on Whether to Run

Beth Harwell

Former Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell may be nearing a decision on whether to run for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional district seat.

Speaker Harwell told The Tennessee Star that she’s still considering whether to run. “I’m in the process of doing that right now.”

Harwell said that she has three factors in mind when considering a congressional bid. “One, you need to talk to people in the district and see what they want from their U.S. Representative in Congress. Two, you need to make sure your base of political and financial support is in place.”

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Fourteen Candidates Collecting Petitions in Race for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District

Tennessee State flag

The Tennessee Secretary of State’s office has posted their updated list of individuals who have begun collecting petitions to run for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat.

Fourteen candidates are collecting petitions for the 5th Congressional seat: Eight Republicans, three Democrats, and three Independents are listed by the Secretary of State’s office as having begun collecting petitions.

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Tennessee State House Set to Consider Resolution Honoring Organization Dedicated to Fighting Human Trafficking

The Tennessee State House is set to consider a a resolution honoring and commending the Mission America Foundation, a Tennessee-based 501c(3) organization dedicated to fighting human trafficking, for the work they do.

The Mission America Foundation works to empower military veterans to utilize their skill sets to help eradicate child and human trafficking. 

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After Redistricting, Arizona’s 6th Congressional District Seat Is a Prime Target for GOP Pickup

Arizona’s 6th Congressional District is believed to be a prime target for a GOP pickup, according to Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight political blog, which rates the newly-redrawn district as “Competitive R.” Seven-term incumbent Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat, announced in early 2021 she would not seek re-election; and the area’s voting history suggests the new boundary lines favor Republicans.

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State Senator Frank Niceley Stands Behind Current Effective Date of Three-Year Residency Requirement Legislation

Senator Frank Niceley wants to keep the effective date the same for his legislation establishing residency requirements for candidates in U.S. House and U.S. Senate primaries. In its current form, SB2616 would effect this year’s elections.

The Tennessee Star previously reported that Tennessee State Representative David Wright (R-19) said he intends to amend the House version of SB2616 so that the effective date of the bill’s three-year residency requirement to qualify as a candidate for a congressional primary in the state from 2022 to 2024 because it would be “too confusing” to make it effective this year.

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Several Firearms-Related Bills to Be Considered by Tennessee General Assembly Committees and Subcommittees


Several firearms-related bills that are pending before the Tennessee General Assembly are scheduled to be taken up for committee and subcommittee consideration in the coming days. These bills deal with firearm permitting, self-defense and justifiable force, vouchers for firearms training classes, carry by off-duty law enforcement officers, gun violence as a public health problem, and storing firearms in vehicles.

Four of the bills have action pending in the state House and another has action pending in the state Senate.

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Metro Nashville Council Appoints Progressive Trans-Activist to Community Oversight Board

Nashville Metro Council appointed a radical Leftist trans-activist to the Community Oversight Board at its February 15, 2022 meeting.

Metro Council had two community organization nominated vacancies to fill at their last meeting and they appointed  appointed Maxine Spencer, a radical Leftist trans-activist nominated by far-Left community organizing group Workers’ Dignity, to serve a term that will expire on January 31, 2025. Michael Milliner, nominated by NAACP-Nashville was also appointed.

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Pro-Life Legislation Prohibiting LEAs or Public Charter Schools from Doing Business with Abortion Providers on House Committee Agenda

Pro-life legislation pending before Tennessee’s General Assembly that would prohibit Local Education Associations (LEA) or public charter schools from doing business with abortion providers continues through the legislative process in the state House, where it has been referred to the Senate Education Committee after passing on second consideration.

State Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald) originally filed SB2158 in state Senate. State Representative Debra Moody (R-Covington) has sponsored the state House companion version, HB2557 and it is continuing to make headway in the House.

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Arizona Redistricting Makes Democrat U.S. Representative Tom O’Halleran Even More Vulnerable

The Arizona redistricting process has made Democrat U.S. Representative Tom O’Halleran even more vulnerable to a Republican challenger.

Prior to redistricting, Representative O’Halleran’s then-AZ-1 had a partisan rating of R+6 according to the website FiveThirtyEight. After redistricting changed boundaries and district numbers, O’Halleran is running in AZ-2, which is now rated a R+15.

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House Sponsor of Congressional Residency Bill Intends to Amend It, Says Immediate Effectiveness ‘Too Confusing’

Tennessee State Rep. David Wright (R-19) told The Tennessee Star on Thursday he intends to amend the effective date of the House version of SB 2616 so that the effective date of the bill’s three year residency requirement to qualify as a candidate for a Congressional primary in the state from 2022 to 2024 because it would be “too confusing” to make it effective this year.

Representative Wright is the main sponsor of HB2764, the state House companion bill to Senator Frank Niceley’s Senate legislation establishing residency requirements for U.S. Senate and U.S. House candidates running in primaries.

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Radical Leftist Member of Nashville Community Oversight Board Not Re-Appointed by Metro Council

Metro Nashville Council filled two vacancies for the Community Oversight Board for terms that expired on January 31, 2022. Individuals considered for those vacancies were nominated by community organizations.

Metro Nashville Council appointed Michael Milliner and Maxine Spencer to serve terms that will expire on January 31, 2025, and rejected Jamel R. Campbell-Gooch’s nomination. 

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Republican Field in VA-7 Primary Is a Crowded One

The Republican field in the race to challenge incumbent U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger for Virginia’s 7th Congressional seat is a crowded one.

Former Green Beret Derrick Anderson, State Senator Bryce Reeves (R-Spotsylvania-SD17), Spotsylvania County Supervisor David Ross, Stafford County Board of Supervisors Chair Crystal Vanuch, Prince William County Supervisor Yesli Vega, teacher Gina Ciarcia, and Gary Adkins are among the candidates running in the Republican primary.

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