Liberal Media Giant Headquartered in Washington DC Area Names Anti-Trumper Bob Corker ‘Person of the Year’

The Gannett-owned USA Today-Tennessee network named Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), the compromised retiring junior senator from Tennessee, its “2017 Person of the Year” for his constant bashing of President Trump on Sunday. The big announcement from the Tysons Corner, Virginia based mainstream media newspaper giant came just weeks after a Tennessee Star Poll that showed Corker has an astonishingly low 22 percent approval rating among Tennessee Republicans, and a record-high 60 percent disapproval rating. It also comes barely a week after a devastating blast of Corker’s business ethics by Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi, who posed this question: How did Corker go from “dead broke” to a net worth of $68 million during his eleven years in the U.S. Senate? But the anti-Trump liberally biased Tennessean –part of the USA Today-Tennessee network that also includes the Memphis Commercial Appeal and the Knoxville News Sentinel–sees all of Corker’s attacks on Trump–who won the state of Tennessee by an overwhelming 60 percent to 36 percent margin over Hillary Clinton–as praiseworthy. “In October, he responded very publicly and forcefully to President Donald J. Trump’s bullying and insults on Twitter, calling the White House an ‘adult day care center,’” the Tennessean wrote of Corker, adding: In…

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Elizabeth Warren Gets Decimated After Claiming To ‘Believe In Science’

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts responded to President Donald Trump’s Thursday tweet, in which he questioned the concept of global warming, by announcing that she ‘believes in science’ – only to be questioned relentlessly on how exactly her scientific belief applies to issues like abortion or her supposed Native American ancestry. Trump’s tweet, which seems…

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South Korea Seizes Hong Kong-flagged Ship Suspected of Sending Oil to North Korea

South Korea’s foreign ministry says the country has seized a Hong Kong-flagged ship that transferred oil to a North Korean vessel in international waters despite United Nations Security Council sanctions. Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, reports South Korean custom officials say the Lighthouse Winmore vessel transferred “600 tons of refined petroleum” to a North Korean ship October 19. South Korea seized the Lighthouse Winmore on November 24 when it sailed into South Korea’s Yeosu Port, the news agency says.

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Justice Department Officials Gave Clinton More Than $381,000 in 2016 Campaign Contributions

More than 2,500 individual contributions collectively worth in excess of $381,000 were made to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by persons who listed the Department of Justice (DOJ) as their employer, according to federal campaign data compiled by Contributions to President Donald Trump were paltry by comparison, coming from only 24 individuals listing DOJ as their employer making 54 donations collectively worth $12,535. All of the data covered the election cycle from January 1, 2015 through the 2016 election on November 8.

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Vanity Fair Bows to Left-Wing Mob After Criticizing Hillary

Though most people would agree Vanity Fair is no friend to conservatives, the publication was candid this week in its thoughts about two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — much to the dismay of its left-leaning base. The fashion magazine has been posting political New Year’s resolution videos, all meant to be humorous in one way or another. Clinton was the subject of one. In addition to the notion that she never again run for the White House, a Vanity Fair writer suggested Hillary Clinton take up a new hobby in 2018 — to keep herself busy and out of the public eye.

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Republicans Should Not Allow Elites to Set the Election Table in 2018

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Let’s not get carried away here. To say last week and (more broadly) even the last month was good for President Donald Trump (and to some extent, the entirety of the Republican congressional majority) does not require a great leap of logic. Together GOP elected leaders passed a major tax overhaul, put the American people’s future earnings back in their own pockets, pushed through a budget extension with a bit of Democrat cooperation, threatened to pull the monetary rug out from under the UN and various other actions that made conservatives smile. But we still must remember the new year arrives in a few days and with it Congress will return to the capital facing a whole new set of political barriers and an election in eleven months that promises to be challenging to keep a hold on GOP majorities while battling an enraged liberal half of the public that craves blood and won’t settle for much less. And we haven’t even mentioned the big leftist donors who will be unleashing their fortunes to search every nook and cranny for votes (legal and illegal) to purchase for use against Trump. Democrats will pull out all…

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President Trump Is About To Repeal Obama-Era ‘Fracking’ Regulations

Tennessee Star

President Donald Trump’s administration will give a belated gift to American energy producers and repeal former President Barack Obama-era regulations for hydraulic fracturing operations on federal lands. The Interior Department is expected to publish a repeal of the rule in the Federal Register on Friday, and already the oil and gas industry are celebrating. Producers challenged were locked in court battles over the rule since it was finalized in 2015.

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Woman Accused of Racism by Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in Airline Seat Dispute Is Human-Rights Activist

The woman Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee accused of racism is a celebrated photojournalist who helped document human-rights abuses in war-torn Guatemala during the 1980s. Jean-Marie Simon, whose first-class seat on a United Airlines flight was given to Ms. Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, lived and worked in Guatemala during the turbulent decade that saw the military seize control of the government in a coup. Hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans were killed or “disappeared” during the conflict.

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Big Labor Wants Tens Of Thousands Of California Pot Workers Paying Union Dues

Labor unions are vying for new, dues-paying members from California’s growing cannabis industry as a state law legalizing recreational pot is only days away from taking full effect. After California residents passed Proposition 64 in 2016, the Golden State became the largest market in the U.S. for recreational marijuana and boosted the already growing weed industry. Proposition 64 will be fully implemented in a matter of days at the start of 2018, according to the Los Angeles Times.

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Nearly 450,000 People Fled These Three Deep Blue States In 2017

Three Democratic-leaning states hemorrhaged hundreds of thousands of people in 2016 and 2017 as crime, high taxes and, in some cases, crummy weather had residents seeking greener pastures elsewhere. The exodus of residents was most pronounced in New York, which saw about 190,000 people leave the state between July 1, 2016 and July 1, 2017, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released last week.

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Bikers for Trump Rallies for Republicans to Help President’s Agenda

The wild ride of Bikers for Trump is just getting started. A year after President Trump’s historic upset victory, the grass-roots biker movement he inspired has become a bona fide political organization that is boosting Republican candidates across the country and making inroads in unexpected places, such as in Amish and Mennonite communities. That’s right -…

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Congressman Mark Meadows Introduces Bill That Would Limit Opioid Prescriptions to Seven Days

Saying the American medical system is flooded with too many prescription painkillers, governors, lawmakers and health officials are trying to come up with ways to cut down on the amount of pills that reach the hands of patients. It’s part of the all-of-the-above strategy to combat the opioid epidemic, joining treatment and public awareness campaigns. The…

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The Heritage Foundation’s New President is a Black Woman and a Conservative

Hillary Clinton was supposed to break the glass ceiling, which she said has kept a woman from becoming president, but the Heritage Foundation, a conservative public policy think tank based in Washington, D.C., has actually done it. Their new president is Kay Coles James, a woman, an African-American and a conservative, who fits no one’s mold.…

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The Senate Waited Until Christmas To Reveal How Many Harassment Settlements Were Paid Out

Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor

As the Christmas holiday weekend set it, the Senate Rules and Administration Committee released a report revealing the Senate has spent $1.5 million on workplace harassment settlements since 1998. The data, provided by the Office of Compliance, a little known administrative body that has quietly settled dozens of complaints against congressional offices, provides little by way…

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Top Democrat Praises Trump for New UN Sanctions on North Korea

New U.N. sanctions on North Korea has won rare praise for President Donald Trump from a leading Democrat not known for his kind words for the president. Maryland Senator Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, called the U.S. sponsored resolution toughening sanctions “a good move” and a “major accomplishment.” “I give our…

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FBI Says Russia Dossier’s Collusion Charges ‘Unsubstantiated’

The FBI is declining to repudiate the Russia dossier on which it partially relied to start an investigation into the Trump campaign, but it concedes the document’s major core charges of election collusion remain unsubstantiated. Sources familiar with House and Senate investigations say this is the FBI’s dossier talking point 17 months after agents were first…

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Franklin Graham to Rosie O’Donnell: ‘You Don’t Have the Keys to Hell’

Evangelist Franklin Graham told Rosie O’Donnell to “clean up your mouth” and “put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ,” after the comedian told Speaker of the House Paul Ryan he’s going “straight to hell.” “Rosie, you don’t have the keys to hell, but I know the One who does,” Mr. Graham said in a Facebook post on Tuesday. “And I can tell you who will be there. Hell is going to be filled with people who reject God’s offer of salvation and turned their backs on His laws and standards, refusing to repent.”

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Guatemala Will Follow U.S. Lead and Move Embassy to Jerusalem

Guatemala is to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, President Jimmy Morales said Sunday, becoming the first leader to back US President Donald Trump’s controversial change of stance on the holy city. After speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Morales wrote to Guatemalans on his Facebook page that “one of the most important topics…

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Commentary: Why Is Alphabet CEO Eric Schmidt Technically Serving In The Department Of Defense?

Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google parent company Alphabet, was appointed chairman of a Department of Defense program in 2016 that was established by former President Barack Obama’s administration. A staunch supporter of the Democratic Party and critic of President Donald Trump, Schmidt still continues to lead the Defense Innovation Board (DIB), even well after the…

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Donald Trump Seeks Democrats’ Help with Infrastructure Plan

The White House on Sunday said President Trump wants to introduce an infrastructure package in January and reach for a deal with Democrats, a pivot toward bipartisanship after Republican-only efforts on health care and taxes produced mixed results this year. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, also wants to focus on bipartisan bills next year,…

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Why Jesus Came into the World

When my niece, Alexandria, was very young, she was always eager to come and help arrange the figures. She carefully studied the placement of every angel and shepherd, frequently stepping back to evaluate her work. This ritual always seemed to prompt questions: “Did the Baby Jesus get cold in the manger?” she would ask. “Did Mary and Joseph have a blanket to cover Him, or were those swaddling clothes warm enough?” One December, as we put out the worn old manger and its well-loved pieces, my niece asked her most profound question yet: “Uncle Alex, why did Jesus come?”

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Holy Land Tradition Kept Alive by Olive Wood Artisans

Thirty years ago Bassem Giacaman, whose large extended family has lived in this town for generations, immigrated to New Zealand with his parents and siblings in search of a life far away from the turmoil of the Middle East. They left behind a small shop and olive wood factory, one of a few dozen olive wood enterprises in and around Bethlehem, which Christians around the world revere as the birthplace of Jesus.

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Fed Court Rules Atlanta Abused Constitution By Sacking Fire Chief

U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May ruled Wednesday that Atlanta officials violated the Constitution in 2015 when they terminated then-Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for not getting the city’s prior permission to write a religious book. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) represented Cochran, a evangelical Christian, in the case, Cochran v. City of Atlanta. The judge upheld…

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Australian Government Worried US Will Take Jobs After Massive Tax Cut

Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison sounded alarm bells about the impact of the recently-passed American tax cuts on Australia’s economy. If Australia doesn’t pass its own version of the Trump tax cuts, Morrison fears the country will take a hit to its GDP of up to 1 percent. Morrison initially proposed a $65 billion tax cut, saying it will add 1 percent to Australia’s GDP. After Trump’s cut, however, Morrison warned that the cuts are necessary for the country’s economy not to contract.

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He Won ‘Survivor’ – and Deserved It for These Reasons

The latest winner of TV’s “Survivor” is a person even non-fans will want to celebrate. Ben Driebergen, an ex-Marine, was crowned winner of the 35th Season of the show, which tests survival and mental skills, on Wednesday night. Driebergen, 34, was open about his experiences with the United States Marines and the struggles he faced during his time spent overseas in Iraq. “I was a company honor man out of boot camp and school, and loved what I did,” he told The Hollywood Reporter. “Certain things happen. You lose friends. The Marine Corps was a good experience, but it was also a bad experience.”

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President Trump Will Return to Nashville in January to Speak at Farm Bureau Convention

President Donald Trump will return to Nashville on January 8 to speak to the annual convention of the American Farm Bureau at Gaylord’s Opryland Hotel. “The American Farm Bureau Federation is honored to host our nation’s president,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a statement released on the organization’s website last week. “President Trump has said all along that he would make sure agriculture has a seat at the table when it comes to the top issues facing America’s farmers and ranchers. Now, it is our privilege to reserve a spot for him at our podium,” Duvall said. “Duvall considers President Trump’s announced speech as a sign of the high regard in which the nation’s chief executive holds America’s farm and ranch families,” the statement continued: “Farmers and ranchers and our rural communities are the bedrock of our nation. President Trump knows that, and his willingness to devote his time to talk directly with Farm Bureau members will be a memorable occasion,” Duvall said. After three consecutive years of decline in farm sector profits, President Trump will speak to Farm Bureau members during a period of prolonged economic challenge across farm country. Profits have fallen and many farmers have seen…

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Border Hawks Scoff at Dem Durbin’s ‘Compromise’ on DACA

A document described as Sen. Richard Durbin’s compromise offer to immigration hard-liners as part of an amnesty deal for illegal immigrants brought to America as children demonstrates one of two possibilities. Either the Illinois Democratic senator and his allies are lowballing Republicans as a negotiating tactic, or they think they can win legal status for beneficiaries…

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9th Circuit Appeals Court Rules Against Trump Travel Ban for Third Time

A decidedly anti-Trump appeals court issued yet another ruling Friday blocking most of President Trump’s latest version of his travel ban, finding that the White House exceeded its powers. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said would-be visitors from six majority-Muslim countries can still travel to the U.S. despite the policy, as long as they…

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