GOP Warns Far-Left Georgia Democrat Will Serve as a Political Independent on DeKalb County Registrations and Elections Board

DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Asha F. Jackson, as the law mandates, picked two Republicans and two Democrats to serve on that county’s Board of Registrations and Elections (BRE) and, lastly, an at-large political independent. But, as DeKalb County GOP Chairwoman Marci McCarthy told The Georgia Star News on Tuesday, the independent Jackson selected, Karli Swift, is anything but. McCarthy said Swift’s views lean hard-left.

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Latest Evidence of Wrongdoing in Georgia’s 2020 Presidential Election Presented in Alpharetta

ALPHARETTA, Georgia — Several people crammed into an Alpharetta hotel Monday to hear evidence that last year’s presidential election in Georgia was flawed and likely corrupt and, how consequently, Donald Trump, seeking a second term, got robbed. About 2,000 people attended. Women for America First held the meeting at The Hotel at Avalon.

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Tennessee’s Unfunded Pension Liabilities Ranked in New National Report

Tennessee ranks as one of the top states in the nation in terms of how it funds its pension systems, according to a report that the Arlington, Virginia-based American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) released this week. ALEC officials titled their report Unaccountable and Unaffordable, 2020. This annual report collects and analyzes each state’s unfunded public pension liabilities. The report finds state governments’ unfunded liabilities total $5.82 trillion nationwide – an average of $17,748 per person.

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Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger Issues Challenge to Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden After DOJ Lawsuit Announced

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger reacted harshly Friday to news that U.S. Justice Department officials, under Attorney General Merrick Garland, will sue the Peach State over its new voting law Senate Bill 202. “The Biden Administration continues to do the bidding of Stacey Abrams and spreads more lies about Georgia’s election law,” Raffensperger said on Facebook Friday.

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Suzi Voyles Says Georgia Secretary of State Officials Pressured Her to Recant

Suzi Voyles

  Fulton County, Georgia poll manager Suzi Voyles said this week that members of the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office pressured her to recant her declaring she saw potentially counterfeit ballots last November that favored Joe Biden. Voyles said this when she appeared Wednesday on The John Fredericks Show. Fredericks is the publisher of The Georgia Star News. Voyles said state officials asked her to go over her affidavit concerning potentially counterfeit ballots in January. “There just was something that felt a little off,” Voyles told Fredericks. “They had my testimony. They had my affidavits, and I couldn’t figure out what else could be said. It was very plain. It was very simple. It wasn’t a 5,000 page document. It was pretty well articulated in the document.” Voyles said the nature of the conversation aroused her suspicions. “As it continued on, it got to the specific box number and the batch numbers that were in question in that first affidavit. I’m thinking ‘Wait a minute. You have that printed out right there.’ There was nothing vague in my affidavit. It was very specific. I just felt it a little odd that if they were questioning me about my affidavit then…

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Americans for Prosperity – Tennessee Reacts to Nashville Taxpayer Protection Act Ruling

Reacting to the cancellation of the Nashville Taxpayer Protection Act referendum, Americans for Prosperity – Tennessee (AFP-TN) State Director Tori Venable suggested one way members of the Tennessee General Assembly could react. “This ruling once again silences Nashville voters and taxpayers who continue to be saddled with harmful tax increases. Nashvillians are tired of Mayor Cooper and Metro’s spending addiction that put the city in jeopardy of a state takeover,” Venable said in an emailed press release.

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Georgia School District Refuses to Sell Building to Convert to Charter School, Former Marine Says

A Georgia man who founded a charter school to steer young black men away from violence and gang culture reportedly said members of the Dougherty County School System won’t sell him a school already abandoned. That man, King Randall, said school system officials won’t sell him the school unless he agrees to adopt the public school system’s curriculum.

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Georgia Man Who Abused Political Prisoners Arrested for Fraudulently Obtaining U.S. Citizenship

Federal authorities have arraigned a Snellville, Georgia man for allegedly lying to obtain U.S. citizenship. The defendant, Mezemr Abebe Belayneh, 65, of Snellville, allegedly concealed his involvement in the late 1970s Red Terror period in Ethiopia, where he served as a civilian interrogator at a makeshift prison. A federal grand jury indicted him last month and charged him with two counts of unlawful procurement of naturalization.

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Georgia Voters’ Rights on the Docket as Judge Grapples with Fulton County Election Controversy: No Decision Yet

McDONOUGH, GEORGIA — The lawsuit alleging voting shenanigans in Fulton County during last year’s presidential election continued Monday as Chief Judge Brian Amero heard opposing attorneys spar over voters’ rights and who to hold accountable for violating those rights. Amero presides over the case out of Henry County.

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Mark Green Proposal Would Stop Foreign Adversaries from Buying Land Near U.S. Military Bases

Mark Green

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) has introduced a bill that would, if enacted into law, direct the U.S. Secretary of Defense to produce ongoing reports about foreign land purchases around U.S. military bases. This, according to a press release that Green and members of his staff published on his website this week. Green titled the bill the Military Perimeter Transparency Act. “It’s critically important for the Department of Defense to identify when foreign adversaries like China or Russia acquire land near American military bases. America’s adversaries, especially those with a history of cyberattacks, espionage, and disinformation warfare, should never be allowed within reach of a U.S. military installation. Doing so would be a risk to our security and a major strategic mistake,” Green said in the press release. “The Secretary of Defense and the heads of our Armed Forces must have full visibility when foreign governments attempt to acquire and use land in close proximity to our military bases. My bill is a commonsense measure that will strengthen our defense and ensure transparency when it comes to securing the perimeter of our military bases.” According to Green’s bill, the U.S. Secretary of Defense would coordinate with the secretaries of…

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Feds Bust More Tennessee Felons Possessing Firearms

Federal officials in Tennessee reported that two more convicted felons in the state have run afoul of the law for owning firearms even though the law forbids it. After a two-day trial, a federal jury in Memphis convicted Carl Clarke, 31, already a convicted felon, for possessing a firearm. This, according to a press release that Acting U.S. Attorney Joseph C. Murphy Jr., published this week.

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Feds in Georgia Reveal Massive CARES Act Fraud

Two Georgia residents in two separate cases allegedly committed massive Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act fraud while another Georgia resident admitted in federal court to committing such fraud. In the first case, federal officials took two Columbus residents into custody after a federal grand jury returned an indictment charging them both with wire fraud and theft of government property related to the CARES Act. This, according to a press release that officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Georgia published this week.

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Bombshell Investigative Piece About Fulton County Documents ‘Massive Election Integrity Problems’ Last November

Fulton County, Georgia had more election integrity problems during last year’s U.S. presidential elections than were previously known, according to a new investigative report that Just the News published late Thursday night. Reporters John Solomon and Daniel Payne cited a 29-page memo they obtained that documented double counting of votes, insecure storage, threats, and massive chain of custody irregularities.

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Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Won’t Say Whether He’ll Send Resources to Protect the U.S.-Mexico Border

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and members of his staff would not say Thursday whether they will dispatch resources to Texas and Arizona to help guard the U.S.-Mexican border. The Tennessee Star made repeated attempts Thursday to contact Lee’s Communications Director Laine Arnold — by email, phone, and text. Arnold did not return our messages before Thursday’s stated deadline.

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Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr and Other AG’s Secure Victory Against Joe Biden’s Nationwide Moratorium on Oil and Gas Leases and Drilling Permits

Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana on Wednesday issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against U.S. President Joe Biden’s ban on oil and gas leases on federal lands. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr joined 12 other state attorneys general in filing suit to block the Biden Administration’s violation of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA). Coalition members are citing Wednesday’s action as a major victory.

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Group Provides Petition to Fight Critical Race Theory in Georgia

Classroom full of kids, that are being read a book

Members of a group called No Left Turn in Education this month asked Peach State residents to stand up to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and sign a petition asking government officials to ban it. In a press release, No Left Turn in Education Georgia chapter members also said they want K-12 schools statewide to ban the 1619 Project and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion & Action Civics.

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Stacey Abrams Refers to Georgia’s Voter Integrity Law as ‘Jim Crow 2.0’

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and others said at a Thursday night town hall that Republicans nationwide are passing voter integrity bills to prevent black people from voting. During this virtual town hall, Abrams told audience members to pressure the U.S. Senate to pass the For the People Act. Some people also refer to the bill as H.R. 1. The For the People Act, if enacted into law, would nationalize federal elections. The proposed law would require that states automatically register residents to vote and also require absentee ballot drop boxes. The For the People Act would also eliminate state restrictions on mail-in voting, require same-day voter registration, and gut state voter identification laws.

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Two Georgia Legislators Will Influence How Reapportionment Affects Peach State Residents

Members of the Georgia General Assembly are preparing to discuss reapportionment, which involves redrawing district lines for the U.S. House of Representatives following the 2020 Census. Members of the Georgia House Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Committee as well as members of the Georgia Senate Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee will hold a joint virtual town hall hearing next week. The hearing will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15 on the Georgia General Assembly’s website.

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Bill Haslam Says Republicans Under Donald Trump Too Extreme

Former Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, according to an article The Atlantic published this week, “is trying to figure out how religious Republicans got so extreme.” Haslam granted an interview to Atlantic writer Emma Green. Green said “Haslam is disturbed by some aspects of the national Republican Party’s recent direction—particularly the way politicians and activists have frequently used religion as a cudgel.”

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Vernon Jones Returns to Georgia, Describes Arizona Ballot Audit, How Joe Biden’s Policies Enable Drug Cartels

Georgia gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones just returned from Arizona where he observed an audit of ballots from the November 2020 presidential election and also witnessed up-close what he said was a calamity at the U.S.-Mexico border. Jones talked to The Georgia Star News Thursday. He said a firm overseeing the audit has done a thorough and professional job that leaves little room to allow mistakes. Jones did not name the firm.

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Nashville Mayor John Cooper Wants More Revenue Sources to Fund Affordable Housing

Nashville Mayor John Cooper released a report Wednesday that not only calls for more affordable housing within the city but also calls for new sources of revenue to fund it. The report specifically calls on Metro Nashville officials to pursue additional revenue streams. Metro planners also suggest generating more affordable housing by using land already publicly-owned and underutilized. The report said city officials could expand Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) to support Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). This method, the report went on to say, would fund long-term housing by partnering with nonprofit and private developers. Metro planners also suggested creating “mixed use, mixed income communities.”

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Nashville Taxpayer Protection Act Supporters Prepare Media Counterpunch

The people who oppose the Nashville Taxpayer Protection Act this week began a paid media campaign to tarnish the Nashville Taxpayer Protection Act as the brainchild of “radical extremists.” But Nashville attorney Jim Roberts, one of the architects of the referendum, told The Tennessee Star this week that he and his supporters are currently crafting their own media counteroffensive.

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Georgia GOP Establishment Leaders Continue to Mishandle Fulton County Chairmanship Race, Members Say

A supporter of Susan Opraseuth’s said Tuesday the candidate does not have a database of 330 delegates she needs as she campaigns to replace Fulton County Republican Party incumbent chair Trey Kelly — but she’s supposed to. Party members said this election pits Kelly, an establishment Republican, against Opraseuth, who strongly supports former U.S. President Donald Trump.

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