Mexican National Pleads Guilty to Bribing CBP Agent, Human Smuggling Conspiracy

A Mexican national has pleaded guilty in federal court for his role in a scheme to bribe a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for the purpose of smuggling illegal aliens into the country.

“Luis Alfredo Quintero-Gonzalez, 36, of Mexico, pleaded guilty on August 11, 2022, for Conspiracy to Commit Bribery and Alien Smuggling, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). “Evidence gathered during the investigation established that Quintero-Gonzalez paid former United States Border Patrol (USBP) agent Carlos Passapera thousands of dollars in cash bribes for smuggling undocumented noncitizens into the United States between August and December 2019.”

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Lake Slams Hobbs for Voting Record on Abortion

In a series of tweets, Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake slammed her opponent, current Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, for Hobb’s record on abortion.

“[Katie Hobbs] supports Abortion up to the moment of birth & even 3 days after She also supports the gruesome, unimaginable act of leaving babies on a medical tray to die, should they survive a botched Abortion procedure,” Lake said. “This is the stuff out of nightmares & horror stories.”

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600 Illegal Aliens Cross Border Overnight in Yuma

According to local reports, about 600 illegal aliens crossed into the United States on Wednesday night into early Thursday morning.

“Roughly 600 people crossed in separate groups into Yuma since midnight according to volunteers handing out water,” said reporter Ali Bradley. “When I arrived there were roughly 100 still waiting. This is the gap I’m told will stay open to act as a funnel for Border Patrol to work more efficiently.”

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Elite Nashville Girls School Will Pause Policy That Would Have Allowed Boys to Attend

A little more than a week after Harpeth Hall, an elite high school for girls in Nashville, said it would admit any student who identified as a girl, the school has reversed course. 

“Last week, the Harpeth Hall Board of Trustees shared with current parents and school alumnae a gender diversity philosophy, which was intended to offer clarity about hoe the school approaches gender identity at Harpeth Hall,” said a letter simply addressed to the Harpeth Hall community.

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Arizona Cities Rake in Tens of Millions from Biden Infrastructure Bill

After Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg last week visited Tucson and Phoenix to tout the Biden Administration’s infrastructure bill, those cities have announced that they will receive tens of millions from the federal government for projects. 

“The Federal Transit Administration has awarded the City of Phoenix Public Transit Department a $16.3 million grant for greener (low and no emissions) buses and supporting infrastructure,” according to the city of Phoenix. “The grant is made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law under the Low-No Emission and Buses and Bus Facilities highly-competitive grant programs. The programs’ goal is to support the transition of the nation’s fleet to more energy efficient and cleaner transit vehicles.”

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Lesko Congratulates Hageman After Cheney Defeat

A U.S. Congresswoman applauded the next member of Congress from Wyoming, who won her primary Tuesday night all but guaranteeing that she will win her November general election in the deep red state.

“The people of Wyoming have clearly spoken. I want to congratulate Harriet Hageman on her victory in Wyoming, and I look forward to working with her in the U.S. House next Congress to fight for the American people and hold President Biden accountable for his terrible policies,” said Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ-08).

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14 New Officers Graduate from Chattanooga Police Academy

As some parts of the state and parts of the country see staffing shortages, the Chattanooga Police Department (CPD) announced that 14 new recruits passed through its police academy. 

14 new officers just completed their training and graduated from the Chattanooga Police Academy! Graduation was hosted by Silverdale Baptist Church,” CPD said. “These officers will now enter field training where they will ride with veteran officers. Welcome CPD Class 2022-1!”

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Lake Calls for Opponent Hobbs to Recuse Herself as Secretary of State During November Election

Arizona’s firebrand Republican gubernatorial candidate is calling on her Democrat opponent, who is also the Secretary of State and in charge of elections, to recuse herself from the race.

“…Over a year ago we said [Secretary of State Katie Hobbs] should recuse herself,” Lake said on The Charlie Kirk show alongside Republican U.S. Senate nominee Blake Masters. “I mean, she’s supposed to be helping to make sure we have fair elections, right? And she’s called half of Arizona – she called the Republicans – Nazis.”

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Arizona Gun Owner Detains Murder Suspect

A good guy with a gun in Arizona last week detained a suspect who allegedly intentionally ran another man over with his car. 

“Mesa Police Officers arrested 61-year-old John Lagana after he used his vehicle to run over and kill a man in east Mesa,” the Mesa Police Department (MPD) said. “The victim was pronounced dead at the scene and was identified as 63-year-old Christopher Heimer.”

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Blackburn Hammers DOJ, Says It’s Targeting Conservatives

A U.S. Senator from Tennessee has been hammering the Department of Justice (DOJ) for nearly a week after news broke that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. 

“There are plenty of great people who work for the FBI and have worked for the FBI, but there is a cabal within the FBI that has politicized the agency, and they did this from the time Donald Trump came down the escalator and announced his campaign – they have been after him,” said Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Fox News. “So in some way, shape or form they cooked up this raid – they had [FBI Director] Christopher Wray agree with the raid – and of course [U.S. Attorney General] Merrick Garland signed off on this.”

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Petition Filed to Stop Harpeth Hall from Admitting Boys

After an elite all-girls school in Nashville decided that it would admit and retain any boy that identifies as a girl, a group of school community members have started circulating a petition in hopes that the school will reconsider. 

“We are writing to you today on behalf of a significant number of current parents, former parents, and alumnae … Adopting a policy that invites application to Harpeth Hall by anyone other than females is a critical change in the structure of the school, and by extension, has a major impact on our daughters,” the petitioners said. 

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University of Arizona Says Pandemic Is Not Over, Pushes Vaccines

The President of the University of Arizona is still pushing COVID-19 precautions, despite the fact that even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has significantly reduced its COVID-19 guidelines. 

“The pandemic is not over … though our situation is much improved over the start of last academic year,” University of Arizona President Robert Robbins said in an interview with the school newspaper. “While transmission of COVID-19 remains persistent around the nation, we have successfully navigated the past two years with continued innovation, support and cooperation from students, faculty and staff. We have the tools to continue our success and we know how to use them.”

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Hobbs Says November Election Choice Between ‘Sanity and Chaos,’ Lake Calls Comparison ‘Laughable’

Arizona’s secretary of state and current Democrat nominee for governor says November’s election is a choice between “sanity and chaos,” suggesting that Democrats are the “sane” party.

“First and foremost, this race for governor is, I don’t think, about Democrats or Republicans. It’s really a choice between sanity or chaos,” Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) said on Sunday. “I’m someone who’s battle-tested as a statewide leader, with a track record of working across the aisle to get the job done for Arizonans.”

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Tennessee Teacher Accused of Exposing Himself to Students

A Robertson County teacher on Friday pleaded not guilty to charges that he exposed himself to students, among other sexual activities inside the school. 

John Keathley, 53, is charged with indecent exposure, solicitation of sexual exploitation of a minor, and public indecency for allegedly engaging in sexual behavior with a student at Greenbrier Middle School between March and May. 

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Kari Lake Says Federal Government Has Turned on People

Arizona’s Republican nominee for governor earlier this week said that America’s federal government has turned on its people.

“All I will say is that [the raid on former President Donald Trump’s home] shows that our federal government is corrupt to the core,” Lake said in an interview on Newsmax. “This is the kind of stuff you see in a banana republic. I mean, I think the El Salvador president had a great quote … when he said ‘What would the United States have done if we did this in El Salvador? They probably would have invaded.'”

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Arizona Republicans Call for FBI, DOJ Accountability

Republican members of Arizona’s congressional delegation are calling for accountability after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday. 

“There are good, hardworking people at the Department of Justice and FBI who keep our nation safe and uphold our nation’s laws. Unfortunately, bad actors in these agencies have weaponized the Department of Justice to attack political opponents on the right and have declined to investigate political allies such as Hunter Biden,” Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ-08) told The Arizona Sun Times. “If Republicans win back the Majority in the U.S. House, we will be investigating those who have abused our system of justice for political purposes, and we will hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law.”

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Chattanooga City Council Approves $100 Million Revitalization Project

The Chattanooga City Council has approved a deal that solidifies a $100 million revitalization project in the city’s South Broad area. The project is centered around the baseball stadium of the Chattanooga Lookouts, a minor league affiliate of Major League Baseball’s (MLB) Cincinnati Reds. “For more than two decades, these 140 acres around us have sat vacant as a sad, rusting reminder of our wasted potential,” Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly said in a press conference in June, pitching the revitalization project. “There have been no less than eight studies conducted on this site since 2003, but despite that, our western gateway has remained a blighted brownfield doing absolutely nothing to increase jobs, tourism, or quality of life for our residents.” Previously, the MLB was considering pulling the Lookouts’ affiliation with the League altogether, due to the stadium being in a state of disrepair. But now the entire area will be revitalized, turning from an eyesore to a potential economic boon for the city, which intends to use taxes generated by the new site – including office spaces, retail locations, and restaurants – to fund schools and other government-funded projects. “The City and County leveraged tax increment financing for the project, with…

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Obama, Clinton District Court Judges Appointed Magistrate Judge Who Signed Mar-a-Lago Raid Warrant

Judge Bruce Reinhart, who on August 5 signed off on an unprecedented search warrant for the Mar-a-Lago home of former President Donald Trump, was appointed by a gaggle of left-wing judges. 

Federal District Court Judges, in this case Judges in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, appoint magistrate judges who handle tasks assigned to them by the District Court judges. 

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Biggs Officially Endorses Kari Lake

Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake received a major endorsement from a sitting U.S. congressman.

“The Biden Administration and radical Democrats have put our nation at risk,” Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) said in his Wednesday statement endorsing Lake. “Our southern border is being invaded, inflation is out of control, and my Democratic colleagues are spending recklessly. It’s time for States to push back on the federal government’s overreach and restore the vision of the Founding Fathers. We can only be successful by electing strong Governors. I know Kari Lake will stand up to the Biden Administration and protect the liberty we value in Arizona. I look forward to working with Governor Lake!”

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RNC Slams Buttigieg While He Campaigns for Democrats in Arizona

The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a statement slamming Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, who spent Thursday in Arizona rallying with local and federal level Democrats. 

“Biden bureaucrat Pete Buttigieg’s campaign stops are a slap in the face to hardworking Arizonans after Democrat Mark Kelly just voted to raise taxes on them during a recession and sic  87,000 IRS agents on them. Biden and Buttigieg’s attempt to bail out Mark Kelly will fail,” said RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen. 

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Three Tennessee Cities Ranked Among 25 Cheapest to Live in America

Three cities in Tennessee are among the cheapest to live in the United States, according to a recently-published Kiplinger report. 

To measure the cheapest cities in the United States, Kiplinger calculated the cost of living in 267 cities using a standard Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER). It then narrowed its results to cities with populations of more than 50,000 people. 

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Arizona CBP Seizes Cloned Fire Department Vehicle Used by Smugglers

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in Arizona said Monday it confiscated a look-alike fire department vehicle that it suspects smugglers were using to traffic illegal aliens across the border.

“#ClonedVehicle seized by Douglas Station. Agents responded to a suspected vehicle incursion and encountered the abandoned SUV. Mormon Lake Fire Dist. decals were improperly labeled as ‘Mormon Like.’ Several individuals fled from the vehicle to Mexico before agents arrived,” said Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin on Twitter. 

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Elite Nashville Girl’s School Will Allow Anyone Who Identifies as a Girl to Attend

An elite girl’s school that has become increasingly woke in past years now says that any student who identifies as a girl will be allowed to attend. 

“Harpeth Hall is a girls school. The school culture is unique and distinctly about girls, complete with the use of references to students as girls and young women and the collective use of female pronouns,” says a Gender Diversity Philosophy document obtained by The Tennessee Star. “Any student who identifies as a girl may apply to our school. Students who join and remain at Harpeth Hall do so because our mission as a school for girls resonates with them.”

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Sen. Blackburn Hammers FBI, DOJ After Mar-a-Lago Raid

A U.S. Senator from Tennessee is speaking out against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its parent agency, the Department of Justice (DOJ), after the FBI Monday raided former President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida. 

“Why are the FBI and DOJ refusing to comment after raiding the private home of a former U.S. President? The American people demand transparency — they do not want another political witch hunt of President Trump. We need to know if Joe Biden or his allies were involved,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said. 

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Rhodes College Alumni Petition School to Have Justice Barrett Removed from Hall of Fame

A pro-abortion contingent of alumni from Rhodes College in Memphis are circulating a petition to have Supreme Justice Amy Coney Barrett removed from the school’s Hall of Fame. 

“We, together with the undersigned alumni, are writing to you today to request that you remove Justice Amy Coney Barrett from the Rhodes College Hall of Fame. Our firm belief in the Rhodes Honor Code we all signed impels us to make this request,” said a letter notifying Rhodes College of the petition. “This request is based on Justice Barrett’s public breach of the Honor Code in her testimony before the United States Senate during her October 12 -15, 2020 confirmation hearings to become an  Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.”

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Border Patrol Catches Group of 51 Crossing Illegally in Arizona

Over the weekend, a large group of minor illegal aliens was caught crossing the U.S. southern border with Mexico near the town of Sasabe.

“A group of 51 migrants, mostly Guatemalan citizens, were taken into custody by Tucson Station agents near Sasabe, AZ. There was only one adult in the group, and the youngest child was just 11-months-old,” said John Modlin, Chief Patrol Agent of the U.S. Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector. “Several agents responded to assist with transport and processing.”

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Tennessee Department of Education Invites School Districts to Apply for ‘Innovative School Models’ Grants

School districts in Tennessee can now apply for Innovative School Model Grants that focus on job training for students. 

“Through reimagining the middle or high school experience, students will have a variety of opportunities to gain real-world experience, explore various industries and available jobs, and choose a pathway best suited to their skillset,” said Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) Commissioner Penny Schwinn. “I thank Governor Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly who passed this historic opportunity, all districts interested in applying for this funding, and those who helped us celebrate throughout the month.” 

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Far-Left Group Suing Tennessee Again over Trans Bathroom Law

A far-left group is once again suing the state of Tennessee over its policy of children using bathrooms based on their assigned sex at birth. 

“This lawsuit challenges a recently enacted Tennessee law, the “Tennessee Accommodations for All Children Act,” Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-2-801, et seq. (the “School Facilities Law” or “Law”), which bans transgender public school students from accessing multioccupancy restrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender identity,” says a lawsuit filed by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). “By singling out transgender students for disfavored treatment and explicitly writing discrimination against transgender people into State law, the School Facilities Law violates the most basic guarantees of equal protection under the U.S. Constitution and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.”

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Democrat Gubernatorial Nominee Katie Hobbs Slammed for Poor Job as Secretary of State, Tuesday’s Primary Vote Count in Arizona Described as ‘Glacial’

As vote counting continues in Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial election, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the Democrat nominee, is being slammed for the slow vote count. 

“Arizona’s glacial vote-counting isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement for how Katie Hobbs would perform as governor,” said John Gabriel, editor-in-chief of Ricochet. 

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Poll Finds Election Day Voters Expect to Vote in Kari Lake’s Favor

While early voting remained a dead heat between gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and opponent Karrin Taylor Robson, a poll shows that election day voters are expected to vote for Lake in droves. 

“Voting is already underway and Lake is dominating among voters who have yet to vote but plan to vote before Election Day (41.7% to 25.8%) and those who plan to vote on Election Day (46.7% to 20.5%),” said Creative Destruction Media. “Robson holds a statistically insignificant lead among those who have already cast a ballot, 42.5% to 41.9%.”

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Lake Campaign Disputes Validity of Emerson Poll

On primary election day in Arizona, gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s campaign is disputing a recent Emerson poll that shows her in a statistical tie with her main opponent, Karrin Taylor Robson. 

The poll,  which was conducted between July 28 and July 30 among 600 “very likely Republican primary voters and individuals who already voted,” shows Robson with a slight 47 percent to 46 percent edge over.

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Biden Taps ADL Regional Board Member as U.S. Attorney for Middle District of Tennessee

The Middle District of Tennessee, which includes Nashville, will likely be receiving a new U.S. Attorney after the Biden Administration tapped a new lawyer for the job. 

“These individuals were chosen for their devotion to enforcing the law, their professionalism, their experience and credentials, their dedication to pursuing equal justice for all, and their commitment to the independence of the Department of Justice,” said the White House in naming Henry Leventis and two other U.S. Attorney nominees last week. 

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Lake Campaign ‘Highly Confident’ Heading into Primary Day

Kari Lake’s campaign for governor of Arizona says it is “highly confident” as it hurdles towards Tuesday’s primary election.

“We feel highly confident. Kari is working hard traveling to all corners of the state. We had a huge rally with over 1,000 people in Tucson last night. And last week 5 polls came out with Kari leading by double digits,” said Lake’s Chief Strategist Billy Grant. “Combined with Robson‘s private jet and state plane scandal, we couldn’t ask for a better last week of the campaign.”

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Katie Hobbs Sat on Board of Radical Far-Left, Soros-Funded Leadership Group

Disclosure forms submitted by Arizona Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs (D) show that she sat on the board of a far-left leadership group at least until 2015, when she was a state senator.

Arizona Leading for Change is a progressive group that has compared police to Nazis during the Holocaust, and suggested that police officers are “white supremacists.”

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Tennessee Announces Statewide Teacher of the Year Finalists

The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) announced Thursday the nine finalists for the statewide Teacher of the Year award.

“The nine finalists represent each of the eight Center of Regional Excellence (CORE) areas in the state, as well as the Shelby County-Municipals area,” according to the TDOE. “The 2022-23 Tennessee Teacher of the Year, and winners for each grand division of the state, will be selected from this group and announced during an honorary banquet this fall.”

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Tennessee Extends State Drug Rehab Clinics to More Rural Counties

Tennessee is expanding its drug rehabilitation footprint into more rural counties, according to the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuses (TDMHSAS).

“Tennessee’s Project Rural Recovery is growing.  Thanks to $6.3 million budgeted in the current fiscal year by Governor Bill Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly, Project Rural Recovery is expanding to ten new counties,” said a Thursday release. 

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Border Patrol Union Issues Endorsement of Herschel Walker

The union that represents U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Friday endorsed a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia. 

“We are proud to endorse Herschel Walker … for U.S. Senate from the state of Georgia. We need him to help secure our border and safeguard the citizens of GA and the rest of the country from the record setting deadly influx of drugs, crime and illegal immigration,” said the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). 

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Massive Volkswagen Plant in Chattanooga Begins Producing Electric Vehicles

A German automobile manufacturer with a plant in Chattanooga Wednesday announced that that location has become the first company’s first site in the United States to solely produce electric vehicles. 

“We’re just starting to write a new chapter for Volkswagen in America, and it is very much an American story,” said Thomas Schäfer, global  Chairman of the Volkswagen. “When we promised to bring Volkswagen EVs to the millions, it always included American workers building those EVs right there in Chattanooga. We couldn’t be prouder to see that vision realized today with our ID.4 electric flagship rolling off the lines. This is another milestone in Volkswagen’s ambitious electrification strategy for the U.S. market and globally.”

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Tennessee AG Leads Lawsuit Against Biden Administration over School Lunch Benefits

The Tennessee Attorney General’s office is leading a lawsuit against the Biden Administration after the latter said that it will strip schools of certain government benefits if they do not conform to left-wing transgender ideology. 

“Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III, leading a 22-state coalition along with Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, filed a lawsuit today in the Eastern District of Tennessee,” said a press release from Slatery’s office. “The lawsuit seeks to stop the Biden Administration from enforcing an expansive and unlawful interpretation of federal anti-discrimination laws under the threat of withdrawing key food assistance program funding.” 

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