Navy Veteran Founds Classical Catholic School to Counter Woke Education

A Navy veteran who rejects the secularist and woke education agendas prevalent in public schools and some parochial schools launched a classical Catholic school in Maryland.

“We’re a military family,” Lt. Commander Ali Ghaffari, founder of Divine Mercy Academy in Pasadena, Maryland, explained to Fox & Friends Weekend Sunday. “We’ve traveled around the country seeing lots of schools, and we settled at the Naval Academy, that was my last tour.

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Project Veritas: Connecticut Private School Teacher Details Sexual Behavior and Appeal of Female High School Students (Explicit Content)

An English teacher and writing center director at the elite Greens Farms Academy in Westport, Connecticut, who revealed to a Project Veritas (PV) undercover reporter details about his sexual fantasies of high school girls, has reportedly been placed on leave.

Born and raised in Iran, Iman Rasti has served as director of the school’s writing center, a middle school English teacher, and a seventh grade dean at the private school in Fairfield County, where tuition for the high school grades is $51,460 per year.

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Analysis: Herschel Walker’s Pro-Life Stance Points to His Victory in the Georgia Runoff

Candidates at the state level embracing the pro-life cause were re-elected in the midterms this week, an outcome that points to the anticipated success of Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker in his runoff election against anti-life Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock.

The Walker-Warnock December 6 runoff could determine whether Republicans, most of whom are pro-life, take control of the Senate from Democrats, almost all of whom support Senator Richard Blumenthal’s (D-CT) legislation that would embed abortion on demand, at any time during pregnancy, into federal law, and make invalid most individual state pro-life laws.

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Pro-Life Policies a Big Winner for Re-Elected State Lawmakers

A focus on the legislative campaigns that are more local to American voters served the cause of protecting unborn life, says Students for Life Action (SFLAction), which reports that while radical anti-life Democrats ran on demonizing the Supreme Court’s ruling that returned abortion issues to the states, still “every state legislator who championed SFLAction-inspired pro-life bills was reelected.”

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Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont Declares Early Voting Ballot Measure Passed in Connecticut

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont (D) announced a ballot measure for a constitutional amendment to allow in-person early voting in the state had been passed by voters, Hearst media reported Wednesday.

Lamont “said the question had been passed by voters as he began his speech Tuesday night in which he declared victory in his own race,” the report said.

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Early Returns Show Voters in Five States Defending Abortion-Related Measures

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision that returned the question of abortion limits back to the states, unofficial election results in five states show voters opted to codify abortion as a constitutional right, defend expanded access to abortion, and deny lifesaving care to infants born alive despite an abortion attempt.

More than 133,000 Vermont voters – about 72 percent – appear to have supported a ballot measure that made the state the first to enshrine abortion in its constitution. Nearly 42,000 voters, or about 22 percent, voted against the measure, while 9,000, or about 5 percent, left the ballot question blank, The Hill reported.

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National Pro-Life Leader Celebrates Re-Election of Florida’s Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio: ‘Courageous Pro-Life Leadership Is an Inspiration’

The president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America celebrated the election victories of Florida Republicans Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio.

“Governor Ron DeSantis’ courageous pro-life leadership is an inspiration,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser. “He stands unflinchingly with the unborn and their mothers, and tonight Florida voters stood with him and rejected pro-abortion extremist Charlie Crist.”

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COVID Early Treatment Champion Dr. Peter McCullough Files to Dismiss His Decertification by American Board of Internal Medicine for Speaking Truth About mRNA Shots

Dr. Peter McCullough, world-renowned cardiologist and internist, is fighting back against the radicalized American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), which stripped him of his board certifications in internal medicine and cardiology because of his testimony in Senate subcommittee hearings regarding the risks of the COVID-19 “vaccines” – information that countered that of the federal government.

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Kari Lake Rips Katie Hobbs’ Support for Trans Teens’ Bodies ‘Being Mutilated’

Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake condemned her opponent Katie Hobbs’ support for allowing teens who claim to identify as transgender to have access to life-altering hormone drugs and surgeries.

“She’s sponsoring – that means putting her name on legislation that would introduce sex education to kindergarteners,” Lake said during a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) rally Sunday. “This is outrageous and I was racking my brain, going why would someone do that? That is sick and twisted at the same time.”

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NPR Broadcasts Audio of Michigan Woman’s Abortion: ‘It Actually Feels a Lot Like a Childbirth’

National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasted chilling audio Thursday morning of a Michigan woman undergoing an abortion at 11 weeks gestation, with a description by a reporter who is heard saying, “It actually feels a lot like a childbirth.”

In the disturbing audio, the woman is heard crying and moaning as the large vacuum is also heard suctioning out her baby.

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Kari Lake Rises Above Attack Ad Featuring Mother of Capitol Police Officer Who Blames Lake for Son’s Death

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake gracefully handled an attack ad that featured the mother of deceased Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick who blamed Lake and “people like her” for her son’s death.

In the video ad, paid for by the Republican Accountability PAC, Gladys Sicknick is heard introducing herself as “the mother of Brian Sicknick, the Capitol Police Officer who died defending our country on January 6.”

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Poll: Large Majority of American Voters Say They Will Not Vote for Candidates Supporting Gender Transition Procedures for Minors

A poll published Thursday found 72.7 percent of American voters say they are not likely to vote for candidates running in the midterm elections who support gender transition procedures, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries, for minors.

The survey, sponsored by Convention of States Action and conducted by The Trafalgar Group, found 63.3 percent of 1,080 likely general election voters say they are not likely to vote for a candidate who supports gender transition medical procedures for minors, and 9.4 percent say somewhat less likely – a total of 72.7 percent who say they are not likely to vote for candidates with those views.

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Richard Blumenthal Runs from Grading the Economy in Debate with Leora Levy, Says It’s ‘Ongoing,’ Can’t Give It a Grade ‘Midstream’

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) sidestepped giving the economy a letter grade during his only debate with Connecticut Republican Senate candidate Leora Levy Tuesday night, but when pressed to do so by the panelist, he responded the grade is “ongoing,” and “I don’t think that we can give it a grade midstream.”

Levy, however, plainly answered, “I would grade the economy ‘F.’”

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STAND America PAC Runs over 1,000 Ads Urging Black Voters to Abandon Democrats in the Midterm Elections

A political action committee (PAC) associated with STAND America has purchased over 1,000 ads for U.S. Senate and House races on black radio stations to urge black voters to abandon the Democrat Party.

“Black and Latino voters are turning away from Democrats toward Republicans who share their commitment to faith, family, public safety and educational choice for their children,” Bishop E.W. Jackson, STAND America PAC (SAPAC) chairman, said in a press statement. “They are also feeling the ravages of inflation.” 

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Black and Hispanic Catholic School Students Outperformed Those in Government Schools on Nation’s Report Card Assessments

Results of national education assessments released last week showed unprecedented drops in academic achievement in fourth- and eighth-grade math and reading scores, but black, Hispanic, and low-income Catholic school students outperformed their counterparts in national, charter, and public school averages.

Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the “Nation’s Report Card,” revealed a dramatic decline in test scores from 2019, when students were last tested.

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Report: FDA Concerned Providers Prescribing Abortion-Inducing Drugs for Women Who Are Not Pregnant

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says abortion providers are prescribing abortion-inducing drugs to women in advance of becoming pregnant – a practice that is without authorization and potentially dangerous for women.

“The FDA is concerned about the advance prescribing of mifepristone for this use,” an anonymous FDA spokesperson reportedly told the German-owned Politico Friday. “Mifepristone is not approved for advance provision of a medical abortion.”

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Washington State School District Appoints Board Director Who Called Police ‘Pigs’ and Advocated Riots

The Olympia school district in Washington State appointed a woman to the city school board who, in July 2021, was recorded in a video speaking to a crowd at the state capitol, shouting “f**k the police,” calling the police “pigs,” and urging the crowd to “tear everything up in this “f**king city.”

The school board unanimously agreed to appoint Talauna Reed to fill the director vacancy in District 2 following the resignation of Justin McKaughan at the end of August, a press statement said.

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Florida Medical Board Votes to Ban Transgender Hormone Treatments and Surgeries for Minors Under 18 Years

The Florida Board of Medicine has voted to ban puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries such as double mastectomies and castrations – what LGBTQ activists call “gender-affirming care” – for children under the age of 18 in the state.

The move to prohibit the life-altering hormones and surgeries for the treatment of gender dysphoria in children and teens makes the Florida medical board the first in the nation to pursue such a rule, NBC News reported Saturday.

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Suspended Vermont Student and Coach Father Sue School District for Retaliating After Complaint About Biological Male in Girls’ Locker Room

A Vermont high school volleyball player who was suspended from school and her father, the team’s coach, who was suspended from his job, are suing the school district for retaliating against them following their complaint about the policy that allows biological males in the girls’ team locker room.

Blake Allen, 14, a student at Randolph Union Middle School, and her father, Travis Allen, who coaches his daughter’s volleyball team, spoke out against a biological male, claiming to be female, being allowed in the girls’ team locker room while they were changing. Now, the family is suing the school district after Blake was suspended and Travis was fired from his job, asserting the district retaliated against them, the Daily Signal reported Thursday.

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Teachers’ Union Bosses Sidestep Unprecedented Student Achievement Losses Linked to COVID School Closures They Demanded

The heads of the nation’s largest teachers’ unions had little to say following the release Monday of national test scores that showed massive declines in student math and reading achievement following pandemic school closures the unions insisted were necessary for teacher safety.

Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA) “remained silent,” Fox News reported Monday as results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) revealed the damage tied to school closures during the COVID crisis.

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Undercover Video Reveals Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly Campaign Strategy to ‘Play Both Sides’ of Abortion Issue to Deceive Voters

A paid “Mark Kelly for Senate” staff member is heard revealing to an undercover Project Veritas Action (PVA) journalist Kelly’s campaign deception strategy to “play both sides” of the abortion issue by saying “Mark Kelly is pro-life” when, in reality, he is not, in order to win over ‘Independents’ and ‘Moderate Republicans’ in Arizona.

In the video released Tuesday, Evynn Bronson of the Mark Kelly for Senate campaign – a Mission for Arizona field organizer – is recorded explaining to the undercover PVA journalist how to win votes from Independents and “moderate Republicans” for the Democrat senator by deceiving Arizonans on the issue of abortion.

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Project Veritas: Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs’ Twin Sister Reveals Democrat Plan to Promote ‘Extreme’ Trump Candidates

An undercover exposé by Project Veritas Action (PV) revealed Arizona Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’ twin sister’s boast of a Democrat Party plan to fund the primaries of “extreme Trump-endorsed candidates” to secure their nominations, with the apparent presumption they would then lose against the Democrat candidates.

Becky Hobbs is heard saying in the video, published Monday, the Democrat Party “was putting money in primaries” to boost “extreme Trump-endorsed candidates,” to ensure their nominations in the Republican Party.

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Poll: Majority of American Voters Believe Transgender Movement Has Gone Too Far by Encouraging Children to Change Their Gender

A new poll finds 75 percent of likely American voters believe the transgender movement has gone too far by encouraging underage minors to use drugs and surgery to transition to the opposite sex.

The survey, sponsored by Colorado-based Summit Ministries, which embraces a Christian worldview, in partnership with national polling firm McLaughlin & Associates, also finds 69 percent of voters, who have an opinion on the issue, believe the rise in transgenderism among teens is the result of influence to question their gender by social media and other cultural forces.

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Parent Leaders Rebuke ‘Teachers’ Unions’ and ‘Fear Mongering Influencers’ for National Assessment Results Exposing Unprecedented Losses During Pandemic

The director of outreach for Parents Defending Education says results published Monday from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) that revealed significant declines in math and reading scores nationwide were “predictable because people in positions of power allowed teachers unions and other fear mongering influencers to put children last.”

“We knew prolonged school closures and masking would have catastrophic effects on children,” Erika Sanzi said. “And now we have more evidence that they did.”  

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Connecticut GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Stefanowski Vows to Reject COVID Shot Mandate for School Children

Connecticut GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski said Thursday in a press statement that if he is elected Connecticut governor that the state would never mandate the COVID vaccine for “schoolchildren, public or private employees, or anyone else.”

“It’s time that we start allowing actual science — not political science — to inform how we approach public health decisions,” Stefanowski added. “I challenge Governor Lamont to make this same pledge to the people of our state.”

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Data Expert Predicts ‘Homeschool Boom’ After CDC Committee Votes to Add COVID Shot to Children’s Routine Immunizations

Data journalist and pollster Rich Baris posted to social media he predicts a “homeschool boom” following the news that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) vaccine advisory committee unanimously voted to add the COVID shot to the children and adolescent immunization schedule, a move that will likely lead many states to require COVID shots for school attendance.

Baris, also known as “The People’s Pundit,” tweeted Wednesday, “Parents will flip the F–k out, with good reason. Homeschool boom.”

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Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams on Why Abortion Is Necessary: ‘Having Children Is Why’ You’re Worried About Food and Gas Prices

Georgia Democrat gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams said Tuesday access to abortion is necessary because “having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas … how much food cost.”

“You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child,” she told MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

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CDC Immunization Advisory Panel Likely to Weigh Recommending Routine COVID Shots for Children

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) may have scheduled in its meeting agenda for Wednesday and Thursday a vote on whether to recommend adding COVID-19 shots to the standard Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule.

The agenda’s wording is ambiguous, as Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President and General Counsel Mary Holland noted.

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German Cardinal Gerhard Müller: ‘LGBT Ideology’ Attempting ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Catholic Church

Catholics must “stay firm in the truth” as those who have embraced an LGBTQ agenda are in the midst of a “hostile takeover” of the Catholic Church, warned German Cardinal Gerhard Müller in interviews over the past week with both EWTN’s The World Over and LifeSiteNews.

Müller, the former head of the Vatican’s highest doctrinal office, is voicing his significant concerns about the dangers to the Church brought on during Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality, a process that involves collecting the views of lay Catholics in every diocese around the world prior to the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2023.

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Parent Rips North Carolina School Board for Promoting Graphic Gay Sex Book to Seventh-Graders

A mother from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District in North Carolina rebuked the school board and superintendent for allowing 7th graders access to a graphic book that promotes “the ins and outs of gay sex.”

Education investigative journalist Christopher Rufo posted the video to Twitter of the parent reading a section of This Book Is Gay by LGBTQ activist Juno Dawson.

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Survey: 61 Percent of Americans Say Public Education on Wrong Track

EdChoice’s annual Schooling in America survey found 61 percent of Americans believe government-run education is headed in the wrong direction, while 76% of the public back parental choice programs such as education savings accounts (ESAs).

In 2022, the poll’s tenth anniversary, the survey found 61 percent of Americans and 52 percent of school parents say public schools are on the wrong track, while 34 percent of Americans and 48 percent of school parents state government-led education is headed in the right direction.

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Biden FDA Approves COVID Booster Shot for Children 5-11 Years Old Without Testing

Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech announced Wednesday the Biden Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for their “bivalent” mRNA COVID-19 booster shot for children aged 5-11 years without having completed clinical trials.

“As families across the country take part in fall festivities and plan for the upcoming holiday season, we aim to provide school-aged children with additional protection against the Omicron BA.4/BA.5 subvariants, which continue to account for more than 80% of cases in the U.S.,” said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. “Anticipating this need, we manufactured millions of booster doses, which will be made available, pending CDC recommendation, to help families stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations.”

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Michigan’s Prop 3 Allows Children to Obtain Trans Hormones and Surgeries Without Parental Consent

Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her allies at Planned Parenthood have been marketing Michigan’s Proposal (Prop) 3 as an abortion amendment that would codify Roe v. Wade, but the measure would also allow children to obtain “gender affirming” hormones and surgeries without parental consent under the banner of “reproductive care.”

“Michigan is hiding a children’s constitutional right to genital amputation in its abortion amendment,” Margot Cleveland, senior legal correspondent at the Federalist, warned Wednesday.

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Pfizer Executive Admits COVID Vaccine Was Never Tested for Blocking Transmission of Virus

A top Pfizer international executive admitted to a European Parliament committee Tuesday that the pharmaceutical giant did not test its COVID mRNA shot for whether it could prevent transmission of the virus before it was placed on the market and then mandated in many parts of society throughout the world.

Rob Roos, a member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands, tweeted a video of his exchange with Janine Small, president of international developed markets at Pfizer.

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Teachers’ Union Boss Backs GOP Sen. John Cornyn’s Controversial ‘Civics’ Bill

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten announced her endorsement of a federal “civics education” bill sponsored by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), one that the National Association of Scholars (NAS) observed “is more an attempt to smuggle activist training into American K-12 classrooms than it is a good-faith effort to improve civic literacy.”

Weingarten began her column at Newsweek last week with a call for renewed civics education that is all entangled with her view that Donald Trump “and his cronies ran roughshod over the principles most of us learned in grade school.”

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State Department Pushes Gender Transition Treatment for Diplomats and Their Children Abroad

The State Department released a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan that says it is seeking to “assess resources for gender dysphoria and gender transition care at posts for employees and their dependents,” a move that suggests the department may be looking to taxpayer-funding to expand such treatments.

The Biden administration has mandated all federal agencies to have a plan to implement policies that reflect equity and inclusivity, with an emphasis on LGBTQ individuals, and some Republicans in Congress say such a policy for the gender dysphoric children of diplomats overseas would damage the credibility of the United States abroad.

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Arizona Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Katie Hobbs Supports No Time Limits on Abortion

Arizona Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs refused to support any time limit at all on abortion, suggesting Sunday that women should be free to have an abortion at any time during pregnancy.

“I don’t support the 15-week ban,” Hobbs said during her appearance on CBS News’ Face the Nation, adding that Lake has “gone on the record saying she supports Arizona’s complete abortion ban,” a reference to the lifting of an injunction by Pima County Superior Court in September that had blocked enforcement of a ban on abortion except to save the life of the mother.

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