Stony Brook Student Beaten for Backing Amy Coney Barrett Faces Barrett-Backed Vax Rule Expulsion

Stony Brook University

Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett began her first full session on the high court with lingering doubts from a conservative student in her senior year at Stony Brook University facing expulsion with the loss of all semester credits and tuition, thanks to a Barrett ruling, less than one year after leftists beat the student for supporting Barrett confirmation.

“It definitely really upsets me, because I feel that I fight for good people on social media, and for Amy Coney Barrett in person, where I am physically assaulted, and then she goes ahead and does things that we did not vote her in for,” said Isabella Maria DeLuca, a political science-pre-law major at the school, which is part of State University of New York system.

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Exclusive: Erik Prince Blames Afghanistan Debacle on ‘Cosplay National Security Apparatus’ that Believes ‘Their Own BS’

The Founder of the Blackwater private security firm and the author of a comprehensive plan to save Afghanistan by shifting the country’s security to private contractors and away from the American military told the Star News Network he warned U.S. diplomats the government of President Ashraf Ghani would fall before Labor Day.

“I told a number of ambassadors in the region there; they should expect a collapse of Kabul by Labor Day, and I said that back in April, based on when the U.S. air pressure, when the Air Force really stopped bombing, when that threat largely disappears, then the Taliban would be able to group and mass as they have done, and then they start blowing up cities,” said Erik Prince, the Navy SEAL veteran and national security entrepreneur.

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Exclusive: Trump’s ‘America First’ Ohio House Seat Pick Tells How It Happened

Mike Carey

The Republican nominee for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District told the Star News Network about his August 3 primary win with 37 percent of the vote, how he decided to run for Congress, and his relationship with President Donald J. Trump.

“The numbers in my race show you that you can have all kinds of endorsements, but when you are supported by President Trump, you win,” said Mike Carey, a native of Sabine, Ohio, and a former president and chairman of the Ohio Coal Association.

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House Freedom Caucus Demands McCarthy Launch Fight to Oust Pelosi by July 31

Members of the House Freedom Caucus threw down the gauntlet, ostensibly challenging Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) with the motion to vacate the chair or oust the California Democrat from her perch, but the real challenge was to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23).

“We, the House Freedom Caucus, respectfully request that you pursue the authorization of the House Republican Conference according to Conference Rules to file and bring up a privileged motion by July 31, 2021, to vacate the chair and end Nancy Pelosi’s authoritarian reign as Speaker of the House,” read the July 23 letter signed collectively by The House Freedom Caucus.

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New York Young Republican Club Presents ‘Hunter Biden: A Full Frontal Exposé’ May 25

New York Young Republican Club

In an exclusive interview with The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network, the former producer of Stephen K. Bannon’s War Room and the vice president of the New York Young Republicans Club gave a preview of his May 25  deep dive into corruption, sex and debauchery found on R. Hunter Biden’s laptop titled, “HUNTER BIDEN: A FULL FRONTAL EXPOSÉ,” at the NYYRC’s Manhattan clubhouse. 

“When I was the producer for War Room Pandemic with Steve Bannon, it was Rudy and Steve who came to get, Rudy brought the drive to Steve and, or gave him a copy, basically,” said Viswanag B. “Vish” Burra, who is now a senior House staffer on Capitol Hill. It was former New York City mayor and personal attorney to President Donald J. Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, who brought Bannon and the War Room team a copy of the laptop’s hard drive.

“I became the master of that, right, Steve can’t navigate the hard drive, so, I did it for him and I was kind of like a master of the drive, and then, I learned how to make copies of it,” he said.

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GOP’s Top Dog on Ways and Means: Biden’s ‘Death Tax’ Scheme Kills 800K Jobs

The ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee told The Star News Network in an exclusive interview that President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s proposed hiking of taxes on estates, or the Death Tax, will cost the economy 800,000 jobs from family-owned small businesses, farms and ranches.

“Biden is attacking it different routes,” said Rep. Kevin Brady (R.-Texas), who has been the sworn enemy on federal taxes on estates ever since he was elected to the House 1996.

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Speaker Paul Ryan’s Top Aide, Top Fundraiser Drive Cheney’s Anti-Trump Rebellion

The chairwoman of the House Republican Conference faces her second fight for her job in the coming days, a fight she is going to lose, the other loser is the is former Speaker Paul D. Ryan and his ring of Republicans opposed to the leadership of President Donald J. Trump.

Wyoming Republican Rep. Elizabeth L. Cheney, who has led the House Republican Conference since Jan. 3, 2019, has strong ties to Ryan, especially through at least two members of the former speaker’s political family, Kevin Seifert and Jeff Livingston.

Other members of Ryan’s political family – such as Brendan Buck, who led the communications shop  for Ryan, when he was the chairman of Ways and Means, and when he was speaker – have backed Cheney’s rebellion against Trump, but Seifert and Livingston are actively involved in Cheney’s operation.

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GOP Challenger Bouchard Raises More Than $400K to Fund His Cheney Takedown

  The Wyoming state senator challenging Rep. Elizabeth L. Cheney in the 2022 Republican primary told the Star News Network he raised more than $400,000 in his underdog drive to unseat the No. 3 in the GOP’s House leadership. “Well, we had set some goals early on and we surpassed them within, I want to say the first 30 days, and now we set another goal of 400,000 and we’ve reached that goal,” said state Sen. Anthony Bouchard, announced his campaign Jan. 20. “I’m just humbled by the support. We were at $344,000 at the end of first quarter, so with the $400,000, it is live, man,” he said. “We got the numbers up,” he said. “It’s just over 600 donors from Wyoming, which is still a big number, man. This is a small state. There’s only 580,000 people in our state.” There is also tremendous support from across the country, said the small business owner, who supports his family with a septic service company he runs with his wife. “We’ve got is we’re over 9,000 in individual contributions from all 50 states.” In addition to his fundraising success against such a senior party leader, and daughter of Vice President…

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Mark Meadows Vows: ‘The House Freedom Caucus Is Choosing the Next Speaker’

President Donald J. Trump’s last White House chief of staff told supporters at the April 24 House Freedom Fund reception and dinner at the president’s Palm Beach, Florida resort club Mar-A-Lago why they did not have to worry about House Minority Leader Kevin O. McCarthy (R-CA-23) taking the gavel in the next session of Congress.

“The House Freedom Caucus is choosing the next speaker,” said former North Carolina congressman Mark R. Meadows, as he returned to his seat after his remarks at the fundraiser for the House Freedom Fund’s political action committee–according to a political operative, who attended the event and heard the remark themselves.

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Analysis: Three Vulnerable Senate Democrats Give GOP Shot Retaking Upper Chamber

Maggie Hassan, Michael Bennet and Catherine Cortez

Republicans did not have a great year in 2020, but 2022 could be a much better year than anyone is expecting–especially if they target these three vulnerable Senate Democrats who each won their seats with 50 percent of the vote or less.

Democrats control the Senate, but barely. The 50-50 split means Vice President Kamela Harris is needed to break ties–and that a single Democrat could stop his party’s agenda at anytime.

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Exclusive: Sigrid Gonzales the Biden Political Minder Blocking Cruz’s Camera

The Star News Network has identified the Biden administration official repeatedly blocking the camera shot of Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) as he filmed the migrant conditions at the U.S. Customs and Border detention facility in Donna, Texas as Sigrid Gonzales.

That Gonzales, is the woman in the video and a senior advisor to Troy Miller, the senior official performing the duties of the CBP Commissioner, was confirmed by a Capitol Hill source familiar with the Cruz delegation’s visit with the Donna facility.

“Please respect these people, the rules,” Gonzales said to Cruz. “This is not a zoo,” as she moved left and right with Cruz to interfere with him as he tried to capture video of the migrants piled into cramped pens.

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Exclusive: Reagan ‘Body Man’ Remembers Day President Was Shot 40 Years Ago

Jim Kuhn with President Reagan

President Ronald W. Reagan former advance and body man told the Star News Network he remembers where he was when he heard 40 years ago that President Ronald W. Reagan was shot.

James F. “Jim” Kuhn said he first met Reagan in October 1975.

“He was giving a speech at the Union Club in downtown Cleveland at a businessman’s gathering and the head of the group was the CEO of the company that I worked for in Canton, Ohio, and that’s how it all got started,” Kuhn said.

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Exclusive: Maskless Climate Envoy Kerry Endangers Passengers on Boston to DC Flight

John Forbes Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, while sitting in first-class, took off his mask today as he settled into his book moments before his American Airlines flight from Boston to Washington took off.

The so-called Climate Envoy was not eating, nor drinking, even though first-class passengers are often served before take-off.

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Exclusive: Gold Institute Founder Says Biden’s Foreign Policy Rejects Trump’s Successful Style, Substance

The founder and president of the Washington-based Gold Institute for International Strategies told the Star News Network that President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s foreign policy is doomed to fail, because unlike President Donald J. Trump, Biden treats the world as an extension of Washington’s Swamp.

“What President Trump realized is that Washington and the way Washington works is really only acceptable—I didn’t say good—I said it is acceptable—is on domestic matters,” said Eli Gold, who worked for worked in Washington’s think tank world for more than 10 years, before launching the Gold Institute May 2019.

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Analysis: The First Gulf War Validated Five Major Weapon Systems, All-Volunteer Military

The First Gulf War, or Desert Shield and Desert Storm, which was a strategic failure, but an operational success came to an end Feb. 28, 1991 with President George H.W. Bush calling a halt to combat operations after the 100 hours of combined land and air offensive.

It was the culmination of months Desert Shield’s diplomacy and military build-up beginning Aug. 7, 1990, shortly after Iraq invaded and conquered its neighbor Kuwait. Desert Storm began Jan. 16, 1991 with a ferocious air campaign that prepared the battlefield for the last 100 hours.

It is important to record operations success in the ledger of a war whose memory has become awkward and difficult.

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Exclusive: Young Operative Targeted by HHS Nominee Beccerra Demands GOP Oppose Him

  A young California Republican operative and Coast Guard veteran targeted by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra told the Star News Network Senate Republicans are not doing enough to opposed Becerra nomination to lead Health and Human Services. “Xavier Becerra is by far one of the most ruthless, unethical and corrupt politicians in our country,” said Jordan Tygh, a Coast Guard veteran and former campaign staffer for the California GOP in 2020. “If any one of Biden’s nominee’s can be stopped it needs to be him. The GOP needs to stand strong together with courageous Democrats that are serious about unity to stop this man,” he said. “He played a huge role in destroying my life over a blatant lie – along with Senator Padilla he used his office for partisan political intimidation,” Tygh said. “He used it to legitimize false accusations in order to win cheap political points that resulted in harassment, threats of rape and death, and and a complete tarnishing of my reputation that still affects me to this day.” Then-California Secretary of State Alex Padilla is now serving as the state’s junior senator after Gov. Gavin Newson appointed him to fill out the remainder of Vice…

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Exclusive: Roger Stone Denounces New York Times Hit-Piece Tying Him to Capitol Riot

  One of President Donald J. Trump’s longest-serving political advisors told the Star News Network the Feb. 14 latest attack piece in The New York Times is part of a mainstream media attempt to tie him to the Jan. 6 chaos in the Capitol. “Just because the New York Times says something, why does it mean it’s true? They lied about many things during my trial,” said legendary conservative operative Roger Stone. The Times article, “First They Guarded Roger Stone. Then They Joined the Capitol Attack,” cites its own review of Capitol security footage to assert that six men providing Stone with personal security were associated with Oath Keepers, a fraternity of men and women with service in law enforcement and or military. Stone said the connection to the Oath Keepers is more misdirection. “I can’t find evidence that any of them have been charged,” he said. “CNN brought up the case of a man named Manuta, they showed his picture because he could be seen out in front of the hotel in close proximity to me, and I’d never heard of him before that. According to the CNN, he may have been inside the Capitol. He also may not.…

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Public Notice to GOP Senators, Congressman: State Parties Will Rebuke You for Disloyal Votes Against Trump

Republican lawmakers, who voted to impeach or convict President Donald J. Trump, earned rebukes from their home states – a new trend of holding GOP legislators accountable for their actions in Washington.

“Wrong vote, Sen. Burr,” Tweeted former congressman Mark Warner. “I am running to replace Richard Burr because North Carolina needs a true conservative champion as their next senator.”

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Commentary: When Senate Tries Trump, Senate Republicans Are Also on Trial

When the Senate opens the second impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump Tuesday there will be two defendants: Trump and the Senate Republicans.

Trump is charged with one count of inciting an insurrection against the United States, in connection with the Jan. 6 mob that surged the Capitol, while Congress was in a joint session to certify the results of the Electoral College: “Incited by President Trump, a mob unlawfully breached the Capitol, injured law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress and the Vice President, interfered with the Joint Session’s solemn constitutional duty to certify the election results, and engaged in violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts.”

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SWING AND A MISS: No GOP Capitol Hill Staffers Join 400 Democratic Staffers Demanding Senate Convict Trump

  Not one Republican staffers joined the nearly 400 Democratic Capitol Hill staffers posted an open letter to the Senate today urging the upper chamber to convict President Donald J. Trump in his Senate trial scheduled to begin Feb. 9. “We are staff who work for members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, where it is our honor and privilege to serve our country and our fellow Americans,” the letter began. “We write this letter to share our own views and experiences, not the views of our employers. But on January 6, 2021, our workplace was attacked by a violent mob trying to stop the electoral college vote count.” Nicholas Fandos wrote in The New York Times that the letter had been circulating on Capitol Hill for a few days and that the paper had been privy to the letter before its release. While he hyped the “starkly personal letter,” Fandos buried the lede: Not one of the staffers working for a Republican congressman or senator signed the letter. This includes staffers for the 10 Republican congressmen, led by Wyoming’s Rep. Elizabeth L. “Liz” Cheney, who voted to impeach Trump. Cheney is the daughter of Vice…

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Exclusive: Wyoming State Senator Explains His GOP Primary Challenge to Rep. Liz Cheney

  A Wyoming Republican state senator told the Star News Network why he is challenging his state’s only Member of Congress and the most senior House Republican, Rep. Elizabeth L. “Liz” Cheney in the 2022 GOP primary. “Liz Cheney’s long-time opposition to President Trump and her most recent vote for Impeachment shows just how out-of-touch she is with Wyoming,” said state Sen. Anthony Bouchard in his Jan. 20 announcement of his candidacy. “Wyoming taxpayers need a voice in Congress who will stand up to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, and not give them cover.” Bouchard’s 6th State Senate District is just east of Cheyenne, the state capital. The owner of a septic tank and system cleaning service, first won his seat in 2016, after his first two tries in 2012, 2014. The businessman, who founded Wyoming Gun Owners in 2010, said he has never met nor supported Cheney. “Before she entered into Wyoming politics, Liz Cheney founded and led a group called ‘Keep America Safe,’ an organization that peddled deep state misinformation,” he said. “I never supported her, nor did I vote for her.” The House hopeful said when elected, he would utilize the skills he learned as a gun…

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Exclusive: Retired Senior FBI Agent Robyn Gritz: Shot That Killed Ashli Babbitt ‘Not Justified’

A retired FBI supervisory special agent told the Star News Network that the Capitol Hill police officer, who shot unarmed Ashli E. Babbitt at close range Jan. 6, was not justified to use deadly force.

“Yes, it was chaotic, but that is why you wear a badge,” said Robyn Gritz, who was part of the FBI team that responded to the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. “That’s why you carry a gun – you’re supposed to know that you can handle a crisis.”

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BOMBSHELL: Vatican Whistleblower Archbishop Viganò Tells Bannon Why Trump’s Leadership Key to Defeated Deep State, Deep Church & Pope Francis’ Alliance with Red China

The former papal nuncio to the United States, now a retired archbishop, told Stephen K. Bannon that if Joseph R. Biden Jr., becomes the president Jan. 20, it is one more step in the linkage of the so-called Deep State, the Deep Church and the ultimate primacy of the Chinese Communist Party.

“It would be an irreparable disaster if Joe Biden, who is heavily suspected of being complicit with the Chinese dictatorship, would be designated as President of the United States,” said Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who from 2011 to 2016 served at the Holy See’s ambassador to the Washington, a role that also made him the principal liaison between the American bishops and the pope and the Vatican bureaucracy.

The archbishop said he was troubled by the power of the mainstream media to overwhelm legitimate questions about the 2020 presidential election.

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35 Years Ago: Unsolved Gander Aircrash Kills 248 101st Airborne Soldiers, 8 Crew

  Thirty-five years years later, questions remain how Arrow Air 1285 crashed into a wooded hillside in Gander, Newfoundland, with 248 soldiers from 101st Airborne Division for the final leg of their journey Cairo to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, killing all the soldiers and the eight crewmembers the morning of Dec. 12, 1985. “There was catastrophic structural failure in the air and witnesses on the Trans-Canadian Highway saw the orange glow in the belly of the plane—and fire,” said Saul M. Montes-Bradley, the author of “Gander: Terrorism, Incompetence and the Rise of Islamic National Socialism,” and himself was an Arrow Air flight attendant at the time of the crash. “The plane actually broke up in several parts—it lost the tail, the cockpit and one wing,” Montes-Bradley said. “I was part of the crew that took the 101st to Egypt, he said. “I could have been on that flight, I just was not scheduled.” Montes-Bradley said on that trip to Egypt at the beginning of the six-month rotation, he told an officer he admired the patch for their peacekeeping mission. “I told him I love the logo and he pulled it off and gave it to me,” he said. The former flight attendant…

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Top 10 Reasons Americans Reelect President Donald J. Trump

President Donald J. Trump is on the verge of becoming the 16th man to be elected to the White House twice—but, everyone is telling you he is going to lose. Here are the Top 10 reasons why the polls are wrong and Trump gets four more years as the commander-in-chief. 10. Trump voters are not likely voters. Pollsters are making a big mistake when they change their screening of respondents for their turnout model from registered voters to so-called likely voters. Before Trump, this might have made sense because likely voters are, well, the people who are actually going to vote. The problem is that Trump voters are not likely at all. Pollsters ask voters if they voted in previous elections and or primaries to discern if they are likely to show up this time. The problem is that many Trump voters voted for the first time in a long time for Trump in 2016—and they have not voted since. Look for Trump voters to come out of the woodwork and the shadows giving him a huge push the polls completely missed. Go ahead and throw in all the millions of new voters the Republican National Committee has registered, including…

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Bitter Biden-Curious Rep. Denver Riggleman Shocks Virginia GOP

A sitting Virginia GOP congressman, who lost his party’s nomination, stunned party leaders and supporters when he told CNN Monday he would consider voting for Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
            CNN Anchor Ana Cabrena: “Would you consider voting for Joe Biden?”
            Rep. Denver L. Riggleman III (R.-Va.): “I would consider it. I’m a free-thinking American.”

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Exclusive: GOP House Hopeful Kim Klacik Tells How She Racked up $6.4 Million 3Q, Poised to Win West Baltimore Seat

  The woman running to be the first Republican to represent Maryland’s 7th congressional district, told the Star News Network she campaigns every day to defeat the Democratic incumbent without the help of the state’s GOP Gov. Lawrence J. “Larry” Hogan Jr. Kimberly Klacik said she is grateful the support of President Donald J. Trump, but Hogan? “Governor Hogan? No. No, but I know he’s friends with my opponent, so I wouldn’t expect him to say anything on my behalf.” Hogan’s friend is Democrat Rep. Kweisi Mfume, who won the April 28 special election to fill the seat made vacant upon the death of Elijah Cummings. Congratulations to Congressman Kweisi Mfume, who was sworn in today to the U.S. House of Representatives. I have great respect for him, and look forward to working together as we continue to navigate this crisis. — Governor Larry Hogan (@GovLarryHogan) May 5, 2020 Mfume held the seat from 1987 to 1996, leaving Congress to takeover the leadership of the NAACP, and was succeeded by Cummings. Mfume left his post at the helm of the NAACP after multiple women came forward with stories of his misconduct. The incumbent, despite his experience and tenure, refused to…

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Kumar: Why Trump Still Has Time to Win Back the Hindu-American Vote

The Indian-born Chicago industrialist who takes credit for flipping the Hindu-American vote for candidate Donald J. Trump in the 2016 campaign is warning that unless something is done quickly, those voters will desert Trump his 2020 reelection fight.

“This time around, as far as the Indian-American or Hindu-American vote is concerned for Trump – it is completely, totally screwed up,” said Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar, who is the founder of the AVG group of companies that supply technology parts solutions to the automotive and telecommunications industry.

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Exclusive: Creator of Capitol Hill Musical ‘K Street’ Hosts First Zoom Table Read Wednesday

The creator and producer of “K Street, NW: A Capitol Hill Musical” told the Star News Network what motivated him to capture search for love while balancing principle and compromise in Washington and set it to music.

“It is about a young woman from Iowa, who comes to Washington, D.C, to be a Hill intern and as she learns about Capitol Hill, she rises up the ranks to become a chief of staff for a senator with promising political prospects,” said Karl Amadeus Notturno, who is a Publicus Fellow at the Claremont Institute.

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Exclusive: Pollster Explains His Finding That 10 Percent of Trump Supporters Lie on Surveys

The lead researcher of the study: “Are Election 2020 Poll Respondents Honest About Their Vote?” told Star News Network there are twice as many “shy voters” among the supporters of President Donald J. Trump than among supporters of former vice president Joseph J. Biden Jr. “The term ‘shy voter’ has been floating around, so we use it because that is the term, which is closest to how people talk about this,” said Leib Litman, CloudResearch’s Co-CEO and chief research officer. In the United Kingdom, conservative voters lying to pollsters is so common they regularly referred to at “shy Tories.” Among the results, Litman and his team found that 11.7 percent of Republicans would not report their true opinions about their preferred presidential candidate to telephone pollsters. This is more than twice the 5.4 percent of Democrats, who responded that they would not give their real preference to telephone pollsters, the study found. Among Independents, 10.5 percent said they were shy about giving their actual preferences to telephone pollsters. After inquiring by party affiliation, the team asked the same questions of Trump and Biden supporters. In this round, 10.1 percent of Trump supporters said they would be untruthful to phone pollsters…

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EXCLUSIVE: ‘I’m Not Intimidated by Graffiti Attack on Church Hosting Me Sunday,’ Roger Stone Says

The legendary Republican operative, targeted Saturday night by vicious graffiti spray painted all over the outside of the Mount Juliet’s Global Vision Bible Church, to The Tennessee Star he is not afraid to show up to speak at the church Sunday as invited.

“First of all, it’s disgusting,” said Roger J. Stone, who has been a friend and political advisor to President Donald J. Trump for more than three decades. “The idea of attacking a house of worship? But, if people thought this would intimidate me and I would not witness for Christ, they really just don’t understand.”

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Exclusive: Roger Stone Tells Why He Dropped Convictions Appeal, Weighs in on Trump Campaign – ‘He’s Gaining’

Roger J. Stone cut his teeth as a young operative working for President Richard M. Nixon’s 1972 re-election campaign and ever since then he has built a reputation as one of the toughest and most creative political tacticians ever.

When Stone’s longtime friend, New York City developer Donald J. Trump, decided to run for president in 2015, he reached out to Stone to help him put it all together.

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In New Jersey, Rep. Van Drew’s Democrat Challenger – Wife of Patrick Kennedy – Raises Money to Bail out Rapists and Defendants Charged with Terrorism, Kidnapping, Murder

The leftwing Democrat running against Rep. Jefferson H. “Jeff” Van Drew (R.-N.J.) has put her money where her mouth is , and is raising money to bail out rapists and at least one defendant facing terror terrorism charges at the same time she is challenging the one-time Democrat, who switched parties after voting against impeaching President Donald Trump.

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Critic of Trump Ukraine Policy, Co-Author of Infamous 2016 ‘Ukraine Plank’ Joins Trump Administration

President Donald J. Trump nominated Ilan L. Berman, a critic of his Ukrainian policy and one of the three authors of the proposed Ukraine plank to the 2016 Republican Platform that was cited as proof of the Russian Collusion Hoax, to be a member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term of three years, according to an Aug. 3 statement from the White House. Berman is the senior vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, as well as a  member of the associated faculty at Missouri State University’s Department of Defense & Strategic Studies. Berman also fed the hysteria over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s influence over Trump in the early days of his administration. Ok, tweeps, a bit of personal news… — Ilan Berman (@ilanberman) August 3, 2020 Berman stoked rumors Trump gave Putin green light in Ukraine Berman, who is considered a regional expert regarding the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Russian Federation, wrote in a Feb. 6, 2017 column “Trump’s Ukraine Dilemma” for U.S. News & World Report there was reason to believe that Trump in a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, gave the Russians the green light to ramp up…

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Exclusive: Why Nicholas Sandman’s Lawyer Joined Carter Page’s Lawsuit Team

The Atlanta-based attorney, who represents Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandman, told the Star Newspaper Group he will get justice for his new client, Dr. Carter W. Page in Page’s lawsuit against Yahoo! and the Huffington Post.

“They accused him of being a traitor to the United States of America,” said L. Lincoln “Lin” Wood, who joined Page’s legal team just before the defamation lawsuit was filed in Delaware Superior Court July 27. “I can’t think of a more heinous accusation to make against a man based on zero evidence.”

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Analysis: The Republicans’ Path to a House Majority in 2020

The House of Representatives is in play and Republicans have a real shot at recapturing control of the lower chamber after their dismal performance in 2018.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) deserves credit for her success passing legislation and articles of impeachment, but that it more a testament to her mastery of the whip count than her overwhelming numbers. House Democrats are holding, if not a slim majority, a fragile one.

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Exclusive: GOP Influencer Alexander Ali Warns Rookies Blowing Trump’s Relection

  Ali Alexander is something of veteran in the Republican digital game and he sees warning signs for the reelection of President Donald Trump–and he cannot keep quiet about. When Alexander was growing up he learned politics when his lawyer mother took him with her to phone-bank for local judges, but he said he did not start helping Republicans with websites and digital communications after the party lost the House and Senate in 2006, so 2008 was his first cycle. “I penned a piece criticizing the John McCain campaign during the primaries and they invited me onto the campaign,” he said. Back then, he said there were about 25 people working GOP digital communications and he was at the right place at the right time. Now, he is the old-timer, looking at a Trump campaign led by a first-time campaign manager, Brad Pascale, with a first-time leader of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel, he said. Trump’s campaign advantages are not leveraged In the 2016 campaign, Pascale ran the Trump campaign’s digital communications and outreach from his offices in San Antonio, Texas, as the rest of the campaign was run out of Trump Tower. Before the Trump presidential campaign,…

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Military’s Top Catholic Prelate: Navy’s Indoor Religious Services Ban ‘Odious’

The leader of the Archdiocese for the Military Services compared the Navy’s banning sailors from attending religious services to the treatment of the Catholics in 17th century Japan depicted in the movie “Silence.”

“The persecution was systematic and destined to eradicate the faith from the islands,” wrote Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, who has led the Catholic military chaplaincy and its programs since 2008, in a public letter posted Sunday.

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Exclusive: ‘Truth Conductor’ Tells Why He Protected Journalist Jack Posobiec from Antifa, BLM Mob

  The black Washington resident and tour guide calling himself “Truth Conductor” told the Star Newspaper Group he stepped forward to protect One America News reporter Jack Posobeic  at Friday night’s Antifa and Black Lives Matter rally in Washington’s Lincoln Park, because it was the right thing to do. “They was going to attack Jack,” said Don Folden, who runs and is a regular fixture wherever there is a swarm of reporters, such as the court appearances of retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn. “My thing was: ‘Hey, what a minute, man,’ I mean the guy—I saw they were purposely targeting him and when I saw them pushing him around that is when I said: ‘Look, man, c’mon, let’s get out of here. Let’s leave’” said Folden. As Posobeic stood by the crowd protesting the statue of Abraham Lincoln and a freed slave,a number of young men in all black clothing, helmets and goggles formed a circle around him. The Navy veteran was shoved and pushed and at one point doused with water. “I was hoping to be able to catch the scene on camera when Antifa closed in on me, and tried to push me down the…

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Exclusive: Rep. Steve King: ‘Five Sources’ Told Me Leader McCarthy Tried to Get Trump to Rebuke Me

The nine-term Republican Iowa congressman and kingmaker in his state’s crucial presidential caucuses told the Star Newspaper Group he was done in House GOP Leader Kevin O. McCarthy (R.-Calif.) after years of challenging the compromises made by the House GOP leadership.

“I have five different sources, who have informed me that Kevin McCarthy actively and aggressively was seeking to convince President Donald Trump to endorse my primary opponent Feenstra within at least two-and-a-half weeks out and all the way up to primary day itself,” said Rep. Stephen A. King, who was beaten by state Sen. Randall L. Feenstra in the June 3 primary.

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Exclusive: Bin Laden Raid Navy SEAL Recalls His Dog Cairo Fighting There with Him

  The retired Navy SEAL operator and dog handler, who swept Osama bin Laden’s compound with the Belgian Malinois military working dog Cairo, on the night of the fateful May 2, 2011 raid told the Star Newspapers there were times, when the late dog seemed like the boss. “He taught me all sorts of things,” said Will Chesney, the author of the battle memoirs of Cairo, “No Ordinary Dog” with Joe Layden. “One of the most important thing he taught me was to be present as much as you can.” Check out this excerpt from “No Ordinary Dog.” Chesney said dogs like Cairo was always in the present. “They don’t dwell on the past. They don’t think about the future.” When it came time for the raid, the warning order was short and sweet: “Pick up your dog and get back to Virginia. Now.” Chesney’s unit, SEAL Team Six, was at the time stationed near Virginia Beach. Cairo and his handler we assigned to Navy SEAL Team Six and their role during the bin Laden raid was to conduct security checks, while the mission was executed upstairs, he said. “He was train to detect explosives and man-odor,” Chesney said. “Our…

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EXCLUSIVE: Female U.K. Scholar False-Flagged as Flynn’s Russian Spy Recruiter

  The Cambridge University academic portrayed in the mainstream media as retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn’s Russian mistress and spy recruiter told the Star Newspapers about her ordeal—caught in the web of fake news and the Russian Collusion Hoax. “In April 2016, the Obama administration renewed General Flynn’s security clearance—it was a top secret/sci, sensitive compartmentalized information, it is the highest clearance there is—so all is fine but, then suddenly in August 2016, the FBI start secretly investigating him for being a Russian spy—that is why they needed me to be his recruiter,’ said Svetlana Lokhova, a former By-Fellow of Cambridge’s Churchill College. Margot Cleveland wrote for The Federalist: “This honey pot storyline originated with Lokhova’s mentor at Cambridge, the official MI5 historian, Professor Christopher Andrew, when on February 19, 2017, Andrew penned an article for the London Sunday Times, “Impulsive General Misha Shoots Himself in the Foot.” The Times article is no longer available, but Cleveland continued: “That article portrayed the unnamed Lokhova’s brief meeting with Flynn during a dinner event two years prior at Cambridge as the beginning of a compromising relationship between Flynn and a Russian spy.” Luke Harding, one of the earliest and most prolific…

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EXCLUSIVE: The Treasury Department Spied on Flynn, Manafort, and the Trump Family, Says Whistleblower

President Barack Obama’s Treasury Department regularly surveilled retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn’s financial records and transactions beginning in December 2015 and well into 2017, before, during and after when he served at the White House as President Donald Trump’s National Security Director, a former senior Treasury Department official, and veteran of the intelligence community, told the Star Newspapers.

“I started seeing things that were not correct, so I did my own little investigation, because I wanted to make sure what I was seeing was correct” she said. “You never want to draw attention to something if there is not anything there.”

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EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Staffer Speaks Out after Targeted by Collusion Hoaxers

A former national security advisor to New York City developer Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign told Star Newspapers about his ordeal as he was hounded by Russian Collusion Hoaxers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and their allies in the mainstream media.

“It was a waking nightmare for several years because of the chain reaction sparked by that opinion column,” said J.D. Gordon, who was also a national security advisor for the 2012 Herman Cain and the 2016 Michael Huckabee presidential campaigns.

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Trump: ‘I Just Want to Get a Vaccine That Works,’ Touts Vaccine by End of Year; Trump Moves Signal Maduro Regime Now on the Clock

  Trump at the Lincoln Memorial President Donald Trump told Fox News anchor Brett Baier and Martha McCollum he expects a COVID-19 vaccine before the end of the year at Sunday night’s virtual town hall held at the Lincoln Memorial. “Look, a vaccine has never gone like it’s gone now,” the president said. “We’re so far ahead of any vaccine ever in history. You know, these things would take two, four, five, six years, 10 years. I think we’re going to have a vaccine. I’m telling you, by the end of the year, I think we’re going to have a vaccine.” MacCallum asked Trump: “Do you think another country could beat us?” Trump said in reply: “I don’t care. I just want to get a vaccine that works. I really don’t care, if it’s another country, I’ll take my hat off to them.” The three sat in chairs roughly six feet apart in front of Daniel Chester French’s 1920 sculpture of President Abraham Lincoln for a format that including video questions from around the country to supplement the anchors’ inquires. Sitting in such a stark setting, the president opened up about people in his life that he lost to  COVID-19.…

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Star Political Report: Trump Takes Weekend Off from Wuhan Flu Briefings; President Reaches Out to Catholic Prelates, Educators; Happy Birthday, Melania!

  President Donald Trump took a break from his daily showdowns with the White House press corps Saturday and Sunday that does not mean that the president is staying away from the West Wing press briefing room as he leads the administration’s response to the Wuhan Flu. There was some confusion about whether or not there would be a briefing Sunday. The White House press pool, reporters selected to cover events where it is impractical to have a large crowd was supposed to come in at 4 p.m., at which point they would either cover something or be dismissed. In the pre-Wuhan Flu days, the weekend pool would show up by 9 a.m., load up into a van and then join the president’s motorcade to his Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Virginia, where Trump would golf and the reporters would hang out at an Italian restaurant just outside the club’s gate. Those days seem like a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. At or about 3:45 p.m., the pool was told to be at the White House for 6 p.m., which got people excited for the return of the COVID-19 briefings, but an hour later,…

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