Virginia Tech Swimmer Writes Letter to NCAA in Opposition to Transgender Athletes

A female swimmer at a Virginia university wrote a letter to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) saying she was cheated out of a spot in the NCAA national championship 500-meter race because of biologically male, transgender swimmer Lia Thomas. 

Reka Gyorgy, a senior student-athlete at Virginia Tech University, called Thomas’ participation in the event “a problem.”

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Far-Left PAC Spends Six Figures on Billboards Opposing Anti-Grooming Bill

A far-left Political Action Committee (PAC) is spending six figures on billboards that say “Say Gay,” in response to a Florida bill that bans kindergarten through third grade teachers from talking to students about sex, gender and sexuality. 

“Starting Wednesday these will be going up all throughout Florida. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, especially Ron DeSantis for being a terrible person,” left-wing activist Ally Sammarco said on Twitter. 

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Internet News ‘Truth Arbiter’ NewsGuard Won’t Say That Americans Should Trust Them After Hunter Biden Laptop Debacle

After its CEO suggested the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian Russian disinformation, NewsGuard, the self-styled arbiter of internet truth, is not backing down. 

“My personal opinion is there’s a high likelihood this story is a hoax, maybe even a hoax perpetrated by the Russians again,” NewsGuard CEO Steve Brill said on CNBC just before the 2020 presidential election. 

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University of Virginia Women’s Swimmer Takes Second to Biological Male in National Championship

A University of Virginia Women’s Swimmer took home second place in the NCAA national championship Thursday, finishing behind controversial biologically male, transgender swimmer Lia Thomas of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). 

Freshman Emma Weyant was the fastest female swimmer in the 500 meter race, but that was not enough to win the women’s national championship. 

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Georgia Gov. Kemp Expected to Sign Law Suspending Gas Tax

After a swift and unanimous passage through both chambers of the Georgia General Assembly, Gov. Brian Kemp (R) is expected to sign into law a bill that will temporarily suspend the state’s tax on gasoline. 

HB 304 would take effect on May 31. Kemp is reportedly expected to sign the bill, which will alleviate prices at the pump to the tune of 28 cents per gallon. It had not been signed as of Friday afternoon. 

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Rep. Cohen Says U.S. Must ‘Punish’ Russia ‘With All We Have’ in Bizarre Rants

A member of the United States House of Representatives from Tennessee called for the United States to punish Russia in a bizarre Thursday rant on the House floor. 

“What Russia has done in Ukraine is immoral, it is illegal, it is and against the word, the acts, the intensions of every godly character ever,” Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) said. “God would not have approved. WWJD? What Russia has done deserves the entire condemnation of the world and everything we can do to condemn them and put them out of organized, civilized society is appropriate.”

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Ohio Bill Would Ban Abortion If Roe v. Wade Overturned

A “trigger bill” was introduced this week in the Ohio General Assembly that would ban abortion in nearly all cases provided that certain conditions are met. 

The text of HB 598 is clear: No person shall purposely cause or induce an abortion by either of the following: (1) Prescribing, administering, or personally furnishing a drug or substance; (2) Using an instrument or other means.

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Georgia Senate Passes Bill Protecting Parent Protestors

The Georgia State Senate Wednesday passed a bill that would protect parents’ right to protest their local school boards. 

SB 588 “provide[s] that all meetings of local boards of education shall be open to the public except as otherwise provided by law…” and “provide[s] that members of the public shall not be removed from such public meetings except for actual disruption and in accordance with rules adopted and published by the local board of education.”

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Ohio Mother’s Lawsuit Says School Board Violating First Amendment Rights of Parents

A mother who was told to “zip it” and then thrown out of a school board meeting while addressing the board’s members has filed a lawsuit against the district, claiming that the board’s rules for public speakers are unconstitutional. 

Plaintiff Ashley Ryder is seeking injunctive relief to stop the Big Walnut Local Schools (BWLS) from enforcing its rules at school board meetings. 

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Stacey Abrams Debuts First Campaign Ad of Election Cycle

Stacey Abrams walking and talking with group of people

A Georgia Democrat making her second attempt at securing the state’s highest office released her first campaign ad Tuesday, touting her determination to this time win the election. 

“I was raised that when you don’t get what you want, you don’t give up,” Stacey Abrams said in the ad. “You try again. You try because it’s how things get better. It’s how the world moves forward. I don’t quit, because Georgians deserve leadership, and that’s what a leader does.”

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Connecticut’s Joint Judiciary Committee Weighs 12 Criminal Justice Bills

Connecticut State Capitol

In a day-long session Monday, Connecticut’s Joint Judiciary Committee, comprised of members of the State House and State Senate, weighed 12 bills, mostly related to criminal justice reform. 

Last year, the state saw a drop in overall violent crime statistics but a massive increase in robberies, shootings, and carjackings, leading to the flurry of bills that are currently on the legislative docket.

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Vote Expected Next Week on Tennessee ‘Divisive Concepts’ Bill

man in a blue dress shirt and gray vest pointing and speaking

A Tennessee bill that would, among other things, mandate that public universities stop teaching “divisive concepts” to students will be voted upon next week. 

“I believe the bill will pass,” the bill’s sponsor, State Sen. Mike Bell (R-Athens) told The Tennessee Star Tuesday. “It was rolled last night only because the house had added an amendment and I needed a little more time to consider whether to accept the House amendment or to go forward with the Senate version.”

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ADF and ACLU Duel Over Hanover County Schools LGBT Policies

A self-styled civil rights organization has once again filed a lawsuit against Hanover County Schools, this time over the Hanover County School Board’s (HCSB) choice to hire the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) to review its equality initiatives. 

“We have filed a lawsuit. We’ve submitted a FOIA request in hopes of better understanding the nature of the relationship between ADF and the Hanover County School Board,” Communications Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia (ACLUVA) Edith Bullard told The Virginia Star.

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Ohio Dems Send Letter to Gov. DeWine Urging Him to Veto New Gun Legislations

Ohio’s House Democratic Caucus sent a letter to Gov. Mike DeWine, urging him to veto a bill that would loosen gun laws in the state. 

“On behalf of the House Democratic Caucus, representatives of law enforcement agencies and local officials across Ohio, and the majority of Ohioans who favor commonsense gun safety measures, we urge you to use your executive powers to veto Senate Bill (SB) 215,” said a letter signed by House Minority Leader Allison Russo (District 24) and three other House Democrats. 

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Two Stacey Abrams-Linked Nonprofits Involved in ‘Seven Figure’ Lobbying Effort Against Voter Integrity Bill

As the Georgia General Assembly seeks to pass a bill that would provide more legal recourse to ensure the integrity of the state’s elections, so-called “voting rights” groups are preparing to spend a small fortune preventing the law from passing. 

The Atlanta Journal- Constitution reports that three groups are ready to spend “seven figures” battling the bill.

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Georgia Senate Passes Bill to Teach Only Racial Equality in Schools

The Georgia Senate passed a bill Friday requiring that school curricula only teach kindergarten through high school students that all races are equal, banning the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT) that teach students that races in America are inherently unequal. 

SB 377 says schools cannot teach “divisive concepts” to school children. It mandates the same for government agencies. 

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Man Pleads Guilty to Two Columbus-Area Armed Robberies of Postal Workers

As postal crimes skyrocket and the United State Postal Service (USPS) conducts an audit on policies and procedures for keeping postal workers safe in Ohio, one man has pleaded guilty to two armed robberies against mail carriers. 

According to several reports, 20-year-old Brandon Campbell of Columbus “admitted to using violence and a weapon to endanger the mail carriers’ lives and steal property from them.”

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Ohio Gov. DeWine Signs Bill to Cut State Regulations

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R)  this week signed into law a bill aimed at cutting state regulations. 

“If, upon reviewing a proposed rule or revised proposed rule, the joint committee on agency rule review makes any of the following findings with regard to the proposed rule or revised proposed rule, the joint committee may recommend to the senate and house of representatives the adoption of a concurrent resolution to invalidate the proposed rule or revised proposed rule or a part thereof,” the text of SB 9 says. 

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Delta Responds to Pilots Who Protested Long Work Hours, Fatigue

Delta airlines plane taking off

Georgia-based Delta responded Friday after a Thursday protest by 200 of its pilots who say they are working too many hours and suffering from fatigue. 

“This informational exercise Thursday by some of our off-duty pilots did not disrupt our operation for our customers. All of our pilot schedules meet or exceed safety requirements set by FAA as well as those outlined in our pilot contract,” Delta spokesperson Morgan Durant told The Georgia Star News by email. 

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Arizona Democrat Congressman Leads Charge to Halt Immigration Detention Expansion

A progressive member of the U.S. Congress from Arizona is asking President Joe Biden’s administration not to expand U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities, and to end contracts for private detention centers, despite the fact that illegal alien crossings at the U.S. southern border continue to surge.

“Multiple investigations into these private prisons found substandard living conditions for detained people, crowding, under-staffing, and even deaths of people in custody,” a letter signed by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ-03) said. “And while President Biden issued an Executive Order ending the Department of Justice’s use of for-profit prisons, it does not apply to immigration detention facilities.”

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Florida Rep. Wasserman Schultz Bought Domestic Oil Stocks Just Before Price of Oil Skyrocketed

A congresswoman from Florida purchased large amounts of stock in a U.S. oil drilling company just as oil and gas prices hit record highs, and just before the beginning of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 

According to financial disclosure forms, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL-23) purchased up to $45,000 worth of stock in a Houston-based oil drilling company called Patterson UTI Energy. 

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Freedom Foundation Facilitating Exit of Ohio Union Members

A nonprofit is making progress in Ohio in facilitating the exit of public sector union employees from those unions. 

“For some reason, the First Amendment right for people to leave public sector is the best kept secret,” Freedom Foundation Ohio State Director Lauren Bowen told The Ohio Star. “Their hard earned money does not have to be directed to union coffers via union dues.”

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Tennessee House Subcommittee Punts on Inmate Voter Rights Bill

A Tennessee House Subcommittee is set to vote next week on a bill that would allow some prison inmates to vote from their respective correctional facilities.

HB 2101, introduced by State Representative Johnny Shaw (D-District 80) “creates a polling place pilot program in Davidson County jails to provide eligible inmates the opportunity to vote,” according to the text of the bill.

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Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan Blames Putin for Rising Gas Prices

Tim Ryan

An Ohio U.S. congressman and U.S. Senate candidate has joined many of his Democrat counterparts in blaming Russia and its President Vladimir Putin for skyrocketing gas prices. 

“Today I’ll vote to ban U.S. dollars from funding Putin’s war machine. Now we must do everything in our power to shield working people from Putin’s price hike at the pump by fully restoring America’s energy independence and passing a working-class tax cut,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) said Wednesday on Twitter.

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Tennessee State Rep. Wants to Criminalize COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Bruce Griffey

A member of the Tennessee General Assembly Tuesday filed a bill that would criminalize COVID-19 mandates in the state, saying that he doesn’t think Tennessee has done enough to combat such mandates.

“I don’t feel that the legislature went far enough during October’s special legislative session on this issue. This is about protecting an individual’s freedom to make their own medical decisions and the freedom of parents to make healthcare decisions for their children,” State Rep. Bruce Griffey (R-Paris) in a press release. “Those individuals who want to get vaccinated should be able to do so.  However, those individuals, who have concerns about the vaccine, should not have to live in fear that they may lose their jobs or their children may not be able to attend school or they may not be able to enter a business to purchase groceries if they don’t get vaccinated.”

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Democrat Georgia Election Board Member Celebrates Start of Absentee Voting in Primaries

Sara Tindall Ghazal

A Democrat member of the Georgia Board of Elections late Monday night celebrated the beginning of absentee voting for the state’s upcoming primary elections.

“I almost forgot-Happy First Day To Apply For An Absentee Ballot For The Georgia General Primary! (SB 202 shrank the timeframe for apply for an absentee ballot from 180 days in advance to 78.) Print your application here and mail to your county registrar,” Sara Tindall Ghazal said on Twitter.

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DeSantis Holds Roundtable with Doctors Who Say Pandemic Is Over

Led by Governor Ron DeSantis (R), a roundtable of doctors, scientists and academics gathered in-person and virtually Monday to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, and specifically the ramifications that lockdowns and other measures have had on American society. 

“There was time and again when the data would diverge from the [Dr. Anthony] Fauci pronouncements, or the corporate media, or the medical establishment – and whether that was having businesses open, whether that was having kids in school, whether that was about mandating cloth masks, whether that was about mandating vaccines – we always sided with the data and rejected the narrative,” DeSantis said during the proceedings, noting that the United States is close to the two-year anniversary of the “15 days to stop the spread” campaign by the federal government. 

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Connecticut AG Warns Against Price Gouging as Gas Prices Approach Record Highs

As gas prices near record highs in Connecticut, the state’s Attorney General is warning gas distributors against price gouging. 

“Gas prices fluctuate constantly, and price changes and price increases are normal. But what we have seen this past week is not typical, and we can expect even more volatility due to the unprovoked and unconscionable Russian invasion of Ukraine,” Attorney General William Tong (D) said in a Monday statement. 

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Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom and The Star News Network Announce Strategic Partnership

The Star News Network and Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom Monday announced a strategic partnership to cover state, city and county news in battleground states ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. 

“Our strategic partnership with The Star News Network will enable us to feature stories that highlight the hyper local nature of the precinct strategy, moms taking over school boards, and American patriots becoming election officials. The idea that everyday supporters of MAGA can become an increasingly powerful force within the Republican Party by engaging in the process of selecting committeemen has become a national movement,” Bannon said of the partnership. 

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Connecticut Gas Crosses Four Dollars Per Gallon Threshold

Gas prices in Connecticut have reached a decade-plus high after jumping 10 cents per gallon in a single day, according to data from the American Automobile Association (AAA).

Friday, a gallon of gas in Connecticut averaged $4.07, a jump from $3.97 on Thursday. The last time gas prices reached four dollars per gallon was in August of 2008. The record high for gas prices in the state is $4.39 per gallon, just 32 cents higher than the current price. 

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Internet Accountability Project Accuses Big Tech of Siding with Russia

A Big Tech watchdog group is speaking out about the way Silicon Valley’s titans of industry have handled the war between Russia and Ukraine. 

“Apparently these Big Tech monopolists find everyday conservative Americans more objectionable than murderous foreign dictators,” Mike Davis, Founder and President of the Internet Accountability Project (IAP) told The Tennessee Star Thursday. “They’re willing to silence and censor political voices with which they disagree while welcoming war criminals like Putin with open arms. That alone should be enough to recognize these Big Tech monopolists are not our friends.”

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Michigan Joins Bipartisan Investigation into Social Media App TikTok

Michigan’s Secretary of State Thursday announced that the state will join a bipartisan investigation into popular Chinese-owned social media company TikTok.

“Recent reports on social media’s impact on the mental and physical health of young people raise serious questions among attorneys general across the nation. Ultimately, we are concerned about protecting our youth,” Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) said in a press release. “I am proud to join my colleagues in this investigation. Given this is an ongoing investigation, I will not be discussing any details beyond this announcement.” 

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Zuckerberg-Funded Election Group Refuses to Allow Star News Network into Media Briefing

After registering through the appropriate channels and having its attendance confirmed, The Star News Network Wednesday was kicked out of media briefing by a left-wing election group that is funded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. 

Center for Election Innovation & Research (CEIR) held a media briefing to discuss what it calls “efforts to undermine Democracy in several states,” including Wisconsin, where former state Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman has been investigating 2020’s election integrity in the state.

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Left-Wing Groups Sue Ohio to Prevent Abortion Law from Taking Effect

A host of left-wing groups are suing in a last-minute attempt to halt the implementation of new abortion legislation. 

“Lack of access to abortion services … clearly decreases patient safety and threatens patients’ health,” a lawsuit filed by the Ohio American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says. “Continuing a pregnancy against one’s will can pose a risk to one’s physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as the stability and well-being of one’s family, including existing children.”

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